authorChristian Urban <christian.urban@kcl.ac.uk>
Wed, 12 Aug 2020 00:56:20 +0100 (2020-08-11)
changeset 335 7e00d2b13b04
parent 334 841727e27252
child 336 25d9c3b2bc99
--- a/LINKS	Thu Apr 23 14:49:54 2020 +0100
+++ b/LINKS	Wed Aug 12 00:56:20 2020 +0100
@@ -201,3 +201,13 @@
 scala code quality
+Scala Jobs in the Netherlands
+Scala salary
\ No newline at end of file
Binary file cws/cw01.pdf has changed
--- a/cws/cw01.tex	Thu Apr 23 14:49:54 2020 +0100
+++ b/cws/cw01.tex	Wed Aug 12 00:56:20 2020 +0100
@@ -4,23 +4,18 @@
-\section*{Part 6 (Scala)}
+\section*{Preliminary Part 6 (Scala)}
 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{``The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought,}\\
 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{coupled with judiciously placed print statements.''}\smallskip\\
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Brian W. Kernighan, in Unix for Beginners (1979)}\medskip\bigskip
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Brian W. Kernighan, in Unix for Beginners (1979)}\bigskip
-This part is about Scala. You are asked to implement two programs
-about list processing and recursion. The preliminary part (3\%) is due
-on \cwSIX{} at 4pm, and the core part on \cwSIXa{} at 4pm.  The core
-part is more advanced and might include material you have not yet seen
-in the first lecture.\bigskip
+\IMPORTANT{This part is about Scala. It is due on \cwSIX{} at 4pm and worth 3\%.}
 Also note that the running time of each part will be restricted to a
@@ -37,15 +32,14 @@
 In addition, the Scala coursework comes with a reference implementation
-in form of \texttt{jar}-files. This allows you to run any test cases
-on your own computer. For example you can call Scala on the command
-line with the option \texttt{-cp collatz.jar} and then query any
-function from the template file. Say you want to find out what
-the functions \texttt{collatz} and \texttt{collatz\_max}
-produce: for this you just need to prefix them with the object name
-\texttt{CW6a} (and \texttt{CW6b} respectively for \texttt{drumb.jar}).
-If you want to find out what these functions produce for the argument
-\texttt{6}, you would type something like:
+in form of \texttt{jar}-files. This allows you to run any test cases on
+your own computer. For example you can call Scala on the command line
+with the option \texttt{-cp collatz.jar} and then query any function
+from the template file. Say you want to find out what the functions
+\texttt{collatz} and \texttt{collatz\_max} produce: for this you just
+need to prefix them with the object name \texttt{CW6a}. If you want to
+find out what these functions produce for the argument \texttt{6}, you
+would type something like:
 $ scala -cp collatz.jar
@@ -59,38 +53,23 @@
-\textbf{For Preliminary Part:} useful math operators: \texttt{\%} for modulo; useful
+\textbf{For Preliminary Part:} useful math operators: \texttt{\%} for modulo, \texttt{\&} for bit-wise and; useful
 functions: \mbox{\texttt{(1\,to\,10)}} for ranges, \texttt{.toInt},
-\texttt{.toList} for conversions, \texttt{List(...).max} for the
+\texttt{.toList} for conversions, you can use \texttt{List(...).max} for the
 maximum of a list, \texttt{List(...).indexOf(...)} for the first index of
 a value in a list.\bigskip
-\textbf{For Core Part:} useful string functions:
-\texttt{.startsWith(...)} for checking whether a string has a given
-prefix, \texttt{\_ ++ \_} for concatenating two strings; useful option
-functions: \texttt{.flatten} flattens a list of options such that it
-filters way all \texttt{None}'s, \texttt{Try(...).getOrElse ...} runs
-some code that might raise an exception---if yes, then a default value
-can be given; useful list functions: \texttt{.head} for obtaining the
-first element in a non-empty list, \texttt{.length} for the length of
-a list; \texttt{.filter(...)} for filtering out elements in a list;
-\texttt{.getLines.toList} for obtaining a list of lines from a file;
-\texttt{.split(",").toList} for splitting strings according to a
-\textbf{Note!} Fortunately Scala supports operator overloading. But
-make sure you understand the difference between \texttt{100 / 3} and
-\texttt{100.0 / 3}!
