\documentclass{article}\usepackage{../style}\usepackage{../langs}\usepackage{disclaimer}\usepackage{tikz}\usepackage{pgf}\usepackage{pgfplots}\usepackage{stackengine}%% \usepackage{accents}\newcommand\barbelow[1]{\stackunder[1.2pt]{#1}{\raisebox{-4mm}{\boldmath$\uparrow$}}}\begin{document}\section*{Coursework 10 (Scala)}This coursework is worth 10\%. It is about a small programminglanguage called brainf***. The first part is due on 13 December at11pm; the second, more advanced part, is due on 20 December at11pm.\bigskip\IMPORTANT{}\noindentAlso note that the running time of each part will be restricted to amaximum of 30 seconds on my laptop.\DISCLAIMER{}\subsection*{Reference Implementation}As usual, this Scala assignment comes with a reference implementation in form oftwo \texttt{jar}-files. You can download them from KEATS. They allow you to run anytest cases on your own computer. For example you can call Scala on the command line with theoption \texttt{-cp bf.jar} and then query any function from the\texttt{bf.scala} template file. You have toprefix the calls with \texttt{CW10a} and \texttt{CW10b}, respectively. For example\begin{lstlisting}[language={},xleftmargin=1mm,numbers=none,basicstyle=\ttfamily\small]$ scala -cp bf.jarscala> import CW10a._ scala> run(load_bff("sierpinski.bf")) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\end{lstlisting}%$\subsection*{Part 1 (6 Marks)}Coming from Java or C++, you might think Scala is a rather esotericprogramming language. But remember, some serious companies have builttheir business onScala.\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scala_(programming_language)\#Companies}}I claim functional programming is not a fad. And there are far, farmore esoteric languages out there. One is called \emph{brainf***}. Youare asked in this part to implement an interpreter forthis language.Urban M\"uller developed brainf*** in 1993. A close relative of thislanguage was already introduced in 1964 by Corado B\"ohm, an Italiancomputer pioneer. The main feature of brainf*** is its minimalisticset of instructions---just 8 instructions in total and all of whichare single characters. Despite the minimalism, this language has beenshown to be Turing complete\ldots{}if this doesn't ring any bell withyou: it roughly means that every(!) algorithm can, in principle,be implemented in brainf***. It just takes a lot of determination andquite a lot of memory resources. Some relatively sophisticated sampleprograms in brainf*** are given in the file \texttt{bf.scala}, includinga brainf*** program for the Sierpinski triangle and the Mandelbrot set.There seems to be even a dedicated Windows IDE for bf programs, thoughI am not sure whether this is just an elaborate April fools' joke---judgeyourself:\begin{center}\url{https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/brainf-ck/9nblgggzhvq5}\end{center} \noindentAs mentioned above, brainf*** has 8 single-character commands, namely\texttt{'>'}, \texttt{'<'}, \texttt{'+'}, \texttt{'-'}, \texttt{'.'},\texttt{','}, \texttt{'['} and \texttt{']'}. Every other character isconsidered a comment. Brainf*** operates on memory cells containingintegers. For this it uses a single memory pointer that points at eachstage to one memory cell. This pointer can be moved forward by onememory cell by using the command \texttt{'>'}, and backward by using\texttt{'<'}. The commands \texttt{'+'} and \texttt{'-'} increase,respectively decrease, by 1 the content of the memory cell to whichthe memory pointer currently points to. The commands for input/outputare \texttt{','} and \texttt{'.'}. Output works by reading the contentof the memory cell to which the memory pointer points to and printingit out as an ASCII character. Input works the other way, taking someuser input and storing it in the cell to which the memory pointerpoints to. The commands \texttt{'['} and \texttt{']'} are loopingconstructs. Everything in between \texttt{'['} and \texttt{']'} isrepeated until a counter (memory cell) reaches zero. A typicalprogram in brainf*** looks as follows:\begin{center}\begin{verbatim} ++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.++ +++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.\end{verbatim}\end{center} \noindentThis one prints out Hello World\ldots{}obviously ;o) \subsubsection*{Tasks (file bf.scala)}\begin{itemize}\item[(1)] Write a function that takes a filename (a string) as an argument and requests the corresponding file from disk. It returns the content of the file as a string. If the file does not exists, the function should return the empty string.