About to change the proof of waiting_unique_pre and waiting_unqie.
theory Slides2
imports "../CpsG" "../ExtGG" "~~/src/HOL/Library/LaTeXsugar"
notation (latex output)
set ("_") and
Cons ("_::/_" [66,65] 65)
ML {*
open Printer;
show_question_marks_default := false;
notation (latex output)
Cons ("_::_" [78,77] 73) and
vt ("valid'_state") and
runing ("running") and
birthtime ("last'_set") and
If ("(\<^raw:\textrm{>if\<^raw:}> (_)/ \<^raw:\textrm{>then\<^raw:}> (_)/ \<^raw:\textrm{>else\<^raw:}> (_))" 10) and
Prc ("'(_, _')") and
holding ("holds") and
waiting ("waits") and
Th ("T") and
Cs ("C") and
P ("Lock") and
V ("Unlock") and
readys ("ready") and
depend ("RAG") and
preced ("prec") and
cpreced ("cprec") and
dependents ("dependants") and
cp ("cprec") and
holdents ("resources") and
original_priority ("priority") and
DUMMY ("\<^raw:\mbox{$\_\!\_$}>")
text_raw {*
\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{Leicester, 7 December 2012}
\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}
\LARGE A Provably Correct\\[-1mm]
\LARGE Priority Inheritance Protocol\\[-3mm]
Christian Urban\\
\small King's College London
\small joint work with Xingyuan Zhang and Chunhan Wu from the PLA
University of Science and Technology in Nanjing
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Interactive Theorem Proving}
\draw (0,0) node[inner sep=2mm,fill=cream, ultra thick, draw=red, rounded corners=2mm]
\ldots more often than not, thinking is only Plan B
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\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}c}
{\footnotesize Bob Harper}\\[-2.5mm]
{\footnotesize (CMU)}
\begin{tabular}{c@ {}}
{\footnotesize Frank Pfenning}\\[-2.5mm]
{\footnotesize (CMU)}
\end{tabular} &
\begin{tabular}{@ {\hspace{-3mm}}p{7cm}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, scale=0.5]
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{ \& \& \node (desc) {\makebox[0mm]{\begin{tabular}{l}published in a journal\\
\small (ACM ToCL, 31 pages, 2005)\\[3mm]\end{tabular}}};\\
\node (def1) [node1] {\hspace{1mm}Spec\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}}; \&
\node (proof1) [node1] {Proof}; \&
\node (alg1) [node1] {\hspace{1mm}Alg\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}}; \\
\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof1) -- (def1);
\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof1) -- (alg1);
\draw[<-,black,line width=0.5mm] (proof1) -- (desc);
\color{black}{relied on their proof in a\\ {\bf security} critical application}
{\footnotesize Andrew Appel}\\[-2.5mm]
{\footnotesize (Princeton)}
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{ \&[-10mm]
\node (def1) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Spec\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}}; \&
\node (proof1) [node1] {\large Proof}; \&
\node (alg1) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Alg\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}}; \\
\onslide<4->{\node {\begin{tabular}{c}\small 1st\\[-2.5mm] \footnotesize solution\end{tabular}};} \&
\onslide<4->{\node (def2) [node2] {\large Spec$^\text{+ex}$};} \&
\onslide<4->{\node (proof2) [node1] {\large Proof};} \&
\onslide<4->{\node (alg2) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Alg\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}};} \\
\onslide<5->{\node {\begin{tabular}{c}\small 2nd\\[-2.5mm] \footnotesize solution\end{tabular}};} \&
\onslide<5->{\node (def3) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Spec\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}};} \&
\onslide<5->{\node (proof3) [node1] {\large Proof};} \&
\onslide<5->{\node (alg3) [node2] {\large Alg$^\text{-ex}$};} \\
\onslide<6->{\node {\begin{tabular}{c}\small 3rd\\[-2.5mm] \footnotesize solution\end{tabular}};} \&
\onslide<6->{\node (def4) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Spec\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}};} \&
