authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 12:49:19 +0000 (2019-01-28)
changeset 259 43995ea34fe7
parent 258 ebe71908b13e
child 260 b4812c877b05
--- a/TAs	Tue Jan 22 12:53:05 2019 +0000
+++ b/TAs	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -52,6 +52,16 @@
 232 submissions
+CW8, Advanced Part 2 
+89   => 4    
+63   => 3    
+17   => 2    
+17   => 1    
+46   => 0       
+232 submissions
 CW9, Part 1
                late (231)
@@ -66,7 +76,7 @@
 231 submissions
-CW9, Part2
+CW9, Advanced Part 2
 156  => 4 
 1    => 3
@@ -89,6 +99,17 @@
 230 submissions
+CW10, Advanced Part 2
+77   => 4      
+1    => 3      
+48   => 2      
+14   => 1      
+90   => 0      
+230 submissions
 Ninos Lahdo used var instead of val, but in useless places
Binary file cws/cw02.pdf has changed
--- a/cws/cw02.tex	Tue Jan 22 12:53:05 2019 +0000
+++ b/cws/cw02.tex	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@
 \item[(3)] Implement a kind of grouping function that calculates a Map
   containing the userIDs and all the corresponding recommendations for
-  this user (list of movieIDs). This should be implemented in a tail
-  recursive fashion using a Map as accumulator. This Map is set to
+  this user (list of movieIDs). This should be implemented in a
+  tail-recursive fashion using a Map as accumulator. This Map is set to
   \pcode{Map()} at the beginning of the calculation. For example
--- a/marking2/danube.scala	Tue Jan 22 12:53:05 2019 +0000
+++ b/marking2/danube.scala	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -176,3 +176,5 @@
--- a/marking2/danube_test.sh	Tue Jan 22 12:53:05 2019 +0000
+++ b/marking2/danube_test.sh	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -6,12 +6,7 @@
-# read marks for CW7 part 1
-marks=$(( `tail -1 $out` ))
-echo $marks
-echo "" >> $out
+echo "" > $out
 echo "Below is the feedback for your submission danube.scala" >> $out
 echo "" >> $out
@@ -20,32 +15,32 @@
 # compilation tests
 function scala_compile {
-    (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g" scala -nc "$1" 2>> $out 1>> $out)
+  (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g" scala "$1" 2>> $out 1>> $out) 
 # functional tests
 function scala_assert {
-  (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g" scala -nc -i "$1" "$2" -e "" 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null)
+  (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g" scala -i "$1" "$2" -e "" 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null)
 # purity test
 function scala_vars {
-   (egrep '\bvar\b|\breturn\b|ListBuffer|mutable' "$1" 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null)
+   (egrep '\bvar\b|\breturn\b|\.par|ListBuffer|mutable' "$1" 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null)
 # var, .par return, ListBuffer test
-echo "danube.scala does not contain vars, returns etc?" | tee -a $out
+echo "danube.scala does not contain vars, returns etc?" >> $out
 if (scala_vars danube.scala)
-  echo "  --> test failed" | tee -a $out
-  tsts0=$(( 1 ))  
+  echo "  --> fail (make triple-sure your program conforms to the required format)" >> $out
+  tsts0=$(( 0 ))
-  echo "  --> success" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  --> success" >> $out
   tsts0=$(( 0 )) 
@@ -54,14 +49,14 @@
 if  [ $tsts0 -eq 0 ]
-  echo "danube.scala runs?" | tee -a $out
+  echo "danube.scala runs?" >> $out
   if (scala_compile danube.scala)
-    echo "  --> success" | tee -a $out
+    echo "  --> success" >> $out
     tsts=$(( 0 ))
-    echo "  --> scala did not run danube.scala" | tee -a $out
+    echo "  --> scala did not run danube.scala" >> $out
     tsts=$(( 1 )) 
@@ -72,16 +67,15 @@
 if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
-  echo "danube.scala tests:" | tee -a $out
-  echo "  val movies_url = \"\"\"https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/christian.urban/movies.csv\"\"\"" | tee -a $out
-  echo "  get_csv_url(movies_url).length == 9742" | tee -a $out
+  echo "danube.scala tests:" >> $out
+  echo "  val movies_url = \"\"\"https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/christian.urban/movies.csv\"\"\"" >> $out
+  echo "  get_csv_url(movies_url).length == 9742" >> $out
