author Christian Urban <>
Mon, 30 Nov 2020 03:33:30 +0000
changeset 380 d19b0a50ceb9
parent 360 e45d2890749d
child 416 497f67fd4ae0
permissions -rw-r--r--

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\node at (0,0) [single arrow, shape border rotate=0, fill=red,text=red]{a};%
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% beamer stuff 
\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{PEP (Scala) \liningnums{01}, King's College London}


% processors in the future / Ahmdahl law

\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}{$\bullet$}
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  \begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}
  \hspace{7mm}\huge PEP Scala (\liningnums{1}) 

    Email:  & christian.urban at\\
    %Office: & N\liningnums{7.07} (North Wing, Bush House)\bigskip\\
    Slides \& Code: & KEATS\bigskip\\
    %Office Hours: &  Thursdays 12:00 -- 14:00\\
    %Additionally: & (for Scala) Tuesdays 10:45 -- 11:45\\ 

  %developed since 2004 bv Martin Odersky
  %picture about assignments



\frametitle{Why Scala?}

{\large\bf ...}

{\large\bf ...}

  \begin{mybox3}{A former student working now at Quantexa:}\it
    ``I am a former student. I graduated last year. I got my dream job
    as a backend Scala developer. Most of the Scala I know is from PEP
    2018/19. My interviewers said they expect code of a lesser quality
    even from people with one year of experience.''


%  \small
%  developed since 2004 by Martin Odersky
%  (he was behind Generic Java which was included in Java 5
%  \ldots I am using Scala since maybe 2008?)

\frametitle{Why Scala?}

\item compiles to the JVM\\
  \textcolor{gray}{(also JavaScript, native X86 in the works)}\medskip
\item integrates seamlessly with Java\medskip
\item combines \underline{\bf functional} and {\bf object-oriented} programming\medskip

\item no pointers, no null
%\item it is a bit on the ``theory'' / ``mathematical'' side\\
%  \textcolor{gray}{(no pointers, no \texttt{null}, but expressions)}
\item often one can write very concise and elegant code

%Elm, Haskell, Ocaml, F$\sharp$, Erlang, ML, Lisp (Racket), \ldots


\frametitle{Java vs Scala}




\textbf{\large Java}

\textbf{\large Scala}


\frametitle{First Steps: Scala Tools}

\item contains a REPL  
\item I use VS Code and a Scala extension (M'place)
\item there is a plugin for Eclipse (called Scala IDE)\medskip
\item there is also a plugin for IntelliJ\medskip


\begin{frame}[c, fragile]

My personal keboard shortcut for VS Code\\
(in keybindings.json)\bigskip

        "key": "ctrl+enter",
        "command": "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && editorHasSelection"


\frametitle{Why Scala?}

\includegraphics[scale=0.2]{../pics/salary1.png} &
\multicolumn{2}{r@{}}{\footnotesize$^*$ source: Stackoverflow Developer Survey, 2019}

Elm, Rust, Haskell, Ocaml, F$\#$, Erlang, ML, Lisp (Racket)\ldots 

\bf\huge\textcolor{RoyalBlue}{Functional Programming!}


  Why Functional\\[-2mm] Programming?\end{tabular}

Elm, Haskell, Ocaml, F$\#$, Erlang, ML, Lisp (Racket)\ldots 

\normalsize``If you want to see which features will be in mainstream programming
  languages tomorrow, then take a look at functional programming
  languages today.''\medskip\small\\
  \hfill{}---Simon Peyton Jones (works at Microsoft)\\
  \hfill{}main developer of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler





\tiny$^*$ from ``What pure functional programming is all about?''

\begin{frame}[c, fragile]

{\Large Why bother? or\smallskip\\\hfill What is wrong with this?}\bigskip\bigskip

for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++) {
  //...Do something interesting
  //   with i...




                      rectangle,rounded corners=3mm,
                      very thick,draw=black!50,
                      minimum height=18mm, minimum width=20mm,
                      top color=white,bottom color=black!20}]

  \node (A) at (0,0) [node]
  \node [above right] at (A.north west) {1986};}

  \node (B) at (3.5,0) [node]
  \node [above right] at (B.north west) {1988, C};
  \draw [->,line width=4mm] (A) -- (B);}

  \node (C0) at (6.3,0) {};
  \node (C) at (8,0)  [node]
  \node [above right] at (C.north west) {1992, {\small Linux}};
  \draw [->,line width=4mm] (B) -- (C0);
  \draw [->,line width=4mm] (C0) -- (C);}

  \node (D) at (8,-3.3)  [node]
  \draw [->,line width=4mm] (C) -- (D);
  \node [below right] at (D.south west) {1996};}