 \subsection*{Preliminary Part (3 Marks, file collatz.scala)}
-This part is about recursion. You are asked to implement a Scala
-program that tests examples of the \emph{$3n + 1$-conjecture}, also
-called \emph{Collatz conjecture}. This conjecture can be described as
-follows: Start with any positive number $n$ greater than $0$:
+This part is about recursion. You are asked to implement a Scala program
+that tests examples of the \emph{$3n + 1$-conjecture}, also called
+conjecture}.\video{https://www.youtube.com./watch?v=LqKpkdRRLZw} This
+conjecture can be described as follows: Start with any positive number
+$n$ greater than $0$:
 \item If $n$ is even, divide it by $2$ to obtain $n / 2$.
@@ -101,8 +80,8 @@
 For example if you start with, say, $6$ and $9$, you obtain the
-two series
+two \emph{Collatz series}
 6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 & \text{(= 8 steps)}\\
@@ -112,21 +91,20 @@
 As you can see, the numbers go up and down like a roller-coaster, but
-curiously they seem to always terminate in $1$. The conjecture is that
-this will \emph{always} happen for every number greater than
-0.\footnote{While it is relatively easy to test this conjecture with
-  particular numbers, it is an interesting open problem to
-  \emph{prove} that the conjecture is true for \emph{all} numbers ($>
-  0$). Paul Erd\"o{}s, a famous mathematician you might have heard
-  about, said about this conjecture: ``Mathematics may not [yet] be ready
-  for such problems.'' and also offered a \$500 cash prize for its
-  solution. Jeffrey Lagarias, another mathematician, claimed that
-  based only on known information about this problem, ``this is an
-  extraordinarily difficult problem, completely out of reach of
-  present day mathematics.'' There is also a
-  \href{https://xkcd.com/710/}{xkcd} cartoon about this conjecture
-  (click \href{https://xkcd.com/710/}{here}). If you are able to solve
-  this conjecture, you will definitely get famous.}\bigskip
+curiously they seem to always terminate in $1$. Nobody knows why. The
+conjecture is that this will \emph{always} happen for every number
+greater than 0.\footnote{While it is relatively easy to test this
+conjecture with particular numbers, it is an interesting open problem to
+\emph{prove} that the conjecture is true for \emph{all} numbers ($> 0$).
+Paul Erd\"o{}s, a famous mathematician you might have heard about, said
+about this conjecture: ``Mathematics may not [yet] be ready for such
+problems.'' and also offered a \$500 cash prize for its solution.
+Jeffrey Lagarias, another mathematician, claimed that based only on
+known information about this problem, ``this is an extraordinarily
+difficult problem, completely out of reach of present day mathematics.''
