authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Wed, 07 Aug 2019 16:15:42 +0100 (2019-08-07)
changeset 273 b19227660752
parent 272 da3d30ae67ec
child 274 8980686aa2e8
Binary file handouts/pep-ho.pdf has changed
--- a/handouts/pep-ho.tex	Wed Aug 07 14:32:21 2019 +0100
+++ b/handouts/pep-ho.tex	Wed Aug 07 16:15:42 2019 +0100
@@ -743,9 +743,9 @@
 On top is the ``input'' list we want to transform; on the left is the
 ``map'' function for how to transform each element in the input list
 (the square function in this case); at the bottom is the result list of
-the map. This means that a map produces a \emph{new} list as a result,
-unlike a for-loop in Java or C/C++ which would most likely update the list
-exists in memory after the map.
+the map. This means that a map produces a \emph{new} list, unlike a
+for-loop in Java or C/C++ which would most likely just update the
+existing list.
 Now there are two ways to express such maps in Scala. The first way is
 called a \emph{for-comprehension}. The keywords are \code{for} and
@@ -764,15 +764,15 @@
 languages, even though the idea behind for-loops and for-comprehensions
 is quite different. Also, this is a simple example---what comes after
 \code{yield} can be a complex expression enclosed in \texttt{\{...\}}.
-An example might be
+A more complicated example might be
 scala> for (n <- (1 to 8).toList) yield {
          val i = n + 1
          val j = n - 1
-         i * j
+         i * j + 1
-res3: List[Int] = List(0, 3, 8, 15, 24, 35, 48, 63)
+res3: List[Int] = List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64)
 As you can see in for-comprehensions above, we specified the list where
@@ -788,9 +788,9 @@
 \noindent In this way, the expression \code{n => n * n} stands for the
 function that calculates the square (this is how the \code{n}s are
 transformed by the map).  It might not be obvious, but
-for-comprehensions above are just syntactic sugar: when compiling, Scala
-translates for-comprehensions into equivalent maps. This even works when
-for-comprehensions get more complicated (see below).
+for-comprehensions above are just syntactic sugar: when compiling such
+code, Scala translates for-comprehensions into equivalent maps. This
+even works when for-comprehensions get more complicated (see below).
 The very charming feature of Scala is that such maps or
 for-comprehensions can be written for any kind of data collection, such
@@ -852,9 +852,9 @@
 the result because the sum is odd). 
 To sum up, maps (or for-comprehensions) transform one collection into
-another. For example a list of \code{Int}s into a list of squares, or a
-list of \code{Int}s into a set of \code{Int}s and so on. There is no need
-for for-loops in Scala. But please do not be tempted to write anything like
+another. For example a list of \code{Int}s into a list of squares, and
+so on. There is no need for for-loops in Scala. But please do not be
+tempted to write anything like
 scala> val cs = ('a' to 'h').toList
@@ -876,16 +876,15 @@
 \subsection*{Results and Side-Effects}
 While hopefully this all about maps looks reasonable, there is one
-complication: In the examples above we always wanted to
-transform one list into another list (e.g.~list of squares),
-or one set into another set (set of numbers into set of
-remainders modulo 3). What happens if we just want to print out
-a list of integers? Then actually the for-comprehension
-needs to be modified. The reason is that \code{print}, you
-guessed it, does not produce any result, but only produces
-what is in the functional-programming-lingo called a
-\emph{side-effect}. Printing out the list of numbers from 1 to 5
-would look as follows
+complication: In the examples above we always wanted to transform one
+list into another list (e.g.~list of squares), or one set into another
+set (set of numbers into set of remainders modulo 3). What happens if we
+just want to print out a list of integers? In these cases the
+for-comprehensions need to be modified. The reason is that \code{print},
+you guessed it, does not produce any result, but only produces what is
+in the functional-programming-lingo called a \emph{side-effect}\ldots it
+prints something out on the screen. Printing out the list of numbers
+from 1 to 5 would look as follows
 scala> for (n <- (1 to 5).toList) print(n)
@@ -933,17 +932,55 @@
-\noindent Again I hope this reminds you a bit of your
-lambda-calculus lessons, where an explanation is given why
-both forms produce the same result.
 If you want to find out more about maps and functions with
 side-effects, you can ponder about the response Scala gives if
 you replace \code{foreach} by \code{map} in the expression
 above. Scala will still allow \code{map} with side-effect
 functions, but then reacts with a slightly interesting result.
+There is one more usage of for-loops in Java, C/C++ and the like:
+sometimes you want to \emph{aggregate} something about a list, for
+example to sum up all its elements. In this case you cannot use map,
+because maps \emph{transform} one data collection into another data
+collection. They cannot be used to generate a single integer
+representing an aggregate. So how is this done in Scala? Let us
+suppose you want to sum up all elements from a list. You might
+be tempted to write something like
+var cnt = 0
+for (n <- (1 to 8).toList) {
+  cnt += n
+and indeed is accepted Scala code and produces the expected result,
+namely \code{36}, \textbf{BUT} this is imperative style and not
+permitted. It uses a \code{var} and therefore violates the immutability
+property I ask for in your code.
+So how to do that same thing without using a \code{var}? Well there are
+several ways. One way is to define the following recursive
+def sum(xs: List[Int]) : Int = 
+  if (xs.isEmpty) 0 else xs.head + sum(xs.tail)
+You can then call \code{sum((1 to 8).toList)} and obtain the same result
+without a mutable for-loop. Obviously for simple things like sum, you
+could have written \code{xs.sum} in the first place. But not all
+aggregate functions are pre-defined and often you have to write your own
+recursive function for this.
 \subsection*{Higher-Order Functions}
--- a/progs/lecture1.scala	Wed Aug 07 14:32:21 2019 +0100
+++ b/progs/lecture1.scala	Wed Aug 07 16:15:42 2019 +0100
@@ -472,6 +472,16 @@
 time_needed(10, for (n <- list) yield n + 42)
 time_needed(10, for (n <- list.par) yield n + 42)
+val list = (1 to 1000000).toList.map(BigInt(_))
+list.par.reduce(_ + _)
+list.par.aggregate(BigInt(0))(_ + _, _ + _)
+time_needed(10, list.sum)
+time_needed(10, list.par.sum)
+time_needed(10, list.par.reduce(_ + _))
+time_needed(10, list.par.aggregate(BigInt(0))(_ + _, _ + _))
 // Just for "Fun": Mutable vs Immutable