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     1 \documentclass{article}
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     6 %cheat sheet
     7 %http://worldline.github.io/scala-cheatsheet/
     9 \begin{document}
    11 \section*{A Crash-Course on Scala}
    13 \subsection*{The Very Basics}
    15 One advantage of Scala over Java is that it includes an interpreter (a
    16 REPL, or
    17 \underline{R}ead-\underline{E}val-\underline{P}rint-\underline{L}oop)
    18 with which you can run and test small code-snippets without the need
    19 of a compiler. This helps a lot with interactively developing
    20 programs. Once you installed Scala, you can start the interpreter by
    21 typing on the command line:
    23 \begin{lstlisting}[language={},numbers=none,basicstyle=\ttfamily\small]
    24 $ scala
    25 Welcome to Scala 2.12.4 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 9).
    26 Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
    28 scala>
    29 \end{lstlisting}%$
    31 \noindent The precise response may vary depending
    32 on the version and platform where you installed Scala. At the Scala
    33 prompt you can type things like \code{2 + 3}\;\keys{Ret} and
    34 the output will be
    36 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
    37 scala> 2 + 3
    38 res0: Int = 5
    39 \end{lstlisting}
    41 \noindent indicating that the result of the addition is of
    42 type \code{Int} and the actual result is 5. Another classic
    43 example you can try out is
    45 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
    46 scala> print("hello world")
    47 hello world
    48 \end{lstlisting}
    50 \noindent Note that in this case there is no result. The
    51 reason is that \code{print} does not actually produce a result
    52 (there is no \code{resXX} and no type), rather it is a
    53 function that causes the \emph{side-effect} of printing out a
    54 string. Once you are more familiar with the functional
    55 programming-style, you will know what the difference is
    56 between a function that returns a result, like addition, and a
    57 function that causes a side-effect, like \code{print}. We
    58 shall come back to this point later, but if you are curious
    59 now, the latter kind of functions always has \code{Unit} as
    60 return type.
    62 You can try more examples with the Scala interpreter, but try
    63 first to guess what the result is (not all answers by Scala are obvious):
    65 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
    66 scala> 2 + 2
    67 scala> 1 / 2
    68 scala> 1.0 / 2
    69 scala> 1 / 2.0
    70 scala> 1 / 0
    71 scala> 1.0 / 0.0
    72 scala> true == false
    73 scala> true && false
    74 scala> 1 > 1.0
    75 scala> "12345".length
    76 \end{lstlisting}
    78 \subsection*{Stand-Alone Apps}
    80 If you want to write a stand-alone app in Scala, you can
    81 implement an object that is an instance of \code{App}, say
    83 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
    84 object Hello extends App {
    85     println("hello world")
    86 }
    87 \end{lstlisting}
    89 \noindent save it in a file, say {\tt hello-world.scala}, and
    90 then run the compiler and runtime environment:
    92 \begin{lstlisting}[language={},numbers=none,basicstyle=\ttfamily\small]
    93 $ scalac hello-world.scala
    94 $ scala Hello
    95 hello world
    96 \end{lstlisting}
    98 Like Java, Scala targets the JVM and consequently
    99 Scala programs can also be executed by the bog-standard Java
   100 Runtime. This only requires the inclusion of {\tt
   101 scala-library.jar}, which on my computer can be done as
   102 follows:
   104 \begin{lstlisting}[language={},numbers=none,basicstyle=\ttfamily\small]
   105 $ scalac hello-world.scala
   106 $ java -cp /usr/local/src/scala/lib/scala-library.jar:. Hello
   107 hello world
   108 \end{lstlisting}
   110 \noindent You might need to adapt the path to where you have
   111 installed Scala.
