% !TEX program = xelatex\documentclass{article}\usepackage{../style}\usepackage{disclaimer}\usepackage{../langs}\begin{document}\section*{Coursework 7 (Scala)}\mbox{}\hfill\textit{``What one programmer can do in one month,}\\\mbox{}\hfill\textit{two programmers can do in two months.''}\smallskip\\\mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Frederick P.~Brooks (author of The Mythical Man-Month)}\bigskip\medskip\noindentYou are asked to implement Scala programs for measuring similarity intexts, and for recommending movies according to a ratings list. Thepreliminary part~(4\%) is due on \cwSEVEN{} at 4pm; the core part is dueon \cwSEVENa{} at 4pm. Note the core part might include material youhave not yet seen in the first two lectures. \bigskip\IMPORTANT{}\noindentAlso note that the running time of each part will be restricted to amaximum of 30 seconds on my laptop.\DISCLAIMER{}\subsection*{Reference Implementation}Like the C++ assignments, the Scala assignments will work like this: youpush your files to GitHub and receive (after sometimes a long delay) someautomated feedback. In the end we take a snapshot of the submitted files andapply an automated marking script to them.\medskip\noindentIn addition, the Scala assignments come with a referenceimplementation in form of a \texttt{jar}-file. This allows you to runany test cases on your own computer. For example you can call Scala onthe command line with the option \texttt{-cp docdiff.jar} and thenquery any function from the template file. Say you want to find outwhat the function \texttt{occurrences} produces: for this you just needto prefix it with the object name \texttt{CW7a} (and \texttt{CW7b}respectively for \texttt{danube.jar}). If you want to find out whatthese functions produce for the list \texttt{List("a", "b", "b")},you would type something like:\begin{lstlisting}[language={},numbers=none,basicstyle=\ttfamily\small]$ scala -cp docdiff.jarscala> CW7a.occurrences(List("a", "b", "b"))...\end{lstlisting}%$\subsection*{Hints}\noindent\textbf{For Part 1:} useful operations involving regularexpressions:\[\texttt{reg.findAllIn(s).toList}\]\noindent finds allsubstrings in \texttt{s} according to a regular regular expression\texttt{reg}; useful list operations: \texttt{.distinct}removing duplicates from a list, \texttt{.count} counts the number ofelements in a list that satisfy some condition, \texttt{.toMap}transfers a list of pairs into a Map, \texttt{.sum} adds up a list ofintegers, \texttt{.max} calculates the maximum of a list.\bigskip\noindent\textbf{For Part 2:} use \texttt{.split(",").toList} for splittingstrings according to commas (similarly $\backslash$\texttt{n}),\texttt{.getOrElse(..,..)} allows to querry a Map, but also gives adefault value if the Map is not defined, a Map can be `updated' byusing \texttt{+}, \texttt{.contains} and \texttt{.filter} can test whetheran element is included in a list, and respectively filter out elements in a list,\texttt{.sortBy(\_.\_2)} sorts a list of pairs according to the secondelements in the pairs---the sorting is done from smallest to highest,\texttt{.take(n)} for taking some elements in a list (takes fewer if the listcontains less than \texttt{n} elements).\newpage\subsection*{Preliminary Part (4 Marks, file docdiff.scala)}It seems source code plagiarism---stealing and submitting someoneelse's code---is a serious problem at otheruniversities.\footnote{Surely, King's students, after all their instructions and warnings, would never commit such an offence. Yes?}Detecting such plagiarism is time-consuming and disheartening forlecturers at those universities. To aid these poor souls, let'simplement in this part a program that determines the similaritybetween two documents (be they source code or texts in English). Adocument will be represented as a list of strings.\subsection*{Tasks}\begin{itemize}\item[(1)] Implement a function that `cleans' a string by finding all (proper) words in this string. For this use the regular expression \texttt{\textbackslash{}w+} for recognising words and the library function \texttt{findAllIn}. The function should return a document (a list of strings).\\ \mbox{}\hfill [1 Mark]\item[(2)] In order to compute the overlap between two documents, we associate each document with a \texttt{Map}. This Map represents the strings in a document and how many times these strings occur in the document. A simple (though slightly inefficient) method for counting the number of string-occurrences in a document is as follows: remove all duplicates from the document; for each of these (unique) strings, count how many times they occur in the original document. Return a Map associating strings with occurrences. For example \begin{center} \pcode{occurrences(List("a", "b", "b", "c", "d"))} \end{center} produces \pcode{Map(a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 1, d -> 1)} and \begin{center} \pcode{occurrences(List("d", "b", "d", "b", "d"))} \end{center} produces \pcode{Map(d -> 3, b -> 2)}.\hfill[1 Mark]\item[(3)] You can think of the Maps calculated under (2) as memory-efficient representations of sparse ``vectors''. In this subtask you need to implement the \emph{product} of two such vectors, sometimes also called \emph{dot product} of two vectors.