changeset 88 83dd5345d5d0
parent 87 33cb65e00ac0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ExtGG.ty	Thu Jan 28 16:33:49 2016 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+theory ExtGG
+imports PrioG CpsG
+text {* 
+  The following two auxiliary lemmas are used to reason about @{term Max}.
+lemma image_Max_eqI: 
+  assumes "finite B"
+  and "b \<in> B"
+  and "\<forall> x \<in> B. f x \<le> f b"
+  shows "Max (f ` B) = f b"
+  using assms
+  using Max_eqI by blast 
+lemma image_Max_subset:
+  assumes "finite A"
+  and "B \<subseteq> A"
+  and "a \<in> B"
+  and "Max (f ` A) = f a"
+  shows "Max (f ` B) = f a"
+proof(rule image_Max_eqI)
+  show "finite B"
+    using assms(1) assms(2) finite_subset by auto 
+  show "a \<in> B" using assms by simp
+  show "\<forall>x\<in>B. f x \<le> f a"
+    by (metis Max_ge assms(1) assms(2) assms(4) 
+            finite_imageI image_eqI subsetCE) 
+text {*
+  The following locale @{text "highest_gen"} sets the basic context for our
+  investigation: supposing thread @{text th} holds the highest @{term cp}-value
+  in state @{text s}, which means the task for @{text th} is the 
+  most urgent. We want to show that  
+  @{text th} is treated correctly by PIP, which means
+  @{text th} will not be blocked unreasonably by other less urgent
+  threads. 
+locale highest_gen =
+  fixes s th prio tm
+  assumes vt_s: "vt s"
+  and threads_s: "th \<in> threads s"
+  and highest: "preced th s = Max ((cp s)`threads s)"
+  -- {* The internal structure of @{term th}'s precedence is exposed:*}
+  and preced_th: "preced th s = Prc prio tm" 
+-- {* @{term s} is a valid trace, so it will inherit all results derived for
+      a valid trace: *}
+sublocale highest_gen < vat_s: valid_trace "s"
+  by (unfold_locales, insert vt_s, simp)
+context highest_gen
+text {*
+  @{term tm} is the time when the precedence of @{term th} is set, so 
+  @{term tm} must be a valid moment index into @{term s}.
+lemma lt_tm: "tm < length s"
+  by (insert preced_tm_lt[OF threads_s preced_th], simp)
+text {*
+  Since @{term th} holds the highest precedence and @{text "cp"}
+  is the highest precedence of all threads in the sub-tree of 
+  @{text "th"} and @{text th} is among these threads, 
+  its @{term cp} must equal to its precedence:
+lemma eq_cp_s_th: "cp s th = preced th s" (is "?L = ?R")
+proof -
+  have "?L \<le> ?R"
+  by (unfold highest, rule Max_ge, 
+        auto simp:threads_s finite_threads)
+  moreover have "?R \<le> ?L"
+    by (unfold vat_s.cp_rec, rule Max_ge, 
+        auto simp:the_preced_def vat_s.fsbttRAGs.finite_children)
+  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+(* ccc *)
+lemma highest_cp_preced: "cp s th = Max ((\<lambda> th'. preced th' s) ` threads s)"
+  by (fold max_cp_eq, unfold eq_cp_s_th, insert highest, simp)
+lemma highest_preced_thread: "preced th s = Max ((\<lambda> th'. preced th' s) ` threads s)"
+  by (fold eq_cp_s_th, unfold highest_cp_preced, simp)
+lemma highest': "cp s th = Max (cp s ` threads s)"
+proof -
+  from highest_cp_preced max_cp_eq[symmetric]
+  show ?thesis by simp
+locale extend_highest_gen = highest_gen + 
+  fixes t 
+  assumes vt_t: "vt (t@s)"
+  and create_low: "Create th' prio' \<in> set t \<Longrightarrow> prio' \<le> prio"
+  and set_diff_low: "Set th' prio' \<in> set t \<Longrightarrow> th' \<noteq> th \<and> prio' \<le> prio"
+  and exit_diff: "Exit th' \<in> set t \<Longrightarrow> th' \<noteq> th"
+sublocale extend_highest_gen < vat_t: valid_trace "t@s"
+  by (unfold_locales, insert vt_t, simp)
+lemma step_back_vt_app: 
+  assumes vt_ts: "vt (t@s)" 
+  shows "vt s"
+proof -
+  from vt_ts show ?thesis
+  proof(induct t)
+    case Nil
+    from Nil show ?case by auto
+  next
+    case (Cons e t)
+    assume ih: " vt (t @ s) \<Longrightarrow> vt s"
+      and vt_et: "vt ((e # t) @ s)"
+    show ?case
+    proof(rule ih)
+      show "vt (t @ s)"
+      proof(rule step_back_vt)
+        from vt_et show "vt (e # t @ s)" by simp
+      qed
+    qed
+  qed
+locale red_extend_highest_gen = extend_highest_gen +
+   fixes i::nat
+sublocale red_extend_highest_gen <   red_moment: extend_highest_gen "s" "th" "prio" "tm" "(moment i t)"
+  apply (insert extend_highest_gen_axioms, subst (asm) (1) moment_restm_s [of i t, symmetric])
+  apply (unfold extend_highest_gen_def extend_highest_gen_axioms_def, clarsimp)
+  by (unfold highest_gen_def, auto dest:step_back_vt_app)
+context extend_highest_gen
+ lemma ind [consumes 0, case_names Nil Cons, induct type]:
+  assumes 
+    h0: "R []"
+  and h2: "\<And> e t. \<lbrakk>vt (t@s); step (t@s) e; 
+                    extend_highest_gen s th prio tm t; 
+                    extend_highest_gen s th prio tm (e#t); R t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R (e#t)"
+  shows "R t"
+proof -
+  from vt_t extend_highest_gen_axioms show ?thesis
+  proof(induct t)
+    from h0 show "R []" .
