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% Reviewer 1.
8 |
\section*{Comments by Reviewer \#1}
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10 |
11 |
12 |
\item {\it 1.) I don't see the point of working with a more general
13 |
library of possibly infinite graphs when it is clear that no
14 |
(necessarily finite) evolution of the state could ever generate an
15 |
infinite graph.}
16 |
17 |
It seemed the most convenient approach for us and we added the following
18 |
comment on page 8 about justifying our choice. There was already a
19 |
comment about having finiteness as a property, rather than a built-in
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
It seems for our purposes the most convenient representation of
24 |
graphs are binary relations given by sets of pairs. The pairs
25 |
stand for the edges in graphs. This relation-based representation
26 |
has the advantage that the notions \textit{waiting} and
27 |
\textit{holding} are already defined in terms of relations
28 |
amongst threads and resources. Also, we can easily re-use the
29 |
standard notions of transitive closure operations $\_*$ and $\_+$,
30 |
as well as relation composition for our graphs.
31 |
32 |
33 |
\item {\it 2.) Later, the release function is defined using Hilbert
34 |
choice (Isabelle/HOL's \texttt{SOME} function) as a method for emulating
35 |
non-determinism. This is horrid. The highest level generation of
36 |
traces handles non-determinism beautifully; using choice at a
37 |
lower level lets you keep things functional, but hides the fact
38 |
that you want to model non-determinism at the lower level as
39 |
well. I agree that the final theorem does imply that the way in
40 |
which the new waiting list is chosen is irrelevant, but this
41 |
implication is only apparent through a close reading of that
42 |
definition. Better I think to lift the non-determinism and make it
43 |
more apparent at the top level.}
44 |
45 |
46 |
We generally agree with the reviewer about the use of
47 |
\texttt{SOME}, but in this instance we cannot see a way to make
48 |
this nondeterminism explicit without complicating the
49 |
toplevel rules about \textit{PIP} on page 12. By using
50 |
\texttt{SOME}, we can leave implicit the order of the waiting
51 |
queue returned by release (which corresponds to the original
52 |
system call from Sha et al). If we represent the non-determinism
53 |
explicitly, we would need to add another argument to $V$
54 |
specifying which thread is the next one that obtains the lock and
55 |
add another premise to the \textit{PIP} rule for ensuring that
56 |
this thread is member of the waiting queue.
57 |
58 |
59 |
\item {\it 3.) In \S 4, there is an assumption made about the number of
60 |
threads allowed to be created. Given the form of theorem 2, this
61 |
seems to me to be unnecessary. It's certainly extremely weird and
62 |
ugly because it says that there are at most BC many thread
63 |
creation events in all possible future traces (of which there are
64 |
of course infinitely many). \ldots}
65 |
66 |
67 |
We think this mis-reads our theorem: Although the constrains we
68 |
put on thread creation prohibit the creation of higher priority
69 |
threads, the creation of lower priority threads may still consume
70 |
CPU time and prevent \textit{th} from accomplishing its task. That
71 |
is the purpose we put in the \textit{BC} constraint to limit the
72 |
overall number of thread creations. We slightly augmented the
73 |
sentence on page 15 by:
74 |
75 |
76 |
Otherwise our PIP scheduler could be ``swamped'' with
77 |
\textit{Create}-requests of lower priority threads.
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
\item {\it Why are variables corresponding to resources given the name
82 |
\textit{cs}? This is confusing. \textit{rsc} or \textit{r} would be
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
\textit{cs} stands for ``critical section'', which is the original name
87 |
used by Sha et al to represent ``critical resources''.
88 |
89 |
90 |
\item All other comments of the reviewer have been implemented.
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94 |
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% Reviever 2.
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\section*{Comments by Reviewer \#2}
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98 |
99 |
\item {\it Well-founded comment:} We updated the paragraph where
100 |
\textit{acyclic} and \textit{well-founded} are used for the first
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
Note that forests can have trees with infinite depth and containing
105 |
nodes with infinitely many children. A \emph{finite forest} is a
106 |
forest whose underlying relation is well-founded and every node
107 |
has finitely many children (is only finitely branching).
108 |
109 |
110 |
We also added a footnote that we are using the standard definition of
111 |
well-foundedness from Isabelle.
112 |
113 |
114 |
\item {\it Comment about graph-library:} This point was also raised by
115 |
Reviewer~\#1 and we gave a better justification on page 8 (see
116 |
answer to first point of Reviewer~\#1).
117 |
118 |
119 |
\item {\it 20.) In the case of "Set th prio:", it is not declared what
120 |
the cprec (e::s) th should be (presumably it is something like
121 |
Max((prio,|s|),prec th s) or possibly just prec th (e::s) given
122 |
the assumptions on Set events listed before).}
123 |
124 |
125 |
We note the concern of the reviewer about the effect of the
126 |
Set-operation on the \textit{cprec} value of a thread. According to
127 |
equation (6) on page 11, the \textit{cprec} of a thread is
128 |
determined by the precedence values in its subtree, while the Set
129 |
operation only changes the precedence of the `Set' thread. If the
130 |
reviewer thinks we should add this explanation again, then we are
131 |
happy to do so.
