authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Tue, 15 May 2018 01:14:07 +0100 (2018-05-15)
changeset 174 90e0b1cc460b
parent 173 2de1f79dedf0
child 175 526542d8d700
--- a/LINKS	Mon Mar 12 12:11:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/LINKS	Tue May 15 01:14:07 2018 +0100
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
+some examples
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cws/cw06.tex	Tue May 15 01:14:07 2018 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+\section*{Resit Exam}
+The Scala part of the exam is worth 30\%. It is about `jumps'
+within lists.
+Suppose you are given a list of numbers. Each number indicates how many
+steps can be taken forward from this element. For example in the
+  \draw[line width=1mm,cap=round] (0,0) -- (5,0);
+  \draw[line width=1mm,cap=round] (0,1) -- (5,1);
+  \draw[line width=1mm,cap=round] (0,0) -- (0,1);
+  \node at (0.5,0.5) {\textbf{\Large 3}};
+  \draw[line width=1mm,cap=round] (1,0) -- (1,1);
+  \node at (1.5,0.5) {\textbf{\Large 4}};
+  \draw[line width=1mm,cap=round] (2,0) -- (2,1);
+  \node at (2.5,0.5) {\textbf{\Large 2}};
+  \draw[line width=1mm,cap=round] (3,0) -- (3,1);
+  \node at (3.5,0.5) {\textbf{\Large 0}};
+  \draw[line width=1mm,cap=round] (4,0) -- (4,1);
+  \node at (4.5,0.5) {\textbf{\Large 1}};
+  \draw[line width=1mm,cap=round] (5,0) -- (5,1);
+  \draw[->,line width=0.5mm,cap=round,out=90,in=90,relative] (0.5,1) to (1.5,1);
+  \draw[->,line width=0.5mm,cap=round,out=90,in=90,relative] (0.5,1) to (2.5,1);
+  \draw[->,line width=0.5mm,cap=round,out=90,in=90,relative] (0.5,1) to (3.5,1);
+  \draw[->,line width=0.5mm,cap=round,out=-90,in=-90,relative] (2.5,0) to (3.5,0);
+  \draw[->,line width=0.5mm,cap=round,out=-90,in=-90,relative] (2.5,0) to (4.5,0);
+  \draw[->,line width=0.5mm,cap=round,out=90,in=90,relative] (4.5,1) to (5.7,1);
+  \node at (5.7, 0.8) {End};
+the first 3 indicates that you can step to the next three elements,
+that is 4, 2, and 0. The 2 in the middle indicates that you can step
+to elements 0 and 1.  From the final 1 you can step to the End of the
+list. You can also do this from element 4, since the end of this list
+is reachable from there. A 0 always indicates that you cannot
+step any further from this element.\medskip
+The problem is to calculate a sequence of steps to reach the end of
+the list by taking only steps indicated by the integers. For the list
+above, possible sequence of steps are 3 - 2 - 1 - End, but also 3 - 4
+- End.  This is a recursive problem that can be thought of as a tree
+where the root is a list and the children are all the lists that are
+reachable by a single step. For example for the list above this gives a
+tree like
+\begin{tikzpicture}[grow=right,level distance=30mm,child anchor=north]
+  \node {[3,4,2,0,1]}
+     child {node {[0,1]}}
+     child {node {[2,0,1]}
+        child {node {[1]} child [level distance=13mm] {node {End}}}
+        child {node {[0,1]}}
+     }
+     child {node {[4,2,0,1]\ldots}};
+\item[(1)] Write a function, called \texttt{steps}, that calculates
+  the children of a list. This function takes an integer as one argument
+  indicating how many children should be returned. The other argument is a list
+  of integers.  In case of 3 and the list [4,2,0,1], it should produce
+  the list
+  \begin{center}
+  {\large[}\;[4,2,0,1],\; [2,0,1],\; [0,1]\;{\large]}
+  \end{center}  
+  Be careful to account properly for the end of the list. For example
+  for the integer 4 and the list [2,0,1], the function should return the list
+  \begin{center}
+  {\large[}\;[2,0,1], [0,1],\; [1]\;{\large]}
+  \end{center}  
+  \mbox{}\hfill[Marks: 8\%]
+\item[(2)] Write a function \texttt{search} that tests whether there
+  is a way to reach the end of a list.  This is not always the
+  case, for example for the list
+  \begin{center}
+    [3,5,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]
+  \end{center}
+  \noindent
+  there is no sequence of steps that can bring you to the end of the list.
+  If there is a way, \texttt{search} should return true, otherwise false.
+  In case of the empty list, \texttt{search} should return true since the
+  end of the list is already reached.