   113 \subsection*{Values}
   115 In the lectures, I will try as much as possible to avoid the term
   116 \emph{variables} familiar from other programming languages. Scala
   117 has \emph{values}, which can be seen as abbreviations of larger
   118 expressions. For example
   120 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   121 scala> val x = 42
   122 x: Int = 42
   124 scala> val y = 3 + 4
   125 y: Int = 7
   127 scala> val z = x / y
   128 z: Int = 6
   129 \end{lstlisting}
   131 \noindent
   132 Why the kerfuffle about values? Well, values are \emph{immutable}. You cannot
   133 change their value after you defined them. If you try to reassign, say,
   134 \code{z}, Scala will yell at you:
   136 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   137 scala> z = 9
   138 error: reassignment to val
   139        z = 9
   140          ^
   141 \end{lstlisting}
   143 \noindent
   144 So it would be a bit absurd to call values as variables...you cannot
   145 change them. You might think you can re-assign them like
   147 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   148 scala> val x = 42
   149 scala> val z = x / 7
   150 scala> val x = 70
   151 scala> println(z) 
   152 \end{lstlisting}
   154 \noindent but try to guess what Scala will print out in the code above
   155 for \code{z}?  Will it be \code{6} or \code{10}? A final word about
   156 values: Try to stick to the convention that names of values should be
   157 lower case, like \code{x}, \code{y}, \code{foo41} and so on.
   160 \subsection*{Function Definitions}
   162 A function \code{f} taking a single argument of type \code{Int} can be defined
   163 as follows:
   165 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   166 def f(x: Int) : String = EXPR
   167 \end{lstlisting} 
   169 \noindent
   170 It returns the value resulting from evaluating the expression
   171 \code{EXPR} (whatever is substituted for this). The result will be
   172 of type \code{String}. Simple examples of Scala functions are:
   174 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   175 def incr(x: Int) : Int = x + 1
   176 def double(x: Int) : Int = x + x
   177 def square(x: Int) : Int = x * x
   178 \end{lstlisting}
   180 \noindent
   181 The general scheme for a function is
   183 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   184 def fname(arg1: ty1, arg2: ty2,..., argn: tyn): rty = {
   185   BODY
   186 }
   187 \end{lstlisting}
   189 \noindent
   190 where each argument requires its type and the result type of the
   191 function, \code{rty}, shoudl be given. If the body of the  function
   192 is more complex, then it can be enclosed in braces; it it is just a
   193 simple expression, like \code{x + 1}, you can omit the braces. Very
   194 often functions are recursive (call themselves) like
   196 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   197 def fact(n: Int): Int = 
   198   if (n == 0) 1 else n * fact(n - 1)
   199 \end{lstlisting}
   201 \subsection*{Loops, or better the Absence thereof}
   203 Coming from Java or C++, you might be surprised that Scala does
   204 not really have loops. It has instead, what is in functional
   205 programming called, \emph{maps}. To illustrate how they work,
   206 let us assume you have a list of numbers from 1 to 8 and want to
   207 build the list of squares. The list of numbers from 1 to 8 
   208 can be constructed in Scala as follows:
   210 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   211 scala> (1 to 8).toList
   212 res1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
   213 \end{lstlisting}
   215 \noindent Generating from this list, the list of squares in a
   216 programming language such as Java, you would assume the list
   217 is given as a kind of array. You would then iterate, or loop,
   218 an index over this array and replace each entry in the array
   219 by the square. Right? In Scala, and in other functional
   220 programming languages, you use maps to achieve the same. 
   222 A map essentially takes a function that describes how each
   223 element is transformed (for example squared) and a list over
   224 which this function should work. There are two forms to
   225 express such maps in Scala. The first way is called a
   226 \emph{for-comprehension}. Squaring the numbers from 1 to 8
   227 would look as follows:
   229 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   230 scala> for (n <- (1 to 8).toList) yield n * n
   231 res2: List[Int] = List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64)
   232 \end{lstlisting}
   234 \noindent The important keywords are \code{for} and
   235 \code{yield}. This for-comprehension roughly states that from
   236 the list of numbers we draw \code{n}s and compute the result
   237 of \code{n * n}. As you can see, we specified the list where
   238 each \code{n} comes from, namely \code{(1 to 8).toList}, and
   239 how each element needs to be transformed. This can also be
   240 expressed in a second way in Scala by using directly
   241 \code{map}s as follows:
   243 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   244 scala> (1 to 8).toList.map(n => n * n)
   245 res3 = List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64)
   246 \end{lstlisting}
   248 \noindent In this way, the expression \code{n => n * n} stands
   249 for the function that calculates the square (this is how the
   250 \code{n}s are transformed). This expression for functions
   251 might remind you of your lessons about the lambda-calculus
   252 where this would have been written as $\lambda n.\,n * n$. It
   253 might not be obvious, but for-comprehensions are just
   254 syntactic sugar: when compiling, Scala translates
   255 for-comprehensions into equivalent maps. This even works
   256 when for-comprehensions get more complicated (see below).