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134 |
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\section*{Comments by Reviewer \#3}
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138 |
139 |
\item {\it The verification is at the model level, instead of code level:...}
140 |
141 |
142 |
The verification is indeed on the level of the algorithm. A
143 |
verification of the C-code is *well* beyond the scope of the
144 |
paper. For example, it would require a formalised semantics for C
145 |
(as for example given in the seL4-project). This and interfacing
146 |
with it would be a tremendous amount of work and we are not sure
147 |
whether their results would actually sufficient for the code we
148 |
149 |
150 |
In light of this, we have made it clearer in the abstract and in a
151 |
footnote on the first page that our C-code is unverified. Additionally
152 |
we added the following sentence in Section 5 before we describe the
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
While there is no formal connection between our formalisation
157 |
and the C-code shown below, the results of the formalisation
158 |
clearly shine through in the design of the code.
159 |
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162 |
\item{\it The model cannot express the execution of instructions. As a
163 |
result, it is difficult to express the case that the critical
164 |
region does infinite loops without generating events for system
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
Yes, we discuss this limitation in the first paragraph of section
169 |
4 and already wrote that in this aspect we do not
170 |
improve the limitations of the original paper by Sha et al.
171 |
172 |
173 |
\item{\it The authors should have provided URL of their mechanized
174 |
proofs for the review process.}
175 |
176 |
177 |
As is custom, we have given a link to the sources.
178 |
It is mentioned in the last
179 |
sentence of the conclusion.
180 |
181 |
The code of our formalisation can be downloaded from the Mercurial
182 |
repository at \url{http://talisker.inf.kcl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/repos.cgi/pip}.
183 |
184 |
185 |
\item{\it It is more like engineering work. It's unclear what general
186 |
principles or theories are proposed.}
187 |
188 |
189 |
The general point we are making is that a `proof-by-hand' is
190 |
generally worthless in this area for ensuring the correctness of
191 |
an algorithm. We underline this point by listing the references
192 |
[13, 14, 15, 20, 24, 25], which all repeat the error from the
193 |
original paper.
194 |
195 |
More specifically we extend the claims of Sha at al and give
196 |
a machine-checked formalisation of our claims (the first such
197 |
formalisation for PIP). We also wrote about our experiences:
198 |
199 |
200 |
Following good experience in earlier work [27], our model of PIP
201 |
is based on Paulson’s inductive approach for protocol
202 |
verification [18].
203 |
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206 |
\item{\it 1) There are some places that the authors follow the Isabelle
207 |
syntax, which require more explanation. For instance, in the
208 |
definitions of "threads" and "priority" in page 5, I had trouble
209 |
understanding the underscore until I realized that the 4 cases are
210 |
pattern matching and they have orders.}
211 |
212 |
213 |
We have added the sentence after the definition of \textit{threads}:
214 |
215 |
216 |
We use \_ to match any pattern, like in functional programming.
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
\item{\it 2) The last assumption on page 13: the assumption seems very
221 |
strong. If you prove Theorem 1 inductively on all s (which means
222 |
you have to consider s of length 1), then following the assumption
223 |
you essentially require that the highest priority task is the
224 |
first task created.}
225 |
226 |
227 |
We feel like this mis-reads what we are proving and how we
228 |
organised the statements. The thread \textit{th} is the thread
229 |
with the highest priority in the state \textit{s}. It can be in
230 |
\textit{s} at any `place'---it does not need to be the first
231 |
one. What we prove is what happens to \textit{th} in the state
232 |
\textit{$s' @ s$} which happens after \textit{s}. We only require
233 |
that threads created after \textit{s} need to have a lower
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
\item{\it 3) 2nd line of the proofs of Lemma 1: th should be th' ?}
238 |
239 |
240 |
Yes, we corrected this error.
241 |
242 |
243 |
\item{\it 4) Is your state (event traces) finite or infinite?}
244 |
245 |
246 |
Yes, they are always finite, but can be arbitrary long.
247 |
248 |
249 |
\item{\it 5) Assumption at the bottom of page 15: I don't understand
250 |
why this assumption is necessary. First, is es a finite or
251 |
infinite trace? If es is finite, of course there's limited number
252 |
of Create-requests. Even if it can be infinite, I don't see how
253 |
the PIP scheduler could be "swamped" with create requests. You
254 |
already assumed that there are no threads of precedence higher
255 |
than th created in es. If all the newly created threads have lower
256 |
precedence, they have no chance to run anyway (because of the low
257 |
precedence). Then why should we care?}
258 |
259 |
260 |
Yes, \textit{es} and \textit{$es @ s$} are finite traces (finite
261 |
list of events), but they can be arbitrarily long.
262 |
263 |
This means that knowing that \text{es} is finite, does *not* bound
264 |
the number of create events.
265 |
266 |
We also understand that newly created threads have no chance to
267 |
run (because of the lower priority), but the process of creating
268 |
any processes consumes according to our model some time and
269 |
therefore needs to be bounded. A Create event is not assumed to be
270 |
271 |
272 |
273 |
\item {\it 6) The next assumption in page 16 does not look right to me
274 |
either. What if there are no actions of th' in es at all, which
275 |
may be caused by infinite loop inside the critical region of th'
276 |
(but the loop does not generate any events)? In this case, the
277 |
assumption is still satisfied because the length is 0, which is
278 |
less than BND(th').}
279 |
280 |
281 |
We made this point clearer (it was also requested by another reviewer).
282 |
We discuss this limitation in more depth in the first paragraph of section
283 |
4 and already wrote that in this aspect we do not
284 |
improve the limitations of the original paper by Sha et al.
285 |
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\item All other comments have been implemented.
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\end{document} |