+There is also a \href{https://xkcd.com/710/}{xkcd} cartoon about this
+conjecture\here{https://xkcd.com/710/}). If you are able to solve this
+conjecture, you will definitely get famous.}\bigskip
@@ -135,11 +113,12 @@
 \item[(1)] You are asked to implement a recursive function that
   calculates the number of steps needed until a series ends
   with $1$. In case of starting with $6$, it takes $8$ steps and in
-  case of starting with $9$, it takes $19$ (see above). In order to
+  case of starting with $9$, it takes $19$ (see above). We assume it 
+  takes $0$ steps, if we start with $1$. In order to
   try out this function with large numbers, you should use
   \texttt{Long} as argument type, instead of \texttt{Int}.  You can
   assume this function will be called with numbers between $1$ and
-  $1$ Million. \hfill[2 Marks]
+  $1$ Million. \hfill[1 Mark]
 \item[(2)] Write a second function that takes an upper bound as
   an argument and calculates the steps for all numbers in the range from
@@ -148,6 +127,27 @@
   precisely it returns a pair where the first component is the number
   of steps and the second is the corresponding number. \hfill\mbox{[1
+\item[(3)] Write a function that calculates \emph{hard
+    numbers} \here{https://medium.com/cantors-paradise/the-collatz-conjecture-some-shocking-results-from-180-000-iterations-7fea130d0377}
+  in the Collatz series---these are the last odd numbers just before a
+  power of two is reached.  For this, implement an
+  \textit{is-power-of-two} function which tests whether a number is a
+  power of two. The easiest way to implement this is by using the
+  bit-operator $\&$. For a power of two, say $n$ with $n > 0$, it
+  holds that $n \;\&\; (n - 1)$ is equal to zero. I let you think why
+  this is the case. The function \textit{is-hard} calculates whether
+  $3n + 1$ is a power of two.  Finally the \textit{last-odd} function
+  calculates the last odd number before a power of 2 in the Collatz
+  series. This means for example when starting with 6 and also with 9,
+  we receive 5 as the last odd number.  Surprisingly a lot of numbers
+  have 5 as last-odd number. But for example for 113 we obtain 85,
+  because of the series
+  %
+  \[113, 340, 170, \,\fbox{85}\,, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1\]
+  The \textit{last-odd} function will only be called with numbers that are not
+  powers of 2 themselves.
@@ -168,174 +168,6 @@
-\subsection*{Core Part (7 Marks, file drumb.scala)}
-A purely fictional character named Mr T.~Drumb inherited in 1978
-approximately 200 Million Dollar from his father. Mr Drumb prides
-himself to be a brilliant business man because nowadays it is
-estimated he is 3 Billion Dollar worth (one is not sure, of course,
-because Mr Drumb refuses to make his tax records public).
-Since the question about Mr Drumb's business acumen remains open,
-let's do a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation in Scala whether his
-claim has any merit. Let's suppose we are given \$100 in 1978 and we
-follow a really dumb investment strategy, namely:
-\item We blindly choose a portfolio of stocks, say some Blue-Chip stocks
-  or some Real Estate stocks.
-\item If some of the stocks in our portfolio are traded in January of
-  a year, we invest our money in equal amounts in each of these
-  stocks.  For example if we have \$100 and there are four stocks that
-  are traded in our portfolio, we buy \$25 worth of stocks
-  from each. (Be careful to also test cases where you trade with 3 stocks.) 
-\item Next year in January, we look at how our stocks did, liquidate
-  everything, and re-invest our (hopefully) increased money in again
-  the stocks from our portfolio (there might be more stocks available,
-  if companies from our portfolio got listed in that year, or less if
-  some companies went bust or were de-listed).
-\item We do this for 41 years until January 2019 and check what would
-  have become out of our \$100.
-Until Yahoo was bought by Altaba a few years ago, historical stock market
-data for such back-of-the-envelope calculations was freely available
-online. Unfortunately nowadays this kind of data is more difficult to
-obtain, unless you are prepared to pay extortionate prices or be
-severely rate-limited.  Therefore this part comes with a number
-of files containing CSV-lists with the historical stock prices for the
-companies in our portfolios. Use these files for the following
-\item[(1)] Write a function \texttt{get\_january\_data} that takes a
-  stock symbol and a year as arguments. The function reads the
-  corresponding CSV-file and returns the list of strings that start
-  with the given year (each line in the CSV-list is of the form
-  \texttt{someyear-01-someday,someprice}).\hfill[1 Mark]
-\item[(2)] Write a function \texttt{get\_first\_price} that takes
-  again a stock symbol and a year as arguments. It should return the
