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\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{PEP (Scala) 05, King's College London}
\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}
\huge PEP Scala (5)
Email: & christian.urban at kcl.ac.uk\\
Office: & N\liningnums{7.07} (North Wing, Bush House)\bigskip\\
Slides \& Code: & KEATS\\
& \onslide<2>{\alert{PDF: A Crash-Course in Scala}}\bigskip\\
Office Hours: & Thursdays 12:00 -- 14:00\\
Additionally: & (for Scala) Tuesdays 10:45 -- 11:45\\
\frametitle{Marks for Preliminary 8}
Raw marks (265 submissions):\bigskip
\item 4\%: \hspace{4mm}211
\item 3\%: \hspace{4mm}11
\item 2\%: \hspace{4mm}14
\item 1\%: \hspace{4mm}8
\item 0\%: \hspace{4mm}21
(plagiarism/collusion interviews ongoing again!)
\frametitle{Plan for Today}
\item Being Lazy
\item Polymorphic Types
\item Immutable OOP
\item Making Fun about Scala
\frametitle{How To calcululate 100 Mio Collatz Series?}
\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=1mm]
(1L to 100_000_000).map(collatz).max
\frametitle{Polyorphic Types}
To be avoided:\bigskip\bigskip
\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=-6mm]
def length_string_list(lst: List[String]): Int =
lst match {
case Nil => 0
case x::xs => 1 + length_string_list(xs)
def length_int_list(lst: List[Int]): Int =
lst match {
case Nil => 0
case x::xs => 1 + length_int_list(xs)
\frametitle{Polyorphic Types}
\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=-6mm]
def length[A](lst: List[A]): Int = lst match {
case Nil => 0
case x::xs => 1 + length(xs)
length(List("1", "2", "3", "4"))
length(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
def map[A, B](lst: List[A], f: A => B): List[B] =
lst match {
case Nil => Nil
case x::xs => f(x)::map(xs, f)
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth',very thick,auto,
every state/.style={minimum size=0pt,inner sep=2pt,
draw=blue!50,very thick,fill=blue!20},]
\only<1,3->{\node[state,initial] (Q_0) {$\mbox{Q}_0$};}
\only<2>{\node[state,initial,fill=red] (Q_0) {$\mbox{Q}_0$};}
\only<1,2,4->{\node[state] (Q_1) [right=of Q_0] {$\mbox{Q}_1$};}
\only<3>{\node[state,fill=red] (Q_1) [right=of Q_0] {$\mbox{Q}_1$};}
\only<-3,5->{\node[state] (Q_2) [below right=of Q_0] {$\mbox{Q}_2$};}
\only<4>{\node[state,fill=red] (Q_2) [below right=of Q_0] {$\mbox{Q}_2$};}
\only<-4,6->{\node[state] (Q_3) [right=of Q_2] {$\mbox{Q}_3$};}
\only<5>{\node[state,fill=red] (Q_3) [right=of Q_2] {$\mbox{Q}_3$};}
\only<-5>{\node[state, accepting] (Q_4) [right=of Q_1] {$\mbox{Q}_4$};}
\only<6->{\node[state, accepting,fill=red] (Q_4) [right=of Q_1] {$\mbox{Q}_4$};}
\path[->] (Q_0) edge node [above] {\alert{$a$}} (Q_1);
\path[->] (Q_1) edge node [above] {\alert{$a$}} (Q_4);
\path[->] (Q_4) edge [loop right] node {\alert{$a, b$}} ();
\path[->] (Q_3) edge node [right] {\alert{$a$}} (Q_4);
\path[->] (Q_2) edge node [above] {\alert{$a$}} (Q_3);
\path[->] (Q_1) edge node [right] {\alert{$b$}} (Q_2);
\path[->] (Q_0) edge node [above] {\alert{$b$}} (Q_2);
\path[->] (Q_2) edge [loop left] node {\alert{$b$}} ();
\path[->] (Q_3) edge [bend left=95, looseness=1.3] node [below] {\alert{$b$}} (Q_0);
\only<7->{\boldmath\alert{$a\quad\Rightarrow \textbf{yes}$}}%
A \alert{\bf deterministic finite automaton} (DFA) consists of
5 things:
\item an alphabet \bl{$\varSigma$}
\item a set of states \bl{$\mbox{Qs}$}
\item one of these states is the start state \bl{$\mbox{Q}_0$}
\item some states are accepting states \bl{$F$}, and
\item there is transition function \bl{$\delta$}\bigskip
which takes a state and a character as arguments and produces a
new state; this function might not be everywhere defined
\bl{$A(\varSigma, \mbox{Qs}, \mbox{Q}_0, F, \delta)$}
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth',very thick, auto,
every state/.style={minimum size=0pt,inner sep=3pt,
draw=blue!50,very thick,fill=blue!20},scale=2]
\node[state,initial] (Q_0) {$\mbox{Q}_0$};
\node[state] (Q_1) [right=of Q_0] {$\mbox{Q}_1$};