  \node (E) at (4,-3.3)  [node]
  \draw [->,line width=4mm] (D) -- (E);
  \node [above right] at (E.north west) {2000};}   

  \node (F0) at (1.5,-3.3) {};
  \node (F1) at (1,-3.3) {};
  \node (F) at (-0.9,-3.3)  [node]
  \draw [->,line width=4mm] (E) -- (F0);
  \draw [->,line width=4mm] (F1) -- (F);   
  \node [above right] at (F.north west) {2012?};}   

  \node (G) at (-0.9,-6.3)  [node]
  \draw [->,line width=4mm] (F) -- (G);
  \node [right] at (G.west) {\hspace{22mm}2017};}   

      \footnotesize 64K RAM, no HD, no monitor, lots of cables
    \huge\bf 3 days
      1986:\, & no Internet\\
            & no Amazon\\
            & no FB, no mobiles,\ldots\\ 
      \multicolumn{4}{c}{\alert{\bf Speedup by Moore's Law}}\medskip\\
      \textbf{1986:} & 3 days    & \textbf{1996:} & 135 mins\\
      \textbf{1988:} & 1.5 days  & \textbf{1998:} & 67 mins\\
      \textbf{1990:} & 18 hs     & \textbf{2000:} & 33 mins\\
      \textbf{1992:} & 9 hs      & \textbf{2002:} & 16 mins\\
      \textbf{1994:} & 4.5 hs    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{???}\\                    
      \small Every two years, computers got twice as powerful.


\frametitle{Seq \;vs\; Par}

    \includegraphics[scale=0.14]{../pics/mand4.png} & \hspace{4mm}
    \hspace{6mm}\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{../pics/cpu2.png} &

      \footnotesize{}in Java or C++\\

    In FP: Once a variable is created, it is assigned a value and then
    never changed again $\Rightarrow$ no synchronisation needed\smallskip\\
    %%\small\textcolor{gray}{(Andrew's second favourite feature of C++)}



%\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
%for (y <- (0 until H).par) {
%  for (x <- (0 until W).par) {
%    ...
%  }  


\item Base types\smallskip


\item Compound types \smallskip   

    \textcolor{codegreen}{\texttt{List[Int]}}     & lists of Int's \\
    \textcolor{codegreen}{\texttt{Set[Double]}}   & sets of Double's \\
    \textcolor{codegreen}{\texttt{(Int, String)}} & Int-String pair\\
    \textcolor{codegreen}{\texttt{List[(BigInt, String)]}} &
                                      lists of BigInt-String\\
                                      & pairs\\
    \textcolor{codegreen}{\texttt{List[List[Int]]}} & list of lists of Int's\\      \textcolor{codegreen}{\texttt{Option[Int]}}     & options of Int's \\                            



%\frametitle{An Http Request}
%\small Server

%  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.1]
%  \draw[white] (0,1) node (X) {};
%  \draw[white] (2,1) node (Y) {};
%   \draw[white] (0,0) node (X1) {};
%  \draw[white] (2,0) node (Y1) {};
%   \draw[white] (0,-1) node (X2) {};
%  \draw[white] (2,-1) node (Y2) {};
%  \draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (X) -- (Y);
%  \node [inner sep=5pt,label=above:\textcolor{black}{GET request}] at ($ (X)!.5!(Y) $) {};
%  \draw[red, ->, line width = 2mm] (X1) -- (Y1);
%  \node [inner sep=5pt,label=above:\textcolor{black}{webpage}] at ($ (X1)!.5!(Y1) $) {};
%  \draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (X2) -- (Y2);
%  \node [inner sep=7pt,label=above:\textcolor{black}{POST data}] at ($ (X2)!.5!(Y2) $) {};
%  \end{tikzpicture}

%\small Browser


\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
%%\frametitle{General Scheme of}  

def fname(arg1: ty1, arg2: ty2,..., argn: tyn): rty = {




\begin{frame}[c, fragile]

def average(xs: List[Int]) : Int = {
  val s = xs.sum
  val n = xs.length
  s / n


%  \frametitle{Coursework Dates}
%Similar to C++:\bigskip
%  \item Preliminary Parts: Wednesdays 4pm
%    \begin{itemize}
%      \item Preliminary Part 6: 3\% (13 November)
%      \item Preliminary Part 7: 4\% (20 November)
%      \item Preliminary Part 8: 4\% (27 November)
%      \item Preliminary Part 9: 4\% (5 December) 
%    \end{itemize}\medskip    
%  \item Core Part: 35\% (15 January 2020)\bigskip 

