% !TEX program = xelatex\documentclass{article}\usepackage{../style}\usepackage{disclaimer}\usepackage{../langs}\begin{document}\section*{Core Part 6 (Scala)}\IMPORTANT{This part is about Scala. It is due on \cwSIXa{} at 4pm and worth 7\%.}\noindentAlso note that the running time of each part will be restricted to amaximum of 30 seconds on my laptop.\DISCLAIMER{}\subsection*{Reference Implementation}Like the C++ assignments, the Scala assignments will work like this: youpush your files to GitHub and receive (after sometimes a long delay) someautomated feedback. In the end we take a snapshot of the submitted files andapply an automated marking script to them.\medskip\noindentIn addition, the Scala coursework comes with a reference implementationin form of \texttt{jar}-files. This allows you to run any test caseson your own computer. For example you can call Scala on the commandline with the option \texttt{-cp drumb.jar} and then query anyfunction from the template file. Say you want to find out whatthe functions ???produce: for this you just need to prefix them with the object name\texttt{CW6b}.If you want to find out what these functions produce for the argument\texttt{6}, you would type something like:\begin{lstlisting}[language={},numbers=none,basicstyle=\ttfamily\small]$ scala -cp collatz.jarscala> CW6a.collatz(6)...scala> CW6a.collatz_max(6)...\end{lstlisting}%$\subsection*{Hints}\noindent\textbf{For Core Part:} useful string functions:\texttt{.startsWith(...)} for checking whether a string has a givenprefix, \texttt{\_ ++ \_} for concatenating two strings; useful optionfunctions: \texttt{.flatten} flattens a list of options such that itfilters way all \texttt{None}'s, \texttt{Try(...).getOrElse ...} runssome code that might raise an exception---if yes, then a default valuecan be given; useful list functions: \texttt{.head} for obtaining thefirst element in a non-empty list, \texttt{.length} for the length ofa list; \texttt{.filter(...)} for filtering out elements in a list;\texttt{.getLines.toList} for obtaining a list of lines from a file;\texttt{.split(",").toList} for splitting strings according to acomma.\bigskip\noindent\textbf{Note!} Fortunately Scala supports operator overloading. Butmake sure you understand the difference between \texttt{100 / 3} and\texttt{100.0 / 3}!\newpage\subsection*{Core Part (7 Marks, file drumb.scala)}A purely fictional character named Mr T.~Drumb inherited in 1978approximately 200 Million Dollar from his father. Mr Drumb prideshimself to be a brilliant business man because nowadays it isestimated he is 3 Billion Dollar worth (one is not sure, of course,because Mr Drumb refuses to make his tax records public).Since the question about Mr Drumb's business acumen remains open,let's do a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation in Scala whether hisclaim has any merit. Let's suppose we are given \$100 in 1978 and wefollow a really dumb investment strategy, namely:\begin{itemize}\item We blindly choose a portfolio of stocks, say some Blue-Chip stocks or some Real Estate stocks.\item If some of the stocks in our portfolio are traded in January of a year, we invest our money in equal amounts in each of these stocks. For example if we have \$100 and there are four stocks that are traded in our portfolio, we buy \$25 worth of stocks from each. (Be careful to also test cases where you trade with 3 stocks.) \item Next year in January, we look at how our stocks did, liquidate everything, and re-invest our (hopefully) increased money in again the stocks from our portfolio (there might be more stocks available, if companies from our portfolio got listed in that year, or less if some companies went bust or were de-listed).\item We do this for 41 years until January 2019 and check what would have become out of our \$100.\end{itemize}\noindentUntil Yahoo was bought by Altaba a few years ago, historical stock marketdata for such back-of-the-envelope calculations was freely availableonline. Unfortunately nowadays this kind of data is more difficult toobtain, unless you are prepared to pay extortionate prices or beseverely rate-limited. Therefore this part comes with a numberof files containing CSV-lists with the historical stock prices for thecompanies in our portfolios. Use these files for the followingtasks.\bigskip\newpage\noindent\textbf{Tasks}\begin{itemize}\item[(1)] Write a function \texttt{get\_january\_data} that takes a stock symbol and a year as arguments. The function reads the corresponding CSV-file and returns the list of strings that start with the given year (each line in the CSV-list is of the form \texttt{someyear-01-someday,someprice}).