\node[state, accepting] (Q_2) [right=of Q_1] {$\mbox{Q}_2$};
\path[->] (Q_0) edge [loop above] node {\alert{$b$}} ();
\path[<-] (Q_0) edge node [below] {\alert{$b$}} (Q_1);
\path[->] (Q_0) edge [bend left] node [above] {\alert{$a$}} (Q_1);
\path[->] (Q_0) edge [bend right=45,looseness=1.3] node [below] {\alert{$a$}} (Q_2);
\path[->] (Q_1) edge [loop above] node {\alert{$a,b$}} ();
\path[->] (Q_1) edge node [above] {\alert{$a$}} (Q_2);
\tikzstyle{sensor}=[draw, fill=blue!20, text width=3.8em, line width=1mm,
text centered, minimum height=2em,drop shadow]
\tikzstyle{ann} = [above, text width=4em, text centered]
\tikzstyle{sc} = [sensor, text width=7em, fill=red!20,
minimum height=6em, rounded corners, drop shadow,line width=1mm]
\frametitle{Compilers 6CCS3CFL}
% Validation Layer is the same except that there are a set of nodes and links which are added
\path (0,0) node (IR) [sc] {\textbf{WHILE Language}\\ compiler};
\path (IR.west)+(-2.2,1.7) node (sou1) [sensor] {Fact};
\path (IR.west)+(-2.2,0.5) node (sou2)[sensor] {Fib};
\path (IR.west)+(-2.2,-0.7) node (sou4)[sensor] {Primes};
\only<2>{\path (IR.west)+(-2.2,-1.9) node (sou3)[sensor] {BrainF**k};}
\path [draw,->,line width=1mm] (sou1.east) -- node [above] {} (IR.160);
\path [draw,->,line width=1mm] (sou2.east) -- node [above] {} (IR.180);
\only<2>{\path [draw,->,line width=1mm] (sou3.east) -- node [above] {} (IR.200);}
\path [draw,->,line width=1mm] (sou4.east) -- node [above] {} (IR.190);
\path (IR.east)+(2.2, 0.8) node (tar2)[sensor] {JVM};
\path (IR.east)+(2.2,-0.8) node (tar3)[sensor] {LLVM{\small(x86)}};
\path [draw,<-,line width=1mm] (tar2.west) -- node [above] {} (IR.5);
\path [draw,<-,line width=1mm] (tar3.west) -- node [above] {} (IR.-5);
\frametitle{Dijkstra on Testing}
``Program testing can be a very effective way to show the
presence of bugs, but it is hopelessly inadequate for showing
their absence.''
\frametitle{\Large Proving Programs to be Correct}
{\bf Theorem:} There are infinitely many prime
{\bf Proof} \ldots\\
{\bf Theorem:} The program is doing what
it is supposed to be doing.\medskip
{\bf Long, long proof} \ldots\\
\small This can be a gigantic proof. The only hope is to have
help from the computer. `Program' is here to be understood to be
quite general (compiler, OS, \ldots).
\frametitle{Can This Be Done?}
\item in 2011, verification of a small C-compiler (CompCert)
\item ``if my input program has a certain behaviour, then the compiled machine code has the same behaviour''
\item is as good as \texttt{gcc -O1}, but much, much less buggy
%% ~2,237,800 lines of proof in 474
\frametitle{Fuzzy Testing C-Compilers}
\item tested GCC, LLVM and others by randomly generating
\item found more than 300 bugs in GCC and also
many in LLVM (some of them highest-level critical)\bigskip
\item about CompCert:
\begin{bubble}[10cm]\small ``The striking thing about our CompCert
results is that the middle-end bugs we found in all other
compilers are absent. As of early 2011, the under-development
version of CompCert is the only compiler we have tested for
which Csmith cannot find wrong-code errors. This is not for
lack of trying: we have devoted about six CPU-years to the
\frametitle{seL4 / Isabelle}
\item verified a microkernel operating system ($\approx$8000 lines of C code)\bigskip
\item US DoD has competitions to hack into drones; they found that the
isolation guarantees of seL4 hold up\bigskip
\item CompCert and seL4 sell their code
\frametitle{Where to go on from here?}
\item Martin Odersky (EPFL)\ldots he is currently throwing out everything
and starts again with the dotty compiler for Scala 3.0\medskip
\item Elm (\url{http://elm-lang.org})\ldots web applications with style\medskip
\item Haskell, Ocaml, Standard ML, Scheme, \ldots
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\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=-1mm]
\large\bf{}Mind-Blowing Programming Languages:\\
\centering Scala\;\;?
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