-  first January price for the stock symbol in the given year. For this
-  it uses the list of strings generated by
-  \texttt{get\_january\_data}.  A problem is that normally a stock
-  exchange is not open on 1st of January, but depending on the day of
-  the week on a later day (maybe 3rd or 4th). The easiest way to solve
-  this problem is to obtain the whole January data for a stock symbol
-  and then select the earliest, or first, entry in this list. The
-  stock price of this entry should be converted into a double.  Such a
-  price might not exist, in case the company does not exist in the given
-  year. For example, if you query for Google in January of 1980, then
-  clearly Google did not exist yet.  Therefore you are asked to
-  return a trade price with type \texttt{Option[Double]}\ldots\texttt{None}
-  will be the value for when no price exists; \texttt{Some} if  there is a
-  price.\hfill[1 Mark]
-\item[(3)] Write a function \texttt{get\_prices} that takes a
-  portfolio (a list of stock symbols), a years range and gets all the
-  first trading prices for each year in the range. You should organise
-  this as a list of lists of \texttt{Option[Double]}'s. The inner
-  lists are for all stock symbols from the portfolio and the outer
-  list for the years.  For example for Google and Apple in years 2010
-  (first line), 2011 (second line) and 2012 (third line) you obtain:
-  List(List(Some(312.204773), Some(26.782711)), 
-       List(Some(301.0466),   Some(41.244694)), 
-       List(Some(331.462585), Some(51.464207))))
-\end{verbatim}\hfill[1 Mark]
-%\subsection*{Advanced Part 3 (4 Marks, continue in file drumb.scala)}
-\item[(4)] Write a function that calculates the \emph{change factor} (delta)
-  for how a stock price has changed from one year to the next. This is
-  only well-defined, if the corresponding company has been traded in both
-  years. In this case you can calculate
-  \[
-  \frac{price_{new} - price_{old}}{price_{old}}
-  \]
-  If the change factor is defined, you should return it
-  as \texttt{Some(change\_factor)}; if not, you should return
-  \texttt{None}.\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
-\item[(5)] Write a function that calculates all change factors
-  (deltas) for the prices we obtained in Task (2). For the running
-  example of Google and Apple for the years 2010 to 2012 you should
-  obtain 4 change factors:
-  List(List(Some(-0.03573991804411003), Some(0.539974575389325)), 
-       List(Some(0.10103414222249969), Some(0.24777764141006836)))
-  That means Google did a bit badly in 2010, while Apple did very well.
-  Both did OK in 2011. Make sure you handle the cases where a company is
-  not listed in a year. In such cases the change factor should be \texttt{None}
-  (recall Task~(4)).
-  \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
-\item[(6)] Write a function that calculates the ``yield'', or
-  balance, for one year for our portfolio.  This function takes the
-  change factors, the starting balance and the year as arguments. If
-  no company from our portfolio existed in that year, the balance is
-  unchanged. Otherwise we invest in each existing company an equal
-  amount of our balance. Using the change factors computed under Task
-  (2), calculate the new balance. Say we had \$100 in 2010, we would have
-  received in our running example involving Google and Apple:
-  \begin{verbatim}
-  $50 * -0.03573991804411003 + $50 * 0.539974575389325
-                                       = $25.21173286726075
-  \end{verbatim}
-  as profit for that year, and our new balance for 2011 is \$125 when
-  converted to a \texttt{Long}.\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
-\item[(7)] Write a function that calculates the overall balance
-  for a range of years where each year the yearly profit is compounded to
-  the new balances and then re-invested into our portfolio.
-  For this use the function and results generated under (6).\\
-  \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
-\textbf{Test Data:} File \texttt{drumb.scala} contains two portfolios
-collected from the S\&P 500, one for blue-chip companies, including
-Facebook, Amazon and Baidu; and another for listed real-estate
-companies, whose names I have never heard of. Following the dumb
-investment strategy from 1978 until 2019 would have turned a starting
-balance of \$100 into roughly \$39,162 for real estate and a whopping
-\$462,199 for blue chips.  Note when comparing these results with your
-own calculations: there might be some small rounding errors, which
-when compounded lead to moderately different values.\bigskip
-\textbf{Moral:} Reflecting on our assumptions, we are over-estimating
-our yield in many ways: first, who can know in 1978 about what will
-turn out to be a blue chip company.  Also, since the portfolios are
-chosen from the current S\&P 500, they do not include the myriad
-of companies that went bust or were de-listed over the years.
