changeset 476 7550c816187a
parent 444 7a0735db4788
child 477 a4e1f63157d8
equal deleted inserted replaced
475:59e005dcf163 476:7550c816187a
     5 \let\clipbox\relax
     5 \let\clipbox\relax
     6 \usepackage{../styles/style}
     6 \usepackage{../styles/style}
     7 \usepackage{../styles/langs}
     7 \usepackage{../styles/langs}
     8 \usepackage{disclaimer}
     8 \usepackage{disclaimer}
     9 \usepackage{ulem}
     9 \usepackage{ulem}
    10 %\usepackage{tipauni}
    14 \tikzset 
    15 {%
    16   pics/piece/.style n args={1}{ 
    17     code={%
    18       \fill[rounded corners]                  (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (-0.9, -0.9);
    19       \fill[left color=white,rounded corners,
    20             right color=gray,
    21             opacity=0.7]      (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (-0.9, -0.9);
    22       \draw[line width=0.4mm,rounded corners] (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (-0.9, -0.9);
    23       \draw[line width=0.2mm,rounded corners] (-0.2,-0.2) rectangle (-0.8, -0.8);
    24       \draw[anchor=mid] (-0.5,-0.6) node {#1};
    25     }},
    26   pics/king/.style n args={1}{ 
    27     code={%
    28       \fill[rounded corners]                  (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (-0.9, -0.9);
    29       \fill[left color=white,rounded corners,
    30             right color=gray,
    31             opacity=0.7]      (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (-0.9, -0.9);
    32       \draw[line width=0.4mm,rounded corners] (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (-0.9, -0.9);
    33       \draw[line width=0.2mm,rounded corners] (-0.2,-0.2) rectangle (-0.8, -0.8);
    34       \draw[anchor=mid] (-0.5,-0.6) node {#1};
    35       \draw[anchor=center] (-0.5,-0.25) node {\includegraphics[scale=0.015]{crown.png}};
    36     }}
    37 }
    11 \begin{document}
    40 \begin{document}
    13 \setchessboard{smallboard,
    42 \setchessboard{smallboard,
    14                zero,
    43                zero,
    17                hlabelformat=\arabic{ranklabel},
    46                hlabelformat=\arabic{ranklabel},
    18                vlabelformat=\arabic{filelabel}}
    47                vlabelformat=\arabic{filelabel}}
    20 \mbox{}\\[-18mm]\mbox{}
    49 \mbox{}\\[-18mm]\mbox{}
    22 \section*{Main Part 4 (Scala, 11 Marks)}
    51 \section*{Main Part 4:\\ Implementing the Shogun Board Game (7 Marks)}
    24 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{``The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit,}\\
    53 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{``The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit,}\\
    25 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but}\\
    54 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but}\\
    26 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle.''}\smallskip\\
    55 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle.''}\smallskip\\
    27 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Joe Armstrong (creator of the Erlang programming language)}\medskip\bigskip
    56 \mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Joe Armstrong (creator of the Erlang programming language)}\medskip\bigskip
    29 \noindent
    30 This part is about searching and backtracking. You are asked to
    59 \noindent
    31 implement Scala programs that solve various versions of the
    60 You are asked to implement a Scala program for playing the Shogun
    32 \textit{Knight's Tour Problem} on a chessboard.
    61 board game.\medskip
    33 \medskip 
    63 %The deadline for your submission is on 26th July at
    35 % Note the core, more advanced, part might include material you have not
    64 %16:00. There will be no automated tests for the resit, but there are
    36 %yet seen in the first three lectures. \bigskip
    65 %many testcases in the template and the task description.  Make sure
    66 %you use Scala \textbf{2.13.XX} for the resit---the same version as
    67 %during the lectures.  \medskip
    40 \noindent
    71 \noindent
    41 Also note that the running time of each part will be restricted to a
    72 Also note that the running time of each task will be restricted to a
    42 maximum of 30 seconds on my laptop: If you calculate a result once,
    73 maximum of 30 seconds on my laptop: If you calculate a result once,
    43 try to avoid to calculate the result again. Feel free to copy any code
    74 try to avoid to calculate the result again. 
    44 you need from files \texttt{knight1.scala}, \texttt{knight2.scala} and
    45 \texttt{knight3.scala}.
    47 \DISCLAIMER{}
    76 \DISCLAIMER{}
    49 \subsection*{Background}
    78 \subsection*{Background}
    51 The \textit{Knight's Tour Problem} is about finding a tour such that
    80 Shogun
    52 the knight visits every field on an $n\times n$ chessboard once. For
    81 (\faVolumeUp\,[shōgoon]) is a game played by two players on a chess board and is somewhat
    53 example on a $5\times 5$ chessboard, a knight's tour is:
    82 similar to chess and checkers. A real Shogun board looks
    83 like in the pictures on the left.
