authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 23:34:05 +0000 (2016-11-16)
changeset 53 9f8751912560
parent 51 0e60e6c24b99
child 54 34153e0485fc
--- a/TAs	Wed Nov 16 15:05:40 2016 +0000
+++ b/TAs	Wed Nov 16 23:34:05 2016 +0000
@@ -11,4 +11,8 @@
-    ainur.makhmet@kcl.ac.uk
\ No newline at end of file
+    ainur.makhmet@kcl.ac.uk
+scala -Dscala.color
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/progs/knight1.scala	Wed Nov 16 15:05:40 2016 +0000
+++ b/progs/knight1.scala	Wed Nov 16 23:34:05 2016 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 //assert(legal_moves(8, List((6,6)), (7,7)) == List((6,5), (5,6)))
-//(1c) Complement the two recursive functions below. 
+//(1c) Complete the two recursive functions below. 
 // They exhaustively search for open tours starting from the 
 // given path. The first function counts all possible open tours, 
 // and the second collects all open tours in a list of paths.
--- a/progs/knight3.scala	Wed Nov 16 15:05:40 2016 +0000
+++ b/progs/knight3.scala	Wed Nov 16 23:34:05 2016 +0000
@@ -1,65 +1,24 @@
 // Part 3 about finding a single tour using the Warnsdorf Rule
-type Pos = (Int, Int)
-type Path = List[Pos]
-def print_board(dim: Int, path: Path): Unit = {
-  println
-  for (i <- 0 until dim) {
-    for (j <- 0 until dim) {
-      print(f"${path.reverse.indexOf((i, j))}%3.0f ")
-    }
-    println
-  } 
+// copy any function you need from files knight1.scala and
+// knight2.scala
-def add_pair(x: Pos)(y: Pos): Pos = 
-  (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)
-def is_legal(dim: Int, path: Path)(x: Pos): Boolean = 
-  0 <= x._1 && 0 <= x._2 && x._1 < dim && x._2 < dim && !path.contains(x)
+type Pos = (Int, Int)    // a position on a chessboard 
+type Path = List[Pos]    // a path...a list of positions
-def moves(x: Pos): List[Pos] = 
-  List(( 1,  2),( 2,  1),( 2, -1),( 1, -2),
-       (-1, -2),(-2, -1),(-2,  1),(-1,  2)).map(add_pair(x))
-def legal_moves(dim: Int, path: Path, x: Pos): List[Pos] = 
-  moves(x).filter(is_legal(dim, path))
-def ordered_moves(dim: Int, path: Path, x: Pos): List[Pos] = 
-  legal_moves(dim, path, x).sortBy((x) => legal_moves(dim, path, x).length)
+//(3a) Complete the function that calculates a list of onward
+// moves like in (1b) but orders them according to the Warnsdorf’s 
+// rule. That means moves with the fewest legal onward moves 
+// should come first.
-def first(xs: List[Pos], f: Pos => Option[Path]): Option[Path] = xs match {
-  case Nil => None
-  case x::xs => {
-    val result = f(x)
-    if (result.isDefined) result else first(xs, f)
-  }
+def ordered_moves(dim: Int, path: Path, x: Pos): List[Pos] = ..
-def first_closed_tour_heuristics(dim: Int, path: Path): Option[Path] = {
-  if (path.length == dim * dim && moves(path.head).contains(path.last)) Some(path)
-  else
-    first(ordered_moves(dim, path, path.head), (x: Pos) => first_closed_tour_heuristics(dim, x::path))
+//(3b) Complete the function that searches for a single *closed* 
+// tour using the ordered moves function.
-for (dim <- 1 to 6) {
-  val t = first_closed_tour_heuristics(dim, List((dim / 2, dim / 2)))
-  println(s"${dim} x ${dim} closed: " + (if (t == None) "" else { print_board(dim, t.get) ; "" }))
+def first_closed_tour_heuristic(dim: Int, path: Path): Option[Path] = ...
-def first_tour_heuristics(dim: Int, path: Path): Option[Path] = {
-  if (path.length == dim * dim) Some(path)
-  else
-    first(ordered_moves(dim, path, path.head), (x: Pos) => first_tour_heuristics(dim, x::path))
+//(3c) Same as (3b) but searches for *open* tours.