-So where does this leave our fictional character Mr T.~Drumb? Well, given
-his inheritance, a really dumb investment strategy would have done
-equally well, if not much better.\medskip
--- a/cws/disclaimer.sty	Thu Apr 23 14:49:54 2020 +0100
+++ b/cws/disclaimer.sty	Wed Aug 12 00:56:20 2020 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+\item #1  
 \item Make sure the files you submit can be processed by just calling\\
   \mbox{\texttt{scala <<filename.scala>>}} on the commandline.\footnote{All
     major OSes, including Windows, have a commandline. So there is no
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 It should be understood that the work you submit represents
 your \textbf{own} effort! You have not copied from anyone else. An
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cws/pcw01.tex	Wed Aug 12 00:56:20 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+% !TEX program = xelatex
+\section*{Core Part 6 (Scala)}
+\IMPORTANT{This part is about Scala. It is due on \cwSIXa{} at 4pm and worth 7\%.}
+Also note that the running time of each part will be restricted to a
+maximum of 30 seconds on my laptop.
+\subsection*{Reference Implementation}
+Like the C++ assignments, the Scala assignments will work like this: you
+push your files to GitHub and receive (after sometimes a long delay) some
+automated feedback. In the end we take a snapshot of the submitted files and
+apply an automated marking script to them.\medskip
+In addition, the Scala coursework comes with a reference implementation
+in form of \texttt{jar}-files. This allows you to run any test cases
+on your own computer. For example you can call Scala on the command
+line with the option \texttt{-cp drumb.jar} and then query any
+function from the template file. Say you want to find out what
+the functions ???
+produce: for this you just need to prefix them with the object name
+If you want to find out what these functions produce for the argument
+\texttt{6}, you would type something like:
+$ scala -cp collatz.jar
+scala> CW6a.collatz(6)
+scala> CW6a.collatz_max(6)
+\textbf{For Core Part:} useful string functions:
+\texttt{.startsWith(...)} for checking whether a string has a given
+prefix, \texttt{\_ ++ \_} for concatenating two strings; useful option
+functions: \texttt{.flatten} flattens a list of options such that it
+filters way all \texttt{None}'s, \texttt{Try(...).getOrElse ...} runs
+some code that might raise an exception---if yes, then a default value
+can be given; useful list functions: \texttt{.head} for obtaining the
+first element in a non-empty list, \texttt{.length} for the length of
+a list; \texttt{.filter(...)} for filtering out elements in a list;
+\texttt{.getLines.toList} for obtaining a list of lines from a file;
+\texttt{.split(",").toList} for splitting strings according to a
+\textbf{Note!} Fortunately Scala supports operator overloading. But
+make sure you understand the difference between \texttt{100 / 3} and
+\texttt{100.0 / 3}!
+\subsection*{Core Part (7 Marks, file drumb.scala)}
+A purely fictional character named Mr T.~Drumb inherited in 1978
+approximately 200 Million Dollar from his father. Mr Drumb prides
+himself to be a brilliant business man because nowadays it is
+estimated he is 3 Billion Dollar worth (one is not sure, of course,
+because Mr Drumb refuses to make his tax records public).
+Since the question about Mr Drumb's business acumen remains open,
+let's do a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation in Scala whether his
+claim has any merit. Let's suppose we are given \$100 in 1978 and we
+follow a really dumb investment strategy, namely:
+\item We blindly choose a portfolio of stocks, say some Blue-Chip stocks
+  or some Real Estate stocks.
+\item If some of the stocks in our portfolio are traded in January of
+  a year, we invest our money in equal amounts in each of these
+  stocks.  For example if we have \$100 and there are four stocks that
+  are traded in our portfolio, we buy \$25 worth of stocks
+  from each. (Be careful to also test cases where you trade with 3 stocks.) 
+\item Next year in January, we look at how our stocks did, liquidate
+  everything, and re-invest our (hopefully) increased money in again
+  the stocks from our portfolio (there might be more stocks available,
+  if companies from our portfolio got listed in that year, or less if
+  some companies went bust or were de-listed).
+\item We do this for 41 years until January 2019 and check what would
+  have become out of our \$100.
+Until Yahoo was bought by Altaba a few years ago, historical stock market
+data for such back-of-the-envelope calculations was freely available
+online. Unfortunately nowadays this kind of data is more difficult to
+obtain, unless you are prepared to pay extortionate prices or be
+severely rate-limited.  Therefore this part comes with a number
+of files containing CSV-lists with the historical stock prices for the
+companies in our portfolios. Use these files for the following
+\item[(1)] Write a function \texttt{get\_january\_data} that takes a
+  stock symbol and a year as arguments. The function reads the
+  corresponding CSV-file and returns the list of strings that start
+  with the given year (each line in the CSV-list is of the form
+  \texttt{someyear-01-someday,someprice}).\hfill[1 Mark]
+\item[(2)] Write a function \texttt{get\_first\_price} that takes
+  again a stock symbol and a year as arguments. It should return the
+  first January price for the stock symbol in the given year. For this
+  it uses the list of strings generated by
+  \texttt{get\_january\_data}.  A problem is that normally a stock
+  exchange is not open on 1st of January, but depending on the day of
+  the week on a later day (maybe 3rd or 4th). The easiest way to solve
+  this problem is to obtain the whole January data for a stock symbol
+  and then select the earliest, or first, entry in this list. The
+  stock price of this entry should be converted into a double.  Such a
+  price might not exist, in case the company does not exist in the given
+  year. For example, if you query for Google in January of 1980, then
+  clearly Google did not exist yet.  Therefore you are asked to
+  return a trade price with type \texttt{Option[Double]}\ldots\texttt{None}
+  will be the value for when no price exists; \texttt{Some} if  there is a
+  price.\hfill[1 Mark]
+\item[(3)] Write a function \texttt{get\_prices} that takes a
+  portfolio (a list of stock symbols), a years range and gets all the
+  first trading prices for each year in the range. You should organise
+  this as a list of lists of \texttt{Option[Double]}'s. The inner
+  lists are for all stock symbols from the portfolio and the outer
+  list for the years.  For example for Google and Apple in years 2010
+  (first line), 2011 (second line) and 2012 (third line) you obtain:
+  List(List(Some(312.204773), Some(26.782711)), 
+       List(Some(301.0466),   Some(41.244694)), 
+       List(Some(331.462585), Some(51.464207))))
+\end{verbatim}\hfill[1 Mark]
+%\subsection*{Advanced Part 3 (4 Marks, continue in file drumb.scala)}
+\item[(4)] Write a function that calculates the \emph{change factor} (delta)
+  for how a stock price has changed from one year to the next. This is
+  only well-defined, if the corresponding company has been traded in both
+  years. In this case you can calculate
+  \[
+  \frac{price_{new} - price_{old}}{price_{old}}
+  \]
+  If the change factor is defined, you should return it
+  as \texttt{Some(change\_factor)}; if not, you should return
+  \texttt{None}.\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
+\item[(5)] Write a function that calculates all change factors
+  (deltas) for the prices we obtained in Task (2). For the running
+  example of Google and Apple for the years 2010 to 2012 you should
+  obtain 4 change factors:
+  List(List(Some(-0.03573991804411003), Some(0.539974575389325)), 
+       List(Some(0.10103414222249969), Some(0.24777764141006836)))
+  That means Google did a bit badly in 2010, while Apple did very well.
+  Both did OK in 2011. Make sure you handle the cases where a company is
+  not listed in a year. In such cases the change factor should be \texttt{None}
+  (recall Task~(4)).
+  \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
+\item[(6)] Write a function that calculates the ``yield'', or
+  balance, for one year for our portfolio.  This function takes the
+  change factors, the starting balance and the year as arguments. If
+  no company from our portfolio existed in that year, the balance is
+  unchanged. Otherwise we invest in each existing company an equal
+  amount of our balance. Using the change factors computed under Task
+  (2), calculate the new balance. Say we had \$100 in 2010, we would have
+  received in our running example involving Google and Apple:
+  \begin{verbatim}
+  $50 * -0.03573991804411003 + $50 * 0.539974575389325
+                                       = $25.21173286726075
+  \end{verbatim}
+  as profit for that year, and our new balance for 2011 is \$125 when
+  converted to a \texttt{Long}.\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
+\item[(7)] Write a function that calculates the overall balance
+  for a range of years where each year the yearly profit is compounded to
+  the new balances and then re-invested into our portfolio.
