changeset 91 0525670d8e6a
parent 90 ed938e2246b9
child 92 4763aa246dbd
--- a/Implementation.thy~	Thu Jan 28 21:14:17 2016 +0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,913 +0,0 @@
-section {*
-  This file contains lemmas used to guide the recalculation of current precedence 
-  after every system call (or system operation)
-theory Implementation
-imports PIPBasics
-text {* (* ddd *)
-  One beauty of our modelling is that we follow the definitional extension tradition of HOL.
-  The benefit of such a concise and miniature model is that  large number of intuitively 
-  obvious facts are derived as lemmas, rather than asserted as axioms.
-text {*
-  However, the lemmas in the forthcoming several locales are no longer 
-  obvious. These lemmas show how the current precedences should be recalculated 
-  after every execution step (in our model, every step is represented by an event, 
-  which in turn, represents a system call, or operation). Each operation is 
-  treated in a separate locale.
-  The complication of current precedence recalculation comes 
-  because the changing of RAG needs to be taken into account, 
-  in addition to the changing of precedence. 
-  The reason RAG changing affects current precedence is that,
-  according to the definition, current precedence 
-  of a thread is the maximum of the precedences of its dependants, 
-  where the dependants are defined in terms of RAG.
-  Therefore, each operation, lemmas concerning the change of the precedences 
-  and RAG are derived first, so that the lemmas about
-  current precedence recalculation can be based on.
-text {* (* ddd *)
-  The following locale @{text "step_set_cps"} investigates the recalculation 
-  after the @{text "Set"} operation.
-locale step_set_cps =
-  fixes s' th prio s 
-  -- {* @{text "s'"} is the system state before the operation *}
-  -- {* @{text "s"} is the system state after the operation *}
-  defines s_def : "s \<equiv> (Set th prio#s')" 
-  -- {* @{text "s"} is assumed to be a legitimate state, from which
-         the legitimacy of @{text "s"} can be derived. *}
-  assumes vt_s: "vt s"
-sublocale step_set_cps < vat_s : valid_trace "s"
-  from vt_s show "vt s" .
-sublocale step_set_cps < vat_s' : valid_trace "s'"
-  from step_back_vt[OF vt_s[unfolded s_def]] show "vt s'" .
-context step_set_cps 
-text {* (* ddd *)
-  The following two lemmas confirm that @{text "Set"}-operating only changes the precedence 
-  of the initiating thread.
-lemma eq_preced:
-  assumes "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "preced th' s = preced th' s'"
-proof -
-  from assms show ?thesis 
-    by (unfold s_def, auto simp:preced_def)
-lemma eq_the_preced: 
-  fixes th'
-  assumes "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "the_preced s th' = the_preced s' th'"
-  using assms
-  by (unfold the_preced_def, intro eq_preced, simp)
-text {*
-  The following lemma assures that the resetting of priority does not change the RAG. 
-lemma eq_dep: "RAG s = RAG s'"
-  by (unfold s_def RAG_set_unchanged, auto)
-text {* (* ddd *)
-  Th following lemma @{text "eq_cp_pre"} says the priority change of @{text "th"}
-  only affects those threads, which as @{text "Th th"} in their sub-trees.
-  The proof of this lemma is simplified by using the alternative definition of @{text "cp"}. 
-lemma eq_cp_pre:
-  fixes th' 
-  assumes nd: "Th th \<notin> subtree (RAG s') (Th th')"
-  shows "cp s th' = cp s' th'"
-proof -
-  -- {* After unfolding using the alternative definition, elements 
-        affecting the @{term "cp"}-value of threads become explicit. 
-        We only need to prove the following: *}
-  have "Max (the_preced s ` {th'a. Th th'a \<in> subtree (RAG s) (Th th')}) =
-        Max (the_preced s' ` {th'a. Th th'a \<in> subtree (RAG s') (Th th')})"
-        (is "Max (?f ` ?S1) = Max (?g ` ?S2)")
-  proof -
-    -- {* The base sets are equal. *}
-    have "?S1 = ?S2" using eq_dep by simp
-    -- {* The function values on the base set are equal as well. *}
-    moreover have "\<forall> e \<in> ?S2. ?f e = ?g e"
-    proof
-      fix th1
-      assume "th1 \<in> ?S2"
-      with nd have "th1 \<noteq> th" by (auto)
-      from eq_the_preced[OF this]
-      show "the_preced s th1 = the_preced s' th1" .