    55 \chessboard[maxfield=d4, 
    56             pgfstyle= {[base,at={\pgfpoint{0pt}{-0.5ex}}]text},
    57             text = \small 24, markfield=Z4,
    86 \begin{center}
    58             text = \small 11, markfield=a4,
    87 \begin{tabular}{@{}ccc@{}}
    59             text = \small  6, markfield=b4,
    88 \raisebox{2mm}{\includegraphics[scale=0.1]{shogun2.jpeg}}
    60             text = \small 17, markfield=c4,
    89 &     
    61             text = \small  0, markfield=d4,
    90 \raisebox{2mm}{\includegraphics[scale=0.14]{shogun.jpeg}}
    62             text = \small 19, markfield=Z3,
    91 &  
    63             text = \small 16, markfield=a3,
    92 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.45,every node/.style={scale=0.45}]    
    64             text = \small 23, markfield=b3,
    93 % chessboard
    65             text = \small 12, markfield=c3,
    94 \draw[very thick,gray] (0,0) rectangle (8,8);
    66             text = \small  7, markfield=d3,
    95 \foreach\x in {0,...,7}\foreach\y in {7,...,0}
    67             text = \small 10, markfield=Z2,
    96 {
    68             text = \small  5, markfield=a2,
    97   \pgfmathsetmacro\blend{Mod(\x+\y,2)==0?75:25} 
    69             text = \small 18, markfield=b2,
    98   \fill[gray!\blend] (\x,\y) rectangle ++ (1,1);
    70             text = \small  1, markfield=c2,
    99 }
    71             text = \small 22, markfield=d2,
   100 % black pieces
    72             text = \small 15, markfield=Z1,
   101 \foreach\x/\y/\e in {1/1/1,2/1/3,3/1/2,4/1/3,6/1/3,7/1/1,8/1/2}
    73             text = \small 20, markfield=a1,
   102   \pic[fill=white] at (\x,\y) {piece={\e}};
    74             text = \small  3, markfield=b1,
   103 % white pieces
    75             text = \small  8, markfield=c1,
   104 \foreach\x/\y/\e in {1/8/4,2/8/2,3/8/4,5/8/4,6/8/2,7/8/3,8/8/1}
    76             text = \small 13, markfield=d1,
   105   \pic[fill=red] at (\x,\y)     {piece={\e}};
    77             text = \small  4, markfield=Z0,
   106 \pic[fill=white] at (5.0,1.0) {king={1}};
    78             text = \small  9, markfield=a0,
   107 \pic[fill=red]   at (4.0,8.0) {king={2}};
    79             text = \small 14, markfield=b0,
   108 % numbers
    80             text = \small 21, markfield=c0,
   109 \foreach\x in {1,...,8}
    81             text = \small  2, markfield=d0
   110 {\draw (\x - 0.5, -0.4) node {\x};
    82            ]
   111 }
   112 \foreach\y in {1,...,8}
    84 \noindent
   113 {\draw (-0.4, \y - 0.6, -0.4) node {\y};
    85 This tour starts in the right-upper corner, then moves to field
   114 }
    86 $(3,2)$, then $(4,0)$ and so on. There are no knight's tours on
   115 \end{tikzpicture}
    87 $2\times 2$, $3\times 3$ and $4\times 4$ chessboards, but for every
   116 \end{tabular}
    88 bigger board there is. 
   117 \end{center}
    90 A knight's tour is called \emph{closed}, if the last step in the tour
    91 is within a knight's move to the beginning of the tour. So the above
   120 \noindent
    92 knight's tour is \underline{not} closed because the last
   121 In what follows we shall use board illustrations as shown on the right.  As
    93 step on field $(0, 4)$ is not within the reach of the first step on
   122 can be seen there are two colours in Shogun for the pieces, red and white. Each
    94 $(4, 4)$. It turns out there is no closed knight's tour on a $5\times
   123 player has 8 pieces, one of which is a king (the piece with the crown)
    95 5$ board. But there are on a $6\times 6$ board and on bigger ones, for
   124 and seven are pawns. At the beginning the pieces are lined up as shown
    96 example
   125 above.  What sets Shogun apart from chess and checkers is that each
   126 piece has, what I call, a kind of \textit{energy}---which for pawns is
    98 \chessboard[maxfield=e5, 
   127 a number between 1 and 4, and for kings between 1 and 2. The energy
    99             pgfstyle={[base,at={\pgfpoint{0pt}{-0.5ex}}]text},
   128 determines how far a piece has to move. In the physical version of
   100             text = \small 10, markfield=Z5,
   129 Shogun, the pieces and the board have magnets that can change the
   101             text = \small  5, markfield=a5,
   130 energy of a piece from move to move---so a piece on one field can have
   102             text = \small 18, markfield=b5,
   131 energy 2 and on a different field the same piece might have energy
   103             text = \small 25, markfield=c5,
   132 3. There are some further constraints on legal moves, which are
   104             text = \small 16, markfield=d5,
   133 explained below.  The point of this part is to implement functions
   105             text = \small  7, markfield=e5,
   134 about moving pieces on the Shogun board.\medskip\medskip
   106             text = \small 31, markfield=Z4,
   107             text = \small 26, markfield=a4,
   136 %and testing for when a
   108             text = \small  9, markfield=b4,
   137 %checkmate occurs---i.e.~the king is attacked and cannot move
   109             text = \small  6, markfield=c4,
   138 %anymore to an ``unattacked'' field (to simplify matters for
   110             text = \small 19, markfield=d4,
   139 %the resit we leave out the case where the checkmate can be averted by capturing
   111             text = \small 24, markfield=e4,
   140 %the attacking piece).\medskip
   112             % 4  11  30  17   8  15 
   113             text = \small  4, markfield=Z3,
   142 \noindent
   114             text = \small 11, markfield=a3,
   143 Like in chess, in Shogun the players take turns of moving and
   115             text = \small 30, markfield=b3,
   144 possibly capturing opposing pieces.
   116             text = \small 17, markfield=c3,
   145 There are the following rules on how pieces can move:
   117             text = \small  8, markfield=d3,
   118             text = \small 15, markfield=e3,
   147 \begin{itemize}
   119             %29  32  27   0  23  20 
   148 \item The energy of a piece determines how far, that is how many
   120             text = \small 29, markfield=Z2,
   149   fields, a piece has to move (remember pawns have an energy between 1 --
   121             text = \small 32, markfield=a2,
   150   4, kings have an energy of only 1 -- 2). The energy of a piece might
   122             text = \small 27, markfield=b2,
   151   change when the piece moves to new field.
   123             text = \small  0, markfield=c2,
   152 \item Pieces can move in straight lines (up, down, left, right), or in
   124             text = \small 23, markfield=d2,
   153   L-shape moves, meaning a move can make a single
   125             text = \small 20, markfield=e2,
   154   90$^{\circ}$-turn. S-shape moves with more than one turn are not
   126             %12   3  34  21  14   1 
   155   allowed. Also in a single move a piece cannot go forward and then
   127             text = \small 12, markfield=Z1,
   156   go backward---for example with energy 3 you cannot move 2 fields up and
   128             text = \small  3, markfield=a1,
   157   then 1 field down. A piece can never move diagonally.