   258 The very charming feature of Scala is that such maps or
   259 for-comprehensions can be written for any kind of data
   260 collection, such as lists, sets, vectors, options and so on.
   261 For example if we instead compute the reminders modulo 3 of
   262 this list, we can write
   264 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   265 scala> (1 to 8).toList.map(n => n % 3)
   266 res4 = List(1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2)
   267 \end{lstlisting}
   269 \noindent If we, however, transform the numbers 1 to 8 not
   270 into a list, but into a set, and then compute the reminders
   271 modulo 3 we obtain
   273 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   274 scala> (1 to 8).toSet[Int].map(n => n % 3)
   275 res5 = Set(2, 1, 0)
   276 \end{lstlisting}
   278 \noindent This is the correct result for sets, as there are
   279 only three equivalence classes of integers modulo 3. Note that
   280 in this example we need to ``help'' Scala to transform the
   281 numbers into a set of integers by explicitly annotating the
   282 type \code{Int}. Since maps and for-comprehensions are
   283 just syntactic variants of each other, the latter can also be
   284 written as
   286 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   287 scala> for (n <- (1 to 8).toSet[Int]) yield n % 3
   288 res5 = Set(2, 1, 0)
   289 \end{lstlisting}
   291 For-comprehensions can also be nested and the selection of 
   292 elements can be guarded. For example if we want to pair up
   293 the numbers 1 to 4 with the letters a to c, we can write
   295 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   296 scala> for (n <- (1 to 4).toList; 
   297             m <- ('a' to 'c').toList) yield (n, m)
   298 res6 = List((1,a), (1,b), (1,c), (2,a), (2,b), (2,c), 
   299             (3,a), (3,b), (3,c), (4,a), (4,b), (4,c))
   300 \end{lstlisting}
   302 \noindent 
   303 Or if we want to find all pairs of numbers between 1 and 3
   304 where the sum is an even number, we can write
   306 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   307 scala> for (n <- (1 to 3).toList; 
   308             m <- (1 to 3).toList;
   309             if (n + m) % 2 == 0) yield (n, m)
   310 res7 = List((1,1), (1,3), (2,2), (3,1), (3,3))
   311 \end{lstlisting}
   313 \noindent The \code{if}-condition in the for-comprehension
   314 filters out all pairs where the sum is not even.
   316 While hopefully this all looks reasonable, there is one
   317 complication: In the examples above we always wanted to
   318 transform one list into another list (e.g.~list of squares),
   319 or one set into another set (set of numbers into set of
   320 reminders modulo 3). What happens if we just want to print out
   321 a list of integers? Then actually the for-comprehension
   322 needs to be modified. The reason is that \code{print}, you
   323 guessed it, does not produce any result, but only produces
   324 what is in the functional-programming-lingo called a
   325 side-effect. Printing out the list of numbers from 1 to 5
   326 would look as follows
   328 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   329 scala> for (n <- (1 to 5).toList) print(n)
   330 12345
   331 \end{lstlisting}
   333 \noindent
   334 where you need to omit the keyword \code{yield}. You can
   335 also do more elaborate calculations such as
   337 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   338 scala> for (n <- (1 to 5).toList) {
   339   val square_n = n * n
   340   println(s"$n * $n = $square_n") 
   341 }
   342 1 * 1 = 1
   343 2 * 2 = 4
   344 3 * 3 = 9
   345 4 * 4 = 16
   346 5 * 5 = 25
   347 \end{lstlisting}%$
   349 \noindent In this code I use a variable assignment (\code{val
   350 square_n = ...} ) and also what is called in Scala a
   351 \emph{string interpolation}, written \code{s"..."}. The latter
   352 is for printing out an equation. It allows me to refer to the
   353 integer values \code{n} and \code{square\_n} inside a string.
   354 This is very convenient for printing out ``things''. 
   356 The corresponding map construction for functions with 
   357 side-effects is in Scala called \code{foreach}. So you 
   358 could also write
   361 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   362 scala> (1 to 5).toList.foreach(n => print(n))
   363 12345
   364 \end{lstlisting}
   367 \noindent or even just
   369 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   370 scala> (1 to 5).toList.foreach(print)
   371 12345
   372 \end{lstlisting}
   374 \noindent Again I hope this reminds you a bit of your
   375 lambda-calculus lessons, where an explanation is given why
   376 both forms produce the same result.
   379 If you want to find out more about maps and functions with
   380 side-effects, you can ponder about the response Scala gives if
   381 you replace \code{foreach} by \code{map} in the expression
   382 above. Scala will still allow \code{map} with side-effect
   383 functions, but then reacts with a slightly interesting result.
   385 \subsection*{Types}
   387 In most functional programming languages, types play an
   388 important role. Scala is such a language. You have already
   389 seen built-in types, like \code{Int}, \code{Boolean},
   390 \code{String} and \code{BigInt}, but also user-defined ones,
   391 like \code{Rexp}. Unfortunately, types can be a thorny
   392 subject, especially in Scala. For example, why do we need to
   393 give the type to \code{toSet[Int]}, but not to \code{toList}?
   394 The reason is the power of Scala, which sometimes means it
   395 cannot infer all necessary typing information. At the
   396 beginning while getting familiar with Scala, I recommend a
   397 ``play-it-by-ear-approach'' to types. Fully understanding
   398 type-systems, especially complicated ones like in Scala, can
   399 take a module on their own.\footnote{Still, such a study can
   400 be a rewarding training: If you are in the business of
   401 designing new programming languages, you will not be able to
   402 turn a blind eye to types. They essentially help programmers
   403 to avoid common programming errors and help with maintaining
   404 code.}
   406 In Scala, types are needed whenever you define an inductive
   407 datatype and also whenever you define functions (their
   408 arguments and their results need a type). Base types are types
   409 that do not take any (type)arguments, for example \code{Int}
   410 and \code{String}. Compound types take one or more arguments,
   411 which as seen earlier need to be given in angle-brackets, for
   412 example \code{List[Int]} or \code{Set[List[String]]} or 
   413 \code{Map[Int, Int]}.
   415 There are a few special type-constructors that fall outside
   416 this pattern. One is for tuples, where the type is written
   417 with parentheses. For example 
   419 \begin{lstlisting}[ numbers=none]
   420 (Int, Int, String)
   421 \end{lstlisting}
   423 \noindent is for a triple (a tuple with three components---two
   424 integers and a string). Tuples are helpful if you want to
   425 define functions with multiple results, say the function
   426 returning the quotient and reminder of two numbers. For this
   427 you might define:
   430 \begin{lstlisting}[ numbers=none]
   431 def quo_rem(m: Int, n: Int) : (Int, Int) = (m / n, m % n)
   432 \end{lstlisting}
   435 \noindent Since this function returns a pair of integers, its
   436 return type needs to be of type \code{(Int, Int)}.
   437 Incidentally, this is also the input type of this function.
   438 Notice this function takes \emph{two} arguments, namely
   439 \code{m} and \code{n}, both of which are integers. They are
   440 ``packaged'' in a pair. Consequently the complete type of
   441 \code{quo_rem} is
   443 \begin{lstlisting}[ numbers=none]
   444 (Int, Int) => (Int, Int)
   445 \end{lstlisting}
   447 Another special type-constructor is for functions, written as
   448 the arrow \code{=>}. For example, the type \code{Int =>
   449 String} is for a function that takes an integer as input
   450 argument and produces a string as result. A function of this
   451 type is for instance
   453 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   454 def mk_string(n: Int) : String = n match {
   455   case 0 => "zero"
   456   case 1 => "one"
   457   case 2 => "two"
   458   case _ => "many" 
   459 } 
   460 \end{lstlisting}
   462 \noindent It takes an integer as input argument and returns a
   463 string. Unlike other functional programming languages, there
   464 is in Scala no easy way to find out the types of existing
   465 functions, except by looking into the documentation
   467 \begin{quote}
   468 \url{http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/}
   469 \end{quote}
   471 The function arrow can also be iterated, as in 
   472 \code{Int => String => Boolean}. This is the type for a function
   473 taking an integer as first argument and a string as second,
   474 and the result of the function is a boolean. Though silly, a
   475 function of this type would be
   478 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   479 def chk_string(n: Int)(s: String) : Boolean = 
   480   mk_string(n) == s
   481 \end{lstlisting}
   484 \noindent which checks whether the integer \code{n}
   485 corresponds to the name \code{s} given by the function
   486 \code{mk\_string}. Notice the unusual way of specifying the
   487 arguments of this function: the arguments are given one after
   488 the other, instead of being in a pair (what would be the type
   489 of this function then?). This way of specifying the arguments
   490 can be useful, for example in situations like this
   492 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   493 scala> List("one", "two", "three", "many").map(chk_string(2))
   494 res4 = List(false, true, false, false)
   496 scala> List("one", "two", "three", "many").map(chk_string(3))
   497 res5 = List(false, false, false, true)
   498 \end{lstlisting}
   500 \noindent In each case we can give to \code{map} a specialised
   501 version of \code{chk_string}---once specialised to 2 and once
   502 to 3. This kind of ``specialising'' a function is called
   503 \emph{partial application}---we have not yet given to this
   504 function all arguments it needs, but only some of them.
   506 Coming back to the type \code{Int => String => Boolean}. The
   507 rule about such function types is that the right-most type
   508 specifies what the function returns (a boolean in this case).
   509 The types before that specify how many arguments the function
   510 expects and what their type is (in this case two arguments,
   511 one of type \code{Int} and another of type \code{String}).
   512 Given this rule, what kind of function has type
   513 \mbox{\code{(Int => String) => Boolean}}? Well, it returns a
   514 boolean. More interestingly, though, it only takes a single
   515 argument (because of the parentheses). The single argument
   516 happens to be another function (taking an integer as input and
   517 returning a string). Remember that \code{mk_string} is just 
   518 such a function. So how can we use it? For this define
   519 the somewhat silly function \code{apply_3}:
   521 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   522 def apply_3(f: Int => String): Bool = f(3) == "many"
   524 scala> apply_3(mk_string)
   525 res6 = true
   526 \end{lstlisting}
   528 You might ask: Apart from silly functions like above, what is
   529 the point of having functions as input arguments to other
   530 functions? In Java there is indeed no need of this kind of
   531 feature: at least in the past it did not allow such
   532 constructions. I think, the point of Java 8 is to lift this
   533 restriction. But in all functional programming languages,
   534 including Scala, it is really essential to allow functions as
   535 input argument. Above you already seen \code{map} and
   536 \code{foreach} which need this. Consider the functions
   537 \code{print} and \code{println}, which both print out strings,
   538 but the latter adds a line break. You can call \code{foreach}
   539 with either of them and thus changing how, for example, five
   540 numbers are printed.
   543 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   544 scala> (1 to 5).toList.foreach(print)
   545 12345
   546 scala> (1 to 5).toList.foreach(println)
   547 1
   548 2
   549 3
   550 4
   551 5
   552 \end{lstlisting}
   555 \noindent This is actually one of the main design principles
   556 in functional programming. You have generic functions like
   557 \code{map} and \code{foreach} that can traverse data containers,
   558 like lists or sets. They then take a function to specify what
   559 should be done with each element during the traversal. This
   560 requires that the generic traversal functions can cope with
   561 any kind of function (not just functions that, for example,
   562 take as input an integer and produce a string like above).
   563 This means we cannot fix the type of the generic traversal
   564 functions, but have to keep them
   565 \emph{polymorphic}.\footnote{Another interestic topic about
   566 types, but we omit it here for the sake of brevity.} 
   568 There is one more type constructor that is rather special. It
   569 is called \code{Unit}. Recall that \code{Boolean} has two
   570 values, namely \code{true} and \code{false}. This can be used,
   571 for example, to test something and decide whether the test
   572 succeeds or not. In contrast the type \code{Unit} has only a
   573 single value, written \code{()}. This seems like a completely
   574 useless type and return value for a function, but is actually
   575 quite useful. It indicates when the function does not return
   576 any result. The purpose of these functions is to cause
   577 something being written on the screen or written into a file,
   578 for example. This is what is called they cause some effect on 
   579 the side, namely a new content displayed on the screen or some
   580 new data in a file. Scala uses the \code{Unit} type to indicate
   581 that a function does not have a result, but potentially causes
   582 some side-effect. Typical examples are the printing functions, 
   583 like \code{print}.
   586 \subsection*{Cool Stuff}
   588 The first wow-moment I had with Scala was when I came across
   589 the following code-snippet for reading a web-page. 
