updated Correctness, Implementation and PIPBasics so that they work with Isabelle 2014 and 2015
theory Implementationimports PIPBasicsbeginsection {* This file contains lemmas used to guide the recalculation of current precedence after every system call (or system operation)*}text {* (* ddd *) One beauty of our modelling is that we follow the definitional extension tradition of HOL. The benefit of such a concise and miniature model is that large number of intuitively obvious facts are derived as lemmas, rather than asserted as axioms.*}text {* However, the lemmas in the forthcoming several locales are no longer obvious. These lemmas show how the current precedences should be recalculated after every execution step (in our model, every step is represented by an event, which in turn, represents a system call, or operation). Each operation is treated in a separate locale. The complication of current precedence recalculation comes because the changing of RAG needs to be taken into account, in addition to the changing of precedence. The reason RAG changing affects current precedence is that, according to the definition, current precedence of a thread is the maximum of the precedences of every threads in its subtree, where the notion of sub-tree in RAG is defined in RTree.thy. Therefore, for each operation, lemmas about the change of precedences and RAG are derived first, on which lemmas about current precedence recalculation are based on.*}section {* The @{term Set} operation *}context valid_trace_setbegintext {* (* ddd *) The following two lemmas confirm that @{text "Set"}-operation only changes the precedence of the initiating thread (or actor) of the operation (or event).*}lemma eq_preced: assumes "th' \<noteq> th" shows "preced th' (e#s) = preced th' s"proof - from assms show ?thesis by (unfold is_set, auto simp:preced_def)qedlemma eq_the_preced: assumes "th' \<noteq> th" shows "the_preced (e#s) th' = the_preced s th'" using assms by (unfold the_preced_def, intro eq_preced, simp)text {* (* ddd *) Th following lemma @{text "eq_cp_pre"} says that the priority change of @{text "th"} only affects those threads, which as @{text "Th th"} in their sub-trees. The proof of this lemma is simplified by using the alternative definition of @{text "cp"}. *}lemma eq_cp_pre: assumes nd: "Th th \<notin> subtree (RAG s) (Th th')" shows "cp (e#s) th' = cp s th'"proof - -- {* After unfolding using the alternative definition, elements affecting the @{term "cp"}-value of threads become explicit. We only need to prove the following: *} have "Max (the_preced (e#s) ` {th'a. Th th'a \<in> subtree (RAG (e#s)) (Th th')}) = Max (the_preced s ` {th'a. Th th'a \<in> subtree (RAG s) (Th th')})" (is "Max (?f ` ?S1) = Max (?g ` ?S2)") proof - -- {* The base sets are equal. *} have "?S1 = ?S2" using RAG_unchanged by simp -- {* The function values on the base set are equal as well. *} moreover have "\<forall> e \<in> ?S2. ?f e = ?g e" proof fix th1 assume "th1 \<in> ?S2" with nd have "th1 \<noteq> th" by (auto) from eq_the_preced[OF this] show "the_preced (e#s) th1 = the_preced s th1" . qed -- {* Therefore, the image of the functions are equal. *} ultimately have "(?f ` ?S1) = (?g ` ?S2)" by (auto intro!:f_image_eq) thus ?thesis by simp qed thus ?thesis by (simp add:cp_alt_def)qedtext {* The following lemma shows that @{term "th"} is not in the sub-tree of any other thread. *}lemma th_in_no_subtree: assumes "th' \<noteq> th" shows "Th th \<notin> subtree (RAG s) (Th th')"proof - from readys_in_no_subtree[OF th_ready_s assms(1)] show ?thesis by blastqedtext {* By combining @{thm "eq_cp_pre"} and @{thm "th_in_no_subtree"}, it is obvious that the change of priority only affects the @{text "cp"}-value of the initiating thread @{text "th"}.