-    qed
-    -- {* Therefore, the image of the functions are equal. *}
-    ultimately have "(?f ` ?S1) = (?g ` ?S2)" by (auto intro!:f_image_eq)
-    thus ?thesis by simp
-  qed
-  thus ?thesis by (simp add:cp_alt_def)
-text {*
-  The following lemma shows that @{term "th"} is not in the 
-  sub-tree of any other thread. 
-lemma th_in_no_subtree:
-  assumes "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "Th th \<notin> subtree (RAG s') (Th th')"
-proof -
-  have "th \<in> readys s'"
-  proof -
-    from step_back_step [OF vt_s[unfolded s_def]]
-    have "step s' (Set th prio)" .
-    hence "th \<in> runing s'" by (cases, simp)
-    thus ?thesis by (simp add:readys_def runing_def)
-  qed
-  from vat_s'.readys_in_no_subtree[OF this assms(1)]
-  show ?thesis by blast
-text {* 
-  By combining @{thm "eq_cp_pre"} and @{thm "th_in_no_subtree"}, 
-  it is obvious that the change of priority only affects the @{text "cp"}-value 
-  of the initiating thread @{text "th"}.
-lemma eq_cp:
-  fixes th' 
-  assumes "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "cp s th' = cp s' th'"
-  by (rule eq_cp_pre[OF th_in_no_subtree[OF assms]])
-text {*
-  The following @{text "step_v_cps"} is the locale for @{text "V"}-operation.
-locale step_v_cps =
-  -- {* @{text "th"} is the initiating thread *}
-  -- {* @{text "cs"} is the critical resource release by the @{text "V"}-operation *}
-  fixes s' th cs s    -- {* @{text "s'"} is the state before operation*}
-  defines s_def : "s \<equiv> (V th cs#s')" -- {* @{text "s"} is the state after operation*}
-  -- {* @{text "s"} is assumed to be valid, which implies the validity of @{text "s'"} *}
-  assumes vt_s: "vt s"
-sublocale step_v_cps < vat_s : valid_trace "s"
-  from vt_s show "vt s" .
-sublocale step_v_cps < vat_s' : valid_trace "s'"
-  from step_back_vt[OF vt_s[unfolded s_def]] show "vt s'" .
-context step_v_cps
-lemma ready_th_s': "th \<in> readys s'"
-  using step_back_step[OF vt_s[unfolded s_def]]
-  by (cases, simp add:runing_def)
-lemma ancestors_th: "ancestors (RAG s') (Th th) = {}"
-proof -
-  from vat_s'.readys_root[OF ready_th_s']
-  show ?thesis
-  by (unfold root_def, simp)
-lemma holding_th: "holding s' th cs"
-proof -
-  from vt_s[unfolded s_def]
-  have " PIP s' (V th cs)" by (cases, simp)
-  thus ?thesis by (cases, auto)
-lemma edge_of_th:
-    "(Cs cs, Th th) \<in> RAG s'" 
-proof -
- from holding_th
- show ?thesis 
-    by (unfold s_RAG_def holding_eq, auto)
-lemma ancestors_cs: 
-  "ancestors (RAG s') (Cs cs) = {Th th}"
-proof -
-  have "ancestors (RAG s') (Cs cs) = ancestors (RAG s') (Th th)  \<union>  {Th th}"
-  proof(rule vat_s'.rtree_RAG.ancestors_accum)
-    from vt_s[unfolded s_def]
-    have " PIP s' (V th cs)" by (cases, simp)
-    thus "(Cs cs, Th th) \<in> RAG s'" 
-    proof(cases)
-      assume "holding s' th cs"
-      from this[unfolded holding_eq]
-      show ?thesis by (unfold s_RAG_def, auto)
-    qed
-  qed
-  from this[unfolded ancestors_th] show ?thesis by simp
-lemma preced_kept: "the_preced s = the_preced s'"
-  by (auto simp: s_def the_preced_def preced_def)
-text {*
-  The following @{text "step_v_cps_nt"} is the sub-locale for @{text "V"}-operation, 
-  which represents the case when there is another thread @{text "th'"}
-  to take over the critical resource released by the initiating thread @{text "th"}.
-locale step_v_cps_nt = step_v_cps +
-  fixes th'
-  -- {* @{text "th'"} is assumed to take over @{text "cs"} *}
-  assumes nt: "next_th s' th cs th'" 
-context step_v_cps_nt
-text {*
-  Lemma @{text "RAG_s"} confirms the change of RAG:
-  two edges removed and one added, as shown by the following diagram.