   129             text = \small 34, markfield=b1,
   158 \item A piece cannot jump over another piece and cannot stack up on top of your own pieces.
   130             text = \small 21, markfield=c1,
   159   But you can capture an opponent's piece if you move to an occupied field. A captured
   131             text = \small 14, markfield=d1,
   160   piece is removed from the board.
   132             text = \small  1, markfield=e1,
   161 \end{itemize}  
   133             %33  28  13   2  35  22 
   134             text = \small 33, markfield=Z0,
   163 \noindent
   135             text = \small 28, markfield=a0,
   164 Like in chess, checkmate is determined when the king of a player cannot
   136             text = \small 13, markfield=b0,
   165 move anymore to a field that is not attacked, or a player cannot
   137             text = \small  2, markfield=c0,
   166 capture or block the attacking piece, or the king is the only
   138             text = \small 35, markfield=d0,
   167 piece left for a player. A board that is checkmate is the following:
   139             text = \small 22, markfield=e0,
   140             vlabel=false,
   169 \begin{center}
   141             hlabel=false
   170 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5,every node/.style={scale=0.5}]    
   142            ]
   171 % chessboard
   172 \draw[very thick,gray] (0,0) rectangle (8,8);
   173 \foreach\x in {0,...,7}\foreach\y in {7,...,0}
   145 \noindent
   174 {
   146 where the 35th move can join up again with the 0th move.
   175   \pgfmathsetmacro\blend{Mod(\x+\y,2)==0?75:25} 
   176   \fill[gray!\blend] (\x,\y) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   148 If you cannot remember how a knight moves in chess, or never played
   177 }
   149 chess, below are all potential moves indicated for two knights, one on
   178 % redpieces
   150 field $(2, 2)$ (blue moves) and another on $(7, 7)$ (red moves):
   179 \pic[fill=red]   at (4,2) {king={2}};
   180 \pic[fill=red]   at (6,1) {piece={3}};
   152 {\chessboard[maxfield=g7,
   181 \pic[fill=red]   at (4,4) {piece={4}};
   153             color=blue!50,
   182 \pic[fill=red]   at (5,3) {piece={4}};
   154             linewidth=0.2em,
   183 % white pieces
   155             shortenstart=0.5ex,
   184 \pic[fill=white] at (7,1) {king={2}};
   156             shortenend=0.5ex,
   185 \pic[fill=white] at (8,5) {piece={2}};
   157             markstyle=cross,
   186 \pic[fill=white] at (4,1) {piece={2}};
   158             markfields={a4, c4, Z3, d3, Z1, d1, a0, c0},
   187 % numbers
   159             color=red!50,
   188 \foreach\x in {1,...,8}
   160             markfields={f5, e6},
   189 {\draw (\x - 0.5, -0.4) node {\x};
   161             setpieces={Ng7, Nb2},
   190 }
   162             boardfontsize=12pt,labelfontsize=9pt]}
   191 \foreach\y in {1,...,8}
   192 {\draw (-0.4, \y - 0.6, -0.4) node {\y};
   164 \subsection*{Reference Implementation}
   193 }
   194 \end{tikzpicture}
   166 %\mbox{}\alert{}\textcolor{red}{You need to download \texttt{knight1.jar} from K%EATS. The one
   195 \end{center}
   167 %supplied with github does not contain the correct code. See Scala coursework
   168 %section on KEATS.}\medskip
   197 \noindent
   198 The reason for the checkmate is that the white king on field (7, 1) is
   170 \noindent
   199 attacked by the red pawn on \mbox{(5, 3)}. There is nowhere for the
   171 This Scala part comes with three reference implementations in form of
   200 white king to go, and no white pawn can be moved into the way of this
   172 \texttt{jar}-files. This allows you to run any test cases on your own
   201 red pawn and white can also not capture it. When determining a possible
   173 computer. For example you can call Scala on the command line with the
   202 move, you need to be careful with pieces that might be in the
   174 option \texttt{-cp knight1.jar} and then query any function from the
   203 way. Consider the following position:
   175 \texttt{knight1.scala} template file. As usual you have to
   176 prefix the calls with \texttt{M4a}, \texttt{M4b}, \texttt{M4c} and \texttt{M4d}.
   205 \begin{equation}\label{moves}
   177 Since some of the calls are time sensitive, I included some timing
   206 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5,every node/.style={scale=0.5}]    
   178 information. For example
   207 % chessboard
   208 \draw[very thick,gray] (0,0) rectangle (8,8);
   180 \begin{lstlisting}[language={},numbers=none,basicstyle=\ttfamily\small]
   209 \foreach\x in {0,...,7}\foreach\y in {7,...,0}
   181 $ scala -cp knight1.jar
   210 {
   182 scala> M4a.enum_tours(5, List((0, 0))).length
   211   \pgfmathsetmacro\blend{Mod(\x+\y,2)==0?75:25} 
   183 Time needed: 1.722 secs.
   212   \fill[gray!\blend] (\x,\y) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   184 res0: Int = 304
   213 }
   214 % redpieces
   186 scala> M4a.print_board(8, M4a.first_tour(8, List((0, 0))).get)
   215 \fill[blue!50] (0,2) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   187 Time needed: 15.411 secs.