*}lemma eq_cp: assumes "th' \<noteq> th" shows "cp (e#s) th' = cp s th'" by (rule eq_cp_pre[OF th_in_no_subtree[OF assms]])endsection {* The @{term V} operation *}text {* The following @{text "step_v_cps"} is the locale for @{text "V"}-operation.*}context valid_trace_vbeginlemma ancestors_th: "ancestors (RAG s) (Th th) = {}"proof - from readys_root[OF th_ready_s] show ?thesis by (unfold root_def, simp)qedlemma edge_of_th: "(Cs cs, Th th) \<in> RAG s" proof - from holding_th_cs_s show ?thesis by (unfold s_RAG_def holding_eq, auto)qedlemma ancestors_cs: "ancestors (RAG s) (Cs cs) = {Th th}"proof - have "ancestors (RAG s) (Cs cs) = ancestors (RAG s) (Th th) \<union> {Th th}" by (rule rtree_RAG.ancestors_accum[OF edge_of_th]) from this[unfolded ancestors_th] show ?thesis by simpqedendtext {* The following @{text "step_v_cps_nt"} is the sub-locale for @{text "V"}-operation, which represents the case when there is another thread @{text "th'"} to take over the critical resource released by the initiating thread @{text "th"}.*}context valid_trace_v_nbeginlemma sub_RAGs': "{(Cs cs, Th th), (Th taker, Cs cs)} \<subseteq> RAG s" using next_th_RAG[OF next_th_taker] .lemma ancestors_th': "ancestors (RAG s) (Th taker) = {Th th, Cs cs}" proof - have "ancestors (RAG s) (Th taker) = ancestors (RAG s) (Cs cs) \<union> {Cs cs}" proof(rule rtree_RAG.ancestors_accum) from sub_RAGs' show "(Th taker, Cs cs) \<in> RAG s" by auto qed thus ?thesis using ancestors_th ancestors_cs by autoqedlemma RAG_s: "RAG (e#s) = (RAG s - {(Cs cs, Th th), (Th taker, Cs cs)}) \<union> {(Cs cs, Th taker)}" by (unfold RAG_es waiting_set_eq holding_set_eq, auto)lemma subtree_kept: (* ddd *) assumes "th1 \<notin> {th, taker}" shows "subtree (RAG (e#s)) (Th th1) = subtree (RAG s) (Th th1)" (is "_ = ?R")proof - let ?RAG' = "(RAG s - {(Cs cs, Th th), (Th taker, Cs cs)})" let ?RAG'' = "?RAG' \<union> {(Cs cs, Th taker)}" have "subtree ?RAG' (Th th1) = ?R" proof(rule subset_del_subtree_outside) show "Range {(Cs cs, Th th), (Th taker, Cs cs)} \<inter> subtree (RAG s) (Th th1) = {}" proof - have "(Th th) \<notin> subtree (RAG s) (Th th1)" proof(rule subtree_refute) show "Th th1 \<notin> ancestors (RAG s) (Th th)" by (unfold ancestors_th, simp) next from assms show "Th th1 \<noteq> Th th" by simp qed moreover have "(Cs cs) \<notin> subtree (RAG s) (Th th1)" proof(rule subtree_refute) show "Th th1 \<notin> ancestors (RAG s) (Cs cs)" by (unfold ancestors_cs, insert assms, auto) qed simp ultimately have "{Th th, Cs cs} \<inter> subtree (RAG s) (Th th1) = {}" by auto thus ?thesis by simp qed qed moreover have "subtree ?RAG'' (Th th1) = subtree ?RAG' (Th th1)" proof(rule subtree_insert_next) show "Th taker \<notin> subtree (RAG s - {(Cs cs, Th th), (Th taker, Cs cs)}) (Th th1)" proof(rule subtree_refute) show "Th th1 \<notin> ancestors (RAG s - {(Cs cs, Th th), (Th taker, Cs cs)}) (Th taker)" (is "_ \<notin> ?R") proof - have "?R \<subseteq> ancestors (RAG s) (Th taker)" by (rule ancestors_mono, auto) moreover have "Th th1 \<notin> ..." using ancestors_th' assms by simp ultimately show ?thesis by auto qed next from assms show "Th th1 \<noteq> Th taker" by simp qed qed ultimately show ?thesis by (unfold RAG_s, simp)qedlemma cp_kept: assumes "th1 \<notin> {th, taker}" shows "cp (e#s) th1 = cp s th1" by (unfold cp_alt_def the_preced_es subtree_kept[OF assms], simp)endcontext valid_trace_v_ebeginfind_theorems RAG s elemma RAG_s: "RAG (e#s) = RAG s - {(Cs cs, Th th)}" by (unfold RAG_es waiting_set_eq holding_set_eq, simp)lemma subtree_kept: assumes "th1 \<noteq> th" shows "subtree (RAG (e#s)) (Th th1) = subtree (RAG s) (Th th1)"proof(unfold RAG_s, rule subset_del_subtree_outside) show "Range {(Cs cs, Th th)} \<inter> subtree (RAG s) (Th th1) = {}" proof - have "(Th th) \<notin> subtree (RAG s) (Th th1)" proof(rule subtree_refute) show "Th th1 \<notin> ancestors (RAG s) (Th th)" by (unfold ancestors_th, simp) next from assms show "Th th1 \<noteq> Th th" by simp qed thus ?thesis by auto qedqedlemma cp_kept_1: assumes "th1 \<noteq> th" shows "cp (e#s) th1 = cp s th1" by (unfold cp_alt_def the_preced_es subtree_kept[OF assms], simp)lemma subtree_cs: "subtree (RAG s) (Cs cs) = {Cs cs}"proof - { fix n have "(Cs cs) \<notin> ancestors (RAG s) n" proof assume "Cs cs \<in> ancestors (RAG s) n" hence "(n, Cs cs) \<in> (RAG s)^+" by (auto simp:ancestors_def) from tranclE[OF this] obtain nn where h: "(nn, Cs cs) \<in> RAG s" by auto then obtain th' where "nn = Th th'" by (unfold s_RAG_def, auto) from h[unfolded this] have "(Th th', Cs cs) \<in> RAG s" . from this[unfolded s_RAG_def] have "waiting (wq s) th' cs" by auto from this[unfolded cs_waiting_def] have "1 < length (wq s cs)" by (cases "wq s cs", auto) from holding_next_thI[OF holding_th_cs_s this] obtain th' where "next_th s th cs th'" by auto thus False using no_taker by blast qed } note h = this { fix n assume "n \<in> subtree (RAG s) (Cs cs)" hence "n = (Cs cs)" by (elim subtreeE, insert h, auto) } moreover have "(Cs cs) \<in> subtree (RAG s) (Cs cs)" by (auto simp:subtree_def) ultimately show ?thesis by auto qedlemma subtree_th: "subtree (RAG (e#s)) (Th th) = subtree (RAG s) (Th th) - {Cs cs}"proof(unfold RAG_s, fold subtree_cs, rule rtree_RAG.subtree_del_inside) from edge_of_th show "(Cs cs, Th th) \<in> edges_in (RAG s) (Th th)" by (unfold edges_in_def, auto simp:subtree_def)qedlemma cp_kept_2: shows "cp (e#s) th = cp s th" by (unfold cp_alt_def subtree_th the_preced_es, auto)lemma eq_cp: shows "cp (e#s) th' = cp s th'" using cp_kept_1 cp_kept_2 by (cases "th' = th", auto)endsection {* The @{term P} operation *}context valid_trace_pbeginlemma root_th: "root (RAG s) (Th th)" by (simp add: ready_th_s readys_root)lemma in_no_others_subtree: assumes "th' \<noteq> th" shows "Th th \<notin> subtree (RAG s) (Th th')"proof assume "Th th \<in> subtree (RAG s) (Th th')" thus False proof(cases rule:subtreeE) case 1 with assms show ?thesis by auto next case 2 with root_th show ?thesis by (auto simp:root_def) qedqedlemma preced_kept: "the_preced (e#s) = the_preced s"proof fix th' show "the_preced (e # s) th' = the_preced s th'" by (unfold the_preced_def is_p preced_def, simp)qedendcontext valid_trace_p_hbeginlemma subtree_kept: assumes "th' \<noteq> th" shows "subtree (RAG (e#s)) (Th th') = subtree (RAG s) (Th th')"proof(unfold RAG_es, rule subtree_insert_next) from in_no_others_subtree[OF assms] show "Th th \<notin> subtree (RAG s) (Th th')" .qedlemma cp_kept: assumes "th' \<noteq> th" shows "cp (e#s) th' = cp s th'"proof - have "(the_preced (e#s) ` {th'a. Th th'a \<in> subtree (RAG (e#s)) (Th th')}) = (the_preced s ` {th'a. Th th'a \<in> subtree (RAG s) (Th th')})" by (unfold preced_kept subtree_kept[OF assms], simp) thus ?thesis by (unfold cp_alt_def, simp)qedendcontext