1 // Resit Part about an Evil Wordle Clone |
2 //========================================== |
3 // |
4 // Task description are on KEATS |
5 // |
6 // Make sure you use Scala Version 2.13 (not Scala 3) |
7 // |
8 // Upload your submision to OneSpace and give Senir and Christian |
9 // write access to the folder. The folder should have you email |
10 // address as name. Give us write permission by July 25th such |
11 // that we can download your solution by the closing date August 4th. |
12 |
13 object Resit { |
14 |
15 import io.Source |
16 import scala.util._ |
17 |
18 //============================= |
19 // Task 1 [0.25 Marks] |
20 |
21 def get_wordle_list(url: String) : List[String] = { |
22 try{ |
23 val raw = Source.fromURL(url).mkString |
24 raw.split("\n").toList |
25 } |
26 catch { |
27 case e : Exception => List[String]() |
28 } |
29 } |
30 |
31 |
32 // val secrets = get_wordle_list("https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/christian.urban/wordle.txt") |
33 // secrets.length => 12972 |
34 // secrets.filter(_.length != 5) => Nil |
35 |
36 //============================= |
37 // Task 2 [0.25 Marks] |
38 |
39 def removeOne[A](xs: List[A], elem: A) : List[A] = { |
40 val index = xs.indexOf(elem) |
41 val first = xs.take(index) |
42 val second = xs.drop(index + 1) |
43 first ::: second |
44 } |
45 |
46 // removeOne(List(1,2,3,2,1), 3) => List(1, 2, 2, 1) |
47 // removeOne(List(1,2,3,2,1), 2) => List(1, 3, 2, 1) |
48 // removeOne(List(1,2,3,2,1), 1) => List(2, 3, 2, 1) |
49 // removeOne(List(1,2,3,2,1), 0) => List(1, 2, 3, 2, 1) |
50 |
51 |
52 //============================= |
53 // Task 3 [1.5 Marks] |
54 |
55 abstract class Tip |
56 case object Absent extends Tip |
57 case object Present extends Tip |
58 case object Correct extends Tip |
59 |
60 def pool(secret: String, word: String) : List[Char]= { |
61 for (i <- (0 to 4).toList |
62 if secret(i) != word(i)) |
63 yield secret(i) |
64 } |
65 |
66 def aux(secret: List[Char], word: List[Char], pool: List[Char]) : List[Tip] = (secret, word) match { |
67 case (Nil, Nil) => Nil |
68 case (s::srest, w::wrest) => { |
69 if (s == w) Correct::aux(srest, wrest, pool) |
70 else if (pool.contains(w)) Present::aux(srest, wrest, removeOne(pool, w)) |
71 else Absent::aux(srest, wrest, pool) |
72 } |
73 } |
74 |
75 def score(secret: String, word: String) : List[Tip] = |
76 aux(secret.toList, word.toList, pool(secret, word)) |
77 |
78 /* |
79 def pool(secret: String, word: String) : List[Char] = { |
80 (secret zip word).collect { |
81 case (c1, c2) if c1 != c2 => s"$c1" |
82 }.toList.flatten |
83 } |
84 |
85 def aux2(secret: String, word: String, pool: List[Char], result: List[Tip]) : List[Tip] = { |
86 if (word.length == 0){ |
87 result.reverse |
88 } |
89 else{ |
90 if (word.take(1) == secret.take(1)) { |
91 val updated = Correct :: result |
92 aux2(secret.drop(1), word.drop(1), pool, updated) |
93 } |
94 else { |
95 if(pool.contains(word.take(1)(0))){ |
96 val updated = Present :: result |
97 val removed = removeOne(pool, word.take(1)(0)).mkString.toList |
98 aux2(secret.drop(1), word.drop(1), removed, updated) |
99 } |
100 else{ |
101 val updated = Absent :: result |
102 aux2(secret.drop(1), word.drop(1), pool, updated) |
103 } |
104 } |
105 } |
106 } |
107 |
108 def aux(secret: List[Char], word: List[Char], pool: List[Char]) : List[Tip] = { |
109 aux2(secret.mkString, word.mkString, pool, List()) |
110 } |
111 |