   216 \fill[blue!50] (1,1) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   217 \fill[blue!50] (0,4) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   189  51  46  55  44  53   4  21  12 
   218 \fill[blue!50] (1,5) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   190  56  43  52   3  22  13  24   5 
   219 \fill[blue!50] (2,6) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   191  47  50  45  54  25  20  11  14 
   220 %%\fill[blue!50] (3,7) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   192  42  57   2  49  40  23   6  19 
   221 \fill[blue!50] (4,6) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   193  35  48  41  26  61  10  15  28 
   222 \fill[blue!50] (5,5) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   194  58   1  36  39  32  27  18   7 
   223 \fill[blue!50] (6,4) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   195  37  34  31  60   9  62  29  16 
   224 \fill[blue!50] (6,2) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   196   0  59  38  33  30  17   8  63 
   225 \fill[blue!50] (7,3) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   197 \end{lstlisting}%$
   226 \fill[blue!50] (4,0) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   227 \fill[blue!50] (2,0) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   228 \pic[fill=red]   at (4,4) {piece={4}};
   229 \pic[fill=red]   at (4,8) {piece={4}};
   230 \pic[fill=white] at (2,5) {piece={3}};
   231 \pic[fill=white] at (4,3) {piece={2}};
   232 \pic[fill=white] at (6,3) {piece={1}};
   233 \pic[fill=white] at (8,4) {piece={1}};
   234 % numbers
   235 \foreach\x in {1,...,8}
   236 {\draw (\x - 0.5, -0.4) node {\x};
   237 }
   238 \foreach\y in {1,...,8}
   239 {\draw (-0.4, \y - 0.6, -0.4) node {\y};
   240 }
   241 \end{tikzpicture}
   242 \end{equation}
   244 \noindent
   245 The red piece in the centre on field (4, 4) can move to all the blue fields.
   246 In particular it can move to (2, 6), because it can move 2 fields up
   247 and 2 fields to the left---it cannot reach this field by moving two
   248 fields to the left and then two up, because jumping over the white
   249 piece at (2, 5) is not allowed. Similarly, the field at (6, 2) is
   250 unreachable for the red piece because of the two white pieces at (4,
   251 3) and (6, 3) are in the way and no S-shape move is allowed in
   252 Shogun. The red piece on (4, 4) cannot move to the field (4, 8) at the
   253 top, because a red piece is already there; but it can move to (8, 4)
   254 and capture the white piece there. The moral is we always have to
   255 explore all possible ways in order to determine whether a piece can be
   256 moved to a field or not: in general there might be several ways and some of
   257 them might be blocked.
   200 \subsection*{Hints}
   260 \subsection*{Hints}
   202 \noindent
   262 Useful functions about pieces and boards are defined at the beginning
   203 Useful list functions: \texttt{.contains(..)} checks
   263 of the template file. The function \texttt{.map} applies a function to
   204 whether an element is in a list, \texttt{.flatten} turns a list of
   264 each element of a list or set; \texttt{.flatMap} works like
   205 lists into just a list, \texttt{\_::\_} puts an element on the head of
   265 \texttt{map} followed by a \texttt{.flatten}---this is useful if a
   206 the list, \texttt{.head} gives you the first element of a list (make
   266 function returns a set of sets, which need to be ``unioned up''.  Sets
   207 sure the list is not \texttt{Nil}); a useful option function:
   267 can be partitioned according to a predicate with the function
   208 \texttt{.isDefined} returns true, if an option is \texttt{Some(..)};
   268 \texttt{.partition}.  For example
   209 anonymous functions can be constructed using \texttt{(x:Int) => ...},
   210 this function takes an \texttt{Int} as an argument; 
   270 \begin{lstlisting}
   211 a useful list function: \texttt{.sortBy} sorts a list
   271 val (even, odd) = Set(1,2,3,4,5).partition(_ % 2 == 0)
   212 according to a component given by the function; a function can be
   272 // --> even = Set(2,4)
   213 tested to be tail-recursive by annotation \texttt{@tailrec}, which is
   273 //     odd  = Set(1,3,5)
   214 made available by importing \texttt{scala.annotation.tailrec}.\medskip
   274 \end{lstlisting}
   276 \noindent
   217 %%\newpage
   277 The function \texttt{.toList} transforms a set into a list. The function
   278 \texttt{.count} counts elements according to a predicate. For example
   280 \begin{lstlisting}
   281 Set(1,2,3,4,5).count(_ % 2 == 0)
   282 // --> 2  
   283 \end{lstlisting}
   285 %% \newpage
   219 \subsection*{Tasks}
   287 \subsection*{Tasks}
   221 You are asked to implement the knight's tour problem such that the
   289 You are asked to implement how pieces can move on a Shogun board.  Let
   222 dimension of the board can be changed.  Therefore most functions will
   290 us first fix the basic datastructures for the implementation.  A
   223 take the dimension of the board as an argument.  The fun with this
   291 \emph{position} (or field) is a pair of integers, like $(3, 2)$. The
   224 problem is that even for small chessboard dimensions it has already an
   292 board's dimension is always 8 $\times$ 8.  A \emph{colour} is either
   225 incredibly large search space---finding a tour is like finding a
   293 red (\texttt{Red}) or white (\texttt{Wht}).  A \emph{piece} is either
   226 needle in a haystack. In the first task we want to see how far we get
   294 a pawn or a king, and has a position, a colour and an energy (an
   227 with exhaustively exploring the complete search space for small
   295 integer).  In the template file there are functions \texttt{incx},
   228 chessboards.\medskip
   296 \texttt{decx}, \texttt{incy} and \texttt{decy} for incrementing and
   297 decrementing the x- and y-coordinates of positions of pieces.
   230 \noindent
   231 Let us first fix the basic datastructures for the implementation.  The
   299 A \emph{board} consists of a set of pieces. We always assume that we
   232 board dimension is an integer.
   300 start with a consistent board and every move generates another
   233 A \emph{position} (or field) on the chessboard is
   301 consistent board. In this way we do not need to check, for example,
   234 a pair of integers, like $(0, 0)$. A \emph{path} is a list of
   302 whether pieces are stacked on top of each other or located outside the
   235 positions. The first (or 0th move) in a path is the last element in
   303 board, or have an energy outside the permitted range. There are
   236 this list; and the last move in the path is the first element. For
   304 functions \texttt{-} and \texttt{+} for removing, respectively adding,
   237 example the path for the $5\times 5$ chessboard above is represented
   305 single pieces to a board.  The function \texttt{occupied} takes a
   238 by
   306 position and a board as arguments, and returns an \texttt{Option} of a
   307 piece when this position is occupied, otherwise \texttt{None}. The
   240 \[
   308 function \texttt{occupied\_by} returns the colour of a potential piece
   241 \texttt{List($\underbrace{\texttt{(0, 4)}}_{24}$,
   309 on that position. The function \texttt{is\_occupied} returns a boolean
   242   $\underbrace{\texttt{(2, 3)}}_{23}$, ...,
   310 for whether a position is occupied or not; \texttt{print\_board} is a
   243   $\underbrace{\texttt{(3, 2)}}_1$, $\underbrace{\texttt{(4, 4)}}_0$)}
   311 rough function that prints out a board on the console. This function
   244 \]
   312 is meant for testing purposes.
   246 \noindent
   247 Suppose the dimension of a chessboard is $n$, then a path is a
   248 \emph{tour} if the length of the path is $n \times n$, each element
   249 occurs only once in the path, and each move follows the rules of how a
   250 knight moves (see above for the rules).
   253 \subsubsection*{Task 1 (file knight1.scala)}
   257 \begin{itemize}
   316 \begin{itemize}
   258 \item[(1)] Implement an \texttt{is\_legal} function that takes a
   317 \item[(1)] You need to calculate all possible moves for a piece on a Shogun board. In order to
   259   dimension, a path and a position as arguments and tests whether the
   318   make sure no piece moves forwards and backwards at the same time,
   260   position is inside the board and not yet element in the
   319   and also exclude all S-shape moves, the data-structure \texttt{Move}
   261   path. \hfill[1 Mark]
   320   is introduced. A \texttt{Move} encodes all simple moves (up, down, left,
   321   right) and L-shape moves (first right, then up and so on). This is defined
   263 \item[(2)] Implement a \texttt{legal\_moves} function that calculates for a
   322   as follows:
   264   position all legal onward moves. If the onward moves are
   265   placed on a circle, you should produce them starting from
   324 {\small\begin{lstlisting}
   266   ``12-o'clock'' following in clockwise order.  For example on an
   325 abstract class Move
   267   $8\times 8$ board for a knight at position $(2, 2)$ and otherwise
   326 case object U extends Move    // up
   268   empty board, the legal-moves function should produce the onward
   327 case object D extends Move    // down
   269   positions in this order:
   328 case object R extends Move    // right
   329 case object L extends Move    // left
   330 case object RU extends Move   // ...
   331 case object LU extends Move
   332 case object RD extends Move
   333 case object LD extends Move
   334 case object UR extends Move
   335 case object UL extends Move
   336 case object DR extends Move
   337 case object DL extends Move
   338 \end{lstlisting}}
   340 You need to implement an \texttt{eval} function that takes a piece
   341 \texttt{pc}, a move \texttt{m}, an energy \texttt{en} and a board
   342 \texttt{b} as arguments. The idea is to recursively calculate all
   343 fields that can be reached by the move \texttt{m} (there might be more than
   344 one). The energy acts as a counter and decreases in each recursive
   345 call until 0 is reached (the final field). The function \texttt{eval} for a piece \texttt{pc}
   346 should behave as follows:
   348 \begin{itemize}
   349 \item If the position of a piece is outside the board, then no field can be reached (represented by
   350   the empty set \texttt{Set()}).
   351 \item If the energy is 0 and the position of the piece is \textit{not} occupied, then the field can be reached
   352   and the set \texttt{Set(pc)} is returned whereby \texttt{pc} is the piece given as argument.
   353 \item If the energy is 0 and the position of the piece \textit{is} occupied, but occupied by a piece
   354   of the opposite colour, then also the set \texttt{Set(pc)} is returned.
   355 \item In case the energy is > 0 and the position of the piece
   356   \texttt{pc} is occupied, then this move is blocked and the set
   357   \texttt{Set()} is returned.  
   358 \item In all other cases we have to analyse the move
   359   \texttt{m}. First, the simple moves (that is \texttt{U}, \texttt{D},
   360   \texttt{L} and \texttt{R}) we only have to increment / decrement the
   361   x- or y-position of the piece, decrease the energy and call eval
   362   recursively with the updated arguments. For example for \texttt{U}
   363   you need to increase the y-coordinate:
   271   \begin{center}
   365   \begin{center}
   272   \texttt{List((3,4), (4,3), (4,1), (3,0), (1,0), (0,1), (0,3), (1,4))}
   366   \texttt{U} $\quad\Rightarrow\quad$ new arguments: \texttt{incy(pc)}, \texttt{U}, energy - 1, same board  
   273   \end{center}
   367   \end{center}
   275   If the board is not empty, then maybe some of the moves need to be
   369   The move \texttt{U} here acts like a ``mode'', meaning if you move
   276   filtered out from this list.  For a knight on field $(7, 7)$ and an
   370   up, you can only move up; the mode never changes. Similarly for the other simple moves: if
   277   empty board, the legal moves are
   371   you move right, you can only move right and so on. In this way it is
   372   prevented to go first to the right, and then change direction in order to go
   373   left (same with up and down).
   375   For the L-shape moves (\texttt{RU}, \texttt{LU}, \texttt{RD} and so on) you need to calculate two
   376   sets of reachable fields. Say we analyse \texttt{RU}, then we first have to calculate all fields
   377   reachable by moving to the right; then we have to calculate all moves by changing the mode to \texttt{U}.
   378   That means there are two recursive calls to \texttt{eval}:
   279   \begin{center}
   380   \begin{center}
   280   \texttt{List((6,5), (5,6))}
   381   \begin{tabular}{@{}lll@{}}  
   382   \texttt{RU} & $\Rightarrow$ & new args for call 1: \texttt{incx(pc)}, \texttt{RU}, energy - 1, same board\\  
   383               &               & new args for call 2: \texttt{pc}, \texttt{U}, same energy, same board
   384   \end{tabular}  
   281   \end{center}
   385   \end{center}
   387   In each case we receive some new piece(s) on reachable fields and therefore we return the set
   388   containing all these fields. Similarly in the other cases.