+  next
+    case (Cons e t')
+    assume ih: "\<lbrakk>vt (t' @ s); extend_highest_gen s th prio tm t'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R t'"
+      and vt_e: "vt ((e # t') @ s)"
+      and et: "extend_highest_gen s th prio tm (e # t')"
+    from vt_e and step_back_step have stp: "step (t'@s) e" by auto
+    from vt_e and step_back_vt have vt_ts: "vt (t'@s)" by auto
+    show ?case
+    proof(rule h2 [OF vt_ts stp _ _ _ ])
+      show "R t'"
+      proof(rule ih)
+        from et show ext': "extend_highest_gen s th prio tm t'"
+          by (unfold extend_highest_gen_def extend_highest_gen_axioms_def, auto dest:step_back_vt)
+      next
+        from vt_ts show "vt (t' @ s)" .
+      qed
+    next
+      from et show "extend_highest_gen s th prio tm (e # t')" .
+    next
+      from et show ext': "extend_highest_gen s th prio tm t'"
+          by (unfold extend_highest_gen_def extend_highest_gen_axioms_def, auto dest:step_back_vt)
+    qed
+  qed
+lemma th_kept: "th \<in> threads (t @ s) \<and> 
+                 preced th (t@s) = preced th s" (is "?Q t") 
+proof -
+  show ?thesis
+  proof(induct rule:ind)
+    case Nil
+    from threads_s
+    show ?case
+      by auto
+  next
+    case (Cons e t)
+    interpret h_e: extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ "(e # t)" using Cons by auto
+    interpret h_t: extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ t using Cons by auto
+    show ?case
+    proof(cases e)
+      case (Create thread prio)
+      show ?thesis
+      proof -
+        from Cons and Create have "step (t@s) (Create thread prio)" by auto
+        hence "th \<noteq> thread"
+        proof(cases)
+          case thread_create
+          with Cons show ?thesis by auto
+        qed
+        hence "preced th ((e # t) @ s)  = preced th (t @ s)"
+          by (unfold Create, auto simp:preced_def)
+        moreover note Cons
+        ultimately show ?thesis
+          by (auto simp:Create)
+      qed
+    next
+      case (Exit thread)
+      from h_e.exit_diff and Exit
+      have neq_th: "thread \<noteq> th" by auto
+      with Cons
+      show ?thesis
+        by (unfold Exit, auto simp:preced_def)
+    next
+      case (P thread cs)
+      with Cons
+      show ?thesis 
+        by (auto simp:P preced_def)
+    next
+      case (V thread cs)
+      with Cons
+      show ?thesis 
+        by (auto simp:V preced_def)
+    next
+      case (Set thread prio')
+      show ?thesis
+      proof -
+        from h_e.set_diff_low and Set
+        have "th \<noteq> thread" by auto
+        hence "preced th ((e # t) @ s)  = preced th (t @ s)"
+          by (unfold Set, auto simp:preced_def)
+        moreover note Cons
+        ultimately show ?thesis
+          by (auto simp:Set)
+      qed
+    qed
+  qed
+text {*
+  According to @{thm th_kept}, thread @{text "th"} has its living status
+  and precedence kept along the way of @{text "t"}. The following lemma
+  shows that this preserved precedence of @{text "th"} remains as the highest
+  along the way of @{text "t"}.
+  The proof goes by induction over @{text "t"} using the specialized
+  induction rule @{thm ind}, followed by case analysis of each possible 
+  operations of PIP. All cases follow the same pattern rendered by the 
+  generalized introduction rule @{thm "image_Max_eqI"}. 
+  The very essence is to show that precedences, no matter whether they are newly introduced 
+  or modified, are always lower than the one held by @{term "th"},
+  which by @{thm th_kept} is preserved along the way.
