authorChristian Urban <christian.urban@kcl.ac.uk>
Fri, 16 Jul 2021 23:34:19 +0100 (2021-07-16)
changeset 394 839ad118e467
parent 393 7a9cc14d0912
child 395 017f621f5835
Binary file cws/pre_cw01.pdf has changed
--- a/main_marking5/bf_test.sh	Sun Jan 31 03:28:20 2021 +0000
+++ b/main_marking5/bf_test.sh	Fri Jul 16 23:34:19 2021 +0100
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
 if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
   echo -e " optimise(load_bff(\"benchmark.bf\")).length == 181" | tee -a $out
-  echo -e " optimise(load_bff(\"mandelbrot.bf\")).length == 11203" | tee -a $out  
+  echo -e " optimise(load_bff(\"mandelbrot.bf\")).length == 11205" | tee -a $out  
   echo -e " run3(\"[-]\", Map(0 -> 100)) == Map(0 -> 0)" | tee -a $out
   echo -e " run3(\"[->+<]\", Map(0 -> 10)) == Map(0 -> 0, 1 -> 10)" | tee -a $out
   echo -e " run3(\"[>>+>>+<<<<-]\", Map(0 -> 42)) == Map(0 -> 0, 2 -> 42, 4 -> 42)" | tee -a $out
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
 if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
   echo -e " combine(optimise(load_bff(\"benchmark.bf\"))).length == 134" | tee -a $out
-  echo -e " combine(optimise(load_bff(\"mandelbrot.bf\"))).length == 6509" | tee -a $out
+  echo -e " combine(optimise(load_bff(\"mandelbrot.bf\"))).length == 6511" | tee -a $out
   echo -e " run4(\"[-]\", Map(0 -> 100)) == Map(0 -> 0)" | tee -a $out
   echo -e " run4(\"[->+<]\", Map(0 -> 10)) == Map(0 -> 0, 1 -> 10)" | tee -a $out
   echo -e " run4(\"[>>+>>+<<<<-]\", Map(0 -> 42)) == Map(0 -> 0, 2 -> 42, 4 -> 42)" | tee -a $out
--- a/main_marking5/bf_test6.scala	Sun Jan 31 03:28:20 2021 +0000
+++ b/main_marking5/bf_test6.scala	Fri Jul 16 23:34:19 2021 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import CW10b._
 assert(optimise(load_bff("benchmark.bf")).length == 181)
-assert(optimise(load_bff("mandelbrot.bf")).length == 11203)
+assert(optimise(load_bff("mandelbrot.bf")).length == 11205)
--- a/main_marking5/bf_test7.scala	Sun Jan 31 03:28:20 2021 +0000
+++ b/main_marking5/bf_test7.scala	Fri Jul 16 23:34:19 2021 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import CW10b._
 assert(combine(optimise(load_bff("benchmark.bf"))).length == 134)
-assert(combine(optimise(load_bff("mandelbrot.bf"))).length == 6509)
+assert(combine(optimise(load_bff("mandelbrot.bf"))).length == 6511)
--- a/pre_marking3/postfix_test.sh	Sun Jan 31 03:28:20 2021 +0000
+++ b/pre_marking3/postfix_test.sh	Fri Jul 16 23:34:19 2021 +0100
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 # functional tests
 function scala_assert {
-  (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g" scala -i "$1" -- "$2" -e "") # 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null)
+  (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g" scala -i "$1" -- "$2" -e "" 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null)
 # purity test
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/cube.sc	Fri Jul 16 23:34:19 2021 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// for measuring time
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start) / (i * 1.0e9)
+// for measuring memory usage
+val mb = 1024*1024
+val runtime = Runtime.getRuntime
+def memory() = {
+    println(s"  ** Used Memory:  ${(runtime.totalMemory - runtime.freeMemory) / mb}")
