author Christian Urban <>
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 22:18:15 +0100
changeset 490 4778fefecd0c
parent 447 f51e593903ac
permissions -rw-r--r--

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\fnote{\copyright{} Christian Urban, King's College London, 2022}

\section*{Scala Worksheet 2}

\subsection*{Task 1 (Options)}

Get familiar with the return value of functions that can
``go wrong'':

scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).find(_ < 4)
scala> List(5,6,7,8,9).find(_ < 4)
scala> List(5,6,7,8,9).min
scala> List(5,6,7,8,9).minOption
scala> List[Int]().minOption

Note that there needs to be a type-annotation for \texttt{List()} otherwise
Scala will not know which \texttt{min}-version it should use. 

\subsection*{Task 2 (Try)}

The Scala-Idiom \texttt{Try-getOrElse} allows you to conveniently
deal with failure cases.

scala> Try(Some(List(5,6,7,8,9).min)).getOrElse(None)
scala> Try(Some(List[Int]().min)).getOrElse(None)

Note that \texttt{Try} needs the library \texttt{scala.util.\_} to be

def safe_div(x: Int, y: Int) : Option[Int] = 
  Try(Some(x / y)).getOrElse(None)

\subsection*{Task 3 (URLs / Files)}

For simple tasks such as reading webpages and files, Scala provides
convenient functions \texttt{Source.fromURL} and \texttt{Source.fromFile}.
To try them out, you need to import \texttt{io.Source}.

scala> Source.fromURL(my_url)("ISO-8859-1").mkString
scala> Source.fromFile(my_file)("ISO-8859-1").mkString

These functions return an iterator, which can be transformed into a String
using \texttt{mkString}. The second argument fixes the character encoding
and should not be omitted. If you are interested in the individual lines
in the file, for example, you can use


If you are after proper error-handling, then you can use Scala's options
as follows


This can also be written slightly shorter as


In case of reading files, there can be an issue with closing
files properly. For this Scala provides \texttt{Using}


This closes the files automatically after reading, but otherwise
behaves as the code shown above: It gives a \texttt{Some} in the
success case and \texttt{None} in the failure case. However,
\texttt{Using} requires a function as argument for prescribing
of what to do with the file content in the success case.

\subsection*{Task 4 (Higher-Order Functions)}

Higher-Order functions means that Scala allows functions to
have functions as arguments and also allows functions to
return functions. Get familiar with the short-hand notation
for simple functions

scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).find(_ < 4)
scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).count(_ % 2 == 0)
scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).sortWith(_ > _)
scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).filter(_ > 4)

Be aware that this short-hand notation only works for ``smallish'' functions
and that sometimes Scala cannot figure out the types involved without
explicit type annotations.

\subsection*{Task 5 (Maps)}

Get familiar with the map-function for lists, sets etc. It is the
quintessential higher-order function and frequently used for transforming

scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).map(n => n * n)

Make also sure you see that Scala's \texttt{for}-comprehensions
are just syntactic sugar for \texttt{map}s. What would this
expression look like as \texttt{for}-comprehension? What are
the advantages of \texttt{for}-comprehensions over \texttt{map}s.

\subsection*{Task 6 (Pattern-Matching)}

Rewrite the following function using pattern-matching

def my_map(lst: List[Int], f: Int => Int) : List[Int] = {
 if (lst == Nil) Nil
 else f(lst.head) :: my_map(lst.tail, f)

Observe that the type of the function is from \texttt{Int}s to
\texttt{Int}s, which is written in Scala as type \texttt{Int => Int}.

\subsection*{Task 7 (Web-Crawler, Hard)}

Have a look at the web-crawler at the end of \texttt{lecture2.scala}.
Can you modify it such that every page is only visited once? 


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