-  RAG before the V-operation
-    th1 ----|
-            |
-    th' ----|
-            |----> cs -----|
-    th2 ----|              |
-            |              |
-    th3 ----|              |
-                           |------> th
-    th4 ----|              |
-            |              |
-    th5 ----|              |
-            |----> cs'-----|
-    th6 ----|
-            |
-    th7 ----|
- RAG after the V-operation
-    th1 ----|
-            |
-            |----> cs ----> th'
-    th2 ----|              
-            |              
-    th3 ----|              
-    th4 ----|              
-            |              
-    th5 ----|              
-            |----> cs'----> th
-    th6 ----|
-            |
-    th7 ----|
-lemma sub_RAGs': "{(Cs cs, Th th), (Th th', Cs cs)} \<subseteq> RAG s'"
-                using next_th_RAG[OF nt]  .
-lemma ancestors_th': 
-  "ancestors (RAG s') (Th th') = {Th th, Cs cs}" 
-proof -
-  have "ancestors (RAG s') (Th th') = ancestors (RAG s') (Cs cs) \<union> {Cs cs}"
-  proof(rule  vat_s'.rtree_RAG.ancestors_accum)
-    from sub_RAGs' show "(Th th', Cs cs) \<in> RAG s'" by auto
-  qed
-  thus ?thesis using ancestors_th ancestors_cs by auto
-lemma RAG_s:
-  "RAG s = (RAG s' - {(Cs cs, Th th), (Th th', Cs cs)}) \<union>
-                                         {(Cs cs, Th th')}"
-proof -
-  from step_RAG_v[OF vt_s[unfolded s_def], folded s_def]
-    and nt show ?thesis  by (auto intro:next_th_unique)
-lemma subtree_kept:
-  assumes "th1 \<notin> {th, th'}"
-  shows "subtree (RAG s) (Th th1) = subtree (RAG s') (Th th1)" (is "_ = ?R")
-proof -
-  let ?RAG' = "(RAG s' - {(Cs cs, Th th), (Th th', Cs cs)})"
-  let ?RAG'' = "?RAG' \<union> {(Cs cs, Th th')}"
-  have "subtree ?RAG' (Th th1) = ?R" 
-  proof(rule subset_del_subtree_outside)
-    show "Range {(Cs cs, Th th), (Th th', Cs cs)} \<inter> subtree (RAG s') (Th th1) = {}"
-    proof -
-      have "(Th th) \<notin> subtree (RAG s') (Th th1)"
-      proof(rule subtree_refute)
-        show "Th th1 \<notin> ancestors (RAG s') (Th th)"
-          by (unfold ancestors_th, simp)
-      next
-        from assms show "Th th1 \<noteq> Th th" by simp
-      qed
-      moreover have "(Cs cs) \<notin>  subtree (RAG s') (Th th1)"
-      proof(rule subtree_refute)
-        show "Th th1 \<notin> ancestors (RAG s') (Cs cs)"
-          by (unfold ancestors_cs, insert assms, auto)
-      qed simp
-      ultimately have "{Th th, Cs cs} \<inter> subtree (RAG s') (Th th1) = {}" by auto
-      thus ?thesis by simp
-     qed
-  qed
-  moreover have "subtree ?RAG'' (Th th1) =  subtree ?RAG' (Th th1)"
-  proof(rule subtree_insert_next)
-    show "Th th' \<notin> subtree (RAG s' - {(Cs cs, Th th), (Th th', Cs cs)}) (Th th1)"
-    proof(rule subtree_refute)
-      show "Th th1 \<notin> ancestors (RAG s' - {(Cs cs, Th th), (Th th', Cs cs)}) (Th th')"
-            (is "_ \<notin> ?R")
-      proof -
-          have "?R \<subseteq> ancestors (RAG s') (Th th')" by (rule ancestors_mono, auto)
-          moreover have "Th th1 \<notin> ..." using ancestors_th' assms by simp
-          ultimately show ?thesis by auto
-      qed
-    next
-      from assms show "Th th1 \<noteq> Th th'" by simp
-    qed
-  qed
-  ultimately show ?thesis by (unfold RAG_s, simp)
-lemma cp_kept:
-  assumes "th1 \<notin> {th, th'}"