+    println(s"  ** Free Memory:  ${runtime.freeMemory / mb}")
+    println(s"  ** Total Memory: ${runtime.totalMemory / mb}")
+    println(s"  ** Max Memory:   ${runtime.maxMemory / mb}")
+abstract class Colour
+case object White extends Colour
+case object Yellow extends Colour
+case object Orange extends Colour
+case object Red extends Colour
+case object Green extends Colour
+case object Blue extends Colour
+//    -------
+//   |c11 c12|
+//   |c21 c22|
+//    -------  
+case class Face(c11: Colour, c12: Colour,
+                c21: Colour, c22: Colour)
+//     +--+
+//     |f2|
+//  +--+  +--+
+//  |f5 f1 f6|
+//  +--+  +--+
+//     |f3|
+//     |f4|
+//     +--+ 
+case class Cube(f1: Face, f2: Face, f3: Face,
+                f4: Face, f5: Face, f6: Face)                
+// pretty printing
+def pp_col(c: Colour) : String = c match {
+    case White => "W"
+    case Yellow => "Y"
+    case Orange => "O"
+    case Red => "R"
+    case Green => "G"
+    case Blue => "B"
+def pp_face(f: Face) : String = 
+  s"${pp_col(f.c11)} ${pp_col(f.c12)}\n${pp_col(f.c21)} ${pp_col(f.c22)}"
+def pp_cube(c: Cube) : String = 
+  s"${pp_face(c.f1)}\n${pp_face(c.f2)}\n${pp_face(c.f3)}\n${pp_face(c.f4)}\n${pp_face(c.f5)}\n${pp_face(c.f6)}"  
+// specific cube
+val init = 
+    Cube(Face(White, Green, White, White), 
+         Face(Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red), 
+         Face(Red, Blue, Red, Blue),
+         Face(White, Yellow, Red, Orange),
+         Face(Yellow, Green, Blue, Green),
+         Face(Yellow, Green, Orange, Orange))  
+val solved = 
+    Cube(Face(Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow), 
+         Face(Orange, Orange, Orange, Orange), 
+         Face(Red, Red, Red, Red),
+         Face(White, White, White, White),
+         Face(Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue),
+         Face(Green, Green, Green, Green))  
+// actions
+def up(c: Cube) : Cube =
+    Cube(Face(c.f1.c11, c.f3.c12, c.f1.c21, c.f3.c22),
+         Face(c.f2.c11, c.f1.c12, c.f2.c21, c.f1.c22),
+         Face(c.f3.c11, c.f4.c12, c.f3.c21, c.f4.c22),
+         Face(c.f4.c11, c.f2.c12, c.f4.c21, c.f2.c22),
+         Face(c.f5.c11, c.f5.c12, c.f5.c21, c.f5.c22),
+         Face(c.f6.c21, c.f6.c11, c.f6.c22, c.f6.c12))
+def clock(c: Cube) : Cube =
+    Cube(Face(c.f1.c21, c.f1.c11, c.f1.c22, c.f1.c12),
+         Face(c.f2.c11, c.f2.c12, c.f5.c22, c.f5.c12),
+         Face(c.f6.c21, c.f6.c11, c.f3.c21, c.f3.c22),
+         Face(c.f4.c11, c.f4.c12, c.f4.c21, c.f4.c22),
+         Face(c.f5.c11, c.f3.c11, c.f5.c21, c.f3.c12),
+         Face(c.f2.c21, c.f6.c12, c.f2.c22, c.f6.c22))
+def right(c: Cube) : Cube =
+    Cube(Face(c.f5.c11, c.f5.c12, c.f1.c21, c.f1.c22),
+         Face(c.f2.c12, c.f2.c22, c.f2.c11, c.f2.c21),
+         Face(c.f3.c11, c.f3.c12, c.f3.c21, c.f3.c22),
+         Face(c.f4.c11, c.f4.c12, c.f6.c12, c.f6.c11),
+         Face(c.f4.c22, c.f4.c21, c.f5.c21, c.f5.c22),
+         Face(c.f1.c11, c.f1.c12, c.f6.c21, c.f6.c22))         
+//println("\n" ++ pp_cube(up(init)))           
+//println("\n" ++ pp_cube(clock(init)))   
+//println("\n" ++ pp_cube(right(init))) 
+//println(List(init, up(init), clock(init), right(init)).map(solved))
+// simple bf-search without solution
+def actions(c: Cube) : List[Cube] = 
+  List(up(c), clock(c), right(c)) 
