author Christian Urban <>
Wed, 07 Aug 2019 16:15:42 +0100
changeset 273 b19227660752
parent 257 ba4d976ca88d
child 288 65731df141a5
permissions -rw-r--r--

Below is the feedback and provisional marks for your submission
for assignment 9 Part 2.  Please note all marks are provisional until
ratified by the assessment board -- this is not an official
results transcript.

postfix.scala does not contain vars, returns, Arrays, ListBuffers etc?
  --> success
postfix.scala runs?
  --> success
 syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )")) == List("3", "4", "2", "1", "-", "\*", "+")
 syard(split("( ( ( 3 ) ) + ( ( 4 + ( 5 ) ) ) )")) == List("3", "4", "5", "+", "+")
 syard(split("5 + 7 / 2")) == List("5", "7", "2", "/", "+")
 syard(split("5 * 7 / 2")) == List("5", "7", "\*", "2", "/")
  --> success
 compute(syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )"))) == 7
 compute(syard(split("10 + 12 * 33"))) == 406
 compute(syard(split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2"))) == 24
 compute(syard(split("5 + 7 / 2"))) == 8
 compute(syard(split("5 * 7 / 2"))) == 17
 compute(syard(split("9 + 24 / ( 7 - 3 )"))) == 15
  --> success
postfix2.scala does not contain vars, returns, Arrays, ListBuffers etc?
  --> success
postfix2.scala runs?
  --> success
 syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )")) == List("3", "4", "2", "1", "-", "\*", "+")
 syard(split("( ( ( 3 ) ) + ( ( 4 + ( 5 ) ) ) )")) == List("3", "4", "5", "+", "+")
 syard(split("5 + 7 / 2")) == List("5", "7", "2", "/", "+")
 syard(split("5 * 7 / 2")) == List("5", "7", "\*", "2", "/")
 syard(split("3 + 4 * 8 / ( 5 - 1 ) ^ 2 ^ 3")) == 
         List("3", "4", "8", "\*", "5", "1", "-", "2", "3", "^", "^", "/", "+")
 compute(syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )"))) == 7
 compute(syard(split("10 + 12 * 33"))) == 406
 compute(syard(split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2"))) == 24
 compute(syard(split("5 + 7 / 2"))) == 8
 compute(syard(split("5 * 7 / 2"))) == 17
 compute(syard(split("9 + 24 / ( 7 - 3 )"))) == 15
 compute(syard(split("4 ^ 3 ^ 2"))) == 262144
 compute(syard(split("4 ^ ( 3 ^ 2 )"))) == 262144
 compute(syard(split("( 4 ^ 3 ) ^ 2"))) == 4096
 compute(syard(split("( 3 + 1 ) ^ 2 ^ 3"))) == 65536
  --> success
Overall mark for CW 9, Part 2