author zhangx
Wed, 03 Feb 2016 21:05:15 +0800
changeset 102 3a801bbd2687
parent 57 f1b39d77db00
permissions -rw-r--r--
Reorganizing PIPBasics.thy and making small changes to Implementation.thy and Correctness.thy.

section {*
  This file contains lemmas used to guide the recalculation of current precedence 
  after every system call (or system operation)
theory CpsG
imports PrioG Max RTree

definition "wRAG (s::state) = {(Th th, Cs cs) | th cs. waiting s th cs}"

definition "hRAG (s::state) =  {(Cs cs, Th th) | th cs. holding s th cs}"

definition "tRAG s = wRAG s O hRAG s"

definition "pairself f = (\<lambda>(a, b). (f a, f b))"

definition "rel_map f r = (pairself f ` r)"

fun the_thread :: "node \<Rightarrow> thread" where
   "the_thread (Th th) = th"

definition "tG s = rel_map the_thread (tRAG s)"

locale pip = 
  fixes s
  assumes vt: "vt s"

lemma RAG_split: "RAG s = (wRAG s \<union> hRAG s)"
  by (unfold s_RAG_abv wRAG_def hRAG_def s_waiting_abv 
             s_holding_abv cs_RAG_def, auto)

lemma relpow_mult: 
  "((r::'a rel) ^^ m) ^^ n = r ^^ (m*n)"
proof(induct n arbitrary:m)
  case (Suc k m)
  thus ?case (is "?L = ?R")
  proof -
    have h: "(m * k + m) = (m + m * k)" by auto
    show ?thesis 
      apply (simp add:Suc relpow_add[symmetric])
      by (unfold h, simp)
qed simp

lemma compose_relpow_2:
  assumes "r1 \<subseteq> r"
  and "r2 \<subseteq> r"
  shows "r1 O r2 \<subseteq> r ^^ (2::nat)"
proof -
  { fix a b
    assume "(a, b) \<in> r1 O r2"
    then obtain e where "(a, e) \<in> r1" "(e, b) \<in> r2"
      by auto
    with assms have "(a, e) \<in> r" "(e, b) \<in> r" by auto
    hence "(a, b) \<in> r ^^ (Suc (Suc 0))" by auto
  } thus ?thesis by (auto simp:numeral_2_eq_2)

lemma acyclic_compose:
  assumes "acyclic r"
  and "r1 \<subseteq> r"
  and "r2 \<subseteq> r"
  shows "acyclic (r1 O r2)"
proof -
  { fix a
    assume "(a, a) \<in> (r1 O r2)^+"
    from trancl_mono[OF this compose_relpow_2[OF assms(2, 3)]]
    have "(a, a) \<in> (r ^^ 2) ^+" .
    from trancl_power[THEN iffD1, OF this]
    obtain n where h: "(a, a) \<in> (r ^^ 2) ^^ n" "n > 0" by blast
    from this(1)[unfolded relpow_mult] have h2: "(a, a) \<in> r ^^ (2 * n)" .
    have "(a, a) \<in> r^+" 
    proof(cases rule:trancl_power[THEN iffD2])
      from h(2) h2 show "\<exists>n>0. (a, a) \<in> r ^^ n" 
        by (rule_tac x = "2*n" in exI, auto)
    with assms have "False" by (auto simp:acyclic_def)
  } thus ?thesis by (auto simp:acyclic_def)

lemma range_tRAG: "Range (tRAG s) \<subseteq> {Th th | th. True}"
proof -
  have "Range (wRAG s O hRAG s) \<subseteq> {Th th |th. True}" (is "?L \<subseteq> ?R")
  proof -
    have "?L \<subseteq> Range (hRAG s)" by auto
    also have "... \<subseteq> ?R" 
      by (unfold hRAG_def, auto)
    finally show ?thesis by auto
  thus ?thesis by (simp add:tRAG_def)