-  shows "cp s th1 = cp s' th1"
-    by (unfold cp_alt_def preced_kept subtree_kept[OF assms], simp)
-locale step_v_cps_nnt = step_v_cps +
-  assumes nnt: "\<And> th'. (\<not> next_th s' th cs th')"
-context step_v_cps_nnt
-lemma RAG_s: "RAG s = RAG s' - {(Cs cs, Th th)}"
-proof -
-  from nnt and  step_RAG_v[OF vt_s[unfolded s_def], folded s_def]
-  show ?thesis by auto
-lemma subtree_kept:
-  assumes "th1 \<noteq> th"
-  shows "subtree (RAG s) (Th th1) = subtree (RAG s') (Th th1)"
-proof(unfold RAG_s, rule subset_del_subtree_outside)
-  show "Range {(Cs cs, Th th)} \<inter> subtree (RAG s') (Th th1) = {}"
-  proof -
-    have "(Th th) \<notin> subtree (RAG s') (Th th1)"
-    proof(rule subtree_refute)
-      show "Th th1 \<notin> ancestors (RAG s') (Th th)"
-          by (unfold ancestors_th, simp)
-    next
-      from assms show "Th th1 \<noteq> Th th" by simp
-    qed
-    thus ?thesis by auto
-  qed
-lemma cp_kept_1:
-  assumes "th1 \<noteq> th"
-  shows "cp s th1 = cp s' th1"
-    by (unfold cp_alt_def preced_kept subtree_kept[OF assms], simp)
-lemma subtree_cs: "subtree (RAG s') (Cs cs) = {Cs cs}"
-proof -
-  { fix n
-    have "(Cs cs) \<notin> ancestors (RAG s') n"
-    proof
-      assume "Cs cs \<in> ancestors (RAG s') n"
-      hence "(n, Cs cs) \<in> (RAG s')^+" by (auto simp:ancestors_def)
-      from tranclE[OF this] obtain nn where h: "(nn, Cs cs) \<in> RAG s'" by auto
-      then obtain th' where "nn = Th th'"
-        by (unfold s_RAG_def, auto)
-      from h[unfolded this] have "(Th th', Cs cs) \<in> RAG s'" .
-      from this[unfolded s_RAG_def]
-      have "waiting (wq s') th' cs" by auto
-      from this[unfolded cs_waiting_def]
-      have "1 < length (wq s' cs)"
-          by (cases "wq s' cs", auto)
-      from holding_next_thI[OF holding_th this]
-      obtain th' where "next_th s' th cs th'" by auto
-      with nnt show False by auto
-    qed
-  } note h = this
-  {  fix n
-     assume "n \<in> subtree (RAG s') (Cs cs)"
-     hence "n = (Cs cs)"
-     by (elim subtreeE, insert h, auto)
-  } moreover have "(Cs cs) \<in> subtree (RAG s') (Cs cs)"
-      by (auto simp:subtree_def)
-  ultimately show ?thesis by auto 
-lemma subtree_th: 
-  "subtree (RAG s) (Th th) = subtree (RAG s') (Th th) - {Cs cs}"
-proof(unfold RAG_s, fold subtree_cs, rule vat_s'.rtree_RAG.subtree_del_inside)
-  from edge_of_th
-  show "(Cs cs, Th th) \<in> edges_in (RAG s') (Th th)"
-    by (unfold edges_in_def, auto simp:subtree_def)
-lemma cp_kept_2: 
-  shows "cp s th = cp s' th" 
- by (unfold cp_alt_def subtree_th preced_kept, auto)
-lemma eq_cp:
-  fixes th' 
-  shows "cp s th' = cp s' th'"
-  using cp_kept_1 cp_kept_2
-  by (cases "th' = th", auto)
-locale step_P_cps =
-  fixes s' th cs s 
-  defines s_def : "s \<equiv> (P th cs#s')"
-  assumes vt_s: "vt s"
-sublocale step_P_cps < vat_s : valid_trace "s"
-  from vt_s show "vt s" .
-sublocale step_P_cps < vat_s' : valid_trace "s'"
-  from step_back_vt[OF vt_s[unfolded s_def]] show "vt s'" .
-context step_P_cps
-lemma readys_th: "th \<in> readys s'"
-proof -
-    from step_back_step [OF vt_s[unfolded s_def]]
-    have "PIP s' (P th cs)" .
-    hence "th \<in> runing s'" by (cases, simp)
-    thus ?thesis by (simp add:readys_def runing_def)
-lemma root_th: "root (RAG s') (Th th)"
-  using readys_root[OF readys_th] .
