2017-02-06 Christian Urban updated
2016-12-19 Christian Urban updated
2016-12-09 Christian Urban updated
2016-12-09 Christian Urban updated
2016-10-21 Christian Urban updated
2016-10-07 Christian Urban updated
2016-10-07 Christian Urban updated
2016-10-02 Christian Urban updated
2016-08-24 Christian Urban updated
2016-08-16 Christian Urban updated tG definition
2016-07-12 Christian Urban updated paper
2016-07-08 Christian Urban updated
2016-06-17 Christian Urban updated
2016-06-09 Christian Urban updated
2016-06-07 Christian Urban minor update
2016-06-02 Christian Urban updated
2016-04-15 Christian Urban updated journal paper
2016-01-28 Christian Urban changes to my repository
2016-01-28 Christian Urban some small changes
2016-01-27 Christian Urban some small changes to Correctness and Paper
2016-01-15 Christian Urban some small changes to the paper
2016-01-14 Christian Urban updated paper
2016-01-06 Christian Urban renamed files
2015-10-04 Christian Urban added one more reference to an incorrect specification
2015-09-09 Christian Urban updated for Isabelle 2015
2014-07-15 Christian Urban updated teh theories to newer Isabelle version
2014-06-12 Christian Urban a few additions
2014-06-09 Christian Urban added another book that makes the error, some more proofs
2014-06-02 Christian Urban updated
2014-05-30 Christian Urban finished proof of acyclity
2014-05-22 Christian Urban added a bit more text to the paper and separated a theory about Max
2014-05-15 Christian Urban simplified the cp_rec proof
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