more intro
authorChristian Urban <>
Fri, 11 Jun 2010 21:58:25 +0200 (2010-06-11)
changeset 2223 c474186439bd
parent 2222 973649d612f8
child 2224 f5b6f9d8a882
more intro
--- a/Quotient-Paper/Paper.thy	Fri Jun 11 17:52:06 2010 +0200
+++ b/Quotient-Paper/Paper.thy	Fri Jun 11 21:58:25 2010 +0200
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
   fun_map (infix "\<longrightarrow>" 51) and
   fun_rel (infix "\<Longrightarrow>" 51) and
   list_eq (infix "\<approx>" 50) and (* Not sure if we want this notation...? *)
-  fempty ("\<emptyset>\<^isub>f") and
-  funion ("_ \<union>\<^isub>f _") and
-  finsert ("{_} \<union>\<^isub>f _") and 
+  fempty ("\<emptyset>") and
+  funion ("_ \<union> _") and
+  finsert ("{_} \<union> _") and 
   Cons ("_::_") and
   concat ("flat") and
-  fconcat ("fset'_flat")
+  fconcat ("\<Union>")
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
   very restricted mechanisms for extending the logic: one is the definition of
   new constants in terms of existing ones; the other is the introduction of
   new types by identifying non-empty subsets in existing types. It is well
-  understood how to use both mechanisms for dealing with many quotient
+  understood how to use both mechanisms for dealing with quotient
   constructions in HOL (see \cite{Homeier05,Paulson06}).  For example the
   integers in Isabelle/HOL are constructed by a quotient construction over the
   type @{typ "nat \<times> nat"} and the equivalence relation
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
   "add\<^bsub>nat\<times>nat\<^esub> (n\<^isub>1, m\<^isub>1) (n\<^isub>2,
   m\<^isub>2) \<equiv> (n\<^isub>1 + n\<^isub>2, m\<^isub>1 + m\<^isub>2)"}).
   Similarly one can construct the type of finite sets, written @{term "\<alpha> fset"}, 
-  by quotienting @{text "\<alpha> list"} according to the equivalence relation
+  by quotienting the type @{text "\<alpha> list"} according to the equivalence relation
   @{text [display, indent=10] "xs \<approx> ys \<equiv> (\<forall>x. x \<in> xs \<longleftrightarrow> x \<in> ys)"}
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
   which states that two lists are equivalent if every element in one list is also
   member in the other (@{text "\<in>"} stands here for membership in lists). The
   empty finite set, written @{term "{||}"}, can then be defined as the 
-  empty list and the union of two finite sets, written @{text "\<union>\<^isub>f"}, as list append. 
+  empty list and the union of two finite sets, written @{text "\<union>"}, as list append. 
   An area where quotients are ubiquitous is reasoning about programming language
   calculi. A simple example is the lambda-calculus, whose ``raw'' terms are defined as
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
   \cite[Pages 94--104]{CurryFeys58} for some ``rough'' sketches of a proof
   about ``raw'' lambda-terms). In contrast, if we reason about
   $\alpha$-equated lambda-terms, that means terms quotient according to
-  $\alpha$-equivalence, then the reasoning infrastructure provided by, 
-  for example, Nominal Isabelle \cite{UrbanKaliszyk11} makes the formal 
+  $\alpha$-equivalence, then the reasoning infrastructure provided, 
+  for example, by Nominal Isabelle \cite{UrbanKaliszyk11} makes the formal 
   proof of the substitution lemma almost trivial. 
   The difficulty is that in order to be able to reason about integers, finite
@@ -106,16 +106,16 @@
   from the ``raw'' type @{typ "nat \<times> nat"} to the quotient type @{typ int}
   (similarly for finite sets and $\alpha$-equated lambda-terms). This lifting
   usually requires a \emph{lot} of tedious reasoning effort \cite{Paulson06}.  
-  It is feasible to to this work manually if one has only a few quotient
-  constructions, but if they have to be done over and over again as in 
+  It is feasible to to this work manually, if one has only a few quotient
+  constructions at hand. But if they have to be done over and over again as in 
   Nominal Isabelle, then manual reasoning is not an option.
-  The purpose of a \emph{quotient package} is to ease the lifting and automate
-  the reasoning as much as possible. In the context of HOL, there have been
-  a few quotient packages already \cite{harrison-thesis,Slotosch97}. The
-  most notable is the one by Homeier \cite{Homeier05} implemented in HOL4.
