# HG changeset patch
# User Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
# Date 1519424802 0
# Node ID 37b1bfcdba795f4a38bfb45a365bbdab4a0c8f14
# Parent  b37052895281c7b4922b790fdd49cd625e192a61

diff -r b37052895281 -r 37b1bfcdba79 handouts/pep-ho.pdf
Binary file handouts/pep-ho.pdf has changed
diff -r b37052895281 -r 37b1bfcdba79 handouts/pep-ho.tex
--- a/handouts/pep-ho.tex	Fri Jan 19 14:09:08 2018 +0000
+++ b/handouts/pep-ho.tex	Fri Feb 23 22:26:42 2018 +0000
@@ -6,10 +6,65 @@
 %cheat sheet
+% case class, apply, unappy
+% see https://medium.com/@thejasbabu/scala-pattern-matching-9c9e73ba9a8a
 \section*{A Crash-Course in Scala}
+Scala is a programming language that combines functional and
+object-oriented programming-styles. It has received quite a bit of
+attention in the last five or so years. One reason for this attention
+is that, like the Java programming language, Scala compiles to the
+Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and therefore Scala programs can run under
+MacOSX, Linux and Windows.\footnote{There are also experimental
+  backends for Android and JavaScript; and also work is under way to
+  have a native compiler, see
+  \url{https://github.com/scala-native/scala-native}.} Unlike Java,
+however, Scala often allows programmers to write very concise and
+elegant code.  Some therefore say: ``Scala is the better
+Also a number of companies (the Guardian, Twitter, Coursera,
+FourSquare, LinkedIn to name a few) either use Scala exclusively in
+production code, or at least to some substantial degree. Scala seems
+also to be useful in job-interviews (in Data Science) according to
+this anecdotal report
+The official Scala compiler can be downloaded from
+A ready-made bundle with the Eclipse IDE is at
+When developing Scala programs, I personally prefer to use Emacs
+or Sublime as my environment, since they provide an easy access
+to the Scala REPL (see below).  But it is also possible to work
+completely on the command line and also with heavy-duty IDEs
+like Eclipse of IntelliJ. There is even an online editor and
+environment for developing Scala programs called ScalaFiddle
 \subsection*{The Very Basics}
 One advantage of Scala over Java is that it includes an interpreter (a
@@ -17,6 +72,7 @@
 with which you can run and test small code-snippets without the need
 of a compiler. This helps a lot with interactively developing
+programs. This is really the preferred way of writing small Scala
 programs. Once you installed Scala, you can start the interpreter by
 typing on the command line:
diff -r b37052895281 -r 37b1bfcdba79 handouts/scala-ho.tex
--- a/handouts/scala-ho.tex	Fri Jan 19 14:09:08 2018 +0000
+++ b/handouts/scala-ho.tex	Fri Feb 23 22:26:42 2018 +0000
@@ -15,21 +15,23 @@
 \section*{A Crash-Course on Scala}
 Scala is a programming language that combines functional and
-object-oriented programming-styles. It has received quite a
-bit of attention in the last five years or so. One reason for
-this attention is that, like the Java programming language,
-Scala compiles to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and therefore
-Scala programs can run under MacOSX, Linux and
-Windows.\footnote{There are also experimental backends for
-Android and JavaScript; and also work is under way to have a
-native compiler, see \url{https://github.com/scala-native/scala-native}.} Unlike Java, however, Scala often
-allows programmers to write very concise and elegant code.
-Some therefore say: Scala is the much better Java. A number of
-companies, The Guardian, Twitter, Coursera, FourSquare,
-LinkedIn to name a few, either use Scala exclusively in
-production code, or at least to some substantial degree. It
-also seems to be useful in job-interviews (in Data Science)
-according to this annectotical report
+object-oriented programming-styles. It has received quite a bit of
+attention in the last five or so years. One reason for this attention
+is that, like the Java programming language, Scala compiles to the
+Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and therefore Scala programs can run under
+MacOSX, Linux and Windows.\footnote{There are also experimental
+  backends for Android and JavaScript; and also work is under way to
+  have a native compiler, see
+  \url{https://github.com/scala-native/scala-native}.} Unlike Java,
+however, Scala often allows programmers to write very concise and
+elegant code.  Some therefore say: ``Scala is the better
+Also a number of companies (the Guardian, Twitter, Coursera,
+FourSquare, LinkedIn to name a few) either use Scala exclusively in
+production code, or at least to some substantial degree. Scala seems
+also to be useful in job-interviews (in Data Science) according to
+this anecdotal report
@@ -50,6 +52,18 @@
+When developing Scala programs, I personally prefer to use Emacs
+or Sublime as my environment, since they provide an easy access
+to the Scala REPL (see below).  But it is also possible to work
+completely on the command line and also with heavy-duty IDEs
+like Eclipse of IntelliJ. There is even an online editor and
+environment for developing Scala programs called ScalaFiddle
 Why do I use Scala in the AFL module? Actually, you can do
 \emph{any} part of the coursework in \emph{any} programming
 language you like. I use Scala for showing you code during the
diff -r b37052895281 -r 37b1bfcdba79 marking1/drumb_test2.scala
--- a/marking1/drumb_test2.scala	Fri Jan 19 14:09:08 2018 +0000
+++ b/marking1/drumb_test2.scala	Fri Feb 23 22:26:42 2018 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+// paste in the actual values
 val urban_prices1 = CW6c.get_prices(List("BIDU"), 2004 to 2008)
 val urban_prices2 = CW6c.get_prices(List("GOOG", "AAPL"), 2010 to 2012)
diff -r b37052895281 -r 37b1bfcdba79 marking3/bf1c_test.scala
--- a/marking3/bf1c_test.scala	Fri Jan 19 14:09:08 2018 +0000
+++ b/marking3/bf1c_test.scala	Fri Feb 23 22:26:42 2018 +0000
@@ -4,6 +4,14 @@
 assert(start("[-]", Map(0 -> 100)) == Map(0 -> 0))
 assert(start("[->+<]", Map(0 -> 10)) == Map(0 -> 0, 1 -> 10))
 assert(start("[>>+>>+<<<<-]", Map(0 -> 42)) == Map(0 -> 0, 2 -> 42, 4 -> 42))
-	     <-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.""", Map()) == Map(0 -> 0, 5 -> 33, 1 -> 0, 6 -> 10, 2 -> 72, 3 -> 100, 4 -> 87))
+val hello = """++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.