valid_trace_p_wbeginlemma cs_held: "(Cs cs, Th holder) \<in> RAG s" using holding_s_holder by (unfold s_RAG_def, fold holding_eq, auto)lemma tRAG_s: "tRAG (e#s) = tRAG s \<union> {(Th th, Th holder)}" using local.RAG_tRAG_transfer[OF RAG_es cs_held] .lemma cp_kept: assumes "Th th'' \<notin> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" shows "cp (e#s) th'' = cp s th''"proof - have h: "subtree (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th'') = subtree (tRAG s) (Th th'')" proof - have "Th holder \<notin> subtree (tRAG s) (Th th'')" proof assume "Th holder \<in> subtree (tRAG s) (Th th'')" thus False proof(rule subtreeE) assume "Th holder = Th th''" from assms[unfolded tRAG_s ancestors_def, folded this] show ?thesis by auto next assume "Th th'' \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th holder)" moreover have "... \<subseteq> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th holder)" proof(rule ancestors_mono) show "tRAG s \<subseteq> tRAG (e#s)" by (unfold tRAG_s, auto) qed ultimately have "Th th'' \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th holder)" by auto moreover have "Th holder \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" by (unfold tRAG_s, auto simp:ancestors_def) ultimately have "Th th'' \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" by (auto simp:ancestors_def) with assms show ?thesis by auto qed qed from subtree_insert_next[OF this] have "subtree (tRAG s \<union> {(Th th, Th holder)}) (Th th'') = subtree (tRAG s) (Th th'')" . from this[folded tRAG_s] show ?thesis . qed show ?thesis by (unfold cp_alt_def1 h preced_kept, simp)qedlemma cp_gen_update_stop: (* ddd *) assumes "u \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" and "cp_gen (e#s) u = cp_gen s u" and "y \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) u" shows "cp_gen (e#s) y = cp_gen s y" using assms(3)proof(induct rule:wf_induct[OF vat_es.fsbttRAGs.wf]) case (1 x) show ?case (is "?L = ?R") proof - from tRAG_ancestorsE[OF 1(2)] obtain th2 where eq_x: "x = Th th2" by blast from vat_es.cp_gen_rec[OF this] have "?L = Max ({the_preced (e#s) th2} \<union> cp_gen (e#s) ` RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) x)" . also have "... = Max ({the_preced s th2} \<union> cp_gen s ` RTree.children (tRAG s) x)" proof - from preced_kept have "the_preced (e#s) th2 = the_preced s th2" by simp moreover have "cp_gen (e#s) ` RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) x = cp_gen s ` RTree.children (tRAG s) x" proof - have "RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) x = RTree.children (tRAG s) x" proof(unfold tRAG_s, rule children_union_kept) have start: "(Th th, Th holder) \<in> tRAG (e#s)" by (unfold tRAG_s, auto) note x_u = 1(2) show "x \<notin> Range {(Th th, Th holder)}" proof assume "x \<in> Range {(Th th, Th holder)}" hence eq_x: "x = Th holder" using RangeE by auto show False proof(cases rule:vat_es.ancestors_headE[OF assms(1) start]) case 1 from x_u[folded this, unfolded eq_x] vat_es.acyclic_tRAG show ?thesis by (auto simp:ancestors_def acyclic_def) next case 2 with x_u[unfolded eq_x] have "(Th holder, Th holder) \<in> (tRAG (e#s))^+" by (auto simp:ancestors_def) with vat_es.acyclic_tRAG show ?thesis by (auto simp:acyclic_def) qed qed qed moreover have "cp_gen (e#s) ` RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) x = cp_gen s ` RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) x" (is "?f ` ?A = ?g ` ?A") proof(rule f_image_eq) fix a assume a_in: "a \<in> ?A" from 1(2) show "?f a = ?g a" proof(cases rule:vat_es.rtree_s.ancestors_childrenE[case_names in_ch out_ch]) case in_ch show ?thesis proof(cases "a = u") case True from assms(2)[folded this] show ?thesis . next case False have a_not_in: "a \<notin> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" proof assume a_in': "a \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" have "a = u" proof(rule vat_es.rtree_s.ancestors_children_unique) from a_in' a_in show "a \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th) \<inter> RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) x" by auto next from assms(1) in_ch show "u \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th) \<inter> RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) x" by auto qed with False show False by simp qed from a_in obtain th_a where eq_a: "a = Th th_a" by (unfold RTree.children_def tRAG_alt_def, auto) from cp_kept[OF a_not_in[unfolded eq_a]] have "cp (e#s) th_a = cp s th_a" . from this [unfolded cp_gen_def_cond[OF eq_a], folded eq_a] show ?thesis . qed next case (out_ch z) hence h: "z \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) u" "z \<in> RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) x" by auto show ?thesis proof(cases "a = z") case True from h(2) have zx_in: "(z, x) \<in> (tRAG (e#s))" by (auto simp:RTree.children_def) from 1(1)[rule_format, OF this h(1)] have eq_cp_gen: "cp_gen (e#s) z = cp_gen s z" . with True show ?thesis by metis next case False from a_in obtain th_a where eq_a: "a = Th th_a" by (auto simp:RTree.children_def tRAG_alt_def) have "a \<notin> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" proof assume a_in': "a \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" have "a = z" proof(rule vat_es.rtree_s.ancestors_children_unique) from assms(1) h(1) have "z \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" by (auto simp:ancestors_def) with h(2) show " z \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th) \<inter> RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) x" by auto next from a_in a_in' show "a \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th) \<inter> RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) x" by auto qed with False show False by auto qed from cp_kept[OF this[unfolded eq_a]] have "cp (e#s) th_a = cp s th_a" . from this[unfolded cp_gen_def_cond[OF eq_a], folded eq_a] show ?thesis . qed qed qed ultimately show ?thesis by metis qed ultimately show ?thesis by simp qed also have "... = ?R" by (fold cp_gen_rec[OF eq_x], simp) finally show ?thesis . qedqedlemma cp_up: assumes "(Th th') \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" and "cp (e#s) th' = cp s th'" and "(Th th'') \<in> ancestors (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th')" shows "cp (e#s) th'' = cp s th''"proof - have "cp_gen (e#s) (Th th'') = cp_gen s (Th th'')" proof(rule cp_gen_update_stop[OF assms(1) _ assms(3)]) from assms(2) cp_gen_def_cond[OF refl[of "Th th'"]] show "cp_gen (e#s) (Th th') = cp_gen s (Th th')" by metis qed with cp_gen_def_cond[OF refl[of "Th th''"]] show ?thesis by metisqedendsection {* The @{term Create} operation *}context valid_trace_createbegin lemma tRAG_kept: "tRAG (e#s) = tRAG s" by (unfold tRAG_alt_def RAG_unchanged, auto)lemma preced_kept: assumes "th' \<noteq> th" shows "the_preced (e#s) th' = the_preced s th'" by (unfold the_preced_def preced_def is_create, insert assms, auto)lemma th_not_in: "Th th \<notin> Field (tRAG s)" by (meson