\onslide<6->{\node (proof4) [node2] {\large\hspace{1mm}Proof\hspace{1mm}};} \&
\onslide<6->{\node (alg4) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Alg\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}};} \\
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\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof1) -- (alg1);
\onslide<4->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof2) -- (def2);}
\onslide<4->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof2) -- (alg2);}
\onslide<5->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof3) -- (def3);}
\onslide<5->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof3) -- (alg3);}
\onslide<6->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof4) -- (def4);}
\onslide<6->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof4) -- (alg4);}
\onslide<3->{\draw[white,line width=1mm] (1.1,3.2) -- (0.9,2.85) -- (1.1,2.35) -- (0.9,2.0);}
\node at (0,0) [single arrow, shape border rotate=270, fill=red,text=white]{2h};
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Real-Time OSes}
\item Purpose of a general OS:\\
give access to various resources\\
$\Rightarrow$ access needs to be moderated by\\
$\phantom{\Rightarrow}$ locking and unlocking\medskip \\
\item Purpose of a real-time OS:\\
gurantee tasks to be completed in time\medskip\pause
\item \alert{this already results into a surprisingly non-trivial scheduling problem}
text_raw {*
\frametitle{The Problem}
\alert{H}igh-priority process (waits)\\[4mm]
\onslide<2->{\alert{M}edium-priority process}\\[4mm]
\alert{L}ow-priority process (has a lock)\\[4mm]
\item \alert{priority inversion}\\ \hspace{2cm}@{text "\<equiv>"} H waits for a process\\
\mbox{}\hfill with lower priority
\item<4> avoid \alert{indefinite} priority inversion
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\frametitle{Mars Pathfinder Mission 1997}
\item despite NASA's famous testing procedure, the lander reset frequently on Mars
--- problem: priority inversion
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\frametitle{The Solution}
\alert{Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP):}\bigskip
\alert{H}igh-priority process\\[4mm]
\textcolor{gray}{Medium-priority process}\\[4mm]
\alert{L}ow-priority process\\[15mm]
{\normalsize (temporarily raise the priority of \alert{L})}
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\frametitle{A First Correctness ``Proof''}
\item the paper$^\star$ first describing PIP ``proved'' also its
\ldots{}after the thread (whose priority has been raised) completes its
critical section and releases the lock, it ``returns to its original
priority level''.
$^\star$ in IEEE Transactions on Computers in 1990 by Sha et al.
text_raw {*
\alert{H}igh-priority process 1 (waits)\\[2mm]
\alert{H}igh-priority process 2 (waits)\\[8mm]
\alert{L}ow-priority process (has a lock)
\item Solution: return to the highest
\phantom{Solution:} \alert{remaining} priority\\
text_raw {*
\item Use Inductive Method with events of the form:
Create \textcolor{gray}{thread priority}\\
Exit \textcolor{gray}{thread}\\
Set \textcolor{gray}{thread priority}\\
Lock \textcolor{gray}{thread cs}\\
Unlock \textcolor{gray}{thread cs}\\
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Scheduling States}
\item A \alert{state} is a list of event\bigskip
\draw [->, line width=1.5mm] (-4,0) -- (4, 0);
\draw [line width=0.8mm] (-4, 0.3) -- (-4, -0.3);
\draw [line width=0.8mm] (1, 0.3) -- (1, -0.3);
\node at (1,-0.7) {\large s};
\node at (-4,-0.7) {\large 0};
\node at (3.2,-0.7) {\large time};
\item Scheduling according to \alert{precedences}:
\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}
\large @{thm preced_def[where thread="th"]}
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Waiting Queues}
\item A \alert{waiting queue} function returns a list of threads
associated with every resource
\item The head of the list is the thread holding the resource.
\begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
@{thm cs_holding_def[where thread="th"]}\\
@{thm cs_waiting_def[where thread="th"]}
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Resource Allocation Graphs}
\node (A) at (0,0) [draw, rounded corners=1mm, rectangle, very thick] {@{text "th\<^isub>0"}};
\node (B) at (2,0) [draw, circle, very thick, inner sep=0.4mm] {@{text "cs\<^isub>1"}};
\node (C) at (4,0.7) [draw, rounded corners=1mm, rectangle, very thick] {@{text "th\<^isub>1"}};
\node (D) at (4,-0.7) [draw, rounded corners=1mm, rectangle, very thick] {@{text "th\<^isub>2"}};
\node (E) at (6,-0.7) [draw, circle, very thick, inner sep=0.4mm] {@{text "cs\<^isub>2"}};
\node (E1) at (6, 0.3) [draw, circle, very thick, inner sep=0.4mm] {@{text "cs\<^isub>3"}};
\node (F) at (8,-0.7) [draw, rounded corners=1mm, rectangle, very thick] {@{text "th\<^isub>3"}};
\draw [<-,line width=0.6mm] (A) to node [pos=0.54,sloped,above=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}holds} (B);
\draw [->,line width=0.6mm] (C) to node [pos=0.4,sloped,above=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}waits} (B);
\draw [->,line width=0.6mm] (D) to node [pos=0.4,sloped,below=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}waits} (B);
\draw [<-,line width=0.6mm] (D) to node [pos=0.54,sloped,below=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}holds} (E);
\draw [<-,line width=0.6mm] (D) to node [pos=0.54,sloped,above=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}holds} (E1);
\draw [->,line width=0.6mm] (F) to node [pos=0.45,sloped,below=-0.5mm] {\fnt{}waits} (E);
@{thm cs_depend_def}
@{thm cs_dependents_def}
\alert{cprec wq s th} $\dn$\\
\mbox{}\hspace{1cm}Max(\{prec th s\} $\cup$\\
\mbox{}\hspace{1cm}\phantom{Max(}\{prec th' s $\mid$ th' $\in$ dependants wq th\})
text_raw {*
\frametitle{The Scheduler}
\item \underline{Start}: all priorities/precedences are 0, all resources are unlocked
\item \underline{Create th p}: set precedence of th
\item \underline{Exit th}: reset precedence to 0
\item \underline{Set th p}: reset precedence of th
\item \underline{Lock th cs}: add th to the end of the waiting queue of cs
\item \underline{Unlock th cs}:\\ delete th from the waiting queue of cs\\
\hspace{1cm}\alert{and who to give the resource next?}
text_raw {*
\frametitle{The Scheduler (2)}
\item \large threads ready to run\normalsize
\begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
@{thm (lhs) readys_def} $\dn$\\
\;@{thm (rhs) readys_def}
\item \large the thread that is running in a state:\\[-10mm]\normalsize
\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}
@{thm (lhs) runing_def} $\dn$\\
\;@{thm (rhs) runing_def}
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Inductive Method}
%%\draw[step=2mm] (-4,-1) grid (4,1.4);
\draw (0,0.2) node {\begin{tabular}{l} valid\\[-1mm] scheduler\\[-1mm] states\\ \end{tabular}};
\draw (3,0) node {\begin{tabular}{l} set of invalid\\[-1mm] scheduler states \\[-1mm](e.g., deadlocks)\\ \end{tabular}};
\draw[<-, line width=0.5mm] (1.0,0) -- (1.8,0);
\draw[<-, line width=0.5mm] (-0.2,-0.55) -- (-0.4,-1.3);
\draw (-0.0,-1.5) node {\begin{tabular}{l} inductively defined set \end{tabular}};
\draw[line width=0.5mm, rounded corners=6.3pt]
(-0.9,-0.05) -- (-0.8,0.6) -- (-0.3,0.95) -- (0,1) -- (0.5,0.8) -- (0.65,0.5) -- (0.7,0) -- (0.4,-0.5) -- (0,-0.6) -- (-0.5,-0.45) -- cycle;
\draw[line width=0.5mm, rounded corners=15pt]
(-1.2,0) -- (-0.9,0.95) -- (0,1.2) -- (1.0,1.0) -- (1.7,0) -- (0.95,-1.0) -- (0,-1.2) -- (-0.9,-0.9) -- cycle;
\item We have to exclude situation where there is a deadlock,
a thread exited before created, \ldots
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Valid Next Events}
\item In a state s, the following events can occur:
@{thm[mode=Rule] thread_create[where thread=th]}\bigskip
@{thm[mode=Rule] thread_exit[where thread=th]}\bigskip
@{thm[mode=Rule] thread_set[where thread=th]}
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Valid Next Events (2)}
@{thm[mode=Rule] thread_P[where thread=th]}\bigskip
@{thm[mode=Rule] thread_V[where thread=th]}\bigskip
\item Done with the specification. \ldots
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Correctness Criterion}
\draw [->, line width=1.5mm] (-4,0) -- (4, 0);
\draw [line width=0.8mm] (-4, 0.3) -- (-4, -0.3);
\draw [line width=0.8mm] (1, 0.3) -- (1, -0.3);
\draw [line width=0.8mm] (0, 0.3) -- (0, -0.3);
\node at (1,-0.7) {\large s'};
\node at (0,-0.7) {\large s};
\node at (1,-1.5) {\small(th')};
\node at (0,-1.5) {\small(th)};
\node at (-4,-0.7) {\large 0};
\node at (3.2,-0.7) {\large time};
\item {\bf If} th is alive in s and has the highest precedence
\item plus some further assumption (like th not reset, exited, no higher precedences)
\item and th is {\bf not} running in s', \\ {\bf then} the running
thread th' (in s') is a thread that was alive in {\bf s} and has in s' the same
precedence as th in s.