+lemma max_kept: "Max (the_preced (t @ s) ` (threads (t@s))) = preced th s"
+proof(induct rule:ind)
+  case Nil
+  from highest_preced_thread
+  show ?case
+    by (unfold the_preced_def, simp)
+  case (Cons e t)
+    interpret h_e: extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ "(e # t)" using Cons by auto
+    interpret h_t: extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ t using Cons by auto
+  show ?case
+  proof(cases e)
+    case (Create thread prio')
+    show ?thesis (is "Max (?f ` ?A) = ?t")
+    proof -
+      -- {* The following is the common pattern of each branch of the case analysis. *}
+      -- {* The major part is to show that @{text "th"} holds the highest precedence: *}
+      have "Max (?f ` ?A) = ?f th"
+      proof(rule image_Max_eqI)
+        show "finite ?A" using h_e.finite_threads by auto 
+      next
+        show "th \<in> ?A" using h_e.th_kept by auto 
+      next
+        show "\<forall>x\<in>?A. ?f x \<le> ?f th"
+        proof 
+          fix x
+          assume "x \<in> ?A"
+          hence "x = thread \<or> x \<in> threads (t@s)" by (auto simp:Create)
+          thus "?f x \<le> ?f th"
+          proof
+            assume "x = thread"
+            thus ?thesis 
+              apply (simp add:Create the_preced_def preced_def, fold preced_def)
+              using Create h_e.create_low h_t.th_kept lt_tm preced_leI2 preced_th by force
+          next
+            assume h: "x \<in> threads (t @ s)"
+            from Cons(2)[unfolded Create] 
+            have "x \<noteq> thread" using h by (cases, auto)
+            hence "?f x = the_preced (t@s) x" 
+              by (simp add:Create the_preced_def preced_def)
+            hence "?f x \<le> Max (the_preced (t@s) ` threads (t@s))"
+              by (simp add: h_t.finite_threads h)
+            also have "... = ?f th"
+              by (metis Cons.hyps(5) h_e.th_kept the_preced_def) 
+            finally show ?thesis .
+          qed
+        qed
+      qed
+     -- {* The minor part is to show that the precedence of @{text "th"} 
+           equals to preserved one, given by the foregoing lemma @{thm th_kept} *}
+      also have "... = ?t" using h_e.th_kept the_preced_def by auto
+      -- {* Then it follows trivially that the precedence preserved
+            for @{term "th"} remains the maximum of all living threads along the way. *}
+      finally show ?thesis .
+    qed 
+  next 
+    case (Exit thread)
+    show ?thesis (is "Max (?f ` ?A) = ?t")
+    proof -
+      have "Max (?f ` ?A) = ?f th"
+      proof(rule image_Max_eqI)
+        show "finite ?A" using h_e.finite_threads by auto 
+      next
+        show "th \<in> ?A" using h_e.th_kept by auto 
+      next
+        show "\<forall>x\<in>?A. ?f x \<le> ?f th"
+        proof 
+          fix x
+          assume "x \<in> ?A"
+          hence "x \<in> threads (t@s)" by (simp add: Exit) 
+          hence "?f x \<le> Max (?f ` threads (t@s))" 
+            by (simp add: h_t.finite_threads) 
+          also have "... \<le> ?f th" 
+            apply (simp add:Exit the_preced_def preced_def, fold preced_def)
+            using Cons.hyps(5) h_t.th_kept the_preced_def by auto
+          finally show "?f x \<le> ?f th" .
+        qed
+      qed
+      also have "... = ?t" using h_e.th_kept the_preced_def by auto
+      finally show ?thesis .
+    qed 
+  next
+    case (P thread cs)
+    with Cons
+    show ?thesis by (auto simp:preced_def the_preced_def)
+  next
+    case (V thread cs)
+    with Cons
+    show ?thesis by (auto simp:preced_def the_preced_def)
+  next 
+    case (Set thread prio')
+    show ?thesis (is "Max (?f ` ?A) = ?t")
+    proof -
+      have "Max (?f ` ?A) = ?f th"
+      proof(rule image_Max_eqI)
+        show "finite ?A" using h_e.finite_threads by auto 
+      next
+        show "th \<in> ?A" using h_e.th_kept by auto 
+      next
+        show "\<forall>x\<in>?A. ?f x \<le> ?f th"
+        proof 
+          fix x
+          assume h: "x \<in> ?A"
+          show "?f x \<le> ?f th"
+          proof(cases "x = thread")
+            case True
+            moreover have "the_preced (Set thread prio' # t @ s) thread \<le> the_preced (t @ s) th"
+            proof -
+              have "the_preced (t @ s) th = Prc prio tm"  
+                using h_t.th_kept preced_th by (simp add:the_preced_def)
+              moreover have "prio' \<le> prio" using Set h_e.set_diff_low by auto
+              ultimately show ?thesis by (insert lt_tm, auto simp:the_preced_def preced_def)
+            qed
+            ultimately show ?thesis
+              by (unfold Set, simp add:the_preced_def preced_def)
+          next
+            case False
+            then have "?f x  = the_preced (t@s) x"
+              by (simp add:the_preced_def preced_def Set)
+            also have "... \<le> Max (the_preced (t@s) ` threads (t@s))"
+              using Set h h_t.finite_threads by auto 
+            also have "... = ?f th" by (metis Cons.hyps(5) h_e.th_kept the_preced_def) 
+            finally show ?thesis .
+          qed
+        qed
+      qed
+      also have "... = ?t" using h_e.th_kept the_preced_def by auto
+      finally show ?thesis .