112 def score(secret: String, word: String) : List[Tip] = { |
113 aux(secret.toList, word.toList, pool(secret, word)) |
114 } |
115 */ |
116 |
117 // score("chess", "caves") |
118 // score("doses", "slide") |
119 // score("chess", "swiss") |
120 // score("chess", "eexss") |
121 |
122 |
123 //============================= |
124 // Task 4 [0.5 Marks] |
125 |
126 def eval(t: Tip) : Int = t match { |
127 case Correct => 10 |
128 case Present => 1 |
129 case Absent => 0 |
130 } |
131 |
132 def iscore(secret: String, word: String) : Int = { |
133 val list = score(secret, word) |
134 val values = list.map(n => eval(n)) |
135 values.sum |
136 } |
137 |
138 // iscore("chess", "caves") |
139 // iscore("doses", "slide") |
140 // iscore("chess", "swiss") |
141 // iscore("chess", "eexss") |
142 |
143 //============================= |
144 // Task 5 [1.5 Mark] |
145 |
146 def lowest(secrets: List[String], word: String, current: Int, acc: List[String]) : List[String] = { |
147 val mapped = secrets.map(x => (x, iscore(x, word))) |
148 val min = mapped.minBy(_._2)._2 |
149 val filt = mapped.filter(_._2 == min) |
150 filt.map(x => x._1) |
151 } |
152 |
153 def evil(secrets: List[String], word: String) : List[String] = { |
154 lowest(secrets, word, Int.MaxValue, List()) |
155 } |
156 |
157 //evil(secrets, "stent").length |
158 //evil(secrets, "hexes").length |
159 //evil(secrets, "horse").length |
160 //evil(secrets, "hoise").length |
161 //evil(secrets, "house").length |
162 |
163 |
164 //============================= |
165 // Task 6 [1 Mark] |
166 |
167 def frequencies(secrets: List[String]) : Map[Char, Double] = { |
168 val all = secrets.flatten |
169 all.groupBy(identity).view.mapValues(1.0D - _.size.toDouble / all.size ).toMap |
170 } |
171 |
172 //frequencies(secrets)('y') |
173 |
174 /* |
175 |
176 def frequencies(secrets: List[String]) : Map[Char, Double] = { |
177 val letters = secrets.flatten |
178 val totalLetters = letters.length.toDouble |
179 val alph = ('a' to 'z').toList |
180 val letterCount = alph.map(x => (x, letters.filter(_ == x).length.toDouble)) |
181 letterCount.map(x => (x._1, 1.0-(letterCount.filter(_._1 == x._1)(0)._2/totalLetters))).toMap |
182 } |
183 */ |
184 |
185 // frequencies(secrets)('y') |
186 // frequencies(secrets)('e') |
187 |
188 //============================= |
189 // Task 7 [1 Mark] |
190 |
191 def rank(frqs: Map[Char, Double], s: String) = { |
192 s.map(frqs(_)).sum |
193 } |
194 |
195 def ranked_evil(secrets: List[String], word: String) = { |
196 val frqs = frequencies(secrets) |
197 val ev = evil(secrets, word) |
198 ev.groupBy(rank(frqs, _)).toList.sortBy(_._1).reverse.head._2 |
199 } |
200 |
201 /* |
202 def rank(frqs: Map[Char, Double], s: String) : Double = { |
203 val letters = s.toList |
204 val scores = letters.map(x => frqs(x).toDouble) |
205 scores.sum |
206 } |
207 |
208 def ranked_evil(secrets: List[String], word: String) : List[String] = { |
209 val most = evil(secrets, word) |
210 val mapped = most.map(x => (x, rank(frequencies(secrets),x))) |
211 val mx = mapped.maxBy(_._2)._2 |
212 val filt = mapped.filter(_._2 == mx) |
213 filt.map(x => x._1) |
214 } |
215 */ |
216 //rank(frequencies(secrets), "adobe") |
217 //rank(frequencies(secrets), "gaffe") |
218 //rank(frequencies(secrets), "fuzzy") |
219 |
220 //ranked_evil(secrets, "beats") |
221 //ranked_evil(secrets, "vitae") |
222 //ranked_evil(secrets, "bento") |
223 //ranked_evil(secrets, "belts") |
224 |
225 } |