2011-06-01 Cezary Kaliszyk proved subst for All constructor in type schemes.
2011-06-01 Cezary Kaliszyk DB translation using index; easier to reason about.
2011-06-01 Cezary Kaliszyk Problem: free variables in the goal
2011-06-01 Cezary Kaliszyk fixed previous commit
2011-06-01 Cezary Kaliszyk equivariance of db_trans
2011-05-31 Christian Urban fixed the problem with cps-like functions
2011-05-31 Cezary Kaliszyk DeBruijn translation in a simplifier friendly way
2011-05-31 Cezary Kaliszyk map_term can be defined when equivariance is assumed
2011-05-31 Cezary Kaliszyk map_term is not a function the way it is defined
2011-05-31 Cezary Kaliszyk Defined translation from nominal to de-Bruijn; with a freshness condition for the lambda case.
2011-05-31 Cezary Kaliszyk Simple eqvt proofs with perm_simps for clarity
2011-05-30 Christian Urban tuned last commit
2011-05-30 Christian Urban functions involving if and case do not throw exceptions anymore; but eqvt_at assumption has now a precondition
2011-05-26 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2011-05-25 Christian Urban added eq_iff and distinct lemmas of nominal datatypes to the simplifier
2011-05-24 Christian Urban more on slides
2011-05-22 Christian Urban added slides for copenhagen
2011-05-14 Christian Urban added a problem with inductive_cases (reported by Randy)
2011-05-13 Christian Urban misc
2011-05-10 Christian Urban made the subtyping work again
2011-05-10 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle (> 9 May)
2011-05-09 Christian Urban merged
2011-05-03 Christian Urban added two mutual recursive inductive definitions
2011-05-03 Christian Urban deleted two functions from the API
2011-05-03 Christian Urban proved that lfp is equivariant (that simplifies equivariance proofs of inductively defined predicates)
2011-05-09 Christian Urban more on pearl-paper
2011-05-04 Christian Urban more on pearl-paper
2011-05-02 Christian Urban updated Quotient paper so that it compiles again
2011-04-28 Christian Urban merged
2011-04-28 Christian Urban added slides for beijing
2011-04-21 Christian Urban more to the pearl paper
2011-04-19 Christian Urban updated to snapshot Isabelle 19 April
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