+    qed 
+  qed
+lemma max_preced: "preced th (t@s) = Max (the_preced (t@s) ` (threads (t@s)))"
+  by (insert th_kept max_kept, auto)
+text {*
+  The reason behind the following lemma is that:
+  Since @{term "cp"} is defined as the maximum precedence 
+  of those threads contained in the sub-tree of node @{term "Th th"} 
+  in @{term "RAG (t@s)"}, and all these threads are living threads, and 
+  @{term "th"} is also among them, the maximum precedence of 
+  them all must be the one for @{text "th"}.
+lemma th_cp_max_preced: 
+  "cp (t@s) th = Max (the_preced (t@s) ` (threads (t@s)))" (is "?L = ?R") 
+proof -
+  let ?f = "the_preced (t@s)"
+  have "?L = ?f th"
+  proof(unfold cp_alt_def, rule image_Max_eqI)
+    show "finite {th'. Th th' \<in> subtree (RAG (t @ s)) (Th th)}"
+    proof -
+      have "{th'. Th th' \<in> subtree (RAG (t @ s)) (Th th)} = 
+            the_thread ` {n . n \<in> subtree (RAG (t @ s)) (Th th) \<and>
+                            (\<exists> th'. n = Th th')}"
+      by (smt Collect_cong Setcompr_eq_image mem_Collect_eq the_thread.simps)
+      moreover have "finite ..." by (simp add: vat_t.fsbtRAGs.finite_subtree) 
+      ultimately show ?thesis by simp
+    qed
+  next
+    show "th \<in> {th'. Th th' \<in> subtree (RAG (t @ s)) (Th th)}"
+      by (auto simp:subtree_def)
+  next
+    show "\<forall>x\<in>{th'. Th th' \<in> subtree (RAG (t @ s)) (Th th)}.
+               the_preced (t @ s) x \<le> the_preced (t @ s) th"
+    proof
+      fix th'
+      assume "th' \<in> {th'. Th th' \<in> subtree (RAG (t @ s)) (Th th)}"
+      hence "Th th' \<in> subtree (RAG (t @ s)) (Th th)" by auto
+      moreover have "... \<subseteq> Field (RAG (t @ s)) \<union> {Th th}"
+        by (meson subtree_Field)
+      ultimately have "Th th' \<in> ..." by auto
+      hence "th' \<in> threads (t@s)" 
+      proof
+        assume "Th th' \<in> {Th th}"
+        thus ?thesis using th_kept by auto 
+      next
+        assume "Th th' \<in> Field (RAG (t @ s))"
+        thus ?thesis using vat_t.not_in_thread_isolated by blast 
+      qed
+      thus "the_preced (t @ s) th' \<le> the_preced (t @ s) th"
+        by (metis Max_ge finite_imageI finite_threads image_eqI 
+               max_kept th_kept the_preced_def)
+    qed
+  qed
+  also have "... = ?R" by (simp add: max_preced the_preced_def) 
+  finally show ?thesis .
+lemma th_cp_max: "cp (t@s) th = Max (cp (t@s) ` threads (t@s))"
+  using max_cp_eq th_cp_max_preced the_preced_def vt_t by presburger
+lemma th_cp_preced: "cp (t@s) th = preced th s"
+  by (fold max_kept, unfold th_cp_max_preced, simp)
+lemma preced_less:
+  assumes th'_in: "th' \<in> threads s"
+  and neq_th': "th' \<noteq> th"
+  shows "preced th' s < preced th s"
+  using assms
+by (metis Max.coboundedI finite_imageI highest not_le order.trans 
+    preced_linorder rev_image_eqI threads_s vat_s.finite_threads 
+    vat_s.le_cp)
+text {*
+  Counting of the number of @{term "P"} and @{term "V"} operations 
+  is the cornerstone of a large number of the following proofs. 
+  The reason is that this counting is quite easy to calculate and 
+  convenient to use in the reasoning. 
+  The following lemma shows that the counting controls whether 
+  a thread is running or not.
+lemma pv_blocked_pre:
+  assumes th'_in: "th' \<in> threads (t@s)"
+  and neq_th': "th' \<noteq> th"
+  and eq_pv: "cntP (t@s) th' = cntV (t@s) th'"
+  shows "th' \<notin> runing (t@s)"
+  assume otherwise: "th' \<in> runing (t@s)"
+  show False
+  proof -
+    have "th' = th"
+    proof(rule preced_unique)
+      show "preced th' (t @ s) = preced th (t @ s)" (is "?L = ?R")
+      proof -
+        have "?L = cp (t@s) th'"
+          by (unfold cp_eq_cpreced cpreced_def count_eq_dependants[OF eq_pv], simp)
+        also have "... = cp (t @ s) th" using otherwise 
+          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq 
+                    runing_def th_cp_max vat_t.max_cp_readys_threads)
+        also have "... = ?R" by (metis th_cp_preced th_kept) 
+        finally show ?thesis .
+      qed
+    qed (auto simp: th'_in th_kept)
+    moreover have "th' \<noteq> th" using neq_th' .
