1 |
2 Below is the feedback and provisional marks for your submission |
3 for assignment 9 Part 2. Please note all marks are provisional until |
4 ratified by the assessment board -- this is not an official |
5 results transcript. |
6 |
7 postfix.scala does not contain vars, returns, Arrays, ListBuffers etc? |
8 --> success |
9 postfix.scala runs? |
10 --> success |
11 syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )")) == List("3", "4", "2", "1", "-", "\*", "+") |
12 syard(split("( ( ( 3 ) ) + ( ( 4 + ( 5 ) ) ) )")) == List("3", "4", "5", "+", "+") |
13 syard(split("5 + 7 / 2")) == List("5", "7", "2", "/", "+") |
14 syard(split("5 * 7 / 2")) == List("5", "7", "\*", "2", "/") |
15 --> success |
16 compute(syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )"))) == 7 |
17 compute(syard(split("10 + 12 * 33"))) == 406 |
18 compute(syard(split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2"))) == 24 |
19 compute(syard(split("5 + 7 / 2"))) == 8 |
20 compute(syard(split("5 * 7 / 2"))) == 17 |
21 compute(syard(split("9 + 24 / ( 7 - 3 )"))) == 15 |
22 --> success |
23 postfix2.scala does not contain vars, returns, Arrays, ListBuffers etc? |
24 --> success |
25 postfix2.scala runs? |
26 --> success |
27 syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )")) == List("3", "4", "2", "1", "-", "\*", "+") |
28 syard(split("( ( ( 3 ) ) + ( ( 4 + ( 5 ) ) ) )")) == List("3", "4", "5", "+", "+") |
29 syard(split("5 + 7 / 2")) == List("5", "7", "2", "/", "+") |
30 syard(split("5 * 7 / 2")) == List("5", "7", "\*", "2", "/") |
31 syard(split("3 + 4 * 8 / ( 5 - 1 ) ^ 2 ^ 3")) == |
32 List("3", "4", "8", "\*", "5", "1", "-", "2", "3", "^", "^", "/", "+") |
33 |
34 compute(syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )"))) == 7 |
35 compute(syard(split("10 + 12 * 33"))) == 406 |
36 compute(syard(split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2"))) == 24 |
37 compute(syard(split("5 + 7 / 2"))) == 8 |
38 compute(syard(split("5 * 7 / 2"))) == 17 |
39 compute(syard(split("9 + 24 / ( 7 - 3 )"))) == 15 |
40 compute(syard(split("4 ^ 3 ^ 2"))) == 262144 |
41 compute(syard(split("4 ^ ( 3 ^ 2 )"))) == 262144 |
42 compute(syard(split("( 4 ^ 3 ) ^ 2"))) == 4096 |
43 compute(syard(split("( 3 + 1 ) ^ 2 ^ 3"))) == 65536 |
44 --> success |
45 Overall mark for CW 9, Part 2 |
46 4 |