author Christian Urban <>
Fri, 26 Apr 2024 17:37:56 +0100
changeset 488 5deaf53c2faa
parent 476 7550c816187a
child 493 244df77507c2
permissions -rw-r--r--

// Main Part 4 about the Shogun Board Game

object M4 {   

type Pos = (Int, Int)    // a position on a chessboard 

// Colours: Red or White
abstract class Colour
case object Red extends Colour
case object Wht extends Colour

// Pieces: Either Pawns or Kings
abstract class Piece {
  def pos : Pos       
  def col : Colour    
  def en : Int      // energy for Pawns 1 - 4, for Kings 1 - 2

case class Pawn(en: Int, col: Colour, pos: Pos) extends Piece
case class King(en: Int, col: Colour, pos: Pos) extends Piece

//val p = Pawn(4, Wht, (3,2))
//assert(p.pos == (3,2))
//assert(p.col == Wht)
//assert(p.en == 4)  

// checks if a piece is a king
def is_king(pc: Piece) : Boolean = pc match {
  case King(_, _, _) => true
  case _ => false

// incrementing and decrementing the position of a piece
def incx(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match {
  case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x+1,y))
  case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x+1,y))

def incy(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match {
  case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x,y+1))
  case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x,y+1))

def decx(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match {
  case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x-1,y))
  case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x-1,y))

def decy(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match {
  case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x,y-1))
  case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x,y-1))

//pretty printing colours and pieces
def pp_color(c: Colour) : String = c match {
  case Red => "R"
  case Wht => "W"

def pp(pc: Piece) : String = pc match {
  case Pawn(n, c, _) => s"P${pp_color(c)}$n"
  case King(n, c, _) => s"K${pp_color(c)}$n"

// Boards are sets of pieces
case class Board(pces: Set[Piece]) {
  def +(pc: Piece) : Board = Board(pces + pc)
  def -(pc: Piece) : Board = Board(pces - pc)

// checking whether a position is occupied in a board
def occupied(p: Pos, b: Board) : Option[Piece] =  
  b.pces.find(p == _.pos)
def occupied_by(p: Pos, b: Board) : Option[Colour] =
  occupied(p, b).map(_.col)

def is_occupied(p: Pos, b: Board) : Boolean =
  occupied(p, b).isDefined

// is a position inside a board
def inside(p: Pos, b: Board): Boolean = 
  1 <= p._1 && 1 <= p._2 && p._1 <= 8 && p._2 <= 8 

// pretty printing a board
def print_board(b: Board): Unit = {
  for (i <- 8 to 1 by -1) {
    println("+" ++ "-" * 31 ++ "+")
    for (j <- 1 to 8) {
      val opc = occupied((j,i), b)
      if (opc.isDefined) print(s"|${pp(opc.get)}") 
      else print("|   ")
  println("+" ++ "-" * 31 ++ "+")

// example board: initial board
val b_init = Board(Set(King(2,Wht,(4,1)), King(1,Red,(5,8)),
                  		 Pawn(4,Wht,(1,1)), Pawn(4,Red,(1,8)),
                  		 Pawn(3,Wht,(2,1)), Pawn(2,Red,(2,8)),
                  		 Pawn(2,Wht,(3,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(3,8)),
                  		 Pawn(1,Wht,(5,1)), Pawn(1,Red,(4,8)),
                  		 Pawn(4,Wht,(6,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(6,8)),
                  		 Pawn(3,Wht,(7,1)), Pawn(1,Red,(7,8)),
                  		 Pawn(2,Wht,(8,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(8,8))))

// --------------------------------
// |PR4|PR2|PR3|PR1|KR1|PR3|PR1|PR3|
// --------------------------------
// |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
// --------------------------------
// |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
// --------------------------------
// |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
// --------------------------------
// |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
// --------------------------------
// |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
// --------------------------------
// |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
// --------------------------------
// |PW4|PW3|PW2|KW2|PW1|PW4|PW3|PW2|
// --------------------------------

// Moves
abstract class Move
case object U extends Move    // up
case object D extends Move    // down
case object R extends Move    // right
case object L extends Move    // left
case object RU extends Move   // ...
case object LU extends Move
case object RD extends Move
case object LD extends Move
case object UR extends Move
case object UL extends Move
case object DR extends Move
case object DL extends Move

// Task 1: calculates all next possible positions according to a move
def eval(pc: Piece, m: Move, en: Int, b: Board) : Set[Piece] = {
  val p = pc.pos
  val c = pc.col
  if (!inside(p, b)) Set() 
  else if (en == 0 && !is_occupied(p, b)) Set(pc)
  else if (en == 0 && is_occupied(p, b) && c != occupied_by(p, b).get) Set(pc)
  else if (is_occupied(p, b)) Set()  
  else m match {
    case  U => eval(incy(pc), U, en - 1, b) 
    case  D => eval(decy(pc), D, en - 1, b) 
    case  R => eval(incx(pc), R, en - 1, b) 
    case  L => eval(decx(pc), L, en - 1, b) 
    case  RU => eval(incx(pc), RU, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, U, en, b)
    case  LU => eval(decx(pc), LU, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, U, en, b)
    case  RD => eval(incx(pc), RD, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, D, en, b)
    case  LD => eval(decx(pc), LD, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, D, en, b)
    case  UR => eval(incy(pc), UR, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, R, en, b)
    case  UL => eval(incy(pc), UL, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, L, en, b)
    case  DR => eval(decy(pc), DR, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, R, en, b)
    case  DL => eval(decy(pc), DL, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, L, en, b)