+    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
+ qed
+lemmas pv_blocked = pv_blocked_pre[folded detached_eq]
+lemma runing_precond_pre:
+  fixes th'
+  assumes th'_in: "th' \<in> threads s"
+  and eq_pv: "cntP s th' = cntV s th'"
+  and neq_th': "th' \<noteq> th"
+  shows "th' \<in> threads (t@s) \<and>
+         cntP (t@s) th' = cntV (t@s) th'"
+proof(induct rule:ind)
+  case (Cons e t)
+    interpret vat_t: extend_highest_gen s th prio tm t using Cons by simp
+    interpret vat_e: extend_highest_gen s th prio tm "(e # t)" using Cons by simp
+    show ?case
+    proof(cases e)
+      case (P thread cs)
+      show ?thesis
+      proof -
+        have "cntP ((e # t) @ s) th' = cntV ((e # t) @ s) th'"
+        proof -
+          have "thread \<noteq> th'"
+          proof -
+            have "step (t@s) (P thread cs)" using Cons P by auto
+            thus ?thesis
+            proof(cases)
+              assume "thread \<in> runing (t@s)"
+              moreover have "th' \<notin> runing (t@s)" using Cons(5)
+                by (metis neq_th' vat_t.pv_blocked_pre) 
+              ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+            qed
+          qed with Cons show ?thesis
+            by (unfold P, simp add:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
+        qed
+        moreover have "th' \<in> threads ((e # t) @ s)" using Cons by (unfold P, simp)
+        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+      qed
+    next
+      case (V thread cs)
+      show ?thesis
+      proof -
+        have "cntP ((e # t) @ s) th' = cntV ((e # t) @ s) th'"
+        proof -
+          have "thread \<noteq> th'"
+          proof -
+            have "step (t@s) (V thread cs)" using Cons V by auto
+            thus ?thesis
+            proof(cases)
+              assume "thread \<in> runing (t@s)"
+              moreover have "th' \<notin> runing (t@s)" using Cons(5)
+                by (metis neq_th' vat_t.pv_blocked_pre) 
+              ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+            qed
+          qed with Cons show ?thesis
+            by (unfold V, simp add:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
+        qed
+        moreover have "th' \<in> threads ((e # t) @ s)" using Cons by (unfold V, simp)
+        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+      qed
+    next
+      case (Create thread prio')
+      show ?thesis
+      proof -
+        have "cntP ((e # t) @ s) th' = cntV ((e # t) @ s) th'"
+        proof -
+          have "thread \<noteq> th'"
+          proof -
+            have "step (t@s) (Create thread prio')" using Cons Create by auto
+            thus ?thesis using Cons(5) by (cases, auto)
+          qed with Cons show ?thesis
+            by (unfold Create, simp add:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
+        qed
+        moreover have "th' \<in> threads ((e # t) @ s)" using Cons by (unfold Create, simp)
+        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+      qed
+    next
+      case (Exit thread)
+      show ?thesis
+      proof -
+        have neq_thread: "thread \<noteq> th'"
+        proof -
+          have "step (t@s) (Exit thread)" using Cons Exit by auto
+          thus ?thesis apply (cases) using Cons(5)
+                by (metis neq_th' vat_t.pv_blocked_pre) 
+        qed 
+        hence "cntP ((e # t) @ s) th' = cntV ((e # t) @ s) th'" using Cons
+            by (unfold Exit, simp add:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
+        moreover have "th' \<in> threads ((e # t) @ s)" using Cons neq_thread 
+          by (unfold Exit, simp) 
+        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+      qed
+    next
+      case (Set thread prio')
+      with Cons
+      show ?thesis 
+        by (auto simp:cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
+    qed
+  case Nil
+  with assms
+  show ?case by auto
+text {* Changing counting balance to detachedness *}
+lemmas runing_precond_pre_dtc = runing_precond_pre
+         [folded vat_t.detached_eq vat_s.detached_eq]
+lemma runing_precond:
+  fixes th'
+  assumes th'_in: "th' \<in> threads s"
+  and neq_th': "th' \<noteq> th"
+  and is_runing: "th' \<in> runing (t@s)"
+  shows "cntP s th' > cntV s th'"
+  using assms
+proof -
+  have "cntP s th' \<noteq> cntV s th'"
+    by (metis is_runing neq_th' pv_blocked_pre runing_precond_pre th'_in)
+  moreover have "cntV s th' \<le> cntP s th'" using vat_s.cnp_cnv_cncs by auto