+  For this use the function and results generated under (6).\\
+  \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
+\textbf{Test Data:} File \texttt{drumb.scala} contains two portfolios
+collected from the S\&P 500, one for blue-chip companies, including
+Facebook, Amazon and Baidu; and another for listed real-estate
+companies, whose names I have never heard of. Following the dumb
+investment strategy from 1978 until 2019 would have turned a starting
+balance of \$100 into roughly \$39,162 for real estate and a whopping
+\$462,199 for blue chips.  Note when comparing these results with your
+own calculations: there might be some small rounding errors, which
+when compounded lead to moderately different values.\bigskip
+\textbf{Moral:} Reflecting on our assumptions, we are over-estimating
+our yield in many ways: first, who can know in 1978 about what will
+turn out to be a blue chip company.  Also, since the portfolios are
+chosen from the current S\&P 500, they do not include the myriad
+of companies that went bust or were de-listed over the years.
+So where does this leave our fictional character Mr T.~Drumb? Well, given
+his inheritance, a really dumb investment strategy would have done
+equally well, if not much better.\medskip
Binary file handouts/pep-ho.pdf has changed
--- a/handouts/pep-ho.tex	Thu Apr 23 14:49:54 2020 +0100
+++ b/handouts/pep-ho.tex	Wed Aug 12 00:56:20 2020 +0100
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
 %cheat sheet
@@ -89,10 +92,22 @@
 %% Section 10 about strings; interpolations and multiline strings
+% Exact colors from NB
 \fnote{\copyright{} Christian Urban, King's College London, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020}
+%\begin{tcolorbox}[breakable,size=fbox,boxrule=1pt,pad at break*=1mm,colback=cellbackground,colframe=cellborder]
+%  abd
 \section*{A Crash-Course in Scala}
 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{``Scala --- \underline{S}lowly \underline{c}ompiled 
@@ -441,6 +456,8 @@
 \noindent The precise response may vary depending
 on the version and platform where you installed Scala. At the Scala
 prompt you can type things like \code{2 + 3}\;\keys{Ret} and
@@ -500,8 +517,22 @@
 scala> List(1) == List(1)
 scala> Array(1) == Array(1)
 scala> Array(1).sameElements(Array(1))
+Also observe carefully what Scala responds in the following 
+three instances involving the constant \lstinline!1!---can 
+you explain the differences?
+scala> 1
+scala> 1L
+scala> 1F
 Please take the Scala REPL seriously: If you want to take advantage of my
 reference implementation for the assignments, you will need to be
@@ -659,14 +690,15 @@
 but this seems a bit overkill for a small function like \code{fact}.
 Note that Scala does not have a \code{then}-keyword in an
-\code{if}-statement; and there should be always an \code{else}-branch.
-Never write an \code{if} without an \code{else}, unless you know what
-you are doing! Note also that there are a few other ways of how to
-define a function. We will see some of them in the next sections.
+\code{if}-statement. Also important is that there should be always an
+\code{else}-branch. Never write an \code{if} without an \code{else},
+unless you know what you are doing! While \code{def} is the main
+mechanism for defining functions, there are a few other ways for doing
+this. We will see some of them in the next sections.
 Before we go on, let me explain one tricky point in function
-definitions, especially in larger definitions. What does a Scala function
-actually return? Scala has a \code{return} keyword, but it is
+definitions, especially in larger definitions. What does a Scala
+function return as result? Scala has a \code{return} keyword, but it is
 used for something different than in Java (and C/C++). Therefore please
 make sure no \code{return} slips into your Scala code.
@@ -687,8 +719,8 @@
 \noindent In this example the expression \code{s / n} is in the last
 line of the function---so this will be the result the function
 calculates. The two lines before just calculate intermediate values.
