authorCezary Kaliszyk <>
Mon, 17 May 2010 17:34:02 +0200 (2010-05-17)
changeset 2148 270207489062
parent 2147 e83493622e6f (current diff)
parent 2146 a2f70c09e77d (diff)
child 2151 ad608532c7cd
child 2152 d7d4491535a9
--- a/Nominal/Ex/SingleLet.thy	Mon May 17 17:31:18 2010 +0200
+++ b/Nominal/Ex/SingleLet.thy	Mon May 17 17:34:02 2010 +0200
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
--- a/Nominal/NewFv.thy	Mon May 17 17:31:18 2010 +0200
+++ b/Nominal/NewFv.thy	Mon May 17 17:34:02 2010 +0200
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@
       (fvbn_name, Free (fvbn_name, fastype_of (nth fv_frees ith)))
   val (fvbn_names, fvbn_frees) = split_list (map mk_fvbn_free bn_funs);
   val bn_fvbn = (map (fn (bn, _, _) => bn) bn_funs) ~~ fvbn_frees
   val bclausessl = map (fn (_, i, _) => nth bclausesss i) bn_funs;
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@
 ML {*
-fun define_raw_fv dt_descr sorts bn_funs bclausesss lthy =
+fun define_raw_fvs dt_descr sorts bn_funs bclausesss lthy =
   val thy = ProofContext.theory_of lthy;
@@ -251,14 +252,15 @@
   val fv_frees = map Free (fv_names ~~ fv_types);
   (* free variables for the bn-functions *)
-  val (bn_fvbn, fv_bn_names, fv_bn_eqs) =
+  val (bn_fvbn_map, fv_bn_names, fv_bn_eqs) =
     fv_bns thy dt_descr sorts fv_frees bn_funs bclausesss;
+  val _ = tracing ("bn_fvbn_map" ^ commas (map @{make_string} bn_fvbn_map))
-  val fv_bns = map snd bn_fvbn;
+  val fv_bns = map snd bn_fvbn_map;
   val fv_nums = 0 upto (length fv_frees - 1)
-  val fv_eqs = map2 (fv thy dt_descr sorts fv_frees bn_fvbn) bclausesss (fv_frees ~~ fv_nums);
+  val fv_eqs = map2 (fv thy dt_descr sorts fv_frees bn_fvbn_map) bclausesss (fv_frees ~~ fv_nums);
   val all_fv_names = map (fn s => ( s, NONE, NoSyn)) (fv_names @ fv_bn_names)
   val all_fv_eqs = map (pair Attrib.empty_binding) (flat fv_eqs @ flat fv_bn_eqs)
@@ -284,7 +286,7 @@
   val (fv_frees_exp, fv_bns_exp) = chop (length fv_frees) fs_exp
   val simps_exp = Morphism.fact morphism (the simps)
-  ((fv_frees_exp, fv_bns_exp), simps_exp, lthy'')
+  (fv_frees_exp, fv_bns_exp, simps_exp, lthy'')
--- a/Nominal/NewParser.thy	Mon May 17 17:31:18 2010 +0200
+++ b/Nominal/NewParser.thy	Mon May 17 17:34:02 2010 +0200
@@ -406,12 +406,11 @@
   val lthy3 = Theory_Target.init NONE thy;
   val raw_bn_funs = map (fn (f, _, _) => f) raw_bns;
-  val ((fv, fvbn), fv_def, lthy3a) = 
+  val (fv, fvbn, fv_def, lthy3a) = 
     if get_STEPS lthy2 > 3 
-    then define_raw_fv descr sorts raw_bns raw_bclauses lthy3
+    then define_raw_fvs descr sorts raw_bns raw_bclauses lthy3
     else raise TEST lthy3
   (* definition of raw alphas *)
   val (((alpha_ts, alpha_intros), (alpha_cases, alpha_induct)), lthy4) =
     if get_STEPS lthy > 4