+  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+lemma moment_blocked_pre:
+  assumes neq_th': "th' \<noteq> th"
+  and th'_in: "th' \<in> threads ((moment i t)@s)"
+  and eq_pv: "cntP ((moment i t)@s) th' = cntV ((moment i t)@s) th'"
+  shows "cntP ((moment (i+j) t)@s) th' = cntV ((moment (i+j) t)@s) th' \<and>
+         th' \<in> threads ((moment (i+j) t)@s)"
+proof -
+  interpret h_i: red_extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ _ i
+      by (unfold_locales)
+  interpret h_j: red_extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ _ "i+j"
+      by (unfold_locales)
+  interpret h:  extend_highest_gen "((moment i t)@s)" th prio tm "moment j (restm i t)"
+  proof(unfold_locales)
+    show "vt (moment i t @ s)" by (metis h_i.vt_t) 
+  next
+    show "th \<in> threads (moment i t @ s)" by (metis h_i.th_kept)
+  next
+    show "preced th (moment i t @ s) = 
+            Max (cp (moment i t @ s) ` threads (moment i t @ s))"
+              by (metis h_i.th_cp_max h_i.th_cp_preced h_i.th_kept)
+  next
+    show "preced th (moment i t @ s) = Prc prio tm" by (metis h_i.th_kept preced_th) 
+  next
+    show "vt (moment j (restm i t) @ moment i t @ s)"
+      using moment_plus_split by (metis add.commute append_assoc h_j.vt_t)
+  next
+    fix th' prio'
+    assume "Create th' prio' \<in> set (moment j (restm i t))"
+    thus "prio' \<le> prio" using assms
+       by (metis Un_iff add.commute h_j.create_low moment_plus_split set_append)
+  next
+    fix th' prio'
+    assume "Set th' prio' \<in> set (moment j (restm i t))"
+    thus "th' \<noteq> th \<and> prio' \<le> prio"
+    by (metis Un_iff add.commute h_j.set_diff_low moment_plus_split set_append)
+  next
+    fix th'
+    assume "Exit th' \<in> set (moment j (restm i t))"
+    thus "th' \<noteq> th"
+      by (metis Un_iff add.commute h_j.exit_diff moment_plus_split set_append)
+  qed
+  show ?thesis 
+    by (metis add.commute append_assoc eq_pv h.runing_precond_pre
+          moment_plus_split neq_th' th'_in)
+lemma moment_blocked_eqpv:
+  assumes neq_th': "th' \<noteq> th"
+  and th'_in: "th' \<in> threads ((moment i t)@s)"
+  and eq_pv: "cntP ((moment i t)@s) th' = cntV ((moment i t)@s) th'"
+  and le_ij: "i \<le> j"
+  shows "cntP ((moment j t)@s) th' = cntV ((moment j t)@s) th' \<and>
+         th' \<in> threads ((moment j t)@s) \<and>
+         th' \<notin> runing ((moment j t)@s)"
+proof -
+  from moment_blocked_pre [OF neq_th' th'_in eq_pv, of "j-i"] and le_ij
+  have h1: "cntP ((moment j t)@s) th' = cntV ((moment j t)@s) th'"
+   and h2: "th' \<in> threads ((moment j t)@s)" by auto
+  moreover have "th' \<notin> runing ((moment j t)@s)"
+  proof -
+    interpret h: red_extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ _ j by (unfold_locales)
+    show ?thesis
+      using h.pv_blocked_pre h1 h2 neq_th' by auto 
+  qed
+  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+(* The foregoing two lemmas are preparation for this one, but
+   in long run can be combined. Maybe I am wrong.
+lemma moment_blocked:
+  assumes neq_th': "th' \<noteq> th"
+  and th'_in: "th' \<in> threads ((moment i t)@s)"
+  and dtc: "detached (moment i t @ s) th'"
+  and le_ij: "i \<le> j"
+  shows "detached (moment j t @ s) th' \<and>
+         th' \<in> threads ((moment j t)@s) \<and>
+         th' \<notin> runing ((moment j t)@s)"
+proof -
+  interpret h_i: red_extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ _ i by (unfold_locales)
+  interpret h_j: red_extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ _ j by (unfold_locales) 
+  have cnt_i: "cntP (moment i t @ s) th' = cntV (moment i t @ s) th'"
+                by (metis dtc h_i.detached_elim)
+  from moment_blocked_eqpv[OF neq_th' th'_in cnt_i le_ij]
+  show ?thesis by (metis h_j.detached_intro) 
+lemma runing_preced_inversion:
+  assumes runing': "th' \<in> runing (t@s)"
+  shows "cp (t@s) th' = preced th s" (is "?L = ?R")
+proof -
+  have "?L = Max (cp (t @ s) ` readys (t @ s))" using assms
+      by (unfold runing_def, auto)
+  also have "\<dots> = ?R"
+      by (metis th_cp_max th_cp_preced vat_t.max_cp_readys_threads) 
+  finally show ?thesis .
+text {*
+  The situation when @{term "th"} is blocked is analyzed by the following lemmas.
+text {*
+  The following lemmas shows the running thread @{text "th'"}, if it is different from
+  @{term th}, must be live at the very beginning. By the term {\em the very beginning},
+  we mean the moment where the formal investigation starts, i.e. the moment (or state)
+  @{term s}. 