// test cases
val pw_a = Pawn(4, Wht, (4,4))
println(eval(pw_a, U,  4, b_init))  // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,8)))
println(eval(pw_a, U,  3, b_init))  // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,7)))
println(eval(pw_a, RU, 4, b_init))  // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(6,6)), Pawn(4,Wht,(4,8)),
                                    //     Pawn(4,Wht,(5,7)), Pawn(4,Wht,(7,5)), 
                                    //     Pawn(4,Wht,(8,4)))
val pw_b = Pawn(4, Red, (4,4))
println(eval(pw_b, RU, 4, b_init))  // Set(Pawn(4,Red,(8,4)), Pawn(4,Red,(7,5)), 
                                           Pawn(4,Red,(6,6)), Pawn(4,Red,(5,7)))

// Task 2: calculates all possible moves for a piece
def all_moves(pc: Piece, b: Board) : Set[Piece] = {
  Set(U,D,L,R,RU,LU,RD,LD,UR,UL,DR,DL).flatMap(eval(pc, _, pc.en, b - pc))

// test cases
val pw_c = Pawn(2, Wht, (4,4))
val pw_d = Pawn(3, Red, (4,4))
println(all_moves(pw_c, b_init))  
  // Set(Pawn(2,Wht,(3,5)), Pawn(2,Wht,(2,4)), Pawn(2,Wht,(3,3)), Pawn(2,Wht,(5,5)), 
  //     Pawn(2,Wht,(6,4)), Pawn(2,Wht,(4,6)), Pawn(2,Wht,(4,2)), Pawn(2,Wht,(5,3)))
println(all_moves(pw_d, b_init)) 
  // Set(Pawn(3,Red,(4,7)), Pawn(3,Red,(5,2)), Pawn(3,Red,(3,2)), Pawn(3,Red,(1,4)), 
  //     Pawn(3,Red,(6,3)), Pawn(3,Red,(3,6)), Pawn(3,Red,(2,5)), Pawn(3,Red,(2,3)), 
  //     Pawn(3,Red,(4,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(5,6)), Pawn(3,Red,(7,4)), Pawn(3,Red,(6,5)))

// Task 3: calculates all pieces that are attacked by colour
def attacked(c: Colour, b: Board) : Set[Piece] = {
  val (me, opponent) = b.pces.partition(_.col == c)
  val all = me.flatMap(all_moves(_, b))
  opponent.filter(pc => is_occupied(pc.pos, Board(all)))

// test cases
val b_checkmate = Board(Set(King(2, Red, (4,2)), King(2, Wht, (7,1)),
                            Pawn(3, Red, (6,1)), Pawn(2, Wht, (8,4)),
                            Pawn(4, Red, (4,4)), Pawn(2, Wht, (4,1)),
                            Pawn(4, Red, (5,3)), Pawn(3, Wht, (8,7)),
                            Pawn(3, Red, (6,5))))
println(attacked(Red, b_checkmate)) // Set(Pawn(2,Wht,(8,4)), King(2,Wht,(7,1)))
println(attacked(Wht, b_checkmate)) // Set(Pawn(3,Red,(6,1)))
println(attacked(Wht, b_init)) // Set()
println(attacked(Red, b_init)) // Set()

// Task 4: calculates the number of pieces that attack a piece
def attackedN(pc: Piece, b: Board) : Int = {
  val (me, opponent) = b.pces.partition(_.col == pc.col)
  val all = opponent.toList.flatMap(all_moves(_, b))
  all.count(_.pos == pc.pos)

// test cases
println(attackedN(Pawn(2, Wht, (8,4)), b_checkmate)) // 3
println(attackedN(King(2, Wht, (7,1)), b_checkmate)) // 1
println(attackedN(Pawn(3, Red, (6,1)), b_checkmate)) // 1

// Task 5: calculates the number of pieces that protect a piece
def protectedN(pc: Piece, b: Board) : Int = {
  val (me, opponent) = b.pces.partition(_.col == pc.col)
  val all = (me - pc).toList.flatMap(all_moves(_, (b - pc)))
  all.count(_.pos == pc.pos)

println(protectedN(Pawn(2, Wht, (8,4)), b_checkmate)) // 1
println(protectedN(Pawn(4, Red, (5,3)), b_checkmate)) // 3

val pw1 = Pawn(4, Wht, (4,6))
val pw2 = Pawn(4, Wht, (2,4))
val pw3 = Pawn(3, Red, (6,8))
val pw4 = Pawn(2, Red, (2,8))
val bt = b_init + pw1 + pw2

println(s"Capture Red: ${attacked(Wht, bt)}")
  // Set(Pawn(2,Red,(2,8)), Pawn(3,Red,(6,8)))
println(s"Capture Wht: ${attacked(Red, bt)}")
  // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,6)))
println(s"ProtectedN:  ${protectedN(pw3, bt)}")
  // 2
println(s"AttackedN:   ${attackedN(pw4, bt)}")
  // 2
println(s"all moves:   ${all_moves(pw2, bt)}")
  // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,2)), Pawn(4,Wht,(1,7)), Pawn(4,Wht,(5,3)), Pawn(4,Wht,(5,5)), 
  //     Pawn(4,Wht,(2,8)), Pawn(4,Wht,(3,7)), Pawn(4,Wht,(6,4)))
