--- a/templates/alcohol.scala Tue Nov 14 13:14:47 2017 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// Part 2 about Alcohol-Consumption Worldwide
-object CW6b {
-import io.Source
-import scala.util._
-val url_alcohol =
- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fivethirtyeight/data/master/alcohol-consumption/drinks.csv"
-val file_population =
- "population.csv"
-//(1) Complete the get_csv_page function below. It takes a URL-string
-// as argument and generates a list of strings corresponding to each
-// line in the downloaded csv-list. The URL url_alcohol above is one
-// possible argument.
-//def get_csv_page(url: String) : List[String] = ...
-// Complete the get_csv_file function below. It takes a file name
-// as argument and reads the content of the given file. Like above,
-// it should generate a list of strings corresponding to each
-// line in the csv-list. The filename file_population is one possible
-// argument.
-//def get_csv_file(file: String) : List[String] = ...
-//(2) Complete the functions that process the csv-lists. For
-// process_alcs extract the country name (as String) and the
-// pure alcohol consumption (as Double). For process_pops
-// generate a Map of Strings (country names) to Long numbers
-// (population sizes).
-//def process_alcs(lines: List[String]) : List[(String, Double)] = ...
-//def process_pops(lines: List[String]) : Map[String, Long] = ...
-//(3) Calculate for each country the overall alcohol_consumption using
-// the data from the alcohol list and the population sizes list. You
-// should only include countries on the alcohol list that are also
-// on the population sizes list with the exact same name. Note that
-// the spelling of some names in the alcohol list differs from the
-// population sizes list. You can ignore entries where the names differ.
-// Sort the resulting list according to the country with the highest alcohol
-// consumption to the country with the lowest alcohol consumption.
-//def sorted_country_consumption() : List[(String, Long)] = ...
-// Calculate the world consumption of pure alcohol of all countries, which
-// should be the first element in the tuple below. The second element is
-// the overall consumption of the first n countries in the sorted list
-// from above; and finally the double should be the percentage of the
-// first n countries drinking from the the world consumption of alcohol.
-//def percentage(n: Int) : (Long, Long, Double) = ...