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     1 \documentclass{article}
     2 \usepackage{../style}
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     6 \begin{document}
     8 \section*{Replacement Coursework 2 (Automata)}
    10 This coursework is worth 10\%. It is about deterministic and
    11 non-deterministic finite automata.  The coursework is due on ??? March
    12 at 5pm.  Make sure the files you submit can be processed by just
    13 calling \texttt{scala <<filename.scala>>}.\bigskip
    15 \noindent
    16 \textbf{Important:} Do not use any mutable data structures in your
    17 submission! They are not needed. This means you cannot use 
    18 \texttt{ListBuffer}s, for example. Do not use \texttt{return} in your
    19 code! It has a different meaning in Scala, than in Java.  Do not use
    20 \texttt{var}! This declares a mutable variable.  Make sure the
    21 functions you submit are defined on the ``top-level'' of Scala, not
    22 inside a class or object. Also note that the running time will be
    23 restricted to a maximum of 360 seconds on my laptop.
    26 \subsection*{Disclaimer}
    28 It should be understood that the work you submit represents your own
    29 effort! You have not copied from anyone else. An exception is the
    30 Scala code I showed during the lectures or uploaded to KEATS, which
    31 you can freely use.\bigskip
    34 \subsection*{Part 1 (Deterministic Finite Automata)}
    36 \noindent
    37 There are many uses for Deterministic Finite Automata (DFAs), for
    38 example testing whether a string should be accepted or not. The main
    39 idea is that DFAs consist of some states (circles) and transitions
    40 (edges) between states. For example consider the DFA
    42 \begin{center}
    43 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.5,>=stealth',very thick,auto,
    44                     every state/.style={minimum size=4pt,
    45                     inner sep=4pt,draw=blue!50,very thick,
    46                     fill=blue!20}]
    47   \node[state, initial]        (q0) at ( 0,1) {$Q_0$};
    48   \node[state]                    (q1) at ( 1,1) {$Q_1$};
    49   \node[state, accepting] (q2) at ( 2,1) {$Q_2$};
    50   \path[->] (q0) edge[bend left] node[above] {$a$} (q1)
    51             (q1) edge[bend left] node[above] {$b$} (q0)
    52             (q2) edge[bend left=50] node[below] {$b$} (q0)
    53             (q1) edge node[above] {$a$} (q2)
    54             (q2) edge [loop right] node {$a$} ()
    55             (q0) edge [loop below] node {$b$} ();
    56 \end{tikzpicture}
    57 \end{center}
    59 \noindent
    60 where there are three states ($Q_0$, $Q_1$ and $Q_2$). The DFA has a
    61 starting state ($Q_0$) and an accepting state ($Q_2$), the latter
    62 indicated by double lines. In general, a DFA can have any number of
    63 accepting states, but only a single starting state (in this example
    64 only $a$ and $b$).
    66 Transitions are edges between states labelled with a character. The
    67 idea is that if I am in state $Q_0$, say, and get an $a$, I can go to
    68 state $Q_1$. If I am in state $Q_2$ and get an $a$, I can stay in
    69 state $Q_2$; if I get a $b$ in $Q_2$, then I have to go to state
    70 $Q_0$. The main point of DFAs is that if I am in a state and get a
    71 character, it is always clear which is the next state---there can only
    72 be at most one. The task of Part 1 is to implement such DFAs in Scala
    73 using partial functions for the transitions.
    75 \subsubsection*{Tasks}
    77 \begin{itemize}
    78 \item[(1)] Write a polymorphic function, called \texttt{share}, that
    79   decides whether two sets share some elements (i.e.~the intersection
    80   is not empty).\hfill[1 Mark]
    82 \item[(2)] The transitions of DFAs are given by partial functions,
    83   with the type of (state, character)-pair to state. For example
    84   the transitions of the DFA given above can be defined as
    86 \begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala,numbers=none]
    87 val dfa_trans : PartialFunction[(State,Char), State] = 
    88   { case (Q0, 'a') => Q1 
    89     case (Q0, 'b') => Q0
    90     case (Q1, 'a') => Q2 
    91     case (Q1, 'b') => Q0
    92     case (Q2, 'a') => Q2 
    93     case (Q2, 'b') => Q0 
    94   }
    95 \end{lstlisting}
    97   The main idea of partial functions (as opposed to functions) is that they
    98   do not have to be defined everywhere. For example the transitions
    99   above only mention characters $a$ and $b$, but leave out any other
   100   characters. Partial functions come with a method \texttt{isDefinedAt}
   101   that can be used to check whether an input produces a result
   102   or not. For example
   104   \begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala,numbers=none]
   105     dfa_trans.isDefinedAt((Q0, 'a'))
   106     dfa_trans.isDefinedAt((Q0, 'c'))
   107   \end{lstlisting}   
   109   \noindent
   110   gives \texttt{true} in the first case and \texttt{false} in the second.
   112   Write a function that takes transition and a (state, character)-pair as arguments
   113   and produces an optional state (the state specified by the partial transition
   114   function whenever it is defined; if the transition function is undefined,
   115   return None).\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
   117 \item[(3)] 
   118   Write a function that ``lifts'' the function in (2) from characters to strings. That
   119   is, write a function that takes a transition, a state and a list of characters
   120   as arguments and produces the state generated by following the transitions for
   121   each character in the list. For example you are in state $Q_0$ in the DFA above
   122   and have the list \texttt{List(a,a,a,b,b,a)}, then you need to generate the
   123   state $Q_1$ (as option since there might not be such a state).\\
   124   \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
   126 \item[(4)] DFAs are defined as a triple: (staring state, transitions, final states).
