diff -r 22233a7c32d8 -r d39b8733c6ea progs/roman_sol.scala --- a/progs/roman_sol.scala Wed Jan 25 17:23:00 2017 +0000 +++ b/progs/roman_sol.scala Thu Jan 26 01:43:31 2017 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +// Part 1 about Roman Numerals +//============================= + abstract class RomanDigit case object I extends RomanDigit case object V extends RomanDigit @@ -9,6 +12,12 @@ type RomanNumeral = List[RomanDigit] + +// (1) First write a polymorphic function that recursively +// transforms a list of options into an option of a list. +// As soon as a None is inside the list, the result is None. +// Otherwise produce a list of all Some's appended. + def optionlist[A](xs: List[Option[A]]): Option[List[A]] = xs match { case Nil => Some(Nil) case x::xs => (x, optionlist(xs)) match { @@ -18,7 +27,16 @@ } } -def char2romandigit(c: Char): Option[RomanDigit] = c match { +optionlist(List(Some(1), Some(2), Some(3))) +optionlist(List(Some(1), None, Some(3))) +optionlist(List()) + +// (2) Write a function first a function that converts a character +// into a roman digit (if possible). Then convert a string into +// a roman numeral (if possible). If this is not possible, the functions +// should return None. + +def Char2RomanDigit(c: Char): Option[RomanDigit] = c match { case 'I' => Some(I) case 'V' => Some(V) case 'X' => Some(X) @@ -30,8 +48,9 @@ } def String2RomanNumeral(s: String) : Option[RomanNumeral] = - optionlist(s.toList.map(char2romandigit)) + optionlist(s.toList.map(Char2RomanDigit)) +// some test cases String2RomanNumeral("IIII") String2RomanNumeral("IV") String2RomanNumeral("VI") @@ -40,7 +59,9 @@ String2RomanNumeral("MCMXLIV") String2RomanNumeral("M C M X L I V") // None -//////////////// + +// (3) Write a recursive function RomanNumral2Int that converts a +// RomanNumeral into an integer. def RomanNumeral2Int(rs: RomanNumeral): Int = rs match { case Nil => 0 @@ -59,6 +80,7 @@ case I::r => 1 + RomanNumeral2Int(r) } +// some test cases RomanNumeral2Int(List(I,I,I,I)) // 4 RomanNumeral2Int(List(I,V)) // 4 RomanNumeral2Int(List(V,I)) // 6 @@ -67,6 +89,10 @@ RomanNumeral2Int(List(M,C,M,X,L,I,V)) // 1944 +// (4) Write a function that converts a string (containing +// a roman numeral) into an integer (if possible). If not +// this is not possible, the functions should return None. + def String2Int(s: String): Option[Int] = String2RomanNumeral(s).map(RomanNumeral2Int(_)) @@ -106,13 +132,34 @@ String2Int("CIM") // ?? 899 String2Int("MDCLXVI") // 1666 -String2Int("VIV") //9, but should be written as IX +String2Int("VIV") // 9, but should be written as IX String2Int("IVX") // 14 invalid // error cases String2Int("MC?I") String2Int("abc") +// (5) The file roman.txt contains a list of roman numerals. +// Read in these numerals, convert them into integers and then +// add them all up. + +import io.Source +import scala.util._ + +// function for reading files: +// Source.fromFile("file_name")("ISO-8859-9") + +def addromanfile(filename: String) = { + val lines = Source.fromFile(filename)("ISO-8859-9").getLines.toList.map(_.trim) + lines.map(String2Int(_)).flatten.sum +} + + +addromanfile("roman.txt") + + + + def runsAllowed(r: RomanDigit) = r match { case I | X | C | M => true