+  \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[Marks: 10\%]}
+\item[(3)] Write a function \texttt{jumps} that calculates the
+  shortest sequence of steps needed to reach the end of a list. One
+  way to calculate this is to generate \emph{all} sequences to reach
+  the end of a list and then select one that has the shortest length.
+  This function needs to return a value of type
+  \texttt{Option[List[Int]]} because for some lists there does not
+  exists a sequence at all. If there exists such a sequence,
+  \texttt{jumps} should return \texttt{Some(\ldots)}; otherwise
+  \texttt{None}. In the special case of the empty list, \texttt{jumps}
+  should return \texttt{None}
+  \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[Marks: 12\%]}
+\textbf{Hints:} useful list functions: \texttt{.minBy(..)} searches for
+the first element in a list that is the minimum according to
+a given measure; \texttt{.length} calculates the length of a list;
+\texttt{.exists(..)} returns true when an element in a list
+satisfies a given predicate, otherwise returns false;
+\texttt{.map(..)} applies a given function to each element
+in a list; \texttt{.flatten} turns a list of
+lists into just a list; \texttt{\_::\_} puts an element on the head of
+the list.
+%%% Local Variables: 
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End: 
--- a/cws/disclaimer.sty	Mon Mar 12 12:11:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/cws/disclaimer.sty	Tue May 15 01:14:07 2018 +0100
@@ -27,12 +27,51 @@
+\item Make sure the files you submit can be processed by just calling\\
+  \mbox{\texttt{scala <<filename.scala>>}} on the commandline. Use the
+  template file provided and do not make any changes to arguments of
+  functions or to any types. You are free to implement any auxiliary
+  function you might need.
+\item Do not use any mutable data structures in your
+submission! They are not needed. This means you cannot create new 
+\texttt{Array}s or \texttt{ListBuffer}s, for example. 
+\item Do not use \texttt{return} in your code! It has a different
+  meaning in Scala than in Java.
+\item Do not use \texttt{var}! This declares a mutable variable. Only
+  use \texttt{val}!
+\item Do not use any parallel collections! No \texttt{.par} therefore!
 It should be understood that the work you submit represents
 your \textbf{own} effort! You have not copied from anyone else. An
 exception is the Scala code I showed during the lectures or
 uploaded to KEATS, which you can freely use.\bigskip
+It should be understood that the work you submit represents
+your \textbf{own} effort! You have not copied from anyone else. An
+exception is the Scala code I showed during the lectures or
+uploaded to KEATS, which you can freely use.\medskip
+During the exam you may \textbf{not} communicate with other people: no email,
+instant messaging, discussion forums, use of mobile phones, etc.
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/progs/lecture2.scala	Mon Mar 12 12:11:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/progs/lecture2.scala	Tue May 15 01:14:07 2018 +0100
@@ -452,6 +452,12 @@
 // function in which return appears."
 def sq1(x: Int): Int = x * x
+def sumq(ls: List[Int]): Int = 
+  ls.map(x => x * x).sum
 def sq2(x: Int): Int = return x * x
 def sumq(ls: List[Int]): Int = {
@@ -467,6 +473,7 @@
+sumq(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
--- a/progs/mandelbrot.scala	Mon Mar 12 12:11:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/progs/mandelbrot.scala	Tue May 15 01:14:07 2018 +0100
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
 val exb1 = Complex(-0.37465401, 0.659227668)
 val exb2 = Complex(-0.37332410, 0.66020767)
-//time_needed(mandelbrot(exb1, exb2, 1000))
+time_needed(mandelbrot(exb1, exb2, 1000))
 // example 3
 val exc1 = Complex(0.435396403, 0.367981352)
@@ -127,7 +127,9 @@
   for (i <- (0 to 12)) 
      mandelbrot(exc1 + delta * i, 
-                exc2 - delta * i, 1000))val exc1 = Complex(0.435396403, 0.367981352)
+                exc2 - delta * i, 1000))
+val exc1 = Complex(0.435396403, 0.367981352)
 val exc2 = Complex(0.451687191, 0.380210061)
 //time_needed(mandelbrot(exc1, exc2, 1000))
--- a/slides/slides01.tex	Mon Mar 12 12:11:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/slides/slides01.tex	Tue May 15 01:14:07 2018 +0100
@@ -75,6 +75,19 @@
+\frametitle{Why Scala?}
+In the last few years there is  a ``Cambrian explosion'' of
+languages from both academia and industry.
+It is essential for students to have skills to pick up new languages
@@ -123,6 +136,18 @@
+\frametitle{Scala (imperative) vs Scala (functional)}
+Reham's example
 \frametitle{First Steps: Scala Tools}