lemma domain_tRAG: "Domain (tRAG s) \<subseteq> {Th th | th. True}"
proof -
  have "Domain (wRAG s O hRAG s) \<subseteq> {Th th |th. True}" (is "?L \<subseteq> ?R")
  proof -
    have "?L \<subseteq> Domain (wRAG s)" by auto
    also have "... \<subseteq> ?R" 
      by (unfold wRAG_def, auto)
    finally show ?thesis by auto
  thus ?thesis by (simp add:tRAG_def)

lemma rel_mapE: 
  assumes "(a, b) \<in> rel_map f r"
  obtains c d 
  where "(c, d) \<in> r" "(a, b) = (f c, f d)"
  using assms
  by (unfold rel_map_def pairself_def, auto)

lemma rel_mapI: 
  assumes "(a, b) \<in> r"
    and "c = f a"
    and "d = f b"
  shows "(c, d) \<in> rel_map f r"
  using assms
  by (unfold rel_map_def pairself_def, auto)

lemma map_appendE:
  assumes "map f zs = xs @ ys"
  obtains xs' ys' 
  where "zs = xs' @ ys'" "xs = map f xs'" "ys = map f ys'"
proof -
  have "\<exists> xs' ys'. zs = xs' @ ys' \<and> xs = map f xs' \<and> ys = map f ys'"
  using assms
  proof(induct xs arbitrary:zs ys)
    case (Nil zs ys)
    thus ?case by auto
    case (Cons x xs zs ys)
    note h = this
    show ?case
    proof(cases zs)
      case (Cons e es)
      with h have eq_x: "map f es = xs @ ys" "x = f e" by auto
      from h(1)[OF this(1)]
      obtain xs' ys' where "es = xs' @ ys'" "xs = map f xs'" "ys = map f ys'"
        by blast
      with Cons eq_x
      have "zs = (e#xs') @ ys' \<and> x # xs = map f (e#xs') \<and> ys = map f ys'" by auto
      thus ?thesis by metis
    qed (insert h, auto)
  thus ?thesis by (auto intro!:that)

lemma rel_map_mono:
  assumes "r1 \<subseteq> r2"
  shows "rel_map f r1 \<subseteq> rel_map f r2"
  using assms
  by (auto simp:rel_map_def pairself_def)

lemma rel_map_compose [simp]:
    shows "rel_map f1 (rel_map f2 r) = rel_map (f1 o f2) r"
    by (auto simp:rel_map_def pairself_def)

lemma edges_on_map: "edges_on (map f xs) = rel_map f (edges_on xs)"
proof -
  { fix a b
    assume "(a, b) \<in> edges_on (map f xs)"
    then obtain l1 l2 where eq_map: "map f xs = l1 @ [a, b] @ l2" 
      by (unfold edges_on_def, auto)
    hence "(a, b) \<in> rel_map f (edges_on xs)"
      by (auto elim!:map_appendE intro!:rel_mapI simp:edges_on_def)
  } moreover { 
    fix a b
    assume "(a, b) \<in> rel_map f (edges_on xs)"
    then obtain c d where 
        h: "(c, d) \<in> edges_on xs" "(a, b) = (f c, f d)" 
             by (elim rel_mapE, auto)
    then obtain l1 l2 where
        eq_xs: "xs = l1 @ [c, d] @ l2" 
             by (auto simp:edges_on_def)
    hence eq_map: "map f xs = map f l1 @ [f c, f d] @ map f l2" by auto
    have "(a, b) \<in> edges_on (map f xs)"
    proof -
      from h(2) have "[f c, f d] = [a, b]" by simp
      from eq_map[unfolded this] show ?thesis by (auto simp:edges_on_def)
  } ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma plus_rpath: 
  assumes "(a, b) \<in> r^+"
  obtains xs where "rpath r a xs b" "xs \<noteq> []"
proof -
  from assms obtain m where h: "(a, m) \<in> r" "(m, b) \<in> r^*"
      by (auto dest!:tranclD)
  from star_rpath[OF this(2)] obtain xs where "rpath r m xs b" by auto
  from rstepI[OF h(1) this] have "rpath r a (m # xs) b" .
  from that[OF this] show ?thesis by auto

