authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 18:47:50 +0000
changeset 63 d325bce7b692
parent 62 2151c77e1e24 (current diff)
parent 60 f099bcf9cff1 (diff)
child 64 d6f97b562424
Binary file cws/cw02.pdf has changed
--- a/cws/cw02.tex	Fri Nov 18 18:47:02 2016 +0000
+++ b/cws/cw02.tex	Fri Nov 18 18:47:50 2016 +0000
@@ -163,15 +163,15 @@
 You are asked to implement the knight's tour problem such that the
 dimension of the board can be changed.  Therefore most functions will
 take the dimension of the board as an argument.  The fun with this
-problem is that even for small chessbord dimensions it has already an
-incredably large search space---finding a tour is like finding a
+problem is that even for small chessboard dimensions it has already an
+incredibly large search space---finding a tour is like finding a
 needle in a haystack. In the first task we want to see how far we get
 with exhaustively exploring the complete search space for small
 Let us first fix the basic datastructures for the implementation.  The
-board dimension is an integer (we will never go boyond board sizes of
+board dimension is an integer (we will never go beyond board sizes of
 $100 \times 100$).  A \emph{position} (or field) on the chessboard is
 a pair of integers, like $(0, 0)$. A \emph{path} is a list of
 positions. The first (or 0th move) in a path is the last element in
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
-Warnsdorf's rule states that the moves on the board above sould be
+Warnsdorf's rule states that the moves on the board above should be
 tried in the order
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
-Whenever there are ties, the correspoding onward moves can be in any
+Whenever there are ties, the corresponding onward moves can be in any
 order.  When calculating the number of onward moves for each field, we
 do not count moves that revisit any field already visited.
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
 \item[(3b)] Implement a first-closed-tour-heuristic function that searches for a
   \textbf{closed} tour on a $6\times 6$ board. It should use the
-  first-function from (2a) and tries out onwards moves according to
+  first-function from (2a) and tries out onward moves according to
   the ordered-moves function from (3a). It is more likely to find
   a solution when started in the middle of the board (that is
   position $(dimension / 2, dimension / 2)$).