   592 \begin{lstlisting}[ numbers=none]
   593 import io.Source
   594 val url = """http://www.inf.kcl.ac.uk/staff/urbanc/"""
   595 Source.fromURL(url)("ISO-8859-1").take(10000).mkString
   596 \end{lstlisting}
   599 \noindent These three lines return a string containing the
   600 HTML-code of my webpage. It actually already does something
   601 more sophisticated, namely only returns the first 10000
   602 characters of a webpage in case it is too large. Why is that
   603 code-snippet of any interest? Well, try implementing
   604 reading-from-a-webpage in Java. I also like the possibility of
   605 triple-quoting strings, which I have only seen in Scala so
   606 far. The idea behind this is that in such a string all
   607 characters are interpreted literally---there are no escaped
   608 characters, like \verb|\n| for newlines.
   610 My second wow-moment I had with a feature of Scala that other
   611 functional programming languages do not have. This feature is
   612 about implicit type conversions. If you have regular
   613 expressions and want to use them for language processing you
   614 often want to recognise keywords in a language, for example
   615 \code{for},{} \code{if},{} \code{yield} and so on. But the
   616 basic regular expression \code{CHAR} can only recognise a
   617 single character. In order to recognise a whole string, like
   618 \code{for}, you have to put many of those together using
   619 \code{SEQ}:
   622 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   623 SEQ(CHAR('f'), SEQ(CHAR('o'), CHAR('r')))
   624 \end{lstlisting}
   626 \noindent This gets quickly unreadable when the strings and
   627 regular expressions get more complicated. In other functional
   628 programming languages, you can explicitly write a conversion
   629 function that takes a string, say \dq{\pcode{for}}, and
   630 generates the regular expression above. But then your code is
   631 littered with such conversion functions.
   633 In Scala you can do better by ``hiding'' the conversion
   634 functions. The keyword for doing this is \code{implicit} and
   635 it needs a built-in library called 
   637 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   638 scala.language.implicitConversions
   639 \end{lstlisting}
   641 \noindent
   642 Consider the code
   645 \begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala]
   646 import scala.language.implicitConversions
   648 def charlist2rexp(s: List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
   649   case Nil => EMPTY
   650   case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
   651   case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
   652 }
   654 implicit def string2rexp(s: String) : Rexp = 
   655   charlist2rexp(s.toList)
   656 \end{lstlisting}
   659 \noindent where the first seven lines implement a function
   660 that given a list of characters generates the corresponding
   661 regular expression. In Lines 9 and 10, this function is used
   662 for transforming a string into a regular expression. Since the
   663 \code{string2rexp}-function is declared as \code{implicit},
   664 the effect will be that whenever Scala expects a regular
   665 expression, but I only give it a string, it will automatically
   666 insert a call to the \code{string2rexp}-function. I can now
   667 write for example
   669 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   670 scala> ALT("ab", "ac")
   671 res9 = ALT(SEQ(CHAR(a),CHAR(b)),SEQ(CHAR(a),CHAR(c)))
   672 \end{lstlisting}
   674 \noindent Recall that \code{ALT} expects two regular
   675 expressions as arguments, but I only supply two strings. The
   676 implicit conversion function will transform the string into a
   677 regular expression.
   679 Using implicit definitions, Scala allows me to introduce
   680 some further syntactic sugar for regular expressions:
   683 \begin{lstlisting}[ numbers=none]
   684 implicit def RexpOps(r: Rexp) = new {
   685   def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
   686   def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
   687   def % = STAR(r)
   688 }
   690 implicit def stringOps(s: String) = new {
   691   def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
   692   def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
   693   def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
   694   def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
   695   def % = STAR(s)
   696 }
   697 \end{lstlisting}
   700 \noindent This might seem a bit overly complicated, but its effect is
   701 that I can now write regular expressions such as $ab + ac$ 
   702 simply as
   705 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   706 scala> "ab" | "ac"
   707 res10 = ALT(SEQ(CHAR(a),CHAR(b)),SEQ(CHAR(a),CHAR(c)))
   708 \end{lstlisting}
   711 \noindent I leave you to figure out what the other
   712 syntactic sugar in the code above stands for.
   714 One more useful feature of Scala is the ability to define
   715 functions with varying argument lists. This is a feature that
   716 is already present in old languages, like C, but seems to have
   717 been forgotten in the meantime---Java does not have it. In the
   718 context of regular expressions this feature comes in handy:
   719 Say you are fed up with writing many alternatives as
   722 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   723 ALT(..., ALT(..., ALT(..., ...)))