\\ \mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]\item[(2)] Brainf*** memory is represented by a \texttt{Map} from integers to integers. The empty memory is represented by \texttt{Map()}, that is nothing is stored in the memory; \texttt{Map(0 -> 1, 2 -> 3)} stores \texttt{1} at memory location \texttt{0}, and at \texttt{2} it stores \texttt{3}. The convention is that if we query the memory at a location that is \emph{not} defined in the \texttt{Map}, we return \texttt{0}. Write a function, \texttt{sread}, that takes a memory (a \texttt{Map}) and a memory pointer (an \texttt{Int}) as arguments, and `safely' reads the corresponding memory location. If the \texttt{Map} is not defined at the memory pointer, \texttt{sread} returns \texttt{0}. Write another function \texttt{write}, which takes a memory, a memory pointer and an integer value as arguments and updates the \texttt{Map} with the value at the given memory location. As usual, the \texttt{Map} is not updated `in-place' but a new map is created with the same data, except the new value is stored at the given memory pointer.\hfill[1 Mark]\item[(3)] Write two functions, \texttt{jumpRight} and \texttt{jumpLeft}, that are needed to implement the loop constructs in brainf***. They take a program (a \texttt{String}) and a program counter (an \texttt{Int}) as arguments and move right (respectively left) in the string in order to find the \textbf{matching} opening/closing bracket. For example, given the following program with the program counter indicated by an arrow: \begin{center} \texttt{--[\barbelow{.}.+>--],>,++} \end{center} then the matching closing bracket is in 9th position (counting from 0) and \texttt{jumpRight} is supposed to return the position just after this \begin{center} \texttt{--[..+>--]\barbelow{,}>,++} \end{center} meaning it jumps to after the loop. Similarly, if you are in 8th position, then \texttt{jumpLeft} is supposed to jump to just after the opening bracket (that is jumping to the beginning of the loop): \begin{center} \texttt{--[..+>-\barbelow{-}],>,++} \qquad$\stackrel{\texttt{jumpLeft}}{\longrightarrow}$\qquad \texttt{--[\barbelow{.}.+>--],>,++} \end{center} Unfortunately we have to take into account that there might be other opening and closing brackets on the `way' to find the matching bracket. For example in the brainf*** program \begin{center} \texttt{--[\barbelow{.}.[+>]--],>,++} \end{center} we do not want to return the index for the \texttt{'-'} in the 9th position, but the program counter for \texttt{','} in 12th position. The easiest to find out whether a bracket is matched is by using levels (which are the third argument in \texttt{jumpLeft} and \texttt{jumpLeft}). In case of \texttt{jumpRight} you increase the level by one whenever you find an opening bracket and decrease by one for a closing bracket. Then in \texttt{jumpRight} you are looking for the closing bracket on level \texttt{0}. For \texttt{jumpLeft} you do the opposite. In this way you can find \textbf{matching} brackets in strings such as \begin{center} \texttt{--[\barbelow{.}.[[-]+>[.]]--],>,++} \end{center} for which \texttt{jumpRight} should produce the position: \begin{center} \texttt{--[..[[-]+>[.]]--]\barbelow{,}>,++} \end{center} It is also possible that the position returned by \texttt{jumpRight} or \texttt{jumpLeft} is outside the string in cases where there are no matching brackets. For example \begin{center} \texttt{--[\barbelow{.}.[[-]+>[.]]--,>,++} \qquad$\stackrel{\texttt{jumpRight}}{\longrightarrow}$\qquad \texttt{--[..[[-]+>[.]]-->,++\barbelow{\;\phantom{+}}} \end{center} \hfill[2 Marks]\item[(4)] Write a recursive function \texttt{compute} that runs a brainf*** program. It takes a program, a program counter, a memory pointer and a memory as arguments. If the program counter is outside the program string, the execution stops and \texttt{compute} returns the memory. If the program counter is inside the string, it reads the corresponding character and updates the program counter \texttt{pc}, memory pointer \texttt{mp} and memory \texttt{mem} according to the rules shown in Figure~\ref{comms}. It then calls recursively \texttt{compute} with the updated data. The most convenient way to implement the brainf**k rules in Scala is to use pattern-matching and to calculate a triple consisting of the updated \texttt{pc}, \texttt{mp} and \texttt{mem}. Write another function \texttt{run} that calls \texttt{compute} with a given brainfu** program and memory, and the program counter and memory pointer set to~$0$. Like \texttt{compute}, it returns the memory after the execution of the program finishes. You can test your brainf**k interpreter with the Sierpinski triangle or the Hello world programs (they seem to be particularly useful for debugging purposes), or have a look at \begin{center} \url{https://esolangs.org/wiki/Brainfuck} \end{center}\hfill[2 