lemma edges_on_unfold:
  "edges_on (a # b # xs) = {(a, b)} \<union> edges_on (b # xs)" (is "?L = ?R")
proof -
  { fix c d
    assume "(c, d) \<in> ?L"
    then obtain l1 l2 where h: "(a # b # xs) = l1 @ [c, d] @ l2" 
        by (auto simp:edges_on_def)
    have "(c, d) \<in> ?R"
    proof(cases "l1")
      case Nil
      with h have "(c, d) = (a, b)" by auto
      thus ?thesis by auto
      case (Cons e es)
      from h[unfolded this] have "b#xs = es@[c, d]@l2" by auto
      thus ?thesis by (auto simp:edges_on_def)
  } moreover
  { fix c d
    assume "(c, d) \<in> ?R"
    moreover have "(a, b) \<in> ?L" 
    proof -
      have "(a # b # xs) = []@[a,b]@xs" by simp
      hence "\<exists> l1 l2. (a # b # xs) = l1@[a,b]@l2" by auto
      thus ?thesis by (unfold edges_on_def, simp)
    moreover {
        assume "(c, d) \<in> edges_on (b#xs)"
        then obtain l1 l2 where "b#xs = l1@[c, d]@l2" by (unfold edges_on_def, auto)
        hence "a#b#xs = (a#l1)@[c,d]@l2" by simp
        hence "\<exists> l1 l2. (a # b # xs) = l1@[c,d]@l2" by metis
        hence "(c,d) \<in> ?L" by (unfold edges_on_def, simp)
    ultimately have "(c, d) \<in> ?L" by auto
  } ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma edges_on_rpathI:
  assumes "edges_on (a#xs@[b]) \<subseteq> r"
  shows "rpath r a (xs@[b]) b"
  using assms
proof(induct xs arbitrary: a b)
  case Nil
  moreover have "(a, b) \<in> edges_on (a # [] @ [b])"
      by (unfold edges_on_def, auto)
  ultimately have "(a, b) \<in> r" by auto
  thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons x xs a b)
  from this(2) have "edges_on (x # xs @ [b]) \<subseteq> r" by (simp add:edges_on_unfold)
  from Cons(1)[OF this] have " rpath r x (xs @ [b]) b" .
  moreover from Cons(2) have "(a, x) \<in> r" by (auto simp:edges_on_unfold)
  ultimately show ?case by (auto intro!:rstepI)

lemma image_id:
  assumes "\<And> x. x \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> f x = x"
  shows "f ` A = A"
  using assms by (auto simp:image_def)

lemma rel_map_inv_id:
  assumes "inj_on f ((Domain r) \<union> (Range r))"
  shows "(rel_map (inv_into ((Domain r) \<union> (Range r)) f \<circ> f) r) = r"
proof -
 let ?f = "(inv_into (Domain r \<union> Range r) f \<circ> f)"
  fix a b
  assume h0: "(a, b) \<in> r"
  have "pairself ?f (a, b) = (a, b)"
  proof -
    from assms h0 have "?f a = a" by (auto intro:inv_into_f_f)
    moreover have "?f b = b"
      by (insert h0, simp, intro inv_into_f_f[OF assms], auto intro!:RangeI)
    ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp:pairself_def)
 } thus ?thesis by (unfold rel_map_def, intro image_id, case_tac x, auto)

lemma rel_map_acyclic:
  assumes "acyclic r"
  and "inj_on f ((Domain r) \<union> (Range r))"
  shows "acyclic (rel_map f r)"
proof -
  let ?D = "Domain r \<union> Range r"
  { fix a 
    assume "(a, a) \<in> (rel_map f r)^+" 
    from plus_rpath[OF this]
    obtain xs where rp: "rpath (rel_map f r) a xs a" "xs \<noteq> []" by auto
    from rpath_nnl_lastE[OF this] obtain xs' where eq_xs: "xs = xs'@[a]" by auto
    from rpath_edges_on[OF rp(1)]
    have h: "edges_on (a # xs) \<subseteq> rel_map f r" .
    from edges_on_map[of "inv_into ?D f" "a#xs"]
    have "edges_on (map (inv_into ?D f) (a # xs)) = rel_map (inv_into ?D f) (edges_on (a # xs))" .
    with rel_map_mono[OF h, of "inv_into ?D f"]
    have "edges_on (map (inv_into ?D f) (a # xs)) \<subseteq> rel_map ((inv_into ?D f) o f) r" by simp
    from this[unfolded eq_xs]
    have subr: "edges_on (map (inv_into ?D f) (a # xs' @ [a])) \<subseteq> rel_map (inv_into ?D f \<circ> f) r" .
    have "(map (inv_into ?D f) (a # xs' @ [a])) = (inv_into ?D f a) # map (inv_into ?D f) xs' @ [inv_into ?D f a]"
      by simp
    from edges_on_rpathI[OF subr[unfolded this]]
    have "rpath (rel_map (inv_into ?D f \<circ> f) r) 
                      (inv_into ?D f a) (map (inv_into ?D f) xs' @ [inv_into ?D f a]) (inv_into ?D f a)" .
    hence "(inv_into ?D f a, inv_into ?D f a) \<in> (rel_map (inv_into ?D f \<circ> f) r)^+"
        by (rule rpath_plus, simp)
    moreover have "(rel_map (inv_into ?D f \<circ> f) r) = r" by (rule rel_map_inv_id[OF assms(2)])
    moreover note assms(1) 
    ultimately have False by (unfold acyclic_def, auto)
  } thus ?thesis by (auto simp:acyclic_def)

context pip

interpretation rtree_RAG: rtree "RAG s"
  show "single_valued (RAG s)"
    by (unfold single_valued_def, auto intro: unique_RAG[OF vt])

  show "acyclic (RAG s)"
     by (rule acyclic_RAG[OF vt])

lemma sgv_wRAG: 
  shows "single_valued (wRAG s)"
  using waiting_unique[OF vt]
  by (unfold single_valued_def wRAG_def, auto)

lemma sgv_hRAG: 
  shows "single_valued (hRAG s)"
  using held_unique
  by (unfold single_valued_def hRAG_def, auto)

lemma sgv_tRAG: shows "single_valued (tRAG s)"
  by (unfold tRAG_def, rule Relation.single_valued_relcomp, 
        insert sgv_hRAG sgv_wRAG, auto)

lemma acyclic_hRAG: 
  shows "acyclic (hRAG s)"
  by (rule acyclic_subset[OF acyclic_RAG[OF vt]], insert RAG_split, auto)

lemma acyclic_wRAG: 
  shows "acyclic (wRAG s)"
  by (rule acyclic_subset[OF acyclic_RAG[OF vt]], insert RAG_split, auto)

lemma acyclic_tRAG: 
  shows "acyclic (tRAG s)"
  by (unfold tRAG_def, rule acyclic_compose[OF acyclic_RAG[OF vt]],
         unfold RAG_split, auto)

lemma acyclic_tG:
  shows "acyclic (tG s)"
proof(unfold tG_def, rule rel_map_acyclic[OF acyclic_tRAG])
  show "inj_on the_thread (Domain (tRAG s) \<union> Range (tRAG s))"
  proof(rule subset_inj_on)
    show " inj_on the_thread {Th th |th. True}" by (unfold inj_on_def, auto)
    from domain_tRAG range_tRAG 
    show " Domain (tRAG s) \<union> Range (tRAG s) \<subseteq> {Th th |th. True}" by auto