\hfill[1 Mark]\item[(2)] Write a function \texttt{get\_first\_price} that takes again a stock symbol and a year as arguments. It should return the first January price for the stock symbol in the given year. For this it uses the list of strings generated by \texttt{get\_january\_data}. A problem is that normally a stock exchange is not open on 1st of January, but depending on the day of the week on a later day (maybe 3rd or 4th). The easiest way to solve this problem is to obtain the whole January data for a stock symbol and then select the earliest, or first, entry in this list. The stock price of this entry should be converted into a double. Such a price might not exist, in case the company does not exist in the given year. For example, if you query for Google in January of 1980, then clearly Google did not exist yet. Therefore you are asked to return a trade price with type \texttt{Option[Double]}\ldots\texttt{None} will be the value for when no price exists; \texttt{Some} if there is a price.\hfill[1 Mark]\item[(3)] Write a function \texttt{get\_prices} that takes a portfolio (a list of stock symbols), a years range and gets all the first trading prices for each year in the range. You should organise this as a list of lists of \texttt{Option[Double]}'s. The inner lists are for all stock symbols from the portfolio and the outer list for the years. For example for Google and Apple in years 2010 (first line), 2011 (second line) and 2012 (third line) you obtain:\begin{verbatim} List(List(Some(312.204773), Some(26.782711)), List(Some(301.0466), Some(41.244694)), List(Some(331.462585), Some(51.464207))))\end{verbatim}\hfill[1 Mark]%\end{itemize}%\subsection*{Advanced Part 3 (4 Marks, continue in file drumb.scala)}%%\noindent%\textbf{Tasks}%\begin{itemize} \item[(4)] Write a function that calculates the \emph{change factor} (delta) for how a stock price has changed from one year to the next. This is only well-defined, if the corresponding company has been traded in both years. In this case you can calculate \[ \frac{price_{new} - price_{old}}{price_{old}} \] If the change factor is defined, you should return it as \texttt{Some(change\_factor)}; if not, you should return \texttt{None}.\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}\item[(5)] Write a function that calculates all change factors (deltas) for the prices we obtained in Task (2). For the running example of Google and Apple for the years 2010 to 2012 you should obtain 4 change factors:\begin{verbatim} List(List(Some(-0.03573991804411003), Some(0.539974575389325)), List(Some(0.10103414222249969), Some(0.24777764141006836)))\end{verbatim} That means Google did a bit badly in 2010, while Apple did very well. Both did OK in 2011. Make sure you handle the cases where a company is not listed in a year. In such cases the change factor should be \texttt{None} (recall Task~(4)). \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}\item[(6)] Write a function that calculates the ``yield'', or balance, for one year for our portfolio. This function takes the change factors, the starting balance and the year as arguments. If no company from our portfolio existed in that year, the balance is unchanged. Otherwise we invest in each existing company an equal amount of our balance. Using the change factors computed under Task (2), calculate the new balance. Say we had \$100 in 2010, we would have received in our running example involving Google and Apple: \begin{verbatim} $50 * -0.03573991804411003 + $50 * 0.539974575389325 = $25.21173286726075 \end{verbatim} as profit for that year, and our new balance for 2011 is \$125 when converted to a \texttt{Long}.\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}\item[(7)] Write a function that calculates the overall balance for a range of years where each year the yearly profit is compounded to the new balances and then re-invested into our portfolio. For this use the function and results generated under (6).\\ \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}\end{itemize}\medskip \noindent\textbf{Test Data:} File \texttt{drumb.scala} contains two portfolioscollected from the S\&P 500, one for blue-chip companies, includingFacebook, Amazon and Baidu; and another for listed real-estatecompanies, whose names I have never heard of. Following the dumbinvestment strategy from 1978 until 2019 would have turned a startingbalance of \$100 into roughly \$39,162 for real estate and a whopping\$462,199 for blue chips. Note when comparing these results with yourown calculations: there might be some small rounding errors, whichwhen compounded lead to moderately different values.\bigskip\noindent\textbf{Moral:} Reflecting on our assumptions, we are over-estimatingour yield in many ways: first, who can know in 1978 about what willturn out to be a blue chip company. Also, since the portfolios arechosen from the current S\&P 500, they do not include the myriadof companies that went bust or were de-listed over the years.So where does this leave our fictional character Mr T.~Drumb? Well, givenhis inheritance, a really dumb investment strategy would have doneequally well, if not much better.\medskip\end{document}