-  The fundamental construction these quotient packages perform can be
-  illustrated by the following picture:
+  The purpose of a \emph{quotient package} is to ease the lifting of theorems
+  and automate the definitions and reasoning as much as possible. In the
+  context of HOL, there have been a few quotient packages already
+  \cite{harrison-thesis,Slotosch97}. The most notable is the one by Homeier
+  \cite{Homeier05} implemented in HOL4.  The fundamental construction these
+  quotient packages perform can be illustrated by the following picture:
@@ -143,15 +143,15 @@
-  The starting point is an existing type over which a user-given equivalence
-  relation is defined. With this input, the package introduces a new type,
-  which comes with two associated abstraction and representation functions, written
-  @{text Abs} and @{text Rep}. They relate elements in the existing and new
-  type and can be uniquely identified by their type (which however we omit for 
-  better readability). These two function represent an isomorphism between 
-  the non-empty subset and the new type. They are necessary making definitions
-  over the new type. For example @{text "0"} and @{text "1"}
-  of type @{typ int} can be defined as
+  The starting point is an existing type over which an equivalence relation
+  given by the user is defined. With this input the package introduces a new
+  type, which comes with two associated abstraction and representation
+  functions, written @{text Abs} and @{text Rep}. These functions relate
+  elements in the existing and new type, and can be uniquely identified by
+  their type (which however we often omit for better readability). They
+  represent an isomorphism between the non-empty subset and elements in the
+  new type. They are necessary for making definitions involving the new type. For
+  example @{text "0"} and @{text "1"} of type @{typ int} can be defined as
   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ %%%
   @{text "0 \<equiv> Abs (0, 0)"}\hspace{10mm}@{text "1 \<equiv> Abs (1, 0)"}
@@ -168,11 +168,10 @@
   add them according to @{text "add\<^bsub>nat\<times>nat\<^esub>"} and then take the
   abstraction of the result.  This is all straightforward and the existing
   quotient packages can deal with such definitions. But what is surprising
-  that none of them can deal with more complicated definitions involving
+  that none of them can deal with slightly more complicated definitions involving
   \emph{compositions} of quotients. Such compositions are needed for example
-  in case of finite sets. There one would like to have a corresponding definition
-  for finite sets for the operator @{term "concat"} defined over lists. This
-  operator flattens lists of lists as follows
+  in case of finite sets.  For example over lists one can define an operator
+  that flattens lists of lists as follows
   @{thm [display, indent=10] concat.simps(1) concat.simps(2)[no_vars]}
@@ -183,20 +182,25 @@
   @{thm [display, indent=10] fconcat_empty[no_vars] fconcat_insert[no_vars]}
-  The problem is that we want to quotient lists to obtain finite sets and 
-  @{term concat} is of type @{text "(\<alpha> list) list \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list"}. We expect
-  that @{term "fconcat"} has type @{text "(\<alpha> fset) fset \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> fset"}. But 
-  what should its definition be? It is not possible to just take the representation
-  of the argument and then take the abstraction of the result of flattening 
-  the resulting list. The problem is that a single @{text "Rep"} only gives
-  us lists of finite sets, not lists of lists. It turns out that we need
-  to be able to build aggregate representation and abstraction function, which in
+  The quotient package should provide us with a definition for @{text "\<Union>"} in
+  terms of @{text flat}, @{text Rep} and @{text Abs}. The problem is that it
+  is not enough to just take the representation of the argument and then
+  take the abstraction of the result, because in that case we obtain an operator
+  with type @{text "(\<alpha> list) fset \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> fset"}, not the expected 
+  @{text "(\<alpha> fset) fset \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> fset"}. It turns out that we need
+  to build aggregate representation and abstraction functions, which in
   case of @{term "fconcat"} produce the following definition
-  @{text [display, indent=10] "fset_flat S \<equiv> Abs (concat ((map Rep \<circ> Rep) S))"}
+  @{text [display, indent=10] "\<Union> S \<equiv> Abs (concat ((map Rep \<circ> Rep) S))"}
-  where @{term map} is the usual mapping function for lists.
+  where @{term map} is the usual mapping function for lists. In this paper we
+  will present a formal definition for our aggregate abstraction and
+  representation functions (this definition was omitted in \cite{Homeier05}). 
+  They generate definitions like the one above for @{text add} and @{text "\<Union>"} 
+  according to the type of the ``raw'' constant and the type
+  of the quotient constant.
--- a/Quotient-Paper/document/root.tex	Fri Jun 11 17:52:06 2010 +0200
+++ b/Quotient-Paper/document/root.tex	Fri Jun 11 21:58:25 2010 +0200
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 re-implemented in Isabelle/HOL the quotient package by Homeier. In doing so we
 extended his work in order to deal with compositions of quotients. Also, we
 designed our quotient package so that every step in a quotient construction
-can be performed separately and as a result we were able to specify completely
+can be performed separately and as a result we are able to specify completely
 the procedure of lifting theorems from the raw level to the quotient level.
 The importance for programming language research is that many properties of
 programming language calculi are easier to verify over $\alpha$-equated, or