-lemma in_no_others_subtree:
-  assumes "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "Th th \<notin> subtree (RAG s') (Th th')"
-  assume "Th th \<in> subtree (RAG s') (Th th')"
-  thus False
-  proof(cases rule:subtreeE)
-    case 1
-    with assms show ?thesis by auto
-  next
-    case 2
-    with root_th show ?thesis by (auto simp:root_def)
-  qed
-lemma preced_kept: "the_preced s = the_preced s'"
-  by (auto simp: s_def the_preced_def preced_def)
-locale step_P_cps_ne =step_P_cps +
-  fixes th'
-  assumes ne: "wq s' cs \<noteq> []"
-  defines th'_def: "th' \<equiv> hd (wq s' cs)"
-locale step_P_cps_e =step_P_cps +
-  assumes ee: "wq s' cs = []"
-context step_P_cps_e
-lemma RAG_s: "RAG s = RAG s' \<union> {(Cs cs, Th th)}"
-proof -
-  from ee and  step_RAG_p[OF vt_s[unfolded s_def], folded s_def]
-  show ?thesis by auto
-lemma subtree_kept:
-  assumes "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "subtree (RAG s) (Th th') = subtree (RAG s') (Th th')"
-proof(unfold RAG_s, rule subtree_insert_next)
-  from in_no_others_subtree[OF assms] 
-  show "Th th \<notin> subtree (RAG s') (Th th')" .
-lemma cp_kept: 
-  assumes "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "cp s th' = cp s' th'"
-proof -
-  have "(the_preced s ` {th'a. Th th'a \<in> subtree (RAG s) (Th th')}) =
-        (the_preced s' ` {th'a. Th th'a \<in> subtree (RAG s') (Th th')})"
-        by (unfold preced_kept subtree_kept[OF assms], simp)
-  thus ?thesis by (unfold cp_alt_def, simp)
-context step_P_cps_ne 
-lemma RAG_s: "RAG s = RAG s' \<union> {(Th th, Cs cs)}"
-proof -
-  from step_RAG_p[OF vt_s[unfolded s_def]] and ne
-  show ?thesis by (simp add:s_def)
-lemma cs_held: "(Cs cs, Th th') \<in> RAG s'"
-proof -
-  have "(Cs cs, Th th') \<in> hRAG s'"
-  proof -
-    from ne
-    have " holding s' th' cs"
-      by (unfold th'_def holding_eq cs_holding_def, auto)
-    thus ?thesis 
-      by (unfold hRAG_def, auto)
-  qed
-  thus ?thesis by (unfold RAG_split, auto)
-lemma tRAG_s: 
-  "tRAG s = tRAG s' \<union> {(Th th, Th th')}"
-  using RAG_tRAG_transfer[OF RAG_s cs_held] .
-lemma cp_kept:
-  assumes "Th th'' \<notin> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-  shows "cp s th'' = cp s' th''"
-proof -
-  have h: "subtree (tRAG s) (Th th'') = subtree (tRAG s') (Th th'')"
-  proof -
-    have "Th th' \<notin> subtree (tRAG s') (Th th'')"
-    proof
-      assume "Th th' \<in> subtree (tRAG s') (Th th'')"
-      thus False
-      proof(rule subtreeE)
-         assume "Th th' = Th th''"
-         from assms[unfolded tRAG_s ancestors_def, folded this]
-         show ?thesis by auto
-      next
-         assume "Th th'' \<in> ancestors (tRAG s') (Th th')"
-         moreover have "... \<subseteq> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th')"
-         proof(rule ancestors_mono)
-            show "tRAG s' \<subseteq> tRAG s" by (unfold tRAG_s, auto)
-         qed 
-         ultimately have "Th th'' \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th')" by auto
-         moreover have "Th th' \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-           by (unfold tRAG_s, auto simp:ancestors_def)
-         ultimately have "Th th'' \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-                       by (auto simp:ancestors_def)
-         with assms show ?thesis by auto
-      qed
-    qed
-    from subtree_insert_next[OF this]
-    have "subtree (tRAG s' \<union> {(Th th, Th th')}) (Th th'') = subtree (tRAG s') (Th th'')" .
-    from this[folded tRAG_s] show ?thesis .