-for (dim <- 1 to 50) {
-  val t = first_tour_heuristics(dim, List((dim / 2, dim / 2)))
-  println(s"${dim} x ${dim}: " + (if (t == None) "" else { print_board(dim, t.get) ; "" }))
+def first_tour_heuristic(dim: Int, path: Path): Option[Path] = ...
--- a/progs/knight3_sol.scala	Wed Nov 16 15:05:40 2016 +0000
+++ b/progs/knight3_sol.scala	Wed Nov 16 23:34:05 2016 +0000
@@ -1,24 +1,65 @@
 // Part 3 about finding a single tour using the Warnsdorf Rule
-// copy any function you need from files knight1.scala and
-// knight2.scala
+type Pos = (Int, Int)
+type Path = List[Pos]
+def print_board(dim: Int, path: Path): Unit = {
+  println
+  for (i <- 0 until dim) {
+    for (j <- 0 until dim) {
+      print(f"${path.reverse.indexOf((i, j))}%3.0f ")
+    }
+    println
+  } 
-type Pos = (Int, Int)    // a position on a chessboard 
-type Path = List[Pos]    // a path...a list of positions
+def add_pair(x: Pos)(y: Pos): Pos = 
+  (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)
+def is_legal(dim: Int, path: Path)(x: Pos): Boolean = 
+  0 <= x._1 && 0 <= x._2 && x._1 < dim && x._2 < dim && !path.contains(x)
-//(3a) Complete the function that calculates a list of onward
-// moves like in (1b) but orders them according to the Warnsdorf’s 
-// rule. That means moves with the fewest legal onward moves 
-// should come first.
+def moves(x: Pos): List[Pos] = 
+  List(( 1,  2),( 2,  1),( 2, -1),( 1, -2),
+       (-1, -2),(-2, -1),(-2,  1),(-1,  2)).map(add_pair(x))
+def legal_moves(dim: Int, path: Path, x: Pos): List[Pos] = 
+  moves(x).filter(is_legal(dim, path))
+def ordered_moves(dim: Int, path: Path, x: Pos): List[Pos] = 
+  legal_moves(dim, path, x).sortBy((x) => legal_moves(dim, path, x).length)
-def ordered_moves(dim: Int, path: Path, x: Pos): List[Pos] = ..
+def first(xs: List[Pos], f: Pos => Option[Path]): Option[Path] = xs match {
+  case Nil => None
+  case x::xs => {
+    val result = f(x)
+    if (result.isDefined) result else first(xs, f)
+  }
-//(3b) Complete the function that searches for a single *closed* 
-// tour using the ordered moves function.
+def first_closed_tour_heuristics(dim: Int, path: Path): Option[Path] = {
+  if (path.length == dim * dim && moves(path.head).contains(path.last)) Some(path)
+  else
+    first(ordered_moves(dim, path, path.head), (x: Pos) => first_closed_tour_heuristics(dim, x::path))
-def first_closed_tour_heuristic(dim: Int, path: Path): Option[Path] = ...
+for (dim <- 1 to 6) {
+  val t = first_closed_tour_heuristics(dim, List((dim / 2, dim / 2)))
+  println(s"${dim} x ${dim} closed: " + (if (t == None) "" else { print_board(dim, t.get) ; "" }))
-//(3c) Sama as (3b) but searches for *open* tours.
+def first_tour_heuristics(dim: Int, path: Path): Option[Path] = {
+  if (path.length == dim * dim) Some(path)
+  else
+    first(ordered_moves(dim, path, path.head), (x: Pos) => first_tour_heuristics(dim, x::path))
-def first_tour_heuristic(dim: Int, path: Path): Option[Path] = ...