\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product}} For this dot product, implement a function that takes two documents (\texttt{List[String]}) as arguments. The function first calculates the (unique) strings in both. For each string, it multiplies the corresponding occurrences in each document. If a string does not occur in one of the documents, then the product for this string is zero. At the end you need to add up all products. For the two documents in (2) the dot product is 7, because \[ \underbrace{1 * 0}_{"a"} \;\;+\;\; \underbrace{2 * 2}_{"b"} \;\;+\;\; \underbrace{1 * 0}_{"c"} \;\;+\;\; \underbrace{1 * 3}_{"d"} \qquad = 7 \] \hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}\item[(4)] Implement first a function that calculates the overlap between two documents, say $d_1$ and $d_2$, according to the formula \[ \texttt{overlap}(d_1, d_2) = \frac{d_1 \cdot d_2}{max(d_1^2, d_2^2)} \] You can expect this function to return a \texttt{Double} between 0 and 1. The overlap between the lists in (2) is $0.5384615384615384$. Second, implement a function that calculates the similarity of two strings, by first extracting the substrings using the clean function from (1) and then calculating the overlap of the resulting documents.\\ \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}\end{itemize}\bigskip\subsection*{Core Part (6 Marks, file danube.scala)}You are creating Danube.co.uk which you hope will be the next big thingin online movie renting. You know that you can save money byanticipating what movies people will rent; you will pass these savingson to your users by offering a discount if they rent movies thatDanube.co.uk recommends. Your task is to generate \emph{two} movie recommendations for everymovie a user rents. To do this, you calculate what otherrenters, who also watched this movie, suggest by giving positive ratings.Of course, some suggestions are more popular than others. You need to findthe two most-frequently suggested movies. Return fewer recommendations,if there are fewer movies suggested.The calculations will be based on the small datasets which the research labGroupLens provides for education and development purposes.\begin{center}\url{https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/}\end{center}\noindentThe slightly adapted CSV-files should be downloaded in your Scalafile from the URLs:\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{ll} \url{https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/christian.urban/ratings.csv} & (940 KByte)\\ \url{https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/christian.urban/movies.csv} & (280 KByte)\\\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentThe ratings.csv file is organised as userID, movieID, and rating (which is between 0 and 5, with \emph{positive} ratingsbeing 4 and 5). The file movie.csv is organised asmovieID and full movie name. Both files still contain the usualCSV-file header (first line). In this part you are askedto implement functions that process these files. If bandwidthis an issue for you, download the files locally, but in the submittedversion use \texttt{Source.fromURL} instead of \texttt{Source.fromFile}.\subsection*{Tasks}\begin{itemize}\item[(1)] Implement the function \pcode{get_csv_url} which takes an URL-string as argument and requests the corresponding file. The two URLs of interest are \pcode{ratings_url} and \pcode{movies_url}, which correspond to CSV-files mentioned above. The function should return the CSV-file appropriately broken up into lines, and the first line should be dropped (that is omit the header of the CSV-file). The result is a list of strings (the lines in the file). In case the url does not produce a file, return the empty list.\\ \mbox{}\hfill [1 Mark]\item[(2)] Implement two functions that process the (broken up) CSV-files from (1). The \pcode{process_ratings} function filters out all ratings below 4 and returns a list of (userID, movieID) pairs. The \pcode{process_movies} function returns a list of (movieID, title) pairs.\\ \mbox{}\hfill [1 Mark]%\end{itemize} % %%\subsection*{Part 3 (4 Marks, file danube.scala)}%%\subsection*{Tasks}%%\begin{itemize}\item[(3)] Implement a kind of grouping function that calculates a Map containing the userIDs and all the corresponding recommendations for this user (list of movieIDs). This should be implemented in a tail-recursive fashion using a Map as accumulator. This Map is set to \pcode{Map()} at the beginning of the calculation. For example\begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]val lst = List(("1", "a"), ("1", "b"), ("2", "x"), ("3", "a"), ("2", "y"), ("3", "c"))groupById(lst, Map())\end{lstlisting}returns the ratings map\begin{center} \pcode{Map(1 -> List(b, a), 2 -> List(y, x), 3 -> List(c, a))}.\end{center}\noindentIn which order the elements of the list are given is unimportant.\\\mbox{}\hfill [1 Mark]\item[(4)] Implement a function that takes a ratings map and a movieID as arguments. The function calculates all suggestions containing the given movie in its recommendations. It returns a list of all these recommendations (each of them is a list and needs to have the given movie deleted, otherwise it might happen we recommend the same movie ``back''). For example for the Map from above and the movie \pcode{"y"} we obtain \pcode{List(List("x"))}, and for the movie \pcode{"a"} we get \pcode{List(List("b"), List("c"))}.\\ \mbox{}\hfill [1 Mark]\item[(5)] Implement a suggestions function which takes a ratings map and a movieID as arguments. It calculates all the recommended movies sorted according to the most frequently suggested movie(s) sorted first. This function returns \emph{all} suggested movieIDs as a list of strings.\\ \mbox{}\hfill [1 Mark]\item[(6)] Implement then a recommendation function which generates a maximum of two most-suggested movies (as calculated above). But it returns the actual movie name, not the movieID. If fewer movies are recommended, then return fewer than two movie names.\\ \mbox{}\hfill [1 Mark]\end{itemize}\end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex%%% TeX-master: t%%% End: