State by itself is quite harmless. However, mutable state is the big offender. Especially if it is shared. What exactly is mutable state? Any state that can change.====================Why functional programming?Nice article and pictures of multicores. repository for jars (par collections for example) on scala course at Lund University argument for pure functions and programming syntax tree generation hardest sudoku problems example (bar code decoder) tutorial for scala best practices Track gameGame of life=================== quotes“To have another language is to possess a second soul.â€â€• attributed Charlemagne, Emperor of the Carolingian Empire (Western Europe)-------------------FP strongly discourages changing the state of a variable once initialized. This has a profound effect upon concurrency. If you can’t change the state of a variable, you can’t have a race condition. If you can’t update the value of a variable, you can’t have a concurrent update problem.-------------------8. Forced Null-ChecksIn Java, the method signature of a public method does not tell you ifa returned value can be null or not. Take this signature for instance:public List<Item> getSelectedItems()What happens when no item is selected? Does this method then returnnull? Or does it return an empty list? We do not know for sure withoutlooking into the implementation of this method (except we are verylucky in this case that the signature has a good javadoc descriptionof the return type). There are two mistakes a developer could possiblymake: (1)fForgetting to check the return value for null when it can benull, resulting in the famous NullPointerException, or; (2) checkingit for null although it never can be null, resulting in needless code.why functional programming matters pure functions Videos (30:00 slide about functions) warts compiler good explanation of what being functional programming means of exercises in Scala scripting sheets books types in Scala engine in scala code quality