+lemma runing_inversion_0:
+  assumes neq_th': "th' \<noteq> th"
+  and runing': "th' \<in> runing (t@s)"
+  shows "th' \<in> threads s"
+proof -
+    -- {* The proof is by contradiction: *}
+    { assume otherwise: "\<not> ?thesis"
+      have "th' \<notin> runing (t @ s)"
+      proof -
+        -- {* Since @{term "th'"} is running at time @{term "t@s"}, so it exists that time. *}
+        have th'_in: "th' \<in> threads (t@s)" using runing' by (simp add:runing_def readys_def)
+        -- {* However, @{text "th'"} does not exist at very beginning. *}
+        have th'_notin: "th' \<notin> threads (moment 0 t @ s)" using otherwise
+          by (metis append.simps(1) moment_zero)
+        -- {* Therefore, there must be a moment during @{text "t"}, when 
+              @{text "th'"} came into being. *}
+        -- {* Let us suppose the moment being @{text "i"}: *}
+        from p_split_gen[OF th'_in th'_notin]
+        obtain i where lt_its: "i < length t"
+                 and le_i: "0 \<le> i"
+                 and pre: " th' \<notin> threads (moment i t @ s)" (is "th' \<notin> threads ?pre")
+                 and post: "(\<forall>i'>i. th' \<in> threads (moment i' t @ s))" by (auto)
+        interpret h_i: red_extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ _ i by (unfold_locales)
+        interpret h_i': red_extend_highest_gen _ _ _ _ _ "(Suc i)" by (unfold_locales)
+        from lt_its have "Suc i \<le> length t" by auto
+        -- {* Let us also suppose the event which makes this change is @{text e}: *}
+        from moment_head[OF this] obtain e where 
+          eq_me: "moment (Suc i) t = e # moment i t" by blast
+        hence "vt (e # (moment i t @ s))" by (metis append_Cons h_i'.vt_t) 
+        hence "PIP (moment i t @ s) e" by (cases, simp)
+        -- {* It can be derived that this event @{text "e"}, which 
+              gives birth to @{term "th'"} must be a @{term "Create"}: *}
+        from create_pre[OF this, of th']
+        obtain prio where eq_e: "e = Create th' prio"
+            by (metis append_Cons eq_me lessI post pre) 
+        have h1: "th' \<in> threads (moment (Suc i) t @ s)" using post by auto 
+        have h2: "cntP (moment (Suc i) t @ s) th' = cntV (moment (Suc i) t@ s) th'"
+        proof -
+          have "cntP (moment i t@s) th' = cntV (moment i t@s) th'"
+            by (metis h_i.cnp_cnv_eq pre)
+          thus ?thesis by (simp add:eq_me eq_e cntP_def cntV_def count_def)
+        qed
+        show ?thesis 
+          using moment_blocked_eqpv [OF neq_th' h1 h2, of "length t"] lt_its moment_ge
+            by auto
+      qed
+      with `th' \<in> runing (t@s)`
+      have False by simp
+    } thus ?thesis by auto
+text {* 
+  The second lemma says, if the running thread @{text th'} is different from 
+  @{term th}, then this @{text th'} must in the possession of some resources
+  at the very beginning. 
+  To ease the reasoning of resource possession of one particular thread, 
+  we used two auxiliary functions @{term cntV} and @{term cntP}, 
+  which are the counters of @{term P}-operations and 
+  @{term V}-operations respectively. 
+  If the number of @{term V}-operation is less than the number of 
+  @{term "P"}-operations, the thread must have some unreleased resource. 
+lemma runing_inversion_1: (* ddd *)
+  assumes neq_th': "th' \<noteq> th"
+  and runing': "th' \<in> runing (t@s)"
+  -- {* thread @{term "th'"} is a live on in state @{term "s"} and 
+        it has some unreleased resource. *}
+  shows "th' \<in> threads s \<and> cntV s th' < cntP s th'"
+proof -
+  -- {* The proof is a simple composition of @{thm runing_inversion_0} and 
+        @{thm runing_precond}: *}
+  -- {* By applying @{thm runing_inversion_0} to assumptions,
+        it can be shown that @{term th'} is live in state @{term s}: *}
+  have "th' \<in> threads s"  using runing_inversion_0[OF assms(1,2)] .
+  -- {* Then the thesis is derived easily by applying @{thm runing_precond}: *}
+  with runing_precond [OF this neq_th' runing'] show ?thesis by simp
+text {* 
+  The following lemma is just a rephrasing of @{thm runing_inversion_1}:
+lemma runing_inversion_2:
+  assumes runing': "th' \<in> runing (t@s)"
+  shows "th' = th \<or> (th' \<noteq> th \<and> th' \<in> threads s \<and> cntV s th' < cntP s th')"
+proof -
+  from runing_inversion_1[OF _ runing']
+  show ?thesis by auto
+lemma runing_inversion_3:
+  assumes runing': "th' \<in> runing (t@s)"
+  and neq_th: "th' \<noteq> th"
+  shows "th' \<in> threads s \<and> (cntV s th' < cntP s th' \<and> cp (t@s) th' = preced th s)"
+  by (metis neq_th runing' runing_inversion_2 runing_preced_inversion)
+lemma runing_inversion_4:
+  assumes runing': "th' \<in> runing (t@s)"
+  and neq_th: "th' \<noteq> th"
+  shows "th' \<in> threads s"
+  and    "\<not>detached s th'"
+  and    "cp (t@s) th' = preced th s"
+  apply (metis neq_th runing' runing_inversion_2)
+  apply (metis neq_th pv_blocked runing' runing_inversion_2 runing_precond_pre_dtc)
+  by (metis neq_th runing' runing_inversion_3)
+text {* 
+  Suppose @{term th} is not running, it is first shown that
+  there is a path in RAG leading from node @{term th} to another thread @{text "th'"} 
+  in the @{term readys}-set (So @{text "th'"} is an ancestor of @{term th}}).