-This principle of the ``last-line'' comes in handy when you need to print
-out values, for example, for debugging purposes. Suppose you want
+This principle of the ``last-line'' comes in handy when you need to
+print out values, for example, for debugging purposes. Suppose you want
 rewrite the function as
@@ -706,10 +738,12 @@
 The \code{println} before just prints out some information about the
 input of this function, but does not contribute to the result of the
 function. Similarly, the value \code{h} is used in the \code{println}
-but does not contribute to what integer is returned. However note that
-the idea with the ``last line'' is only a rough rule-of-thumb. A better
-rule might be: the last expression that is evaluated in the function.
-Consider the following version of \code{iaverage}:
+but does not contribute to what integer is returned. 
+A caveat is that the idea with the ``last line'' is only a rough
+rule-of-thumb. A better rule might be: the last expression that is
+evaluated in the function. Consider the following version of
 def average(xs: List[Int]) : Int = {
@@ -719,11 +753,11 @@
-What does this function return? Well are two possibilities: either the
-result of \code{xs.sum / xs.length} in the last line provided the list
-\code{xs} is nonempty, \textbf{or} if the list is empty, then it will
-return \code{0} from the \code{if}-branch (which is technically not the
-last line, but the last expression evaluated by the function in the
+What does this function return? Well there are two possibilities: either
+the result of \code{xs.sum / xs.length} in the last line provided the
+list \code{xs} is nonempty, \textbf{or} if the list is empty, then it
+will return \code{0} from the \code{if}-branch (which is technically not
+the last line, but the last expression evaluated by the function in the
 Summing up, do not use \code{return} in your Scala code! A function
--- a/progs/hello-world.scala	Thu Apr 23 14:49:54 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/hello-world.scala	Wed Aug 12 00:56:20 2020 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
-object Hello extends App { 
+object Hello //extends App 
+  var x = 1 
+  println("test")
+  x = x + 2
+  println("foo")
+  synchronized { x = x + 1 }
   println("hello world")
--- a/progs/lecture1.scala	Thu Apr 23 14:49:54 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/lecture1.scala	Wed Aug 12 00:56:20 2020 +0100
@@ -473,6 +473,16 @@
+// calculating pi 
+def f(n: BigInt) = BigDecimal(4 * n * n) / BigDecimal(4 * n * n - 1)
+2 * (BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).map(f).product
+(1 to 1000).sum
+(1 to 1000).product
 // Further Information
@@ -515,6 +525,19 @@
+// declarative 
+// imperative
+val result = ListBuffer[User]()
+for(user <- users) {
+    if(user.email.endsWith("@gmail.com")) {
+        result += user
+    }
@@ -522,6 +545,3 @@
--- a/progs/lecture3.scala	Thu Apr 23 14:49:54 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/lecture3.scala	Wed Aug 12 00:56:20 2020 +0100
@@ -403,3 +403,16 @@
+// Either
+val either1 : Either[Exception,Int] = Right(1)
+val either2: Either[Exception, Int] = Right(2)
+  one <- either1
+  two <- either2
+} yield one + two
Binary file solutions1/collatz.jar has changed
--- a/solutions1/collatz.scala	Thu Apr 23 14:49:54 2020 +0100
+++ b/solutions1/collatz.scala	Wed Aug 12 00:56:20 2020 +0100
@@ -31,4 +31,19 @@
+def is_pow(n: Long) : Boolean = (n & (n - 1)) == 0
+def is_hard(n: Long) : Boolean = is_pow(3 * n + 1)
+def last_odd(n: Long) : Long = 
+  if (is_hard(n)) n else
+    if (n % 2 == 0) last_odd(n / 2) else 
+      last_odd(3 * n + 1)
+//for (i <- 1 to 130) println(s"$i: ${last_odd(i)}")
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+++ b/style.sty	Wed Aug 12 00:56:20 2020 +0100
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 %%% for regular expressions and values
 \newcommand{\ZERO}{\mbox{\bf 0}}
@@ -22,6 +24,10 @@
 %% http://anorien.csc.warwick.ac.uk/mirrors/CTAN/graphics/pgf/contrib/forest/forest.pdf
+%%% url pointers
 \newcommand{\dn}{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}}