context extend_highest_gen
text_raw {*
\item Create/Exit events:
\item we do not have to recalculate the RAG
\item we do not have to recalculate the other precedences
\item Set event:
\item we do not have to recalculate the RAG
\item also the other precedences do not have to be recalculated
(since this is the currently running thread, it cannot affect
other threads)
\item Unlock event (2 cases: a thread to take over, no thread to take over)
\item case 1: RAG need to be modified, but appart from th and th' no
other precedence needs to be recalculated
\item case 2: RAG needs to be prunned, no precedence needs to be recalculated
text_raw {*
\frametitle{Implementation (2)}
\item Unlock event (2 cases: a thread to take over, no thread to take over)
\item case 1: RAG need to be modified, but appart from th and th' no
other precedence needs to be recalculated
\item case 2: RAG needs to be prunned, no precedence needs to be recalculated
\item Lock event (2 cases: cs is locked, not locked)
\item case 1: an waiting edge needs to be added to the RAG, precedences of
all dependants need to recalculated (where there is a change)
\item case 2: an holding edge needs to be added to the RAG, no
precedences need to be recalculuated
text_raw {*
\item in PINTOS (Stanford), written in C for educational purposes\bigskip
\begin{tabular}{|l@ {\hspace{2mm}}|l@ {\hspace{2mm}}|}
{\bf Event} & {\bf PINTOS function} \\
@{text Create} & @{text "thread_create"}\\
@{text Exit} & @{text "thread_exit"}\\
@{text Set} & @{text "thread_set_priority"}\\
@{text Lock} & @{text "lock_acquire"}\\
@{text Unlock} & @{text "lock_release"}\\
\item \alert{We did not verify our C-code!}\pause
\item We were much faster: we gave an unlocked resource to
the thread with the highest precedence
text_raw {*
\frametitle{What Next?}
\item Did we make any impact? No!\medskip\pause
\item real-time scheduling on multiprocessors seems to be a very
underdeveloped area.
\item implementations exist: RT-Linux\bigskip
\item The inductive approach can deal with distributed
algorithms\\ \normalsize(a clock syncronisation algorithm developed by NASA)
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\frametitle{Theorem Provers}
\item We found a mistake in a refereed paper by Harper \& Pfenning
\item I also found a mistake in my PhD thesis\bigskip
\item scratching on the surface of an completely ``alien'' subject
to us --- we were able to make progress
\item a string algorithm about suffix sorting (appeared at ICALP 2005)\smallskip\\
\small no implementation exists, claim: ``we are the best'';
we found an error the {\bf old-fashioned way}; now we need to verify our fix :(
text_raw {*
\frametitle{State of the Art}
theorem provers are bad with:
\item real number arithmetic (Big-O stuff)
\item C-programs
what others(we) are working on:
\item write your programs inside your theorem prover, verify it,
compile it to efficient machine code (compilation is verified)
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\begin{itemize} \large
\item Thank you for the invitation and for listening!