+  Now, since @{term readys}-set is non-empty, there must be
+  one in it which holds the highest @{term cp}-value, which, by definition, 
+  is the @{term runing}-thread. However, we are going to show more: this running thread
+  is exactly @{term "th'"}.
+     *}
+lemma th_blockedE: (* ddd *)
+  assumes "th \<notin> runing (t@s)"
+  obtains th' where "Th th' \<in> ancestors (RAG (t @ s)) (Th th)"
+                    "th' \<in> runing (t@s)"
+proof -
+  -- {* According to @{thm vat_t.th_chain_to_ready}, either 
+        @{term "th"} is in @{term "readys"} or there is path leading from it to 
+        one thread in @{term "readys"}. *}
+  have "th \<in> readys (t @ s) \<or> (\<exists>th'. th' \<in> readys (t @ s) \<and> (Th th, Th th') \<in> (RAG (t @ s))\<^sup>+)" 
+    using th_kept vat_t.th_chain_to_ready by auto
+  -- {* However, @{term th} can not be in @{term readys}, because otherwise, since 
+       @{term th} holds the highest @{term cp}-value, it must be @{term "runing"}. *}
+  moreover have "th \<notin> readys (t@s)" 
+    using assms runing_def th_cp_max vat_t.max_cp_readys_threads by auto 
+  -- {* So, there must be a path from @{term th} to another thread @{text "th'"} in 
+        term @{term readys}: *}
+  ultimately obtain th' where th'_in: "th' \<in> readys (t@s)"
+                          and dp: "(Th th, Th th') \<in> (RAG (t @ s))\<^sup>+" by auto
+  -- {* We are going to show that this @{term th'} is running. *}
+  have "th' \<in> runing (t@s)"
+  proof -
+    -- {* We only need to show that this @{term th'} holds the highest @{term cp}-value: *}
+    have "cp (t@s) th' = Max (cp (t@s) ` readys (t@s))" (is "?L = ?R")
+    proof -
+      have "?L =  Max ((the_preced (t @ s) \<circ> the_thread) ` subtree (tRAG (t @ s)) (Th th'))"
+        by (unfold cp_alt_def1, simp)
+      also have "... = (the_preced (t @ s) \<circ> the_thread) (Th th)"
+      proof(rule image_Max_subset)
+        show "finite (Th ` (threads (t@s)))" by (simp add: vat_t.finite_threads)
+      next
+        show "subtree (tRAG (t @ s)) (Th th') \<subseteq> Th ` threads (t @ s)"
+          by (metis Range.intros dp trancl_range vat_t.range_in vat_t.subtree_tRAG_thread) 
+      next
+        show "Th th \<in> subtree (tRAG (t @ s)) (Th th')" using dp
+                    by (unfold tRAG_subtree_eq, auto simp:subtree_def)
+      next
+        show "Max ((the_preced (t @ s) \<circ> the_thread) ` Th ` threads (t @ s)) =
+                      (the_preced (t @ s) \<circ> the_thread) (Th th)" (is "Max ?L = _")
+        proof -
+          have "?L = the_preced (t @ s) `  threads (t @ s)" 
+                     by (unfold image_comp, rule image_cong, auto)
+          thus ?thesis using max_preced the_preced_def by auto
+        qed
+      qed
+      also have "... = ?R"
+        using th_cp_max th_cp_preced th_kept 
+              the_preced_def vat_t.max_cp_readys_threads by auto
+      finally show ?thesis .
+    qed 
+    -- {* Now, since @{term th'} holds the highest @{term cp} 
+          and we have already show it is in @{term readys},
+          it is @{term runing} by definition. *}
+    with `th' \<in> readys (t@s)` show ?thesis by (simp add: runing_def) 
+  qed
+  -- {* It is easy to show @{term th'} is an ancestor of @{term th}: *}
+  moreover have "Th th' \<in> ancestors (RAG (t @ s)) (Th th)" 
+    using `(Th th, Th th') \<in> (RAG (t @ s))\<^sup>+` by (auto simp:ancestors_def)
+  ultimately show ?thesis using that by metis
+text {*
+  Now it is easy to see there is always a thread to run by case analysis
+  on whether thread @{term th} is running: if the answer is Yes, the 
+  the running thread is obviously @{term th} itself; otherwise, the running
+  thread is the @{text th'} given by lemma @{thm th_blockedE}.
+lemma live: "runing (t@s) \<noteq> {}"
+proof(cases "th \<in> runing (t@s)") 
+  case True thus ?thesis by auto
+  case False
+  thus ?thesis using th_blockedE by auto