+               +++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++."""
+assert(start(hello, Map()) == Map(0 -> 0, 5 -> 33, 1 -> 0, 6 -> 10, 2 -> 72, 3 -> 100, 4 -> 87))
 assert(start("+++++[->++++++++++<]>--<+++[->>++++++++++<<]>>++<<----------[+>.>.<+<]", Map()) == Map(0 -> 0, 1 -> 58, 2 -> 32))
+val hello2 = """++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.!!!!!!!!!"""
+assert(start(hello2, Map()) == Map(0 -> 0, 5 -> 33, 1 -> 0, 6 -> 10, 2 -> 72, 3 -> 100, 4 -> 87))
diff -r b37052895281 -r 37b1bfcdba79 progs/lecture1.scala
--- a/progs/lecture1.scala	Fri Jan 19 14:09:08 2018 +0000
+++ b/progs/lecture1.scala	Fri Feb 23 22:26:42 2018 +0000
@@ -302,9 +302,32 @@
 time_needed(10, for (n <- list.par) yield n + 42)
+// mutable vs immutable factorial
+def fact_mu(n: Long): Long = {
+  var result : Long = 1
+  var i = 1
+  while (i <= n) {
+    result = result * i
+    i = i + 1
+  }
+  result
+def fact_im(num: Long): Long = {
+  if (num == 1) num else
+    num * fact_im(num - 1)
+def test() = {
+  for (i <- (0 to 10).par) yield {
+    val l1 = for (n <- (List.fill(100000)(20 to 21)).flatten.par) yield fact_mu(n)
+    val l2 = for (n <- (List.fill(100000)(20 to 21)).flatten.par) yield fact_im(n) 
+    l1.sum - l2.sum
+  }
+println(l1.sum - l2.sum)
 // Webpages
@@ -456,3 +479,67 @@
+// advantage of case classes
+case class Participant(name: String, score: Int, active: Boolean)
+val ps = Seq(Participant("Jack", 34, true),
+             Participant("Tom", 51, true),
+             Participant("Bob", 90, false))
+ps.filter(_.score < 50).
+   filter(_.active).
+   map(_.copy(active = false))
+// another example why state is bad...does not work yet
+// for measuring time
+def time_needed[T](n: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (i <- (0 to n)) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start) / 1.0e9
+def santa_state(plan: List[Char]) : Int = {  
+  var floor = 0
+  for (i <- plan.par) {
+    if (i == '(') {
+      floor += 1
+    } else {
+      floor -= 1
+    }
+  }
+  floor
+def i(c: Char) = if (c == '(') 1 else -1
+def santa_imutable(plan: List[Char]) : Int =
+  plan.par.map(i(_)).reduce(_ + _)
+def randomString(length: Int) = 
+  List.fill(length)((40 + scala.util.Random.nextInt(2)).toChar)
+val large_string = randomString(3000000)
+time_needed(10, santa_state(large_string))
+time_needed(10, santa_imutable(large_string))
diff -r b37052895281 -r 37b1bfcdba79 progs/lecture3.scala
--- a/progs/lecture3.scala	Fri Jan 19 14:09:08 2018 +0000
+++ b/progs/lecture3.scala	Fri Feb 23 22:26:42 2018 +0000
@@ -509,3 +509,20 @@
 // I like best about Scala that it lets me often write
 // concise, readable code.
+// You can define your own while loop
+def my_while(condition: => Boolean)(block: => Unit): Unit = 
+  if (condition) { block ; my_while(condition) { block } } else { }
+var x = 10
+my_while (x > 0) { 
+  println(s"$x") ; x = x - 1 