2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk lift_thm with a goal.
2009-11-23 Christian Urban slight change in code layout
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixes for new code
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Removing dead code
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Move atomize_goal to QuotMain
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Removed second implementation of Regularize/Inject from FSet.
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Moved new repabs_inj code to QuotMain
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk New repabs behaves the same way as old one.
2009-11-23 Christian Urban code review with Cezary
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk The other branch does not seem to work...
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixes for recent changes.
2009-11-22 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 22nd November
2009-11-21 Christian Urban a little tuning of comments
2009-11-21 Christian Urban slight tuning
2009-11-21 Christian Urban some debugging code, but cannot find the place where the cprems_of exception is raised
2009-11-21 Christian Urban tried to prove the repabs_inj lemma, but failed for the moment
2009-11-21 Christian Urban my first version of repabs injection
2009-11-21 Christian Urban tuned
2009-11-21 Christian Urban tunded
2009-11-21 Christian Urban tuned
2009-11-21 Christian Urban flagged qenv-stuff as obsolete
2009-11-21 Christian Urban simplified get_fun so that it uses directly rty and qty, instead of qenv
2009-11-20 Christian Urban started regularize of rtrm/qtrm version; looks quite promising
2009-11-19 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2009-11-18 Christian Urban fixed the storage of qconst definitions
2009-11-13 Cezary Kaliszyk Still don't know how to do the proof automatically.
2009-11-13 Christian Urban added some tracing information to all phases of lifting to the function lift_thm
2009-11-12 Cezary Kaliszyk merge of the merge?
2009-11-12 Cezary Kaliszyk merged
2009-11-12 Christian Urban added a FIXME commment
2009-11-12 Christian Urban looking up data in quot_info works now (needs qualified string)
2009-11-12 Christian Urban changed the quotdata to be a symtab table (needs fixing)
2009-11-12 Christian Urban added a container for quotient constants (does not work yet though)
2009-11-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Lifting towards goal and manually finished the proof.
2009-11-11 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2009-11-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Modifications while preparing the goal-directed version.
2009-11-11 Christian Urban updated to new Theory_Data and to new Isabelle
2009-11-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Removed 'Toplevel.program' for polyml 5.3
2009-11-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Atomizing a "goal" theorems.
2009-11-10 Cezary Kaliszyk More code cleaning and commenting
2009-11-09 Cezary Kaliszyk Minor cleaning and removing of some 'handle _'.
2009-11-09 Cezary Kaliszyk Cleaning and commenting
2009-11-09 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixes for the other get_fun implementation.
2009-11-06 Christian Urban permutation lifting works now also
2009-11-06 Christian Urban merged
2009-11-06 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle version and added a new example file
2009-11-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Minor changes
2009-11-06 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2009-11-06 Cezary Kaliszyk fold_rsp
2009-11-06 Christian Urban tuned the code in quotient and quotient_def
2009-11-05 Cezary Kaliszyk More functionality for lifting list.cases and list.recs.
2009-11-05 Christian Urban merged
2009-11-05 Christian Urban removed typing information from get_fun in quotient_def; *potentially* dangerous
2009-11-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Remaining fixes for polymorphic types. map_append now lifts properly with 'a list and 'b list.
2009-11-05 Christian Urban removed Simplifier.context
2009-11-05 Christian Urban replaced check_term o parse_term by read_term
2009-11-05 Christian Urban merged
2009-11-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Infrastructure for polymorphic types
2009-11-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Two new tests for get_fun. Second one fails.
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