   389 \end{itemize}
   391 For example on the left board below, \texttt{eval} is called with the white
   392 piece in the centre and the move \texttt{RU} generates then a set of
   393 new pieces corresponding to the blue fileds. The difference on the
   394 right board is that \texttt{eval} is called with a red piece and therefore the
   395 field (4, 8) is not reachable anymore because it is already occupied by
   396 another red piece.
   398 \begin{center}
   399 \begin{tabular}{cc}  
   400 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.45,every node/.style={scale=0.45}]    
   401 % chessboard
   402 \draw[very thick,gray] (0,0) rectangle (8,8);
   403 \foreach\x in {0,...,7}\foreach\y in {7,...,0}
   404 {
   405   \pgfmathsetmacro\blend{Mod(\x+\y,2)==0?75:25} 
   406   \fill[gray!\blend] (\x,\y) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   407 }
   408 \fill[blue!50] (5,5) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   409 \fill[blue!50] (3,7) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   410 \fill[blue!50] (4,6) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   411 \fill[blue!50] (6,4) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   412 \fill[blue!50] (7,3) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   414 % black pieces
   415 \foreach\x/\y/\e in {1/1/1,2/1/3,3/1/2,4/1/3,6/1/3,7/1/1,8/1/2}
   416   \pic[fill=white] at (\x,\y) {piece={\e}};
   417 % white pieces
   418 \foreach\x/\y/\e in {1/8/4,2/8/2,3/8/4,5/8/4,6/8/2,7/8/3,8/8/1}
   419   \pic[fill=red] at (\x,\y)     {piece={\e}};
   420 \pic[fill=white] at (5.0,1.0) {king={1}};
   421 \pic[fill=red]   at (4.0,8.0) {king={2}};
   423 \pic[fill=white] at (4,4) {piece={4}};
   424 % numbers
   425 \foreach\x in {1,...,8}
   426 {\draw (\x - 0.5, -0.4) node {\x};
   427 }
   428 \foreach\y in {1,...,8}
   429 {\draw (-0.4, \y - 0.6, -0.4) node {\y};
   430 }
   431 \end{tikzpicture}
   432 &
   433 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.45,every node/.style={scale=0.45}]    
   434 % chessboard
   435 \draw[very thick,gray] (0,0) rectangle (8,8);
   436 \foreach\x in {0,...,7}\foreach\y in {7,...,0}
   437 {
   438   \pgfmathsetmacro\blend{Mod(\x+\y,2)==0?75:25} 
   439   \fill[gray!\blend] (\x,\y) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   440 }
   441 \fill[blue!50] (5,5) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   442 \fill[blue!50] (4,6) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   443 \fill[blue!50] (6,4) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   444 \fill[blue!50] (7,3) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   446 % black pieces
   447 \foreach\x/\y/\e in {1/1/1,2/1/3,3/1/2,4/1/3,6/1/3,7/1/1,8/1/2}
   448   \pic[fill=white] at (\x,\y) {piece={\e}};
   449 % white pieces
   450 \foreach\x/\y/\e in {1/8/4,2/8/2,3/8/4,5/8/4,6/8/2,7/8/3,8/8/1}
   451   \pic[fill=red] at (\x,\y)     {piece={\e}};
   452 \pic[fill=white] at (5.0,1.0) {king={1}};
   453 \pic[fill=red]   at (4.0,8.0) {king={2}};
   455 \pic[fill=red] at (4,4) {piece={4}};
   456 % numbers
   457 \foreach\x in {1,...,8}
   458 {\draw (\x - 0.5, -0.4) node {\x};
   459 }
   460 \foreach\y in {1,...,8}
   461 {\draw (-0.4, \y - 0.6, -0.4) node {\y};
   462 }
   463 \end{tikzpicture}
   464 \\[-5mm]                    
   465 \end{tabular}                    
   466 \end{center}\hfill[3 Marks]
   468 \item[(2)] Implement an \texttt{all\_moves} function that calculates for a
   469   piece and a board, \textit{all} pieces on legal onward positions. For this
   470   you have to call \texttt{eval} for all possible moves \texttt{m} (that is \texttt{U},
   471   \texttt{D}, \ldots, \texttt{DL}). An example for all moves for the red piece on (4, 4) are
   472   shown in \eqref{moves} on page \pageref{moves}.\\ 
   282   \mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]
   473   \mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]
   284 \item[(3)] Implement two recursive functions (\texttt{count\_tours} and
   475 \item[(3)] Implement a function \texttt{attacked} that takes a colour and a board
   285   \texttt{enum\_tours}). They each take a dimension and a path as
   476   and calculates all pieces of the opposite side that are attacked. For example
   286   arguments. They exhaustively search for tours starting
   477   below on the left are all the attacked pieces by red, and on the right for white:
   287   from the given path. The first function counts all possible 
   288   tours (there can be none for certain board sizes) and the second
   479 \begin{center}
   289   collects all tours in a list of paths. These functions will be
   480 \begin{tabular}{cc}      
   290   called with a path containing a single position---the starting field.
   481 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.45,every node/.style={scale=0.45}]    
   291   They are expected to extend this path so as to find all tours starting
   482 % chessboard
   292   from the given position.\\
   483 \draw[very thick,gray] (0,0) rectangle (8,8);
   484 \foreach\x in {0,...,7}\foreach\y in {7,...,0}
   485 {
   486   \pgfmathsetmacro\blend{Mod(\x+\y,2)==0?75:25} 
   487   \fill[gray!\blend] (\x,\y) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   488 }
   489 \fill[blue!50] (7,3) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   490 \fill[blue!50] (6,0) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   493 % black pieces
   494 \foreach\x/\y/\e in {6/1/3,4/4/4,5/3/4,6/5/3}
   495   \pic[fill=red] at (\x,\y) {piece={\e}};
   496 % white pieces
   497 \foreach\x/\y/\e in {8/4/2,4/1/2,8/7/3}
   498   \pic[fill=white] at (\x,\y)     {piece={\e}};
   500 \pic[fill=red] at (4,2) {king={2}};
   501 \pic[fill=white] at (7,1) {king={2}};
   503 % numbers
   504 \foreach\x in {1,...,8}
   505 {\draw (\x - 0.5, -0.4) node {\x};
   506 }
   507 \foreach\y in {1,...,8}
   508 {\draw (-0.4, \y - 0.6, -0.4) node {\y};
   509 }
   510 \end{tikzpicture}
   511 &
   512 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.45,every node/.style={scale=0.45}]    
   513 % chessboard
   514 \draw[very thick,gray] (0,0) rectangle (8,8);
   515 \foreach\x in {0,...,7}\foreach\y in {7,...,0}
   516 {
   517   \pgfmathsetmacro\blend{Mod(\x+\y,2)==0?75:25} 
   518   \fill[gray!\blend] (\x,\y) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   519 }
   520 \fill[blue!50] (5,0) rectangle ++ (1,1);
   523 % black pieces
   524 \foreach\x/\y/\e in {6/1/3,4/4/4,5/3/4,6/5/3}
   525   \pic[fill=red] at (\x,\y) {piece={\e}};
   526 % white pieces
   527 \foreach\x/\y/\e in {8/4/2,4/1/2,8/7/3}
   528   \pic[fill=white] at (\x,\y)     {piece={\e}};
   530 \pic[fill=red] at (4,2) {king={2}};
   531 \pic[fill=white] at (7,1) {king={2}};
   533 % numbers
   534 \foreach\x in {1,...,8}
   535 {\draw (\x - 0.5, -0.4) node {\x};
   536 }
   537 \foreach\y in {1,...,8}
   538 {\draw (-0.4, \y - 0.6, -0.4) node {\y};
   539 }
   540 \end{tikzpicture}
   541 \\[-5mm]                       
   542 \end{tabular}
   543 \end{center}\mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]
   545 \item[(4)] Implement a function \texttt{attackedN} that takes a piece and a board
   546   and calculates the number of times this pieces is attacked by pieces of the opposite colour.
   547   For example the piece on field (8, 4) above is attacked by 3 red pieces, and
   548   the piece on (6, 1) by 1 white piece.
   549   \\
   550   \mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]
   552 \item[(5)] Implement a function \texttt{protectedN} that takes a piece and a board
   553   and calculates the number of times this pieces is protected by pieces of the same colour.
   554   For example the piece on field (8, 4) above is protected by 1 white pieces (the one on (8, 7)),
   555   and the piece on (5, 3) is protected by three red pieces ((6, 1), (4, 2), and (6, 5)).
   556   \\
   293   \mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]
   557   \mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]
   294 \end{itemize}
   558 \end{itemize}
   296 \noindent \textbf{Test data:} For the marking, the functions in (3)
   297 will be called with board sizes up to $5 \times 5$. If you search
   298 for tours on a $5 \times 5$ board starting only from field $(0, 0)$,
   299 there are 304 of tours. If you try out every field of a $5 \times
   300 5$-board as a starting field and add up all tours, you obtain
   301 1728. A $6\times 6$ board is already too large to be searched
   302 exhaustively.\footnote{For your interest, the number of tours on
   303   $6\times 6$, $7\times 7$ and $8\times 8$ are 6637920, 165575218320,
   304   19591828170979904, respectively.}\smallskip
   306 \begin{itemize}
   307 \item[(4)] Implement a \texttt{first}-function. This function takes a list of
   308   positions and a function $f$ as arguments; $f$ is the name we give to
   309   this argument). The function $f$ takes a position as argument and
   310   produces an optional path. So $f$'s type is \texttt{Pos =>
   311     Option[Path]}. The idea behind the \texttt{first}-function is as follows:
   313   \[
   314   \begin{array}{lcl}
   315   \textit{first}(\texttt{Nil}, f) & \dn & \texttt{None}\\  
   316   \textit{first}(x\!::\!xs, f) & \dn & \begin{cases}
   317     f(x) & \textit{if}\;f(x) \not=\texttt{None}\\
   318     \textit{first}(xs, f) & \textit{otherwise}\\
   319                               \end{cases}
   320   \end{array}
   321   \]
   323   \noindent That is, we want to find the first position where the
   324   result of $f$ is not \texttt{None}, if there is one. Note that
   325   `inside' \texttt{first}, you do not (need to) know anything about
   326   the argument $f$ except its type, namely \texttt{Pos =>
   327     Option[Path]}. If you want to find out what the result of $f$ is
   328   on a particular argument, say $x$, you can just write $f(x)$. 
   329   There is one additional point however you should
   330   take into account when implementing \texttt{first}: you will need to
   331   calculate what the result of $f(x)$ is; your code should do this
   332   only \textbf{once} and for as \textbf{few} elements in the list as
   333   possible! Do not calculate $f(x)$ for all elements and then see which 
   334   is the first \texttt{Some}.\\\mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]
   336 \item[(5)] Implement a \texttt{first\_tour} function that uses the
   337   \texttt{first}-function from (4), and searches recursively for single tour.
   338   As there might not be such a tour at all, the \texttt{first\_tour} function
   339   needs to return a value of type
   340   \texttt{Option[Path]}.\\\mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]  
   341 \end{itemize}
   343 \noindent
   344 \textbf{Testing:} The \texttt{first\_tour} function will be called with board
   345 sizes of up to $8 \times 8$.