+for (dim <- 1 to 50) {
+  val t = first_tour_heuristics(dim, List((dim / 2, dim / 2)))
+  println(s"${dim} x ${dim}: " + (if (t == None) "" else { print_board(dim, t.get) ; "" }))
--- a/progs/lecture2.scala	Wed Nov 16 15:05:40 2016 +0000
+++ b/progs/lecture2.scala	Wed Nov 16 23:34:05 2016 +0000
@@ -2,25 +2,187 @@
 // Option type
+//in Java if something unusually happens, you return null
+//in Scala you use Option
+//   - if the value is present, you use Some(value)
+//   - if no value is present, you use None
+List(7,2,3,4,5,6).find(_ < 4)
+List(5,6,7,8,9).find(_ < 4)
 val lst = List(None, Some(1), Some(2), None, Some(3))
 val ps = List((3, 0), (3, 2), (4, 2), (2, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1))
 for ((x, y) <- ps) yield {
   if (y == 0) None else Some(x / y)
-// sudoku
-// some none
-// pattern matching
+// getOrElse is to set a default value
+val lst = List(None, Some(1), Some(2), None, Some(3))
+for (x <- lst) yield x getOrElse 0
+import scala.util._
+import io.Source
+// error handling with option
+//  Try(something).getOrElse(what_to_do_in_an_exception)
+def get_me_an_int(s: String): Option[Int] = 
+ Try(Some(Integer.parseInt(s))).getOrElse(None)
+val lst = List("12345", "foo", "5432", "bar", "x21")
+for (x <- lst) yield get_me_an_int(x)
+// summing all the numbers
+val sum = lst.flatMap(get_me_an_int(_)).sum
+// This may not look any better than working with null in Java, but to
+// see the value, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the
+// consumer of the get_me_an_int function, and imagine you didn't
+// write that function.
+// In Java, if you didn't write this function, you'd have to depend on
+// the Javadoc of the get_me_an_int. If you didn't look at the Javadoc
+// for the Java, you might not know that get_me_an_int could return a
+// null, and your code could potentially throw a NullPointerException.
+// Type abbreviations
+// some syntactic convenience
+type Pos = (int, Int)
+type Board = List[List[Int]]
+// No return in Scala
+//You should not use "return" in Scala:
+// A return expression, when evaluated, abandons the 
+// current computation and returns to the caller of the 
+// function in which return appears."
+def sq1(x: Int): Int = x * x
+def sq2(x: Int): Int = return x * x
+def sumq(ls: List[Int]): Int = {
+  (for (x <- ls) yield (return x * x)).sum[Int]
-//type abbreviations
-type Pos = (int, Int)
+// last expression in a function is the return statement
+def square(x: Int): Int = {
+  println(s"The argument is ${x}.")
+  x * x
+// Pattern Matching
+// A powerful tool which is supposed to come to Java in a few years
+// time (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGll155-vuQ)...Scala already
+// has it for many years ;o)
+// The general schema:
+//    expression match {
+//       case pattern1 => expression1
+//       case pattern2 => expression2
+//       ...
+//       case patternN => expressionN
+//    }
+// remember
+val lst = List(None, Some(1), Some(2), None, Some(3)).flatten
+def my_flatten(xs: List[Option[Int]]): List[Int] = {
+  ...
+def my_flatten(lst: List[Option[Int]]): List[Int] = lst match {
+  case Nil => Nil
+  case None::xs => my_flatten(xs)
+  case Some(n)::xs => n::my_flatten(xs)
+// another example
+def get_me_a_string(n: Int): String = n match {
+  case 0 => "zero"
+  case 1 => "one"
+  case 2 => "two"
+  case _ => "many"
+// Higher-Order Functions
+// functions can take functions as arguments
+val lst = (1 to 10).toList
+def even(x: Int): Boolean = x % 2 == 0
+def odd(x: Int): Boolean = x % 2 == 1
+lst.filter(x => even(x))
+lst.find(_ > 8)
+def square(x: Int): Int = x * x
+lst.map(square).filter(_ > 4)
+// Sudoku
 //sorting, higher-order functions
 //lexicographic ordering
--- a/progs/lecture3.scala	Wed Nov 16 15:05:40 2016 +0000
+++ b/progs/lecture3.scala	Wed Nov 16 23:34:05 2016 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,18 @@
 // regular expressions
 // ?? polymorphism
+A function should do one thing, and only one thing.
+Make your variables immutable, unless there's a good reason not to.
+You can be productive on Day 1, but the language is deep, so as you go
+along you’ll keep learning, and finding newer, better ways to write
+code. Scala will change the way you think about programming (and
+that’s a good thing).
+Of all of Scala’s benefits, what I like best is that it lets you write
+concise, readable code
+ScalaTest download page: http://www.scalatest.org/download