% beamer stuff
\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{PEP (Scala) 03, King's College London}
\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}
\huge PEP Scala (3)
Email: & christian.urban at kcl.ac.uk\\
Office: & S1.27 (1st floor Strand Building)\\
Slides \& Code: & KEATS
\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
\frametitle{The Joy of Immutability}
\item If you need to manipulate some data in a list say, then you make
a new list with the updated values, rather than revise the original
list. Easy!\medskip
\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=-1mm]
val old_list = List(1, 2, 3, 5)
val new_list = 0 :: old_list
\item You do not have to be defensive about who can access the data
(concurrency, lazyness).
\frametitle{Email: Hate 'val'}
Subject: \textbf{Hate '\textbf{\texttt{val}}'}\hfill 01:00 AM\medskip\\
Hello Mr Urban,\medskip\\
I just wanted to ask, how are we suppose to work
with the completely useless \textbf{\texttt{val}}, that can’t be changed ever? Why is
this rule active at all? I’ve spent 4 hours not thinking on the
coursework, but how to bypass this annoying rule. What’s the whole
point of all these coursework, when we can’t use everything Scala
gives us?!?\medskip\\
Subject: \textbf{Re: Hate '\textbf{\texttt{val}}'}\hfill 01:02 AM\bigskip\bigskip\\
\textit{\large<<my usual rant about fp\ldots\\ concurrency bla bla\ldots{} better programs
PS: What are you trying to do where you desperately want to use \texttt{var}?
Subject: \textbf{Re: Re: Hate '\textbf{\texttt{val}}'}\hfill 01:04 AM\medskip\\
\textbf{Right now my is\_legal function works fine:}
\footnotesize\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=-1mm]
def is_legal(dim: Int, path: Path)(x: Pos): Boolean = {
var boolReturn = false
if(x._1 > dim || x._2 > dim || x._1 < 0 || x._2 < 0) {
else { var breakLoop = false
if(path == Nil) { boolReturn = true }
else { for(i <- 0 until path.length) {
if(breakLoop == false) {
if(path(i) == x) {
boolReturn = true
breakLoop = true
else { boolReturn = false }
} else breakLoop
\ldots{}but I can’t make it work with boolReturn being val. What approach would
you recommend in this case, and is using var in this case justified?
\textbf{Me:} \includegraphics[scale=0.08, valign=t]{../pics/throwup.jpg}
Subject: \textbf{Re: Re: Re: Hate '\textbf{\texttt{val}}'}\hfill 01:06 AM\bigskip\\
OK. So you want to make sure that the \texttt{x}-position is not outside the
board....and furthermore you want to make sure that the \texttt{x}-position
is not yet in the path list. How about something like\bigskip
\footnotesize\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=-1mm]
def is_legal(dim: Int, path: Path)(x: Pos): Boolean =
...<<some board conditions>>... && !path.contains(x)
\small Does not even contain a \texttt{val}.
\footnotesize\textcolor{black!50}{(This is all on one line)}
Subject: \textbf{Re: Re: Re: Re: Hate '\textbf{\texttt{val}}'}\hfill 11:02 AM\bigskip\bigskip\\
THANK YOU! You made me change my coding perspective. Because of you,
I figured out the next one\ldots
\frametitle{CW3: Regexes (1 Part)}
Graphs: $(a^*)^* b$ and strings $\underbrace{\;a\ldots a\;}_{n}$\bigskip
x label style={at={(1.05,0.0)}},
ylabel={time in secs},
scaled ticks=false,
axis lines=left,
legend entries={Python, Java},
legend pos=north west,
legend cell align=left]
\addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {re-python2.data};
\addplot[cyan,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {re-java.data};
x label style={at={(1.05,0.0)}},
ylabel={time in secs},
axis lines=left,
%%scaled ticks=false,
%%\addplot[green,mark=square*,mark options={fill=white}] table {re2a.data};
\addplot[red,mark=square*,mark options={fill=white}] table {re3a.data};
\frametitle{Where to go on from here?}
\item Martin Odersky (EPFL)\ldots he is currently throwing out everything
and starts again with the dotty compiler for Scala\medskip
\item Elm (\url{http://elm-lang.org})\ldots web applications with style\medskip
\item Haskell, Ocaml, Standard ML, Scheme, \ldots
Thanks: ``\it{}By the way - Scala is really getting quite fun
when you start to get the hang of it\ldots''
\frametitle{Marks for CW6 (Part 1)}
Absolute raw marks, alleged collusions still included:
\item 0\%: 18 students
\item 1\%: 2
\item 2\%: 11
\item 3\%: 29
\item 4\%: 18
\item 5\%: 33
\item 6\%: 55
\item 7\%: 62
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