2011-12-22 Christian Urban moved TODO into the paper
2011-12-22 Christian Urban merged
2011-12-22 Christian Urban some slight tuning
2011-12-22 Christian Urban the default sort for type-variables in nominal specifications is fs; it is automatically addded
2011-12-22 Christian Urban fixed problem with equivariance for beta_star
2011-12-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Reorder constructors to match Lambda
2011-12-21 Cezary Kaliszyk SFT/LambdaTerms: rename 'var' to 'name' to match Lambda.
2011-12-21 Cezary Kaliszyk SFT: Rename Lambda to LambdaTerms, rename constants to match Lambda, remove smt proofs.
2011-12-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Remove transitivity from the definition of One_star and show it instead.
2011-12-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Port CR_Takahashi from Nominal1, no more "sorry" in BetaCR.
2011-12-20 Cezary Kaliszyk Add Sigma.thy, an example that defines a sigma-calculus in the style of Peter Homeier's HOL4 formalization.
2011-12-20 Cezary Kaliszyk Update Quotient FIXME-TODO, some issues were already fixed.
2011-12-20 Cezary Kaliszyk Added an initial version of qpaper-jv and a TODO of things to write about.
2011-12-20 Cezary Kaliszyk Remove 'HERE1' and 'HERE3'.
2011-12-20 Cezary Kaliszyk Lift substitution of an Abstraction for BetaCR :)
2011-12-20 Cezary Kaliszyk Tuned renaming
2011-12-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Retry Beta using a reduction relation and its reflexive-symmetric-transitive closure.
2011-12-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Disproved the property described as 'Tzevelakos'.
2011-12-18 Christian Urban partially localised the parsing process using functions fron Datatype
2011-12-17 Christian Urban updated
2011-12-17 Christian Urban updated in stable branch Nominal2-Isabelle2011-1
2011-12-17 Christian Urban updated all examples in stable branch Nominal2-Isabelle2011-1
2011-12-17 Christian Urban deleted Manual directory in stable branch Nominal2-Isabelle2011-1
2011-12-17 Christian Urban cleaned examples for stable branch Nominal2-Isabelle2011-1
2011-12-17 Christian Urban cleaned all papers from the stable branch Nominal2-Isabelle2011-1
2011-12-17 Christian Urban cleaned Attic in stable branch Nominal2-Isabelle2011-1
2011-12-17 Christian Urban backported no_eqvt changeset 1afcbaf4242b Nominal2-Isabelle2011-1
2011-12-17 Christian Urban Started Nominal2-Isabelle2011-1 branch and backported changeset 32abaea424bd Nominal2-Isabelle2011-1
2011-12-16 Cezary Kaliszyk Beta: equ and equ2 are not the same relations, equ2 seems not to be beta-eta equality.
2011-12-15 Christian Urban updated to lates changes in the datatype package
2011-12-15 Christian Urban a bit more on alpha-beta-equated terms
2011-12-14 Christian Urban generated the correct thm-list for showing that qfv are equal to support
2011-12-13 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 13 Dec
2011-12-06 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 6 Dec (thanks to Odrej Kuncar)
2011-12-05 Christian Urban tiny improvement by removing one unnecessary assumption
2011-12-05 Christian Urban deleted old strong_exhaust proof
2011-12-05 Christian Urban tuned
2011-11-30 Christian Urban silly syntax bug
2011-11-30 Christian Urban updated to changes in the quotient package (patch by Ondrej Kuncar)
2011-11-27 Christian Urban termination does not automatically prove equivariance for the defined function (label: no_eqvt)
2011-11-26 Christian Urban a few more experiments with alpha-beta
2011-11-26 Christian Urban used simproc-antiquotation
2011-11-26 Christian Urban slides for talk in Leicester
2011-11-26 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 26 Nov
2011-11-26 Christian Urban added eqvt-lemma for Image
2011-11-10 Christian Urban proved supp for QVar; QApp still fails - probably stronger condistion is needed
2011-11-09 Christian Urban added initial test about alpha-beta-equated terms
2011-11-08 Cezary Kaliszyk Add equivariance for alpha_lam_raw and abs_lam.
2011-11-07 Christian Urban all examples work again after quotient package has been "de-localised"
2011-11-03 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 3 Nov; it includes a hack to work around a bug in the localised version of the quotient package
2011-09-22 Christian Urban final polishing?
2011-09-22 Cezary Kaliszyk space
2011-09-21 Cezary Kaliszyk spelling
2011-09-21 Christian Urban added comments from Andrei
2011-09-21 Christian Urban bib
2011-09-21 Christian Urban more polishing
2011-09-21 Christian Urban added a footnote
2011-09-21 Christian Urban some minor polishing
2011-09-21 Christian Urban some minor polishing
2011-09-21 Christian Urban merged
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