   127   Write a function \texttt{accepts} that tests whether a string is accepted
   128   by an DFA or not. For this start in the starting state of the DFA,
   129   use the function under (3) to calculate the state after following all transitions
   130   according to the characters in the string. If the state is a final state, return
   131   true; otherwise false.\\\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
   132 \end{itemize}
   135 \subsection*{Part 2 (Non-Deterministic Finite Automata)}
   137 The main point of DFAs is that for every given state and character
   138 there is at most one next state (one if the transition is defined;
   139 none otherwise). However, this restriction to at most one state can be
   140 quite limiting for some applications.\footnote{Though there is a
   141   curious fact that every NFA can be translated into an ``equivalent''
   142   DFA, that is accepting the same set of strings. However this might
   143   increase drastically the number of states in the DFA.}  
   144 Non-Deterministic Automata (NFAs) remove this restriction: there can
   145 be more than one starting state, and given a state and a character
   146 there can be more than one next state. Consider for example
   148 \begin{center}
   149 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7,>=stealth',very thick,
   150     every state/.style={minimum size=0pt,
   151       draw=blue!50,very thick,fill=blue!20},]
   152 \node[state,initial]  (R_1)  {$R_1$};
   153 \node[state,initial] (R_2) [above=of R_1] {$R_2$};
   154 \node[state, accepting] (R_3) [right=of R_1] {$R_3$};
   155 \path[->] (R_1) edge node [below]  {$b$} (R_3);
   156 \path[->] (R_2) edge [bend left] node [above]  {$a$} (R_3);
   157 \path[->] (R_1) edge [bend left] node  [left] {$c$} (R_2);
   158 \path[->] (R_2) edge [bend left] node  [right] {$a$} (R_1);
   159 \end{tikzpicture}
   160 \end{center}
   162 \noindent
   163 where in state $R_2$ if you get an $a$, you can go to state $R_1$
   164 \emph{or} $R_3$. If we want to find out whether a NFA accepts a
   165 string, then we need to explore both possibilities. We will do this
   166 ``exploration'' in the tasks below in a breath-first manner.
   167 The possibility of having more than one next state in NFAs will
   168 be implemented by having a \emph{set} of partial transition
   169 functions. For example the NFA shown above will be represented by the
   170 set of partial functions
   172 \begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala,numbers=none]
   173 val nfa_trans : NTrans = Set(
   174   { case (R1, 'c') => R2 },
   175   { case (R1, 'b') => R3 },
   176   { case (R2, 'a') => R1 },
   177   { case (R2, 'a') => R3 }
   178 )
   179 \end{lstlisting}
   181 \noindent
   182 The point is that the 3rd element in this set states that
   183 in $R_2$ and given an $a$, I can go to state $R_1$; and the
   184 4th element, in $R_2$, given an $a$, I can go to state $R_3$.
   185 When following transitions from a state, we have to look at all
   186 partial functions in the set and generate the set of all possible
   187 next states.
   189 \subsubsection*{Tasks}
   191 \begin{itemize}
   192 \item[(5)]
   193   Write a function \texttt{nnext} which takes a transition set, a state
   194   and a character as arguments, and calculates all possible next states
   195   (returned as set).\\
   196   \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
   198 \item[(6)] Write a function \texttt{nnexts} which takes a transition
   199   set, a \emph{set} of states and a character as arguments, and
   200   calculates \emph{all} possible next states that can be reached from
   201   any state in the set.\\ \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
   203 \item[(7)] Like in (3), write a function \texttt{nnextss} that lifts
   204   \texttt{nnexts} from (6) from single characters to lists of characters.
   205   \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
   207 \item[(8)] NFAs are also defined as a triple: (set of staring states,
   208   set of transitions, final states).  Write a function
   209   \texttt{naccepts} that tests whether a string is accepted by a NFA
   210   or not. For this start in all starting states of the NFA, use the
   211   function under (7) to calculate the set of states following all
   212   transitions according to the characters in the string. If the set of
   213   states shares and state with the set of final states, return true;
   214   otherwise false.  Use the function under (1) in order to test
   215   whether these two sets of states share any
   216   states\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
   218 \item[(9)] Since we explore in functions under (6) and (7) all
   219   possible next states, we decide whether a string is accepted in a
   220   breath-first manner. (Depth-first would be to choose one state,
   221   follow all next states of this single state; check whether it leads
   222   to a accepting state. If not, we backtrack and choose another
   223   state). The disadvantage of breath-first search is that at every
   224   step a non-empty set of states are ``active''\ldots that need to be
   225   followed at the same time.  Write similar functions as in (7) and
   226   (8), but instead of returning states or a boolean, these functions
   227   return the number of states that need to be followed in each
   228   step. The function \texttt{max\_accept} should return the maximum
   229   of all these numbers.
   231   Consider again the NFA shown above. At the beginning the number of
   232   active states will be 2 (since there are two starting states, namely
   233   $R_1$ and $R_2$). If we get an $a$, there will be still 2 active
   234   states, namely $R_1$ and $R_3$ both reachable from $R_2$. There is
   235   no transition for $a$ and $R_1$. So for a string, say, $ab$ which is
   236   accepted by the NFA, the maximum number of active states is 2 (it is
   237   not possible that all states are active with this NFA; is it possible
   238   that no state is active?).
   239   \hfill\mbox{[2 Marks]}
   242 \end{itemize}
   245 \end{document}
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