+def search(cs: List[Cube], d: Int) : Boolean = { 
+  println(s"Depth: $d    Cands: ${cs.length}")  
+  //memory()
+  if (cs.exists(solved == _)) true
+  else search(cs.flatMap(actions), d + 1)
+//println("List Version")
+//println(search(List(init), 0))
+//println(s"${time_needed(1, search(List(init), 0))} secs")  
+def actionsS(c: Cube) : Set[Cube] = 
+  Set(up(c), clock(c), right(c)) 
+def searchS(cs: Set[Cube], d: Int) : Boolean = { 
+  println(s"Depth: $d    Cands: ${cs.size}")  
+  //memory()
+  if (cs.exists(solved == _)) true
+  else searchS(cs.flatMap(actionsS), d + 1)
+//println("Set Version")
+//println(searchS(Set(init), 0))
+//println(s"${time_needed(1, searchS(Set(init), 0))} secs")  
+// bf-search generating a list of "actions""
+abstract class Action
+case object Up extends Action
+case object Right extends Action
+case object Clock extends Action
+type Actions = List[Action]
+def actions2(c: Cube, act: Actions) : List[(Cube, Actions)] = 
+  List((up(c), Up::act), 
+       (clock(c), Clock::act), 
+       (right(c), Right::act)) 
+def search2(cs: List[(Cube, Actions)], d: Int) : (Cube, Actions) = { 
+  println(s"Depth: $d    Cands: ${cs.length}")  
+  val res = cs.find(solved == _._1)
+  if (res.isDefined) res.get
+  else search2(cs.flatMap((actions2 _).tupled), d + 1)
+//println("List Version with Actions")
+//println(search2(List((init, Nil)), 0)._2.mkString("\n"))  
+//println(s"${time_needed(1, search2(List((init, Nil)), 0))} secs") 
+// using Maps for recording the moves
+def actionsM(c: Cube, act: Actions) : Map[Cube, Actions] = 
+  Map(up(c) -> (Up::act), 
+      clock(c) -> (Clock::act), 
+      right(c) -> (Right::act)) 
+def searchM(cs: Map[Cube, Actions], d: Int) : Actions = { 
+  println(s"Depth: $d    Cands: ${cs.keySet.size}")  
+  val res = cs.keySet.find(solved == _)
+  if (res.isDefined) cs(res.get)
+  else searchM(cs.flatMap((actionsM _).tupled), d + 1)
+println("Map Version with actions")
+println(searchM(Map(init -> Nil), 0).mkString("\n"))  
+println(s"${time_needed(1, searchM(Map(init -> Nil), 0))} secs")
+// bi-directional search
+def bsearch(cs: Map[Cube, Actions], 
+            bs: Map[Cube, Actions], d: Int) : (Actions, Actions) = { 
+  println(s"Depth: $d    Cands: ${cs.keySet.size}/${bs.keySet.size}") 
+  val res = cs.keySet intersect bs.keySet
+  if (!res.isEmpty) (cs(res.head), bs(res.head))
+  else bsearch(cs.flatMap((actions2 _).tupled), 
+               bs.flatMap((actions2 _).tupled), d + 1)
+println("Bidirectional Version with actions")
+println(bsearch(Map(init -> Nil), Map(solved -> Nil), 0))  
+println(s"${time_needed(1, bsearch(Map(init -> Nil), Map(solved -> Nil), 0))}")
--- a/progs/mandelbrot.scala	Sun Jan 31 03:28:20 2021 +0000
+++ b/progs/mandelbrot.scala	Fri Jul 16 23:34:19 2021 +0100
@@ -158,10 +158,10 @@
 val delta = (exc2 - exc1) * 0.0333
-  for (n <- (0 to 12)) 
-     mandelbrot(exc1 + delta * n, 
-                exc2 - delta * n, 100))} secs") 
+//  for (n <- (0 to 12)) 
+//     mandelbrot(exc1 + delta * n, 
+//                exc2 - delta * n, 100))} secs") 
@@ -177,3 +177,10 @@
 val exj2 = 0.11084 - 0.64075 * i
 //time_needed(mandelbrot(exj1, exj2, 1000))
+// another example
+val exA = 0.3439274 + 0.6516478 * i
+val exB = 0.3654477 + 0.6301795 * i
+//time_needed(mandelbrot(exA, exB, 1000))