-  qed
-  show ?thesis by (unfold cp_alt_def1 h preced_kept, simp)
-lemma cp_gen_update_stop: (* ddd *)
-  assumes "u \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-  and "cp_gen s u = cp_gen s' u"
-  and "y \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) u"
-  shows "cp_gen s y = cp_gen s' y"
-  using assms(3)
-proof(induct rule:wf_induct[OF])
-  case (1 x)
-  show ?case (is "?L = ?R")
-  proof -
-    from tRAG_ancestorsE[OF 1(2)]
-    obtain th2 where eq_x: "x = Th th2" by blast
-    from vat_s.cp_gen_rec[OF this]
-    have "?L = 
-          Max ({the_preced s th2} \<union> cp_gen s ` RTree.children (tRAG s) x)" .
-    also have "... = 
-          Max ({the_preced s' th2} \<union> cp_gen s' ` RTree.children (tRAG s') x)"
-    proof -
-      from preced_kept have "the_preced s th2 = the_preced s' th2" by simp
-      moreover have "cp_gen s ` RTree.children (tRAG s) x =
-                     cp_gen s' ` RTree.children (tRAG s') x"
-      proof -
-        have "RTree.children (tRAG s) x =  RTree.children (tRAG s') x"
-        proof(unfold tRAG_s, rule children_union_kept)
-          have start: "(Th th, Th th') \<in> tRAG s"
-            by (unfold tRAG_s, auto)
-          note x_u = 1(2)
-          show "x \<notin> Range {(Th th, Th th')}"
-          proof
-            assume "x \<in> Range {(Th th, Th th')}"
-            hence eq_x: "x = Th th'" using RangeE by auto
-            show False
-            proof(cases rule:vat_s.rtree_s.ancestors_headE[OF assms(1) start])
-              case 1
-              from x_u[folded this, unfolded eq_x] vat_s.acyclic_tRAG
-              show ?thesis by (auto simp:ancestors_def acyclic_def)
-            next
-              case 2
-              with x_u[unfolded eq_x]
-              have "(Th th', Th th') \<in> (tRAG s)^+" by (auto simp:ancestors_def)
-              with vat_s.acyclic_tRAG show ?thesis by (auto simp:acyclic_def)
-            qed
-          qed
-        qed
-        moreover have "cp_gen s ` RTree.children (tRAG s) x =
-                       cp_gen s' ` RTree.children (tRAG s) x" (is "?f ` ?A = ?g ` ?A")
-        proof(rule f_image_eq)
-          fix a
-          assume a_in: "a \<in> ?A"
-          from 1(2)
-          show "?f a = ?g a"
-          proof(cases rule:vat_s.rtree_s.ancestors_childrenE[case_names in_ch out_ch])
-             case in_ch
-             show ?thesis
-             proof(cases "a = u")
-                case True
-                from assms(2)[folded this] show ?thesis .
-             next
-                case False
-                have a_not_in: "a \<notin> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-                proof
-                  assume a_in': "a \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-                  have "a = u"
-                  proof(rule vat_s.rtree_s.ancestors_children_unique)
-                    from a_in' a_in show "a \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th) \<inter> 
-                                          RTree.children (tRAG s) x" by auto
-                  next 
-                    from assms(1) in_ch show "u \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th) \<inter> 
-                                      RTree.children (tRAG s) x" by auto
-                  qed
-                  with False show False by simp
-                qed
-                from a_in obtain th_a where eq_a: "a = Th th_a" 
-                    by (unfold RTree.children_def tRAG_alt_def, auto)
-                from cp_kept[OF a_not_in[unfolded eq_a]]
-                have "cp s th_a = cp s' th_a" .
-                from this [unfolded cp_gen_def_cond[OF eq_a], folded eq_a]
-                show ?thesis .
-             qed
-          next
-            case (out_ch z)
-            hence h: "z \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) u" "z \<in> RTree.children (tRAG s) x" by auto
-            show ?thesis
-            proof(cases "a = z")
-              case True
-              from h(2) have zx_in: "(z, x) \<in> (tRAG s)" by (auto simp:RTree.children_def)
-              from 1(1)[rule_format, OF this h(1)]
-              have eq_cp_gen: "cp_gen s z = cp_gen s' z" .
