changeset 476 7550c816187a
child 493 244df77507c2
equal deleted inserted replaced
475:59e005dcf163 476:7550c816187a
     1 // Main Part 4 about the Shogun Board Game
     2 //=========================================
     4 object M4 {   
     6 type Pos = (Int, Int)    // a position on a chessboard 
     8 // Colours: Red or White
     9 abstract class Colour
    10 case object Red extends Colour
    11 case object Wht extends Colour
    13 // Pieces: Either Pawns or Kings
    14 //===============================
    15 abstract class Piece {
    16   def pos : Pos       
    17   def col : Colour    
    18   def en : Int      // energy for Pawns 1 - 4, for Kings 1 - 2
    19 }
    21 case class Pawn(en: Int, col: Colour, pos: Pos) extends Piece
    22 case class King(en: Int, col: Colour, pos: Pos) extends Piece
    24 //val p = Pawn(4, Wht, (3,2))
    25 //assert(p.pos == (3,2))
    26 //assert(p.col == Wht)
    27 //assert(p.en == 4)  
    29 // checks if a piece is a king
    30 def is_king(pc: Piece) : Boolean = pc match {
    31   case King(_, _, _) => true
    32   case _ => false
    33 }
    35 // incrementing and decrementing the position of a piece
    36 def incx(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match {
    37   case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x+1,y))
    38   case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x+1,y))
    39 }
    41 def incy(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match {
    42   case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x,y+1))
    43   case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x,y+1))
    44 }
    46 def decx(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match {
    47   case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x-1,y))
    48   case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x-1,y))
    49 }
    51 def decy(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match {
    52   case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x,y-1))
    53   case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x,y-1))
    54 }
    56 //pretty printing colours and pieces
    57 def pp_color(c: Colour) : String = c match {
    58   case Red => "R"
    59   case Wht => "W"
    60 }
    62 def pp(pc: Piece) : String = pc match {
    63   case Pawn(n, c, _) => s"P${pp_color(c)}$n"
    64   case King(n, c, _) => s"K${pp_color(c)}$n"
    65 }
    67 // Boards are sets of pieces
    68 //===========================
    69 case class Board(pces: Set[Piece]) {
    70   def +(pc: Piece) : Board = Board(pces + pc)
    71   def -(pc: Piece) : Board = Board(pces - pc)
    72 }
    74 // checking whether a position is occupied in a board
    75 def occupied(p: Pos, b: Board) : Option[Piece] =  
    76   b.pces.find(p == _.pos)
    78 def occupied_by(p: Pos, b: Board) : Option[Colour] =
    79   occupied(p, b).map(_.col)
    81 def is_occupied(p: Pos, b: Board) : Boolean =
    82   occupied(p, b).isDefined
    84 // is a position inside a board
    85 def inside(p: Pos, b: Board): Boolean = 
    86   1 <= p._1 && 1 <= p._2 && p._1 <= 8 && p._2 <= 8 
    88 // pretty printing a board
    89 def print_board(b: Board): Unit = {
    90   println()
    91   for (i <- 8 to 1 by -1) {
    92     println("+" ++ "-" * 31 ++ "+")
    93     for (j <- 1 to 8) {
    94       val opc = occupied((j,i), b)
    95       if (opc.isDefined) print(s"|${pp(opc.get)}") 
    96       else print("|   ")
    97     }
    98     println("|")
    99   } 
   100   println("+" ++ "-" * 31 ++ "+")
   101 }
   103 // example board: initial board
   104 val b_init = Board(Set(King(2,Wht,(4,1)), King(1,Red,(5,8)),
   105                   		 Pawn(4,Wht,(1,1)), Pawn(4,Red,(1,8)),
   106                   		 Pawn(3,Wht,(2,1)), Pawn(2,Red,(2,8)),
   107                   		 Pawn(2,Wht,(3,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(3,8)),
   108                   		 Pawn(1,Wht,(5,1)), Pawn(1,Red,(4,8)),
   109                   		 Pawn(4,Wht,(6,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(6,8)),
   110                   		 Pawn(3,Wht,(7,1)), Pawn(1,Red,(7,8)),
   111                   		 Pawn(2,Wht,(8,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(8,8))))
   113 //print_board(b_init)
   114 // --------------------------------
   115 // |PR4|PR2|PR3|PR1|KR1|PR3|PR1|PR3|
   116 // --------------------------------
   117 // |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   118 // --------------------------------
   119 // |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   120 // --------------------------------
   121 // |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   122 // --------------------------------
   123 // |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   124 // --------------------------------
   125 // |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   126 // --------------------------------
   127 // |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   128 // --------------------------------
   129 // |PW4|PW3|PW2|KW2|PW1|PW4|PW3|PW2|
   130 // --------------------------------
   133 // Moves
   134 //=======
   135 abstract class Move
   136 case object U extends Move    // up
   137 case object D extends Move    // down
   138 case object R extends Move    // right
   139 case object L extends Move    // left
   140 case object RU extends Move   // ...
   141 case object LU extends Move
   142 case object RD extends Move
   143 case object LD extends Move
   144 case object UR extends Move
   145 case object UL extends Move
   146 case object DR extends Move
   147 case object DL extends Move
   149 // Task 1: calculates all next possible positions according to a move
   150 def eval(pc: Piece, m: Move, en: Int, b: Board) : Set[Piece] = {
   151   val p = pc.pos
   152   val c = pc.col
   153   if (!inside(p, b)) Set() 
   154   else if (en == 0 && !is_occupied(p, b)) Set(pc)
   155   else if (en == 0 && is_occupied(p, b) && c != occupied_by(p, b).get) Set(pc)
   156   else if (is_occupied(p, b)) Set()  
   157   else m match {
   158     case  U => eval(incy(pc), U, en - 1, b) 
   159     case  D => eval(decy(pc), D, en - 1, b) 
   160     case  R => eval(incx(pc), R, en - 1, b) 
   161     case  L => eval(decx(pc), L, en - 1, b) 
   162     case  RU => eval(incx(pc), RU, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, U, en, b)
   163     case  LU => eval(decx(pc), LU, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, U, en, b)
   164     case  RD => eval(incx(pc), RD, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, D, en, b)
   165     case  LD => eval(decx(pc), LD, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, D, en, b)
   166     case  UR => eval(incy(pc), UR, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, R, en, b)
   167     case  UL => eval(incy(pc), UL, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, L, en, b)
   168     case  DR => eval(decy(pc), DR, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, R, en, b)
   169     case  DL => eval(decy(pc), DL, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, L, en, b)
   170 }}
   172 /*
   173 // test cases
   174 val pw_a = Pawn(4, Wht, (4,4))
   175 println(eval(pw_a, U,  4, b_init))  // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,8)))
   176 println(eval(pw_a, U,  3, b_init))  // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,7)))
   177 println(eval(pw_a, RU, 4, b_init))  // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(6,6)), Pawn(4,Wht,(4,8)),
   178                                     //     Pawn(4,Wht,(5,7)), Pawn(4,Wht,(7,5)), 
   179                                     //     Pawn(4,Wht,(8,4)))
   180 val pw_b = Pawn(4, Red, (4,4))
   181 println(eval(pw_b, RU, 4, b_init))  // Set(Pawn(4,Red,(8,4)), Pawn(4,Red,(7,5)), 
   182                                            Pawn(4,Red,(6,6)), Pawn(4,Red,(5,7)))
   183 */
   186 // Task 2: calculates all possible moves for a piece
   187 def all_moves(pc: Piece, b: Board) : Set[Piece] = {
   188   Set(U,D,L,R,RU,LU,RD,LD,UR,UL,DR,DL).flatMap(eval(pc, _, pc.en, b - pc))
   189 }
   191 /*
   192 // test cases
   193 val pw_c = Pawn(2, Wht, (4,4))
   194 val pw_d = Pawn(3, Red, (4,4))
   195 println(all_moves(pw_c, b_init))  
   196   // Set(Pawn(2,Wht,(3,5)), Pawn(2,Wht,(2,4)), Pawn(2,Wht,(3,3)), Pawn(2,Wht,(5,5)), 
   197   //     Pawn(2,Wht,(6,4)), Pawn(2,Wht,(4,6)), Pawn(2,Wht,(4,2)), Pawn(2,Wht,(5,3)))
   198 println(all_moves(pw_d, b_init)) 
   199   // Set(Pawn(3,Red,(4,7)), Pawn(3,Red,(5,2)), Pawn(3,Red,(3,2)), Pawn(3,Red,(1,4)), 
   200   //     Pawn(3,Red,(6,3)), Pawn(3,Red,(3,6)), Pawn(3,Red,(2,5)), Pawn(3,Red,(2,3)), 
   201   //     Pawn(3,Red,(4,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(5,6)), Pawn(3,Red,(7,4)), Pawn(3,Red,(6,5)))
   202 */
   205 // Task 3: calculates all pieces that are attacked by colour
   206 def attacked(c: Colour, b: Board) : Set[Piece] = {
   207   val (me, opponent) = b.pces.partition(_.col == c)
   208   val all = me.flatMap(all_moves(_, b))
   209   opponent.filter(pc => is_occupied(pc.pos, Board(all)))
   210 }
   212 // test cases
   213 val b_checkmate = Board(Set(King(2, Red, (4,2)), King(2, Wht, (7,1)),
   214                             Pawn(3, Red, (6,1)), Pawn(2, Wht, (8,4)),
   215                             Pawn(4, Red, (4,4)), Pawn(2, Wht, (4,1)),
   216                             Pawn(4, Red, (5,3)), Pawn(3, Wht, (8,7)),
   217                             Pawn(3, Red, (6,5))))
   218 print_board(b_checkmate)
   219 println(attacked(Red, b_checkmate)) // Set(Pawn(2,Wht,(8,4)), King(2,Wht,(7,1)))
   220 println(attacked(Wht, b_checkmate)) // Set(Pawn(3,Red,(6,1)))
   221 println(attacked(Wht, b_init)) // Set()
   222 println(attacked(Red, b_init)) // Set()
   224 // Task 4: calculates the number of pieces that attack a piece
   225 def attackedN(pc: Piece, b: Board) : Int = {
   226   val (me, opponent) = b.pces.partition(_.col == pc.col)
   227   val all = opponent.toList.flatMap(all_moves(_, b))
   228   all.count(_.pos == pc.pos)
   229 }
   231 // test cases
   232 println(attackedN(Pawn(2, Wht, (8,4)), b_checkmate)) // 3
   233 println(attackedN(King(2, Wht, (7,1)), b_checkmate)) // 1
   234 println(attackedN(Pawn(3, Red, (6,1)), b_checkmate)) // 1
   237 // Task 5: calculates the number of pieces that protect a piece
   238 def protectedN(pc: Piece, b: Board) : Int = {
   239   val (me, opponent) = b.pces.partition(_.col == pc.col)
   240   val all = (me - pc).toList.flatMap(all_moves(_, (b - pc)))
   241   all.count(_.pos == pc.pos)
   242 }
   244 println(protectedN(Pawn(2, Wht, (8,4)), b_checkmate)) // 1
   245 println(protectedN(Pawn(4, Red, (5,3)), b_checkmate)) // 3
   249 //
   250 val pw1 = Pawn(4, Wht, (4,6))
   251 val pw2 = Pawn(4, Wht, (2,4))
   252 val pw3 = Pawn(3, Red, (6,8))
   253 val pw4 = Pawn(2, Red, (2,8))
   254 val bt = b_init + pw1 + pw2
   256 print_board(bt)
   257 println(s"Capture Red: ${attacked(Wht, bt)}")
   258   // Set(Pawn(2,Red,(2,8)), Pawn(3,Red,(6,8)))
   259 println(s"Capture Wht: ${attacked(Red, bt)}")
   260   // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,6)))
   261 println(s"ProtectedN:  ${protectedN(pw3, bt)}")
   262   // 2
   263 println(s"AttackedN:   ${attackedN(pw4, bt)}")
   264   // 2
   265 println(s"all moves:   ${all_moves(pw2, bt)}")
   266   // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,2)), Pawn(4,Wht,(1,7)), Pawn(4,Wht,(5,3)), Pawn(4,Wht,(5,5)), 
   267   //     Pawn(4,Wht,(2,8)), Pawn(4,Wht,(3,7)), Pawn(4,Wht,(6,4)))
   269 }