2017-06-22 Christian Urban updated
2016-10-02 Christian Urban updated
2016-08-24 Christian Urban updated
2016-08-16 Christian Urban updated tG definition
2016-07-08 Christian Urban updated
2016-07-07 Christian Urban updated
2016-07-04 Christian Urban added version with fgraphs
2016-06-27 Christian Urban unified Rtree.
2016-06-09 Christian Urban updated
2016-06-07 Christian Urban minor update
2016-06-02 Christian Urban updated
2016-01-27 zhangx CpsG.thy retrofiting almost completed. An important mile stone.
2016-01-06 Christian Urban renamed files
2016-01-06 zhangx ExtGG.thy finished, but more comments are needed.
2015-12-22 zhangx In the middle of retrofiting ExtGG.thy.
2015-12-18 zhangx Main proofs in CpsG.thy completed.
2015-12-15 zhangx Extended RTree.thy
2015-12-03 xingyuan zhang Added generic theory "RTree.thy"
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