--- a/marking3/bf.scala Fri Nov 30 13:06:09 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-// Part 2 about an Interpreter for the Brainf*** language
-object CW8b {
-type Mem = Map[Int, Int]
-// (2a) Complete the functions for safely reading
-// and writing brainf*** memory. Safely read should
-// Return the value stored in the Map for a given memory
-// pointer, if it exists; otherwise it Returns 0. The
-// writing function generates a new Map with the
-// same data, except at the given memory pointer the
-// value v is stored.
-def sread(mem: Mem, mp: Int) : Int =
- mem.getOrElse(mp, 0)
-def write(mem: Mem, mp: Int, v: Int) : Mem =
- mem.updated(mp, v)
-// (2b) Implement the two jumping instructions in the
-// brainf*** language. In jumpRight, given a program and
-// a program counter move the program counter to the right
-// until after the *matching* ]-command. Similarly,
-// jumpLeft implements the move to the left to just after
-// the *matching* [--command.
-def jumpRight(prog: String, pc: Int, level: Int) : Int = {
- if (prog.length <= pc) pc
- else (prog(pc), level) match {
- case (']', 0) => pc + 1
- case (']', l) => jumpRight(prog, pc + 1, l - 1)
- case ('[', l) => jumpRight(prog, pc + 1, l + 1)
- case (_, l) => jumpRight(prog, pc + 1, l)
- }
-def jumpLeft(prog: String, p: Int, level: Int) : Int = {
- if (p < 0) p
- else (prog(p), level) match {
- case ('[', 0) => p + 1
- case ('[', l) => jumpLeft(prog, p - 1, l - 1)
- case (']', l) => jumpLeft(prog, p - 1, l + 1)
- case (_, l) => jumpLeft(prog, p - 1, l)
- }
-//jumpLeft("[******]***", 7, 0)
-// (2c) Complete the run function that interpretes (runs) a brainf***
-// program: the arguments are a program, a program counter,
-// a memory counter and a brainf*** memory. It Returns the
-// memory at the stage when the excution of the brainf*** program
-// finishes. The interpretation finishes once the program counter
-// pc is pointing to something outside the program string.
-// If the pc points to a character inside the program, the pc,
-// memory pointer and memory need to be updated according to
-// rules of the brainf*** language. Then, recursively, run
-// function continues with the command at the new program
-// counter.
-// Implement the start function that calls run with the program
-// counter and memory counter set to 0.
-def run(prog: String, pc: Int, mp: Int, mem: Mem) : Mem = {
- if (0 <= pc && pc < prog.length) {
- val (new_pc, new_mp, new_mem) = prog(pc) match {
- case '>' => (pc + 1, mp + 1, mem)
- case '<' => (pc + 1, mp - 1, mem)
- case '+' => (pc + 1, mp, write(mem, mp, sread(mem, mp) + 1))
- case '-' => (pc + 1, mp, write(mem, mp, sread(mem, mp) - 1))
- case '.' => { print(sread(mem, mp).toChar); (pc + 1, mp, mem) }
- case ',' => (pc + 1, mp, write(mem, mp, Console.in.read().toByte))
- case '[' =>
- if (sread(mem, mp) == 0) (jumpRight(prog, pc + 1, 0), mp, mem) else (pc + 1, mp, mem)
- case ']' =>