%\item Sorry, I might have been a bit wordy:\\
%  Part 6 of CW description is 7 pages, but
%  I only needed \mbox{< 100} loc for \emph{all} Part 6.\bigskip
%\item there is feedback when pushing code to github\medskip
%\item there are \texttt{jar}-files you can use to test 
%  my reference implementation\bigskip
%\item we want you to learn FP!\smallskip\\ \alert{\bf no vars}, no mutable
%  data-structures\\ \quad{}e.g.~no \texttt{Arrays}, no \texttt{ListBuffer}


\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
\frametitle{The Joy of Immutability}

\item If you need to manipulate some data in a list say, then you make
  a new list with the updated values, rather than revise the original
  list. Easy!\medskip

  \begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=-1mm]
    val old_list = List(1, 2, 3, 5)
    val new_list = 0 :: old_list
                // -> List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
\item You do not have to be defensive about who can access the data.

\item You can look at your code in isolation.  


\frametitle{Email: Hate 'val'}


  Subject: \textbf{Hate '\textbf{\texttt{val}}'}\hfill 01:00 AM\hspace{1cm}\medskip\\

  Hello Mr Urban,\medskip\\

  I just wanted to ask, how are we suppose to work
  with the completely useless \textbf{\texttt{val}}, that can’t be changed ever? Why is
  this rule active at all? I’ve spent 4 hours not thinking on the
  coursework, but how to bypass this annoying rule. What’s the whole
  point of all these coursework, when we can’t use everything Scala
  gives us?!?\medskip\\





  Subject: \textbf{Re: Hate '\textbf{\texttt{val}}'}\hfill 01:02 AM\hspace{1cm}\bigskip\bigskip\\

    \textit{\large<<my usual rant about fp\ldots\\ concurrency bla bla\ldots{} better programs
  PS: What are you trying to do where you desperately want to use \texttt{var}?



  Subject: \textbf{Re: Re: Hate '\textbf{\texttt{val}}'}\hfill 01:04 AM\hspace{1cm}\medskip\\

  \textbf{Right now my is\_legal function works fine:}
\footnotesize\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=-1mm]
 def is_legal(dim: Int, path: Path)(x: Pos): Boolean = {
   var boolReturn = false
   if(x._1 > dim || x._2 > dim || x._1 < 0 || x._2 < 0) {
   else { var breakLoop = false
          if(path == Nil) { boolReturn = true }
          else { for(i <- 0 until path.length) {
                    if(breakLoop == false) {
                      if(path(i) == x) {
                        boolReturn = true
                        breakLoop = true
                      else { boolReturn = false }
                    } else breakLoop

\ldots{}but I can’t make it work with boolReturn being val. What approach would
you recommend in this case, and is using var in this case justified?





  Subject: \textbf{Re: Re: Re: Hate '\textbf{\texttt{val}}'}\hfill 01:06 AM\bigskip\\
  OK. So you want to make sure that the \texttt{x}-position is not outside the
  board....and furthermore you want to make sure that the \texttt{x}-position
  is not yet in the path list. How about something like\bigskip

\footnotesize\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=-1mm]
 def is_legal(dim: Int, path: Path)(x: Pos): Boolean = 
   ...<<some board conditions>>... && !path.contains(x)
  \small Does not even contain a \texttt{val}.

\footnotesize\textcolor{black!50}{(This is all on one line)}




    Subject: \textbf{Re: Re: Re: Re: Hate '\textbf{\texttt{val}}'}\hfill 11:02 AM\bigskip\bigskip\\
    THANK YOU! You made me change my coding perspective. Because of you,
    I figured out the next one\ldots



\frametitle{Conclusion for Today}

\item Scala is still under development, 2.13.1 came out in Sept.\\ 
  (the compiler is terribly slow)\medskip
\item {\bf\url{}}\bigskip
\item it is a rather \textbf{\alert{deep}} language\ldots i.e.~gives
  you a lot of rope to shoot yourself\bigskip

\item learning functional programming is not easy\ldots{}when you have
  spent all of your career thinking in an imperative way, it is hard to
\item hope you have fun with Scala and the assignments

%  \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
%    \includegraphics[scale=0.1]{../pics/mand4.png} & \hspace{4mm}
%    \raisebox{0mm}{\includegraphics[scale=0.1]{../pics/mand3.png}}      
%  \end{tabular}     
%  My Office Hours: Thursdays 12 -- 14\\
%  And specifically for Scala: Tuesdays 10:45 -- 11:45

%\Large\bf{}Mind-Blowing\\ Programming Languages: C/C++




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“Functional programming is often regarded as the best-kept secret of
scientific modelers, mathematicians, artificial intelligence
researchers, financial institutions, graphic designers, CPU designers,
compiler programmers, and telecommunications engineers.”

The Wikipedia F# page