-              with True show ?thesis by metis
-            next
-              case False
-              from a_in obtain th_a where eq_a: "a = Th th_a"
-                by (auto simp:RTree.children_def tRAG_alt_def)
-              have "a \<notin> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-              proof
-                assume a_in': "a \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-                have "a = z"
-                proof(rule vat_s.rtree_s.ancestors_children_unique)
-                  from assms(1) h(1) have "z \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-                      by (auto simp:ancestors_def)
-                  with h(2) show " z \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th) \<inter> 
-                                       RTree.children (tRAG s) x" by auto
-                next
-                  from a_in a_in'
-                  show "a \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th) \<inter> RTree.children (tRAG s) x"
-                    by auto
-                qed
-                with False show False by auto
-              qed
-              from cp_kept[OF this[unfolded eq_a]]
-              have "cp s th_a = cp s' th_a" .
-              from this[unfolded cp_gen_def_cond[OF eq_a], folded eq_a]
-              show ?thesis .
-            qed
-          qed
-        qed
-        ultimately show ?thesis by metis
-      qed
-      ultimately show ?thesis by simp
-    qed
-    also have "... = ?R"
-      by (fold vat_s'.cp_gen_rec[OF eq_x], simp)
-    finally show ?thesis .
-  qed
-lemma cp_up:
-  assumes "(Th th') \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-  and "cp s th' = cp s' th'"
-  and "(Th th'') \<in> ancestors (tRAG s) (Th th')"
-  shows "cp s th'' = cp s' th''"
-proof -
-  have "cp_gen s (Th th'') = cp_gen s' (Th th'')"
-  proof(rule cp_gen_update_stop[OF assms(1) _ assms(3)])
-    from assms(2) cp_gen_def_cond[OF refl[of "Th th'"]]
-    show "cp_gen s (Th th') = cp_gen s' (Th th')" by metis
-  qed
-  with cp_gen_def_cond[OF refl[of "Th th''"]]
-  show ?thesis by metis
-locale step_create_cps =
-  fixes s' th prio s 
-  defines s_def : "s \<equiv> (Create th prio#s')"
-  assumes vt_s: "vt s"
-sublocale step_create_cps < vat_s: valid_trace "s"
-  by (unfold_locales, insert vt_s, simp)
-sublocale step_create_cps < vat_s': valid_trace "s'"
-  by (unfold_locales, insert step_back_vt[OF vt_s[unfolded s_def]], simp)
-context step_create_cps
-lemma RAG_kept: "RAG s = RAG s'"
-  by (unfold s_def RAG_create_unchanged, auto)
-lemma tRAG_kept: "tRAG s = tRAG s'"
-  by (unfold tRAG_alt_def RAG_kept, auto)
-lemma preced_kept:
-  assumes "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "the_preced s th' = the_preced s' th'"
-  by (unfold s_def the_preced_def preced_def, insert assms, auto)
-lemma th_not_in: "Th th \<notin> Field (tRAG s')"
-proof -
-  from vt_s[unfolded s_def]
-  have "PIP s' (Create th prio)" by (cases, simp)
-  hence "th \<notin> threads s'" by(cases, simp)
-  from vat_s'.not_in_thread_isolated[OF this]
-  have "Th th \<notin> Field (RAG s')" .
-  with tRAG_Field show ?thesis by auto
-lemma eq_cp:
-  assumes neq_th: "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "cp s th' = cp s' th'"
-proof -
-  have "(the_preced s \<circ> the_thread) ` subtree (tRAG s) (Th th') =
-        (the_preced s' \<circ> the_thread) ` subtree (tRAG s') (Th th')"
-  proof(unfold tRAG_kept, rule f_image_eq)
-    fix a
-    assume a_in: "a \<in> subtree (tRAG s') (Th th')"
-    then obtain th_a where eq_a: "a = Th th_a" 
-    proof(cases rule:subtreeE)
-      case 2
-      from ancestors_Field[OF 2(2)]
-      and that show ?thesis by (unfold tRAG_alt_def, auto)
-    qed auto
-    have neq_th_a: "th_a \<noteq> th"
-    proof -
-      have "(Th th) \<notin> subtree (tRAG s') (Th th')"
-      proof
-        assume "Th th \<in> subtree (tRAG s') (Th th')"
-        thus False
-        proof(cases rule:subtreeE)
-          case 2
-          from ancestors_Field[OF this(2)]
-          and th_not_in[unfolded Field_def]
-          show ?thesis by auto
-        qed (insert assms, auto)
-      qed
-      with a_in[unfolded eq_a] show ?thesis by auto
-    qed
-    from preced_kept[OF this]
-    show "(the_preced s \<circ> the_thread) a = (the_preced s' \<circ> the_thread) a"
-      by (unfold eq_a, simp)
-  qed
-  thus ?thesis by (unfold cp_alt_def1, simp)
-lemma children_of_th: "RTree.children (tRAG s) (Th th) = {}"
-proof -
-  { fix a
-    assume "a \<in> RTree.children (tRAG s) (Th th)"
-    hence "(a, Th th) \<in> tRAG s" by (auto simp:RTree.children_def)
-    with th_not_in have False 
-     by (unfold Field_def tRAG_kept, auto)
-  } thus ?thesis by auto
-lemma eq_cp_th: "cp s th = preced th s"
- by (unfold vat_s.cp_rec children_of_th, simp add:the_preced_def)
-locale step_exit_cps =
-  fixes s' th prio s 
-  defines s_def : "s \<equiv> Exit th # s'"
-  assumes vt_s: "vt s"
-sublocale step_exit_cps < vat_s: valid_trace "s"
-  by (unfold_locales, insert vt_s, simp)
-sublocale step_exit_cps < vat_s': valid_trace "s'"
-  by (unfold_locales, insert step_back_vt[OF vt_s[unfolded s_def]], simp)
-context step_exit_cps
-lemma preced_kept:
-  assumes "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "the_preced s th' = the_preced s' th'"
-  by (unfold s_def the_preced_def preced_def, insert assms, auto)
-lemma RAG_kept: "RAG s = RAG s'"
-  by (unfold s_def RAG_exit_unchanged, auto)
-lemma tRAG_kept: "tRAG s = tRAG s'"
-  by (unfold tRAG_alt_def RAG_kept, auto)
-lemma th_ready: "th \<in> readys s'"
-proof -
-  from vt_s[unfolded s_def]
-  have "PIP s' (Exit th)" by (cases, simp)
-  hence h: "th \<in> runing s' \<and> holdents s' th = {}" by (cases, metis)
-  thus ?thesis by (unfold runing_def, auto)
-lemma th_holdents: "holdents s' th = {}"
-proof -
- from vt_s[unfolded s_def]
-  have "PIP s' (Exit th)" by (cases, simp)
-  thus ?thesis by (cases, metis)
-lemma th_RAG: "Th th \<notin> Field (RAG s')"
-proof -
-  have "Th th \<notin> Range (RAG s')"
-  proof
-    assume "Th th \<in> Range (RAG s')"
-    then obtain cs where "holding (wq s') th cs"
-      by (unfold Range_iff s_RAG_def, auto)
-    with th_holdents[unfolded holdents_def]
-    show False by (unfold eq_holding, auto)
-  qed
-  moreover have "Th th \<notin> Domain (RAG s')"
-  proof
-    assume "Th th \<in> Domain (RAG s')"
-    then obtain cs where "waiting (wq s') th cs"
-      by (unfold Domain_iff s_RAG_def, auto)
-    with th_ready show False by (unfold readys_def eq_waiting, auto)
-  qed
-  ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp:Field_def)
-lemma th_tRAG: "(Th th) \<notin> Field (tRAG s')"
-  using th_RAG tRAG_Field[of s'] by auto
-lemma eq_cp:
-  assumes neq_th: "th' \<noteq> th"
-  shows "cp s th' = cp s' th'"
-proof -
-  have "(the_preced s \<circ> the_thread) ` subtree (tRAG s) (Th th') =
-        (the_preced s' \<circ> the_thread) ` subtree (tRAG s') (Th th')"
-  proof(unfold tRAG_kept, rule f_image_eq)
-    fix a
-    assume a_in: "a \<in> subtree (tRAG s') (Th th')"
-    then obtain th_a where eq_a: "a = Th th_a" 
-    proof(cases rule:subtreeE)
-      case 2
-      from ancestors_Field[OF 2(2)]
-      and that show ?thesis by (unfold tRAG_alt_def, auto)
-    qed auto
-    have neq_th_a: "th_a \<noteq> th"
-    proof -
-      from vat_s'.readys_in_no_subtree[OF th_ready assms]
-      have "(Th th) \<notin> subtree (RAG s') (Th th')" .
-      with tRAG_subtree_RAG[of s' "Th th'"]
-      have "(Th th) \<notin> subtree (tRAG s') (Th th')" by auto
-      with a_in[unfolded eq_a] show ?thesis by auto
-    qed
-    from preced_kept[OF this]
-    show "(the_preced s \<circ> the_thread) a = (the_preced s' \<circ> the_thread) a"
-      by (unfold eq_a, simp)
-  qed
-  thus ?thesis by (unfold cp_alt_def1, simp)