- if (sread(mem, mp) != 0) (jumpLeft(prog, pc - 1, 0), mp, mem) else (pc + 1, mp, mem)
- case _ => (pc + 1, mp, mem)
- }
- run(prog, new_pc, new_mp, new_mem)
- }
- else mem
-def start(prog: String, m: Mem) = run(prog, 0, 0, m)
-// some sample programs collected from the Internet
-// first some contrived (small) programs
-// clears the 0-cell
-start("[-]", Map(0 -> 100))
-// copies content of the 0-cell to 1-cell
-start("[->+<]", Map(0 -> 10))
-// copies content of the 0-cell to 2-cell and 4-cell
-start("[>>+>>+<<<<-]", Map(0 -> 42))
-// prints out numbers 0 to 9
-start("""+++++[->++++++++++<]>--<+++[->>++++++++++<<]>>++<<----------[+>.>.<+<]""", Map())
-// some more "useful" programs
-// hello world program 1
- ..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.""", Map())
-// hello world program 2
- +.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.""", Map())
-// draws the Sierpinski triangle
- ->[+[-]+>++>>>-<<]<[<]>>++++++[<<+++++>>-]+<<++.[-]<<
- ]>.>+[>>]>+]""", Map())
- ->[+[-]+>++>>>-<<]<[<]>>++++++[<<+++++>>-]+<<++.[-]<<
- ]>.>+[>>]>+]""", Map()))
-//fibonacci numbers below 100
- >+>>>>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- >++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<<<<<<[>[>>>>>>+>
- +<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>[<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>-]<[>++++++++++[-
- <-[>>+>+<<<-]>>>[<<<+>>>-]+<[>[-]<[-]]>[<<[>>>+<<<
- -]>>[-]]<<]>>>[>>+>+<<<-]>>>[<<<+>>>-]+<[>[-]<[-]]
- >[<<+>>[-]]<<<<<<<]>>>>>[+++++++++++++++++++++++++
- +++++++++++++++++++++++.[-]]++++++++++<[->-<]>++++
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.[-]<<
- <<<<<<<<<<[>>>+>+<<<<-]>>>>[<<<<+>>>>-]<-[>>.>.<<<
- [-]]<<[>>+>+<<<-]>>>[<<<+>>>-]<<[<+>-]>[<+>-]<<<-]""", Map())
-//outputs the square numbers up to 10000
- >[>+>+<<-]++>>[<<+>>-]>>>[-]++>[-]+
- >>>+[[-]++++++>>>]<<<[[<++++++++<++>>-]+<.<[>----<-]<]
- <<[>>>>>[>>>[-]+++++++++<[>-<-]+++++++++>[-[<->-]+[<<<]]<[>+<-]>]<<-]<<-]""", Map())
-//collatz numbers (need to be typed in)
- >>>[>>>>]+[[-]+<[->>>>++>>>>+[>>>>]++[->+<<<<<]]<<<]
- ++++++[>------<-]>--[>>[->>>>]+>+[<<<<]>-],<]>]>>>++>+>>[
- <<[>>>>[-]+++++++++<[>-<-]+++++++++>[-[<->-]+[<<<<]]<[>+<-]>]
- >[>[>>>>]+[[-]<[+[->>>>]>+<]>[<+>[<<<<]]+<<<<]>>>[->>>>]+>+[<<<<]]
- >[[>+>>[<<<<+>>>>-]>]<<<<[-]>[-<<<<]]>>>>>>>
- ]>>+[[-]++++++>>>>]<<<<[[<++++++++>-]<.[-]<[-]<[-]<]<,]""", Map())
-// infinite collatz (never stops)
- <]>-]>[>>]>>[<<<<[<<]>+>[>>]>>-]<<<<[<<]+>>]<<[+++++[>+++++++
- +<-]>.<++++++[>--------<-]+<<]>>[>>]+[>>>>[<<+>+>-]<-[>+<-]+<
- [<<->>-[<<+>>[-]]]>>>[<<<+<<+>>>>>-]<<<[>>>+<<<-]<<[[-]>+>>->
- [<+<[<<+>>-]<[>+<-]<[>+<-]>>>>-]<[>+<-]+<[->[>>]<<[->[<+++>-[
- <+++>-[<+++>-[<[-]++>>[-]+>+<<-[<+++>-[<+++>-[<[-]+>>>+<<-[<+
- ++>-[<+++>-]]]]]]]]]<[>+<-]+<<]>>>+<[->[<+>-[<+>-[<+>-[<+>-[<
- +>-[<+>-[<+>-[<+>-[<+>-[<[-]>>[-]+>+<<-[<+>-]]]]]]]]]]]<[>+<-
- ]+>>]<<[<<]>]<[->>[->+>]<[-[<+>-[<->>+<-[<+>-[<->>+<-[<+>-[<-
- >>+<-[<+>-[<->>+<-[<+>-[<->>+<-[<+>-[<->>+<-[<+>-[<->>+<-[<+>
- -[<->>+<-[<+>-[<->>+<-[<+>-]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]>[<+>-]<+<[<+++
- +++++++>-]<]>>[<+>->>]<<[>+>+<<-]>[<+>-]+>[<->[-]]<[-<<-]<<[<
- <]]++++++[>+++++++<-]>++.------------.[-]>[>>]<<[+++++[>+++++
- +++<-]>.<++++++[>--------<-]+<<]+<]>[<+>-]<]>>>[>>]<<[>[-]<-<
- <]++++++++++.[-]<<<[<<]>>>+<[->[<+>-[<+>-[<+>-[<+>-[<+>-[<+>-
- [<+>-[<+>-[<+>-[<[-]>>[-]+>+<<-]]]]]]]]]]<[>+<-]+>>]<<[<<]>>]""", Map())
-start("""+++++[>+++++++++<-],[[>--.++>+<<-]>+.->[<.>-]<<,]""", Map())
-def splice(cs: List[Char], acc: List[(Char, Int)]) : List[(Char, Int)] = (cs, acc) match {
- case (Nil, acc) => acc
- case (c :: cs, Nil) => splice(cs, List((c, 1)))
- case (c :: cs, (d, n) :: acc) =>
- if (c == d) splice(cs, (c, n + 1) :: acc)
- else splice(cs, (c, 1) :: (d, n) :: acc)
-def spl(s: String) = splice(s.toList, Nil).reverse
-// simple instructions
-def instr(c: Char) : String = c match {
- case '>' => "ptr++;"
- case '<' => "ptr--;"
- case '+' => "(*ptr)++;"
- case '-' => "(*ptr)--;"
- case '.' => "putchar(*ptr);"
- case ',' => "*ptr = getchar();\n"
- case '[' => "while(*ptr){"
- case ']' => "}"
- case _ => ""
-def instrs(prog: String) : String =
- prog.toList.map(instr(_)).mkString
-//optimised instructions
-def instr2(c: Char, n: Int) : String = c match {
- case '>' => "ptr += " + n.toString + ";"
- case '<' => "ptr -= " + n.toString + ";"
- case '+' => "(*ptr) += " + n.toString + ";"
- case '-' => "(*ptr) -= " + n.toString + ";"
- case '.' => "putchar(*ptr);" * n
- case ',' => "*ptr = getchar();\n" * n
- case '[' => "while(*ptr){" * n
- case ']' => "}" * n
- case _ => ""
-def instrs2(prog: String) : String =
- spl(prog).map{ case (c, n) => instr2(c, n) }.mkString
-// peephole optimisers are at
-// https://github.com/Wilfred/bfc#peephole-optimisations
-// http://calmerthanyouare.org/2015/01/07/optimizing-brainfuck.html
-def compile_str(prog: String) : String = {
- "#include <string.h>\n" ++
- "#include <stdio.h>\n" ++
- "char field[30000];\n" ++
- "char *ptr = &field[15000];" ++
- "int main()\n{\n" ++
- "memset(field, '\\0', 30000);\n" ++
- instrs2(prog) ++
- "\n re turn 0;\n}"
-def compile(name: String, prog: String) = {
- val fw = new java.io.FileWriter(name + ".c")
- fw.write(compile_str(prog))
- fw.close()
-import sys.process._
-def compile_run(prog: String) = {
- compile("tmp", prog)
- "gcc -O3 -o tmp tmp.c".!
- "./tmp".!
- ()
- ..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.""")
- ->[+[-]+>++>>>-<<]<[<]>>++++++[<<+++++>>-]+<<++.[-]<<
- ]>.>+[>>]>+]""")
-compile_run(""" A mandelbrot set fractal viewer in brainf*** written by Erik Bosman
- >>>>>
- >+>+>+>+>++<[>[<+++>-
- >>>>>
- >+>+>+>+>++<[>[<+++>-
- >>>>>
- >+>+>+>+>++<[>[<+++>-
- >>>>>
- +++[->+++++<]>[-]<
- <<<<<
- ]<<]>[-]
- <<<<<
- ]<<]>[-]
- <<<<<
- ]<<]>[-]
- <<<<<
-// benchmarks
-// register to BF compiler
-// https://gergo.erdi.hu/blog/2010-09-06-from_register_machines_to_brainfuck,_part_1/