2009-12-08 Cezary Kaliszyk An example of working cleaning for lambda lifting. Still not sure why Babs helps.
2009-12-08 Christian Urban tuned
2009-12-08 Christian Urban the lift_tac produces a warning message if one of the three automatic proofs fails
2009-12-08 Christian Urban added a thm list for ids
2009-12-08 Christian Urban removed a fixme: map_info is now checked
2009-12-07 Christian Urban tuning of the code
2009-12-07 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-07 Christian Urban removed "global" data and lookup functions; had to move a tactic out from the inj_repabs_match tactic since apply_rsp interferes with a trans2 rule for ===>
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk 3 lambda examples in FSet. In the last one regularize_term fails.
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk Handling of errors in lambda_prs_conv.
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk babs_prs
2009-12-07 Christian Urban clarified the function examples
2009-12-07 Christian Urban first attempt to deal with Babs in regularise and cleaning (not yet working)
2009-12-07 Christian Urban isabelle make tests all examples
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk make_inst for lambda_prs where the second quotient is not identity.
2009-12-07 Christian Urban added "end" to each example theory
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk List moved after QuotMain
2009-12-07 Christian Urban cleaning
2009-12-07 Christian Urban final move
2009-12-07 Christian Urban directory re-arrangement
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk inj_repabs_tac handles Babs now.
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix of regularize for babs and proof of babs_rsp.
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk Using pair_prs; debugging the error in regularize of a lambda.
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk QuotProd with product_quotient and a 3 respects and preserves lemmas.
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2009-12-07 Cezary Kaliszyk 3 new example thms in MyInt; reveal problems with handling of lambdas; regularize fails with "Loose Bound".
2009-12-07 Christian Urban simplified the regularize simproc
2009-12-07 Christian Urban now simpler regularize_tac with added solver works
2009-12-07 Christian Urban removed usage of HOL_basic_ss by using a slighly extended version of empty_ss
2009-12-06 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-06 Christian Urban fixed examples
2009-12-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix IntEx2 for equiv_list
2009-12-06 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-06 Christian Urban working state again
2009-12-06 Christian Urban added a theorem list for equivalence theorems
2009-12-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Merge
2009-12-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Name changes.
2009-12-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Solved all quotient goals.
2009-12-06 Christian Urban updated Isabelle and deleted mono rules
2009-12-06 Christian Urban more tuning of the code
2009-12-06 Christian Urban puting code in separate sections
2009-12-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Handle 'find_qt_asm' exception. Now all inj_repabs_goals should be solved automatically.
2009-12-06 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2009-12-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Simpler definition code that works with any type maps.
2009-12-06 Christian Urban working on lambda_prs with examples; polished code of clean_tac
2009-12-06 Christian Urban renamed lambda_allex_prs
2009-12-06 Christian Urban added more to IntEx2
2009-12-05 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-05 Christian Urban added new example for Ints; regularise does not work in all instances
2009-12-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Definitions folded first.
2009-12-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Used symmetric definitions. Moved quotient_rsp to QuotMain.
2009-12-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Proved foldl_rsp and ho_map_rsp
2009-12-05 Christian Urban moved all_prs and ex_prs out from the conversion into the simplifier
2009-12-05 Christian Urban further cleaning
2009-12-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Merge
2009-12-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Added nil_rsp and cons_rsp to quotient_rsp; simplified IntEx.
2009-12-05 Christian Urban simplified inj_repabs_trm
2009-12-05 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-05 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-05 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-05 Christian Urban simpler version of clean_tac
2009-12-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Handling of respects in the fast inj_repabs_tac; includes respects with quotient assumptions.
2009-12-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Solutions to IntEx tests.
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