not_in_thread_isolated subsetCE tRAG_Field th_not_live_s)lemma eq_cp: assumes neq_th: "th' \<noteq> th" shows "cp (e#s) th' = cp s th'"proof - have "(the_preced (e#s) \<circ> the_thread) ` subtree (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th') = (the_preced s \<circ> the_thread) ` subtree (tRAG s) (Th th')" proof(unfold tRAG_kept, rule f_image_eq) fix a assume a_in: "a \<in> subtree (tRAG s) (Th th')" then obtain th_a where eq_a: "a = Th th_a" proof(cases rule:subtreeE) case 2 from ancestors_Field[OF 2(2)] and that show ?thesis by (unfold tRAG_alt_def, auto) qed auto have neq_th_a: "th_a \<noteq> th" proof - have "(Th th) \<notin> subtree (tRAG s) (Th th')" proof assume "Th th \<in> subtree (tRAG s) (Th th')" thus False proof(cases rule:subtreeE) case 2 from ancestors_Field[OF this(2)] and th_not_in[unfolded Field_def] show ?thesis by auto qed (insert assms, auto) qed with a_in[unfolded eq_a] show ?thesis by auto qed from preced_kept[OF this] show "(the_preced (e#s) \<circ> the_thread) a = (the_preced s \<circ> the_thread) a" by (unfold eq_a, simp) qed thus ?thesis by (unfold cp_alt_def1, simp)qedlemma children_of_th: "RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th) = {}"proof - { fix a assume "a \<in> RTree.children (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th)" hence "(a, Th th) \<in> tRAG (e#s)" by (auto simp:RTree.children_def) with th_not_in have False by (unfold Field_def tRAG_kept, auto) } thus ?thesis by autoqedlemma eq_cp_th: "cp (e#s) th = preced th (e#s)" by (unfold vat_es.cp_rec children_of_th, simp add:the_preced_def)endcontext valid_trace_exitbeginlemma preced_kept: assumes "th' \<noteq> th" shows "the_preced (e#s) th' = the_preced s th'" using assms by (unfold the_preced_def is_exit preced_def, simp)lemma tRAG_kept: "tRAG (e#s) = tRAG s" by (unfold tRAG_alt_def RAG_unchanged, auto)lemma th_RAG: "Th th \<notin> Field (RAG s)"proof - have "Th th \<notin> Range (RAG s)" proof assume "Th th \<in> Range (RAG s)" then obtain cs where "holding (wq s) th cs" by (unfold Range_iff s_RAG_def, auto) with holdents_th_s[unfolded holdents_def] show False by (unfold holding_eq, auto) qed moreover have "Th th \<notin> Domain (RAG s)" proof assume "Th th \<in> Domain (RAG s)" then obtain cs where "waiting (wq s) th cs" by (unfold Domain_iff s_RAG_def, auto) with th_ready_s show False by (unfold readys_def waiting_eq, auto) qed ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp:Field_def)qedlemma th_tRAG: "(Th th) \<notin> Field (tRAG s)" using th_RAG tRAG_Field by autolemma eq_cp: assumes neq_th: "th' \<noteq> th" shows "cp (e#s) th' = cp s th'"proof - have "(the_preced (e#s) \<circ> the_thread) ` subtree (tRAG (e#s)) (Th th') = (the_preced s \<circ> the_thread) ` subtree (tRAG s) (Th th')" proof(unfold tRAG_kept, rule f_image_eq) fix a assume a_in: "a \<in> subtree (tRAG s) (Th th')" then obtain th_a where eq_a: "a = Th th_a" proof(cases rule:subtreeE) case 2 from ancestors_Field[OF 2(2)] and that show ?thesis by (unfold tRAG_alt_def, auto) qed auto have neq_th_a: "th_a \<noteq> th" proof - from readys_in_no_subtree[OF th_ready_s assms] have "(Th th) \<notin> subtree (RAG s) (Th th')" . with tRAG_subtree_RAG[of s "Th th'"] have "(Th th) \<notin> subtree (tRAG s) (Th th')" by auto with a_in[unfolded eq_a] show ?thesis by auto qed from preced_kept[OF this] show "(the_preced (e#s) \<circ> the_thread) a = (the_preced s \<circ> the_thread) a" by (unfold eq_a, simp) qed thus ?thesis by (unfold cp_alt_def1, simp)qedendend