   346 \bigskip
   348 %%\newpage
   349 \subsubsection*{Task 2 (file knight2.scala)}
   351 \noindent
   352 As you should have seen in the earlier parts, a naive search for tours beyond
   353 $8 \times 8$ boards and also searching for closed tours even on small
   354 boards takes too much time. There is a heuristics, called \emph{Warnsdorf's
   355 Rule} that can speed up finding a tour. This heuristics states that a
   356 knight is moved so that it always proceeds to the field from which the
   357 knight will have the \underline{fewest} onward moves.  For example for
   358 a knight on field $(1, 3)$, the field $(0, 1)$ has the fewest possible
   359 onward moves, namely 2.
   361 \chessboard[maxfield=g7,
   362             pgfstyle= {[base,at={\pgfpoint{0pt}{-0.5ex}}]text},
   363             text = \small 3, markfield=Z5,
   364             text = \small 7, markfield=b5,
   365             text = \small 7, markfield=c4,
   366             text = \small 7, markfield=c2,
   367             text = \small 5, markfield=b1,
   368             text = \small 2, markfield=Z1,
   369             setpieces={Na3}]
   371 \noindent
   372 Warnsdorf's Rule states that the moves on the board above should be
   373 tried in the order
   375 \[
   376 (0, 1), (0, 5), (2, 1), (2, 5), (3, 4), (3, 2)
   377 \]
   379 \noindent
   380 Whenever there are ties, the corresponding onward moves can be in any
   381 order.  When calculating the number of onward moves for each field, we
   382 do not count moves that revisit any field already visited.
   384 \begin{itemize}
   385 \item[(6)] Write a function \texttt{ordered\_moves} that calculates a list of
   386   onward moves like in (2) but orders them according to 
   387   Warnsdorf’s Rule. That means moves with the fewest legal onward moves
   388   should come first (in order to be tried out first). \hfill[1 Mark]
   390 \item[(7)] Implement a \texttt{first\_closed\_tour\_heuristics}
   391   function that searches for a single
   392   \textbf{closed} tour on a $6\times 6$ board. It should try out
   393   onward moves according to
   394   the \texttt{ordered\_moves} function from (6). It is more likely to find
   395   a solution when started in the middle of the board (that is
   396   position $(dimension / 2, dimension / 2)$). \hfill[1 Mark]
   398 \item[(8)] Implement a \texttt{first\_tour\_heuristics} function
   399   for boards up to
   400   $30\times 30$.  It is the same function as in (7) but searches for
   401   tours (not just closed tours). It might be called with any field on the
   402   board as starting field.\\
   403   %You have to be careful to write a
   404   %tail-recursive function of the \texttt{first\_tour\_heuristics} function
   405   %otherwise you will get problems with stack-overflows.\\
   406   \mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]
   407 \end{itemize}    
   409 \subsubsection*{Task 3 (file knight3.scala)}
   410 \begin{itemize}
   411 \item[(9)] Implement a function \texttt{tour\_on\_mega\_board} which is
   412   the same function as in (8), \textbf{but} should be able to
   413   deal with boards up to
   414   $70\times 70$ \textbf{within 30 seconds} (on my laptop). This will be tested
   415   by starting from field $(0, 0)$. You have to be careful to
   416   write a tail-recursive function otherwise you will get problems
   417   with stack-overflows. Please observe the requirements about
   418   the submissions: no tricks involving \textbf{.par}.\medskip
   420   The timelimit of 30 seconds is with respect to the laptop on which the
   421   marking will happen. You can roughly estimate how well your
   422   implementation performs by running \texttt{knight3.jar} on your
   423   computer. For example the reference implementation shows
   424   on my laptop:
   426   \begin{lstlisting}[language={},numbers=none,basicstyle=\ttfamily\small]
   427 $ scala -cp knight3.jar
   429 scala> M4c.tour_on_mega_board(70, List((0, 0)))
   430 Time needed: 9.484 secs.
   431 ...<<long_list>>...
   432 \end{lstlisting}%$
   434   \mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]
   435 \end{itemize}
   437 \subsubsection*{Task 4 (file knight4.scala)}
   438 \begin{itemize}
   439 \item[(10)] In this task we want to solve the problem of finding a single
   440   tour (if there exists one) on what is sometimes called ``mutilated''
   441   chessboards, for example rectangular chessbords or chessboards where
   442   fields are missing. For this implement a search function
   444   \begin{center}
   445     \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
   446     \texttt{def one\_tour\_pred(dim: Int, path: Path,}\\
   447       \texttt{\phantom{def one\_tour\_pred(}n: Int, f: Pos => Boolean): Option[Path]}
   448       \end{tabular}
   449   \end{center}
   451   which has, like before, the dimension and current path as arguments,
   452   and in addtion it takes an integer, which specifies the length of
   453   the longest path (or length of the path after which the search
   454   should backtrack), and a function from positions to Booleans. This
   455   function acts as a predicate in order to restrict which onward legal
   456   moves should be considered in the search. The function
   457   \texttt{one\_tour\_pred} should return a single tour
   458   (\texttt{Some}-case), if one or more tours exist, and \texttt{None}, if no
   459   tour exists. For example when called with 
   461   \begin{center}
   462   \texttt{one\_tour\_pred(7, List((0, 0)), 35, x => x.\_1 < 5)}
   463   \end{center}  
   465   we are looking for a tour starting from position \texttt{(0,0)} on a
   466   7 $\times$ 5 board, where the maximum length of the path is 35. The
   467   predicate \texttt{x => x.\_1 < 5} ensures that no position with an
   468   x-coordinate bigger than 4 is considered. One possible solution is
   470   \begin{lstlisting}[language={},numbers=none,basicstyle=\ttfamily\small]
   471    0   13   22   33   28   11   20 
   472   23   32    1   12   21   34   27 
   473   14    7   16   29    2   19   10 
   474   31   24    5    8   17   26    3 
   475    6   15   30   25    4    9   18 
   476   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1 
   477   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1
   478 \end{lstlisting}%$
   480 where \texttt{print\_board} prints a \texttt{-1} for all fields that
   481 have not been visited.
   483   \mbox{}\hfill[2 Marks]
   484 \end{itemize}
   488 \end{document}
   560 \end{document}
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