Marks] \begin{figure}[p] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|@{\hspace{0.5mm}}p{0.8cm}|l|} \hline \hfill\texttt{'>'} & \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc} + 1$\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{mp} + 1$\\ $\bullet$ & \texttt{mem} unchanged \end{tabular}\\\hline \hfill\texttt{'<'} & \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc} + 1$\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{mp} - 1$\\ $\bullet$ & \texttt{mem} unchanged \end{tabular}\\\hline \hfill\texttt{'+'} & \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc} + 1$\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{mp}$ unchanged\\ $\bullet$ & \texttt{mem} updated with \texttt{mp -> mem(mp) + 1}\\ \end{tabular}\\\hline \hfill\texttt{'-'} & \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc} + 1$\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{mp}$ unchanged\\ $\bullet$ & \texttt{mem} updated with \texttt{mp -> mem(mp) - 1}\\ \end{tabular}\\\hline \hfill\texttt{'.'} & \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc} + 1$\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{mp}$ and \texttt{mem} unchanged\\ $\bullet$ & print out \,\texttt{mem(mp)} as a character\\ \end{tabular}\\\hline \hfill\texttt{','} & \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc} + 1$\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{mp}$ unchanged\\ $\bullet$ & \texttt{mem} updated with \texttt{mp -> \textrm{input}}\\ \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{the input is given by \texttt{Console.in.read().toByte}} \end{tabular}\\\hline \hfill\texttt{'['} & \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{if \texttt{mem(mp) == 0} then}\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc = jumpRight(prog, pc + 1, 0)}$\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{mp}$ and \texttt{mem} unchanged\medskip\\ \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{otherwise if \texttt{mem(mp) != 0} then}\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc} + 1$\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{mp}$ and \texttt{mem} unchanged\\ \end{tabular} \\\hline \hfill\texttt{']'} & \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{if \texttt{mem(mp) != 0} then}\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc = jumpLeft(prog, pc - 1, 0)}$\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{mp}$ and \texttt{mem} unchanged\medskip\\ \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{otherwise if \texttt{mem(mp) == 0} then}\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc} + 1$\\ $\bullet$ & $\texttt{mp}$ and \texttt{mem} unchanged\\ \end{tabular}\\\hline any other char & \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} $\bullet$ & $\texttt{pc} + 1$\\ $\bullet$ & \texttt{mp} and \texttt{mem} unchanged \end{tabular}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{The rules for how commands in the brainf*** language update the program counter \texttt{pc}, the memory pointer \texttt{mp} and the memory \texttt{mem}.\label{comms}} \end{figure}\end{itemize}\bigskip \newpage\subsection*{Part 2 (4 Marks)}I am sure you agree while it is fun to look at bf-programs, like theSierpinski triangle or the Mandelbrot program, being interpreted, itis much more fun to write a compiler for the bf-language.\subsubsection*{Tasks (file bfc.scala)}\begin{itemize}\item[(5)] Compilers in general attempt to make programs run faster by precomputing as much information as possible before running the program. In our case we can precompute the addresses where we need to jump at the beginning and end of loops. For this write a function \texttt{jtable} that precomputes the ``jump table'' for a bf-program. This function takes a bf-program as an argument and returns a \texttt{Map[Int, Int]}. The purpose of this Map is to record the information, in cases a pc-position points to a '\texttt{[}' or a '\texttt{]}', to which pc-position do we need to jump next? For example for the program \begin{center} \texttt{+++++[->++++++++++<]>--<+++[->>++++++++++} \texttt{<<]>>++<<----------[+>.>.<+<]} \end{center} we obtain the Map (note the precise numbers might differ depending on white spaces etc.~in the bf-program): \begin{center} \texttt{Map(69 -> 61, 5 -> 20, 60 -> 70, 27 -> 44, 43 -> 28, 19 -> 6)} \end{center} This Map states that for the '\texttt{[}' on position 5, we need to jump to position 20, which is just after the corresponding '\texttt{]}'. Similarly, for the '\texttt{]}' on position 19, we need to jump to position 6, which is just after the '\texttt{[}' on position 5, and so on. The idea is to not calculate this information each time we hit a bracket, but just look up this information in the \texttt{jtable}. Then adapt the \texttt{compute} and \texttt{run} functions from Part 1 in order to take advantage of the information stored in the \texttt{jtable}. This means whenever \texttt{jumpLeft} and \texttt{jumpRight} was called previously, you should look up the jump address in the \texttt{jtable}. Feel free to reuse the function \texttt{jumpLeft} and \texttt{jumpRight} for calculating the \texttt{jtable}.