   if (scala_assert "danube.scala" "danube_test1.scala")
-      echo "  --> success" | tee -a $out
-      marks=$(( marks + 1 ))
+    echo "  --> success" >> $out
-    echo "  --> one of the tests failed" | tee -a $out
+    echo "  --> one of the tests failed" >> $out
@@ -89,25 +83,17 @@
 if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
-  echo "  val good_ratings = process_ratings(ratings)" | tee -a $out
-  echo "  val movie_names = process_movies(movies)" | tee -a $out  
-  echo "  " | tee -a $out
-  echo "  good_ratings.length == 48580 " | tee -a $out
-  echo "  movie_names.length == 9742 " | tee -a $out
+  echo "  val good_ratings = process_ratings(ratings)" >> $out
+  echo "  val movie_names = process_movies(movies)" >> $out  
+  echo "  " >> $out
+  echo "  good_ratings.length == 48580 " >> $out
+  echo "  movie_names.length == 9742 " >> $out
   if (scala_assert "danube.scala" "danube_test2.scala") 
-      echo "  --> success" | tee -a $out
-      marks=$(( marks + 1 ))
+    echo "  --> success" >> $out
-    echo "  --> one of the tests failed" | tee -a $out
+    echo "  --> one of the tests failed" >> $out
-## final marks
-echo "Overall mark for CW 7, Part 1 + 2" | tee -a $out
-echo "$marks" | tee -a $out
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/marking2/danube_test2.sh	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# to make the script fail safely
+set -euo pipefail
+echo "" > $out
+echo "Below is the feedback and provisional marks for your submission" >> $out
+echo "for assignment 7 Part 3.  Please note all marks are provisional until" >> $out
+echo "ratified by the assessment board -- this is not an official" >> $out
+echo "results transcript." >> $out
+echo "" >> $out
+# marks for CW7 part 3
+marks=$(( 0 ))
+# compilation tests
+function scala_compile {
+  (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g" scala -nc "$1" 2>> $out 1>> $out) 
+# functional tests
+function scala_assert {
+  (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g" scala -nc -i "$1" "$2" -e "") #2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null)
+# purity test
+function scala_vars {
+   (egrep '\bvar\b|\breturn\b|\.par|ListBuffer|mutable|new Array' "$1" 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null)
+# var, .par return, ListBuffer test
+echo "danube.scala does not contain vars, returns etc?" | tee -a $out  
+if (scala_vars danube.scala)
+  echo "  --> test failed" | tee -a $out  
+  tsts0=$(( 1 ))
+  echo -e "  --> success" | tee -a $out  
+  tsts0=$(( 0 )) 
+### compilation test
+if  [ $tsts0 -eq 0 ]
+  echo "danube.scala runs?" | tee -a $out  
+  if (scala_compile danube.scala)
+  then
+    echo -e "  --> success" | tee -a $out  
+    tsts=$(( 0 ))
+  else
+    echo "  --> scala danube.scala did not run successfully" | tee -a $out  
+    tsts=$(( 1 )) 
+  fi
+  tsts=$(( 1 ))     
+### danube groupById test
+if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
+  echo "  val ls1 = List((\"1\", \"a\"), (\"2\", \"a\"), (\"1\", \"c\"), (\"2\", \"a\"), (\"1\", \"c\"))" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  val ls2 = List((\"1\", \"a\"), (\"1\", \"b\"), (\"2\", \"x\"), (\"3\", \"a\"), (\"2\", \"y\"), (\"3\", \"c\"))" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  groupById(ls1, Map()) == Map(1 -> List(c, c, a), 2 -> List(a, a))" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  groupById(ls2, Map()) == Map(1 -> List(b, a), 2 -> List(x, y), 3 -> List(c, a))" | tee -a $out
+  echo "      where the order in the lists is unimportant" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  val ls3 = (1 to 1000).map(_.toString).toList" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  val ls4 = ls3 zip ls3.tail" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  val ls5 = ls4 ::: ls4.reverse" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  groupById(ls5, Map()) == Map(1 -> List(2,2), 2 -> List(3,3), ....)" | tee -a $out
+  if (scala_assert "danube.scala" "danube_test3.scala")
+  then
+      echo -e "  --> success" | tee -a $out
+      marks=$(( marks + 1 ))
+  else
+      echo -e "  --> test failed" | tee -a $out
+  fi
+### danube favourites tests
+if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
