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25 \begin{document} |
26 \fnote{\copyright{} Christian Urban, King's College London, 2022} |
27 |
28 \section*{Scala Worksheet 3} |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 \subsection*{Task 1 (Options)} |
33 |
34 Get familiar with the return value of functions that can |
35 ``go wrong'': |
36 |
37 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
38 scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).find(_ < 4) |
39 scala> List(5,6,7,8,9).find(_ < 4) |
40 scala> List(5,6,7,8,9).min |
41 scala> List(5,6,7,8,9).minOption |
42 scala> List[Int]().minOption |
43 \end{lstlisting} |
44 |
45 \noindent |
46 Note that there needs to be a type-annotation for \texttt{List()} otherwise |
47 Scala will not know which \texttt{min}-version it should use. |
48 |
49 \subsection*{Task 2 (Try)} |
50 |
51 The Scala-Idiom \texttt{Try-getOrElse} allows you to conveniently |
52 deal with failure cases. |
53 |
54 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
55 scala> Try(Some(List(5,6,7,8,9).min)).getOrElse(None) |
56 scala> Try(Some(List[Int]().min)).getOrElse(None) |
57 \end{lstlisting} |
58 |
59 \noindent |
60 Note that \texttt{Try} needs the library \texttt{scala.util.\_} to be |
61 imported. |
62 |
63 |
64 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
65 def safe_div(x: Int, y: Int) : Option[Int] = |
66 Try(Some(x / y)).getOrElse(None) |
67 \end{lstlisting} |
68 |
69 \subsection*{Task 3 (URLs / Files)} |
70 |
71 For simple tasks such as reading webpages and files, Scala provides |
72 convenient functions \texttt{Source.fromURL} and \texttt{Source.fromFile}. |
73 To try them out, you need to import \texttt{io.Source}. |
74 |
75 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
76 scala> Source.fromURL(my_url)("ISO-8859-1").mkString |
77 scala> Source.fromFile(my_file)("ISO-8859-1").mkString |
78 \end{lstlisting} |
79 |
80 \noindent |
81 These functions return an iterator, which can be transformed into a String |
82 using \texttt{mkString}. The second argument fixes the character encoding |
83 and should not be omitted. If you are interested in the individual lines |
84 in the file, for example, you can use |
85 |
86 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
87 Source.fromFile(my_file)("ISO-8859-1") |
88 .getLines().toList |
89 \end{lstlisting} |
90 |
91 \noindent |
92 If you are after proper error-handling, then you can use Scala's options |
93 as follows |
94 |
95 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
96 Try(Some(Source.fromFile("test.txt")("ISO-8859-1") |
97 .mkString)).getOrElse(None) |
98 \end{lstlisting} |
99 |
100 This can also be written slightly shorter as |
101 |
102 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
103 Try(Source.fromFile("test.txt")("ISO-8859-1") |
104 .mkString).toOption |
105 \end{lstlisting} |
106 |
107 \noindent |
108 In case of reading files, there can be an issue with closing |
109 files properly. For this Scala provides \texttt{Using} |
110 |
111 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
112 Using(Source.fromFile("test.txt")("ISO-8859-1")) |
113 (_.mkString).toOption |
114 \end{lstlisting} |
115 |
116 \noindent |
117 This closes the files automatically after reading, but otherwise |
118 behaves as the code shown above: It gives a \texttt{Some} in the |
119 success case and \texttt{None} in the failure case. However, |
120 \texttt{Using} requires a function as argument for prescribing |
121 of what to do with the file content in the success case. |
122 |
123 \subsection*{Task 4 (Higher-Order Functions)} |
124 |
125 Higher-Order functions means that Scala allows functions to |
126 have functions as arguments and also allows functions to |
127 return functions. Get familiar with the short-hand notation |
128 for simple functions |
129 |
130 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
131 scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).find(_ < 4) |
132 scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).count(_ % 2 == 0) |
133 scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).sortWith(_ > _) |
134 scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).filter(_ > 4) |
135 \end{lstlisting} |
136 |
137 \noindent |
138 Be aware that this short-hand notation only works for ``smallish'' functions |
139 and that sometimes Scala cannot figure out the types involved without |
140 explicit type annotations. |
141 |
142 \subsection*{Task 5 (Maps)} |
143 |
144 Get familiar with the map-function for lists, sets etc. It is the |
145 quintessential higher-order function and frequently used for transforming |
146 lists. |
147 |
148 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
149 scala> List(7,2,3,4,5,6).map(n => n * n) |
150 \end{lstlisting} |
151 |
152 \noindent |
153 Make also sure you see that Scala's \texttt{for}-comprehensions |
154 are just syntactic sugar for \texttt{map}s. What would this |
155 expression look like as \texttt{for}-comprehension? What are |
156 the advantages of \texttt{for}-comprehensions over \texttt{map}s. |
157 |
158 |
159 \subsection*{Task 6 (Pattern-Matching)} |
160 |
161 Rewrite the following function using pattern-matching |
162 |
163 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] |
164 def my_map(lst: List[Int], f: Int => Int) : List[Int] = { |
165 if (lst == Nil) Nil |
166 else f(lst.head) :: my_map(lst.tail, f) |
167 } |
168 \end{lstlisting} |
169 |
170 \noindent |
171 Observe that the type of the function is from \texttt{Int}s to |
172 \texttt{Int}s, which is written in Scala as type \texttt{Int => Int}. |
173 |
174 |
175 \subsection*{Task 7 (Fold, Hard)} |
176 |
177 Implement a function \texttt{fold} for lists of integers. It takes |
178 a list of integers as argument as well as a function $f$ and a unit element $u$. |
179 The function is of type \texttt{(Int, Int) => Int} and the unit element |
180 is an integer. The return type of \texttt{fold} is \texttt{Int}. |
181 What is \texttt{fold} supposed to do? Well it should fold the function $f$ |
182 over the elements of the list and in case of the empty list return the |
183 unit element $u$. |
184 |
185 \end{document} |
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