changeset 127 b4def82f3f9f
parent 18 87e55eb309ed
child 128 166bb9b6b20a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/alcohol.scala	Tue Nov 07 13:08:18 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Part 2 about Alcohol-Consumption Worldwide
+// (1) Complete the function that is given a list of floats
+// and calculuates the indices for when to buy the commodity 
+// and when to sell
+// (2) Complete the ``get webpage'' function that takes a
+// a stock symbol as argument and queries the Yahoo server
+// at
+//<<insert stock symbol>>
+// This servive returns a CSV-list that needs to be separated into
+// a list of strings.
+import io.Source
+import scala.util._
+def get_csv_page(url: String) : List[String] = 
+  Source.fromURL(url)("ISO-8859-1").getLines.toList
+def get_csv_file(file: String) : List[String] = 
+  Source.fromFile(file)("ISO-8859-1").getLines.toList
+val url_alcohol = 
+  ""
+val file_population = 
+  "population.cvs"
+val alcs = get_csv_page(url_alcohol)
+val pops = get_csv_file(file_population)
+def process_alcs(lines: List[String]) : List[(String, Double)] =
+  for (l <- lines) yield {
+    val entries = l.split(",").toList 
+    (entries(0), entries(4).toDouble) 
+  }
+def process_pops(lines: List[String]) : Map[String, Long] =
+  (for (l <- lines) yield {
+    val entries = l.split(",").toList 
+    (entries(0), entries(1).toLong)
+  }).toMap
+def sorted_country_consumption() : List[(String, Long)] = {
+  val alcs2 = process_alcs(alcs.drop(1))
+  val pops2 = process_pops(pops.drop(1))
+  val cons_list = 
+    for ((cname, cons) <- alcs2; if pops2.isDefinedAt(cname)) yield (cname, (cons * pops2(cname)).toLong)
+  cons_list.sortBy(_._2).reverse
+consumption.foreach { println } 
+def percentage(n: Int) : (Long, Long, Double) = {
+  val cons_list = sorted_country_consumption()
+  val sum_n = cons_list.take(n).map(_._2).sum
+  val sum_all =
+  val perc = (sum_n.toDouble / sum_all.toDouble) * 100.0
+  (sum_all, sum_n, perc)