author Christian Urban <>
Mon, 21 Nov 2022 15:57:45 +0000
changeset 447 f51e593903ac
parent 422 217bbd700594
permissions -rw-r--r--

There was a setup error with PEP and the Evasys system, because of
which we were only able to collect 64 responses (out of 400+ eligible
students) this year. The submitted responses indicate that students
were satisfied with the module.  For example more than 64% of the
students found the pace of the lectures about right and more than 81%
of the students found the module intellectually stimulating. Furthermore
75% od the students we satisfied with the quality of the module, with
another 7.8% expressing a neutral opinion. Of course we will work
hard to maintain, and possibly even improve upon, such a favourable view.

Students generally liked learning new programming languages and 
seeing programming from a different point of view. Also students appreciated
very much the setup of coursework and the automatic feedback via Github
submissions. We will keep this in the future. We will also keep the two
deadlines for the coursework in November and January for the work to
be completed. This seems to have worked well with students (as opposed to
weekly deadlines we had in previous years). We did not hear about any
problems regarding the SGTs and TAs. We will keep the format of weekly
SGTs led by an experienced TA.

Some difficulties arose from the study material. We will go over the
provided material for the next year and implement potential
improvements.  We inherited this year the software behind the testing
framework. We will endeavour to maintain this testing framework, which
is a potpourri of scripts written in Perl, Bash, PhP, Python, as well
as C++ and Scala, of course.