\hfill{[1 Mark]}\item[(6)] Compilers try to eliminate any ``dead'' code that could slow down programs and also perform what is often called \emph{peephole optimisations}.\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peephole_optimization}} For the latter consider that it is difficult for compilers to comprehend what is intended with whole programs, but they are very good at finding out what small snippets of code do, and then try to generate faster code for such snippets. In our case, dead code is everything that is not a bf-command. Therefore write a function \texttt{optimise} which deletes such dead code from a bf-program. Moreover this function should replace every substring of the form \pcode{[-]} by a new command \texttt{0}. The idea is that the loop \pcode{[-]} just resets the memory at the current location to 0. It is more efficient to do this in a single step, rather than stepwise in a loop as in the original bf-programs. In the extended \texttt{compute3} and \texttt{run3} functions you should implement this command by writing 0 to \pcode{mem(mp)}, that is use \pcode{write(mem, mp, 0)} as the rule for the command \texttt{0}. The easiest way to modify a string in this way is to use the regular expression \pcode{"""[^<>+-.,\\[\\]]"""}, which recognises everything that is not a bf-command. Similarly, the regular expression \pcode{"""\\[-\\]"""} finds all occurrences of \pcode{[-]}. By using the Scala method \pcode{.replaceAll} you can replace substrings with new strings.\\ \mbox{}\hfill{[1 Mark]}\item[(7)] Finally, real compilers try to take advantage of CPUs which often provide complex operations in hardware that can combine many smaller instructions into a single faster instruction. In our case we can optimise the several single increments performed at a memory cell, for example \pcode{++++}, by a single ``increment by 4''. For this optimisation we just have to make sure these single increments are all next to each other. Similar optimisations should apply for the bf-commands \pcode{-}, \pcode{<} and \pcode{>}, which can all be replaced by extended versions that take the amount of the increment (decrement) into account. We will do this by introducing two-character bf-commands. For example \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l|l} original bf-cmds & replacement\\ \hline \pcode{+} & \pcode{+A}\\ \pcode{++} & \pcode{+B}\\ \pcode{+++} & \pcode{+C}\\ \ldots{} & \ldots{}\\ \pcode{+++....++} & \pcode{+Z}\\ \hspace{5mm}(these are 26 \pcode{+}'s)\\ \end{tabular} \end{center} If there are more than 26 \pcode{+}'s in a row, then more than one ``two-character'' bf-commands need to be generated (the idea is that more than 26 copies of a single bf-command in a row is a rare occurrence in actual bf-programs). Similar replacements apply for \pcode{-}, \pcode{<} and \pcode{>}, but all other bf-commands should be unaffected by this change. For this write a function \texttt{combine} which replaces sequences of repeated increment and decrement commands by appropriate two-character commands. In the functions \pcode{compute4} and \pcode{run4}, the ``combine'' and the optimisation from (6) should be performed. Make sure that when a two-character bf-command is encountered you need to increase the \pcode{pc}-counter by two in order to progress to the next command. For example \begin{center} \pcode{combine(optimise(load_bff("benchmark.bf")))} \end{center} generates the improved program \begin{center} \pcode{>A+B[<A+M>A-A]<A[[}\hspace{3mm}\ldots{} \end{center} for the original benchmark program \begin{center} \pcode{>++[<+++++++++++++>-]<[[}\hspace{3mm}\ldots \end{center} As you can see, the compiler bets on saving a lot of time on the \pcode{+B} and \pcode{+M} steps so that the optimisations is worthwhile overall (of course for the \pcode{>A}'s and so on, the compiler incurs a penalty). Luckily, after you have performed all optimisations in (5) - (7), you can expect that the \pcode{benchmark.bf} program runs four to five times faster. You can also test whether your compiler produces the correct result by for example testing \begin{center} \pcode{run(load_bff("sierpinski.bf")) == run4(load_bff("sierpinski.bf"))} \end{center} which should return true for all the different compiler stages. \\ \mbox{}\hfill{[2 Marks]}\end{itemize} \end{document}%%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex%%% TeX-master: t%%% End: