1 // Main Part 4 about the Shogun Board Game |
2 //========================================= |
3 |
4 object M4 { |
5 |
6 type Pos = (Int, Int) // a position on a chessboard |
7 |
8 // Colours: Red or White |
9 abstract class Colour |
10 case object Red extends Colour |
11 case object Wht extends Colour |
12 |
13 // Pieces: Either Pawns or Kings |
14 //=============================== |
15 abstract class Piece { |
16 def pos : Pos |
17 def col : Colour |
18 def en : Int // energy for Pawns 1 - 4, for Kings 1 - 2 |
19 } |
20 |
21 case class Pawn(en: Int, col: Colour, pos: Pos) extends Piece |
22 case class King(en: Int, col: Colour, pos: Pos) extends Piece |
23 |
24 //val p = Pawn(4, Wht, (3,2)) |
25 //assert(p.pos == (3,2)) |
26 //assert(p.col == Wht) |
27 //assert(p.en == 4) |
28 |
29 // checks if a piece is a king |
30 def is_king(pc: Piece) : Boolean = pc match { |
31 case King(_, _, _) => true |
32 case _ => false |
33 } |
34 |
35 // incrementing and decrementing the position of a piece |
36 def incx(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match { |
37 case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x+1,y)) |
38 case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x+1,y)) |
39 } |
40 |
41 def incy(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match { |
42 case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x,y+1)) |
43 case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x,y+1)) |
44 } |
45 |
46 def decx(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match { |
47 case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x-1,y)) |
48 case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x-1,y)) |
49 } |
50 |
51 def decy(pc: Piece) : Piece = pc match { |
52 case Pawn(en, c, (x,y)) => Pawn(en, c, (x,y-1)) |
53 case King(en, c, (x,y)) => King(en, c, (x,y-1)) |
54 } |
55 |
56 //pretty printing colours and pieces |
57 def pp_color(c: Colour) : String = c match { |
58 case Red => "R" |
59 case Wht => "W" |
60 } |
61 |
62 def pp(pc: Piece) : String = pc match { |
63 case Pawn(n, c, _) => s"P${pp_color(c)}$n" |
64 case King(n, c, _) => s"K${pp_color(c)}$n" |
65 } |
66 |
67 // Boards are sets of pieces |
68 //=========================== |
69 case class Board(pces: Set[Piece]) { |
70 def +(pc: Piece) : Board = Board(pces + pc) |
71 def -(pc: Piece) : Board = Board(pces - pc) |
72 } |
73 |
74 // checking whether a position is occupied in a board |
75 def occupied(p: Pos, b: Board) : Option[Piece] = |
76 b.pces.find(p == _.pos) |
77 |
78 def occupied_by(p: Pos, b: Board) : Option[Colour] = |
79 occupied(p, b).map(_.col) |
80 |
81 def is_occupied(p: Pos, b: Board) : Boolean = |
82 occupied(p, b).isDefined |
83 |
84 // is a position inside a board |
85 def inside(p: Pos, b: Board): Boolean = |
86 1 <= p._1 && 1 <= p._2 && p._1 <= 8 && p._2 <= 8 |
87 |
88 // pretty printing a board |
89 def print_board(b: Board): Unit = { |
90 println() |
91 for (i <- 8 to 1 by -1) { |
92 println("+" ++ "-" * 31 ++ "+") |
93 for (j <- 1 to 8) { |
94 val opc = occupied((j,i), b) |
95 if (opc.isDefined) print(s"|${pp(opc.get)}") |
96 else print("| ") |
97 } |
98 println("|") |
99 } |
100 println("+" ++ "-" * 31 ++ "+") |
101 } |
102 |
103 // example board: initial board |
104 val b_init = Board(Set(King(2,Wht,(4,1)), King(1,Red,(5,8)), |
105 Pawn(4,Wht,(1,1)), Pawn(4,Red,(1,8)), |
106 Pawn(3,Wht,(2,1)), Pawn(2,Red,(2,8)), |
107 Pawn(2,Wht,(3,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(3,8)), |
108 Pawn(1,Wht,(5,1)), Pawn(1,Red,(4,8)), |
109 Pawn(4,Wht,(6,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(6,8)), |
110 Pawn(3,Wht,(7,1)), Pawn(1,Red,(7,8)), |
111 Pawn(2,Wht,(8,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(8,8)))) |
112 |
113 //print_board(b_init) |
114 // -------------------------------- |
115 // |PR4|PR2|PR3|PR1|KR1|PR3|PR1|PR3| |
116 // -------------------------------- |
117 // | | | | | | | | | |
118 // -------------------------------- |
119 // | | | | | | | | | |
120 // -------------------------------- |
121 // | | | | | | | | | |
122 // -------------------------------- |
123 // | | | | | | | | | |
124 // -------------------------------- |
125 // | | | | | | | | | |
126 // -------------------------------- |
127 // | | | | | | | | | |
128 // -------------------------------- |
129 // |PW4|PW3|PW2|KW2|PW1|PW4|PW3|PW2| |
130 // -------------------------------- |
131 |
132 |
133 // Moves |
134 //======= |
135 abstract class Move |
136 case object U extends Move // up |
137 case object D extends Move // down |
138 case object R extends Move // right |
139 case object L extends Move // left |
140 case object RU extends Move // ... |
141 case object LU extends Move |
142 case object RD extends Move |
143 case object LD extends Move |
144 case object UR extends Move |
145 case object UL extends Move |
146 case object DR extends Move |
147 case object DL extends Move |
148 |
149 // Task 1: calculates all next possible positions according to a move |
150 def eval(pc: Piece, m: Move, en: Int, b: Board) : Set[Piece] = { |
151 val p = pc.pos |
152 val c = pc.col |
153 if (!inside(p, b)) Set() |
154 else if (en == 0 && !is_occupied(p, b)) Set(pc) |
155 else if (en == 0 && is_occupied(p, b) && c != occupied_by(p, b).get) Set(pc) |
156 else if (is_occupied(p, b)) Set() |
157 else m match { |
158 case U => eval(incy(pc), U, en - 1, b) |
159 case D => eval(decy(pc), D, en - 1, b) |
160 case R => eval(incx(pc), R, en - 1, b) |
161 case L => eval(decx(pc), L, en - 1, b) |
162 case RU => eval(incx(pc), RU, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, U, en, b) |
163 case LU => eval(decx(pc), LU, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, U, en, b) |
164 case RD => eval(incx(pc), RD, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, D, en, b) |
165 case LD => eval(decx(pc), LD, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, D, en, b) |
166 case UR => eval(incy(pc), UR, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, R, en, b) |
167 case UL => eval(incy(pc), UL, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, L, en, b) |
168 case DR => eval(decy(pc), DR, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, R, en, b) |
169 case DL => eval(decy(pc), DL, en - 1, b) ++ eval(pc, L, en, b) |
170 }} |
171 |
172 /* |
173 // test cases |
174 val pw_a = Pawn(4, Wht, (4,4)) |
175 println(eval(pw_a, U, 4, b_init)) // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,8))) |
176 println(eval(pw_a, U, 3, b_init)) // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,7))) |
177 println(eval(pw_a, RU, 4, b_init)) // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(6,6)), Pawn(4,Wht,(4,8)), |
178 // Pawn(4,Wht,(5,7)), Pawn(4,Wht,(7,5)), |
179 // Pawn(4,Wht,(8,4))) |
180 val pw_b = Pawn(4, Red, (4,4)) |
181 println(eval(pw_b, RU, 4, b_init)) // Set(Pawn(4,Red,(8,4)), Pawn(4,Red,(7,5)), |
182 Pawn(4,Red,(6,6)), Pawn(4,Red,(5,7))) |
183 */ |
184 |
185 |
186 // Task 2: calculates all possible moves for a piece |
187 def all_moves(pc: Piece, b: Board) : Set[Piece] = { |
188 Set(U,D,L,R,RU,LU,RD,LD,UR,UL,DR,DL).flatMap(eval(pc, _, pc.en, b - pc)) |
189 } |
190 |
191 /* |
192 // test cases |
193 val pw_c = Pawn(2, Wht, (4,4)) |
194 val pw_d = Pawn(3, Red, (4,4)) |
195 println(all_moves(pw_c, b_init)) |
196 // Set(Pawn(2,Wht,(3,5)), Pawn(2,Wht,(2,4)), Pawn(2,Wht,(3,3)), Pawn(2,Wht,(5,5)), |
197 // Pawn(2,Wht,(6,4)), Pawn(2,Wht,(4,6)), Pawn(2,Wht,(4,2)), Pawn(2,Wht,(5,3))) |
198 println(all_moves(pw_d, b_init)) |
199 // Set(Pawn(3,Red,(4,7)), Pawn(3,Red,(5,2)), Pawn(3,Red,(3,2)), Pawn(3,Red,(1,4)), |
200 // Pawn(3,Red,(6,3)), Pawn(3,Red,(3,6)), Pawn(3,Red,(2,5)), Pawn(3,Red,(2,3)), |
201 // Pawn(3,Red,(4,1)), Pawn(3,Red,(5,6)), Pawn(3,Red,(7,4)), Pawn(3,Red,(6,5))) |
202 */ |
203 |
204 |
205 // Task 3: calculates all pieces that are attacked by colour |
206 def attacked(c: Colour, b: Board) : Set[Piece] = { |
207 val (me, opponent) = b.pces.partition(_.col == c) |
208 val all = me.flatMap(all_moves(_, b)) |
209 opponent.filter(pc => is_occupied(pc.pos, Board(all))) |
210 } |
211 |
212 // test cases |
213 val b_checkmate = Board(Set(King(2, Red, (4,2)), King(2, Wht, (7,1)), |
214 Pawn(3, Red, (6,1)), Pawn(2, Wht, (8,4)), |
215 Pawn(4, Red, (4,4)), Pawn(2, Wht, (4,1)), |
216 Pawn(4, Red, (5,3)), Pawn(3, Wht, (8,7)), |
217 Pawn(3, Red, (6,5)))) |
218 print_board(b_checkmate) |
219 println(attacked(Red, b_checkmate)) // Set(Pawn(2,Wht,(8,4)), King(2,Wht,(7,1))) |
220 println(attacked(Wht, b_checkmate)) // Set(Pawn(3,Red,(6,1))) |
221 println(attacked(Wht, b_init)) // Set() |
222 println(attacked(Red, b_init)) // Set() |
223 |
224 // Task 4: calculates the number of pieces that attack a piece |
225 def attackedN(pc: Piece, b: Board) : Int = { |
226 val (me, opponent) = b.pces.partition(_.col == pc.col) |
227 val all = opponent.toList.flatMap(all_moves(_, b)) |
228 all.count(_.pos == pc.pos) |
229 } |
230 |
231 // test cases |
232 println(attackedN(Pawn(2, Wht, (8,4)), b_checkmate)) // 3 |
233 println(attackedN(King(2, Wht, (7,1)), b_checkmate)) // 1 |
234 println(attackedN(Pawn(3, Red, (6,1)), b_checkmate)) // 1 |
235 |
236 |
237 // Task 5: calculates the number of pieces that protect a piece |
238 def protectedN(pc: Piece, b: Board) : Int = { |
239 val (me, opponent) = b.pces.partition(_.col == pc.col) |
240 val all = (me - pc).toList.flatMap(all_moves(_, (b - pc))) |
241 all.count(_.pos == pc.pos) |
242 } |
243 |
244 println(protectedN(Pawn(2, Wht, (8,4)), b_checkmate)) // 1 |
245 println(protectedN(Pawn(4, Red, (5,3)), b_checkmate)) // 3 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 // |
250 val pw1 = Pawn(4, Wht, (4,6)) |
251 val pw2 = Pawn(4, Wht, (2,4)) |
252 val pw3 = Pawn(3, Red, (6,8)) |
253 val pw4 = Pawn(2, Red, (2,8)) |
254 val bt = b_init + pw1 + pw2 |
255 |
256 print_board(bt) |
257 println(s"Capture Red: ${attacked(Wht, bt)}") |
258 // Set(Pawn(2,Red,(2,8)), Pawn(3,Red,(6,8))) |
259 println(s"Capture Wht: ${attacked(Red, bt)}") |
260 // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,6))) |
261 println(s"ProtectedN: ${protectedN(pw3, bt)}") |
262 // 2 |
263 println(s"AttackedN: ${attackedN(pw4, bt)}") |
264 // 2 |
265 println(s"all moves: ${all_moves(pw2, bt)}") |
266 // Set(Pawn(4,Wht,(4,2)), Pawn(4,Wht,(1,7)), Pawn(4,Wht,(5,3)), Pawn(4,Wht,(5,5)), |
267 // Pawn(4,Wht,(2,8)), Pawn(4,Wht,(3,7)), Pawn(4,Wht,(6,4))) |
268 |
269 } |
270 |
271 |