--- a/progs/lecture2.scala Wed Nov 16 23:34:36 2016 +0000
+++ b/progs/lecture2.scala Thu Nov 17 03:10:44 2016 +0000
@@ -2,6 +2,25 @@
+// Implicits
+// for example adding your own methods to Strings:
+// imagine you want to increment strings, like
+// "HAL".increment
+// you can avoid ugly fudges, like a MyString, by
+// using implicit conversions
+implicit class MyString(s: String) {
+ def increment = for (c <- s) yield (c + 1).toChar
// Option type
@@ -74,7 +93,6 @@
// Type abbreviations
@@ -85,7 +103,6 @@
// No return in Scala
@@ -110,6 +127,8 @@
x * x
// Pattern Matching
@@ -151,6 +170,65 @@
case _ => "many"
+// User-defined Datatypes
+abstract class Tree
+case class Node(elem: Int, left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
+case class Leaf() extends Tree
+def insert(tr: Tree, n: Int): Tree = tr match {
+ case Leaf() => Node(n, Leaf(), Leaf())
+ case Node(m, left, right) =>
+ if (n == m) Node(m, left, right)
+ else if (n < m) Node(m, insert(left, n), right)
+ else Node(m, left, insert(right, n))
+val t1 = Node(4, Node(2, Leaf(), Leaf()), Node(7, Leaf(), Leaf()))
+insert(t1, 3)
+def balance(tr: Tree): Int = tr match {
+ case Leaf() => 0
+ case Node(_, left, right) => balance(left) - balance(right)
+// another example
+abstract class Person
+case class King() extends Person
+case class Peer(deg: String, terr: String, succ: Int) extends Person
+case class Knight(name: String) extends Person
+case class Peasant(name: String) extends Person
+case class Clown() extends Person
+def title(p: Person): String = p match {
+ case King() => "His Majesty the King"
+ case Peer(deg, terr, _) => s"The ${deg} of ${terr}"
+ case Knight(name) => s"Sir ${name}"
+ case Peasant(name) => name
+def superior(p1: Person, p2: Person): Boolean = (p1, p2) match {
+ case (King(), _) => true
+ case (Peer(_,_,_), Knight(_)) => true
+ case (Peer(_,_,_), Peasant(_)) => true
+ case (Peer(_,_,_), Clown()) => true
+ case (Knight(_), Peasant(_)) => true
+ case (Knight(_), Clown()) => true
+ case (Clown(), Peasant(_)) => true
+ case _ => false
+val people = List(Knight("David"),
+ Peer("Duke", "Norfolk", 42),
+ Peasant("Christian"),
+ King(),
+ Clown())
+println(people.sortWith(superior(_, _)))
// Higher-Order Functions
@@ -174,34 +252,141 @@
lst.map(square).filter(_ > 4)
+lst.map(square).filter(_ > 4).map(square)
+// in my collatz.scala
+//(1 to bnd).map(i => (collatz(i), i)).maxBy(_._1)
+// type of functions
+def my_map_int(lst: List[Int], f: Int => Int): List[Int] = lst match {
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case x::xs => f(x)::my_map_int(xs, f)
+my_map_int(lst, square)
+def sumOf(f: Int => Int, lst: List[Int]): Int = lst match {
+ case Nil => 0
+ case x::xs => f(x) + sumOf(f, xs)
+def sum_squares(lst: List[Int]) = sumOf(square, lst)
+def sum_cubes(lst: List[Int]) = sumOf(x => x * x * x, lst)
// Sudoku
+val game0 = """.14.6.3..
+ |62...4..9
+ |.8..5.6..
+ |.6.2....3
+ |.7..1..5.
+ |5....9.6.
+ |..6.2..3.
+ |1..5...92
+ |..7.9.41.""".stripMargin.replaceAll("\\n", "")
+type Pos = (Int, Int)
+val EmptyValue = '.'
+val MaxValue = 9
+val allValues = "123456789".toList
+val indexes = (0 to 8).toList
+def empty(game: String) = game.indexOf(EmptyValue)
+def emptyPosition(game: String) = (empty(game) % MaxValue, empty(game) / MaxValue)
+def isDone(game: String) = empty(game) == -1
+def row(game: String, y: Int): List[Char] = indexes.map(col => game(y * MaxValue + col))
+def col(game: String, x: Int): List[Char] = indexes.map(row => game(x + row * MaxValue))
+def box(game: String, pos: Pos): List[Char] = {
+ def base(p: Int): Int = (p / 3) * 3
+ val x0 = base(pos._1)
+ val y0 = base(pos._2)
+ val ys = (y0 until y0 + 3).toList
+ (x0 until x0 + 3).toList.flatMap(x => ys.map(y => game(x + y * MaxValue)))
+//row(game0, 0)
+//row(game0, 1)
+//box(game0, (3,1))
+def update(game: String, pos: Int, value: Char): String = game.updated(pos, value)
+def toAvoid(game: String, pos: Pos): List[Char] =
+ (col(game, pos._1) ++ row(game, pos._2) ++ box(game, pos)).distinct
+def candidates(game: String, pos: Pos): List[Char] = allValues diff toAvoid(game,pos)
+//candidates(game0, (0,0))
+def pretty(game: String): String = "\n" + (game sliding (MaxValue, MaxValue) mkString "\n")
+def search(game: String): List[String] = {
+ if (isDone(game)) List(game)
+ else
+ candidates(game, emptyPosition(game)).par.map(c => search(update(game, empty(game), c))).toList.flatten
+val game1 = """23.915...
+ |...2..54.
+ |6.7......
+ |..1.....9
+ |
+ |5.....6..
+ |......9.5
+ |.16..7...
+ |...329..1""".stripMargin.replaceAll("\\n", "")
+// game that is in the hard category
+val game2 = """8........
+ |..36.....
+ |.7..9.2..
+ |.5...7...
+ |....457..
+ |...1...3.
+ |..1....68
+ |..85...1.
+ |.9....4..""".stripMargin.replaceAll("\\n", "")
+// game with multiple solutions
+val game3 = """.8...9743
+ |.5...8.1.
+ |.1.......
+ |8....5...
+ |...8.4...
+ |...3....6
+ |.......7.
+ |.3.5...8.
+ |9724...5.""".stripMargin.replaceAll("\\n", "")
+// for measuring time
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+ val start = System.nanoTime()
+ for (j <- 1 to i) code
+ val end = System.nanoTime()
+ ((end - start) / i / 1.0e9) + " secs"
+time_needed(3, search(game2))
+time_needed(3, search(game3))
-//sorting, higher-order functions
-//lexicographic ordering
-// Implicits
-// for example adding your own methods to Strings:
-// imagine you want to increment strings, like
-// "HAL".increment
-// you can avoid ugly fudges, like a MyString, by
-// using implicit conversions
-implicit class MyString(s: String) {
- def increment = for (c <- s) yield (c + 1).toChar