   724 \end{lstlisting}
   727 \noindent To make it difficult, you do not know how deep such
   728 alternatives are nested. So you need something flexible that
   729 can take as many alternatives as needed. In Scala one can
   730 achieve this by adding a \code{*} to the type of an argument.
   731 Consider the code
   734 \begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala]
   735 def Alts(rs: List[Rexp]) : Rexp = rs match {
   736   case Nil => NULL
   737   case r::Nil => r
   738   case r::rs => ALT(r, Alts(rs))
   739 }
   741 def ALTS(rs: Rexp*) = Alts(rs.toList)
   742 \end{lstlisting}
   745 \noindent The function in Lines 1 to 5 takes a list of regular
   746 expressions and converts it into an appropriate alternative
   747 regular expression. In Line 7 there is a wrapper for this
   748 function which uses the feature of varying argument lists. The
   749 effect of this code  is that I can write the regular
   750 expression for keywords as
   753 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   754 ALTS("for", "def", "yield", "implicit", "if", "match", "case")
   755 \end{lstlisting}
   758 \noindent Again I leave it to you to find out how much this
   759 simplifies the regular expression in comparison with if I had
   760 to write this by hand using only the ``plain'' regular
   761 expressions from the inductive datatype.
   763 \subsection*{More Info}
   765 There is much more to Scala than I can possibly describe in
   766 this document. Fortunately there are a number of free books
   767 about Scala and of course lots of help online. For example
   769 \begin{itemize}
   770 \item \url{http://www.scala-lang.org/docu/files/ScalaByExample.pdf}
   771 \item \url{http://www.scala-lang.org/docu/files/ScalaTutorial.pdf}
   772 \item \url{https://www.youtube.com/user/ShadowofCatron}
   773 \item \url{http://docs.scala-lang.org/tutorials}
   774 \item \url{https://www.scala-exercises.org}
   775 \end{itemize}
   777 \noindent There is also a course at Coursera on Functional
   778 Programming Principles in Scala by Martin Odersky, the main
   779 developer of the Scala language. And a document that explains
   780 Scala for Java programmers
   782 \begin{itemize}
   783 \item \small\url{http://docs.scala-lang.org/tutorials/scala-for-java-programmers.html}
   784 \end{itemize}
   786 While I am quite enthusiastic about Scala, I am also happy to
   787 admit that it has more than its fair share of faults. The
   788 problem seen earlier of having to give an explicit type to
   789 \code{toSet}, but not \code{toList} is one of them. There are
   790 also many ``deep'' ideas about types in Scala, which even to
   791 me as seasoned functional programmer are puzzling. Whilst
   792 implicits are great, they can also be a source of great
   793 headaches, for example consider the code:
   795 \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none]
   796 scala>  List (1, 2, 3) contains "your mom"
   797 res1: Boolean = false
   798 \end{lstlisting}
   800 \noindent Rather than returning \code{false}, this code should
   801 throw a typing-error. There are also many limitations Scala
   802 inherited from the JVM that can be really annoying. For
   803 example a fixed stack size. One can work around this
   804 particular limitation, but why does one have to?
   805 More such `puzzles' can be found at
   807 \begin{center}
   808   \url{http://scalapuzzlers.com} and
   809   \url{http://latkin.org/blog/2017/05/02/when-the-scala-compiler-doesnt-help/}
   810 \end{center}
   812 Even if Scala has been a success in several high-profile
   813 companies, there is also a company (Yammer) that first used
   814 Scala in their production code, but then moved away from it.
   815 Allegedly they did not like the steep learning curve of Scala
   816 and also that new versions of Scala often introduced
   817 incompatibilities in old code. In the past two months
   818 there have also been two forks of the Scala compiler.
   819 It needs to be seen what the future brings for Scala.
   821 So all in all, Scala might not be a great teaching language,
   822 but I hope this is mitigated by the fact that I never require
   823 you to write any Scala code. You only need to be able to read
   824 it. In the coursework you can use any programming language you
   825 like. If you want to use Scala for this, then be my guest; if
   826 you do not want, stick with the language you are most familiar
   827 with.
   831 \end{document}
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