+  echo "  val good_ratings = process_ratings(ratings)" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  val ratings_map = groupById(good_ratings, Map())" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  favourites(ratings_map, \"912\").length  == 80 " | tee -a $out
+  echo "  favourites(ratings_map, \"858\").length  == 158 " | tee -a $out
+  echo "  favourites(ratings_map, \"260\").length  == 201 " | tee -a $out  
+  if (scala_assert "danube.scala" "danube_test4.scala") 
+  then
+    echo "  --> success" | tee -a $out
+    marks=$(( marks + 1 ))
+  else
+    echo "  --> one of the tests failed" | tee -a $out
+  fi
+### danube suggestions tests
+if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
+  echo "  val good_ratings = process_ratings(ratings)" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  val ratings_map = groupById(good_ratings, Map())" | tee -a $out
+  echo "  suggestions(ratings_map, \"912\").length  == 4110 " | tee -a $out
+  echo "  suggestions(ratings_map, \"858\").length  == 4883 " | tee -a $out
+  echo "  suggestions(ratings_map, \"260\").length  == 4970 " | tee -a $out  
+  if (scala_assert "danube.scala" "danube_test5.scala") 
+  then
+    echo "  --> success" | tee -a $out
+    marks=$(( marks + 1 ))
+  else
+    echo "  --> one of the tests failed" | tee -a $out
+  fi
+### danube recommendation tests
+if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
+  echo "  recommendations(ratings_map, movies_map, \"1\").length  == 2 " | tee -a $out
+  echo "  recommendations(ratings_map, movies_map, \"2\").length  == 2 " | tee -a $out
+  echo "  recommendations(ratings_map, movies_map, \"3\").length  == 2 " | tee -a $out
+  echo "  recommendations(ratings_map, movies_map, \"4\").length  == 0 " | tee -a $out
+  echo "  recommendations(ratings_map, movies_map, \"5\").length  == 2 " | tee -a $out
+  if (scala_assert "danube.scala" "danube_test6.scala") 
+  then
+    echo "  --> success" | tee -a $out
+    marks=$(( marks + 1 ))
+  else
+    echo "  --> one of the tests failed" | tee -a $out
+  fi
+## final marks
+echo "Overall mark for CW 7, Part 3" | tee -a $out
+echo "$marks" | tee -a $out
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/marking2/danube_test3.scala	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// first test 
+val ls1_urban = List(("1", "a"), ("2", "a"), ("1", "c"), ("2", "a"), ("1", "c"))
+val m_urban = groupById(ls1_urban, Map())
+assert(m_urban.getOrElse("1", Nil).count(_ == "c") == 2)
+assert(m_urban.getOrElse("1", Nil).count(_ == "a") == 1)
+assert(m_urban.getOrElse("2", Nil) == List("a", "a"))
+// second test
+def urban_gb(ratings: List[(String, String)]) = 
+  ratings.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2).toSet) 
+def urban_gb2(ratings: List[(String, String)]) = 
+  ratings.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2)) 
+def urban_ck(ratings: List[(String, String)]) =
+  urban_gb(ratings) == groupById(ratings, Map()).mapValues(_.toSet)
+val ls2_urban = List(("1", "a"), ("1", "b"), ("2", "x"), ("3", "a"), ("2", "y"), ("3", "c"))
+// thrird test
+val ls3_urban = (1 to 1000).map(_.toString).toList
+val ls4_urban = ls3_urban zip ls3_urban.tail
+val ls5_urban = ls4_urban ::: ls4_urban.reverse
+import io.Source
+import scala.util._
+def urban_get_csv_file(name: String) : List[String] = {
+  val csv = Source.fromFile(name)
+  csv.mkString.split("\n").toList.drop(1)
+def urban_process_ratings(lines: List[String]) : List[(String, String)] = {
+  for (cols <- lines.map(_.split(",").toList); 
+       if (cols(2).toFloat >= 4)) yield (cols(0), cols(1))  
+val urban_ratings = urban_process_ratings(urban_get_csv_file("ratings.csv").take(1000))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/marking2/danube_test4.scala	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// first test 
+def urban_groupById(ratings: List[(String, String)]) = 
+  ratings.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2)) 
+def urban_get_csv_file(name: String) : List[String] = {
+  import io.Source
+  import scala.util._
+  val csv = Source.fromFile(name)
+  csv.mkString.split("\n").toList.drop(1)
+def urban_process_ratings(lines: List[String]) : List[(String, String)] = {
+  for (cols <- lines.map(_.split(",").toList); 
+       if (cols(2).toFloat >= 4)) yield (cols(0), cols(1))  
+val urban_good_ratings = process_ratings(urban_get_csv_file("ratings.csv"))
+val urban_ratings_map = urban_groupById(urban_good_ratings)
+assert(favourites(urban_ratings_map, "912").length  == 80)
+assert(favourites(urban_ratings_map, "858").length  == 158)
+assert(favourites(urban_ratings_map, "260").length  == 201)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/marking2/danube_test5.scala	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// first test 
+def urban_groupById(ratings: List[(String, String)]) = 
+  ratings.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2)) 
+def urban_get_csv_file(name: String) : List[String] = {
+  import io.Source
+  import scala.util._
+  val csv = Source.fromFile(name)
+  csv.mkString.split("\n").toList.drop(1)
+def urban_process_ratings(lines: List[String]) : List[(String, String)] = {
+  for (cols <- lines.map(_.split(",").toList); 
+       if (cols(2).toFloat >= 4)) yield (cols(0), cols(1))  
+val urban_good_ratings = process_ratings(urban_get_csv_file("ratings.csv"))
+val urban_ratings_map = urban_groupById(urban_good_ratings)
+assert(suggestions(urban_ratings_map, "912").length  == 4110)
+assert(suggestions(urban_ratings_map, "858").length  == 4883)
+assert(suggestions(urban_ratings_map, "260").length  == 4970)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/marking2/danube_test6.scala	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// first test 
+def urban_groupById(ratings: List[(String, String)]) = 
+  ratings.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2)) 
+def urban_get_csv_file(name: String) : List[String] = {
+  import io.Source
+  import scala.util._
+  val csv = Source.fromFile(name)
+  csv.mkString.split("\n").toList.drop(1)
+def urban_process_ratings(lines: List[String]) : List[(String, String)] = {
+  for (cols <- lines.map(_.split(",").toList); 
+       if (cols(2).toFloat >= 4)) yield (cols(0), cols(1))  
+def urban_process_movies(lines: List[String]) : List[(String, String)] = {
+  for (cols <- lines.map(_.split(",").toList)) yield (cols(0), cols(1))  
+val urban_good_ratings = process_ratings(urban_get_csv_file("ratings.csv"))
+val urban_movie_names = process_movies(urban_get_csv_file("movies.csv")).toMap
+val urban_ratings_map = urban_groupById(urban_good_ratings)
+assert((for (n <- List("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")) yield {
+  recommendations(urban_ratings_map, urban_movie_names, n).length
+}) == List(2, 2, 2, 0, 2))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/marking2/mk-advanced	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+###set -e
+trap "exit" INT
+for sd in $files; do
+  cd $sd
+  echo $sd
+  touch .
+  cp ../../../marking2/*.sh .
+  cp ../../../marking2/danube_test1.scala .
+  cp ../../../marking2/danube_test2.scala .
+  cp ../../../marking2/docdiff_test1.scala .
+  cp ../../../marking2/docdiff_test2.scala .
+  cp ../../../marking2/docdiff_test3.scala .
+  cp ../../../marking2/docdiff_test4.scala .
+  cp ../../../marking2/movies.csv .
+  cp ../../../marking2/ratings.csv .
+  ./docdiff_test.sh output
+  ./danube_test.sh output
+  rm *.sh
+  rm danube_test1.scala
+  rm danube_test2.scala
+  rm docdiff_test1.scala
+  rm docdiff_test2.scala
+  rm docdiff_test3.scala
+  rm docdiff_test4.scala
+  rm ratings.csv
+  rm movies.csv
+  cd ..
--- a/marking3/knight3_test.sh	Tue Jan 22 12:53:05 2019 +0000
+++ b/marking3/knight3_test.sh	Mon Jan 28 12:49:19 2019 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 # functional tests
 function scala_assert {
-    (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx4g -Xss200m" scala -nc -i "$1" "$2" -e "" 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null)
+    (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g" scala -nc -i "$1" "$2" -e "" 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null)
 function scala_assert_long {
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 if (scala_vars knight3.scala)
   echo "  --> test failed" | tee -a $out
-  tsts0=$(( 0 ))
+  tsts0=$(( 1 ))
   echo "  --> success" | tee -a $out
   tsts0=$(( 0 ))