cut out most of the lifting section and cleaned up everything
authorChristian Urban <>
Fri, 27 Aug 2010 23:26:00 +0800 (2010-08-27)
changeset 2445 10148a447359
parent 2444 d769c24094cf
child 2446 63c936b09764
cut out most of the lifting section and cleaned up everything
--- a/Quotient-Paper/Paper.thy	Fri Aug 27 19:06:30 2010 +0800
+++ b/Quotient-Paper/Paper.thy	Fri Aug 27 23:26:00 2010 +0800
@@ -64,16 +64,17 @@
 text {* 
-  One might think they have been studied to death, but in the context of
-  theorem provers many questions concerning quotients are far from settled. In
-  this paper we address the question how a convenient reasoning infrastructure
-  for quotient constructions can be established in Isabelle/HOL, a popular
-  generic theorem prover. Higher-Order Logic (HOL) consists
+  One might think quotients have been studied to death, but in the context of
+  theorem provers many questions concerning them are far from settled. In
+  this paper we address the question of how to establish a convenient reasoning 
+  infrastructure
+  for quotient constructions in the Isabelle/HOL, 
+  theorem prover. Higher-Order Logic (HOL) consists
   of a small number of axioms and inference rules over a simply-typed
   term-language. Safe reasoning in HOL is ensured by two very restricted
   mechanisms for extending the logic: one is the definition of new constants
   in terms of existing ones; the other is the introduction of new types by
-  identifying non-empty subsets in existing types. It is well understood how
+  identifying non-empty subsets in existing types. Previous work has shown how
   to use both mechanisms for dealing with quotient constructions in HOL (see
   \cite{Homeier05,Paulson06}).  For example the integers in Isabelle/HOL are
   constructed by a quotient construction over the type @{typ "nat \<times> nat"} and
@@ -275,32 +276,24 @@
   of \emph{aggregate equivalence relation}, \emph{respectfulness} and \emph{preservation}
   from Homeier \cite{Homeier05}.
-  In addition we are able to address the criticism by Paulson \cite{Paulson06} cited
-  at the beginning of this section about having to collect theorems that are
-  lifted from the raw level to the quotient level into one giant list. Homeier's and
-  also our quotient package are modular so that they allow lifting
-  theorems separately. This has the advantage for the user of being able to develop a
-  formal theory interactively as a natural progression. A pleasing side-result of
-  the modularity is that we are able to clearly specify what is involved
+  In addition we are able to clearly specify what is involved
   in the lifting process (this was only hinted at in \cite{Homeier05} and
-  implemented as a ``rough recipe'' in ML-code).
-  %The paper is organised as follows: Section \ref{sec:prelims} presents briefly
-  %some necessary preliminaries; Section \ref{sec:type} describes the definitions 
-  %of quotient types and shows how definitions of constants can be made over 
-  %quotient types. Section \ref{sec:resp} introduces the notions of respectfulness
-  %and preservation; Section \ref{sec:lift} describes the lifting of theorems;
-  %Section \ref{sec:examples} presents some examples
-  %and Section \ref{sec:conc} concludes and compares our results to existing 
-  %work.
+  implemented as a ``rough recipe'' in ML-code). A pleasing side-result
+  is that our procedure for lifting theorems is completely deterministic
+  following the structure of the theorem being lifted and the theorem
+  on the quotient level. Space constraints, unfortunately, allow us to only 
+  sketch this part of our work in Section 5 and we defer the reader to a longer
+  version for the details. However, we will give in Section 3 and 4 all 
+  definitions that specify the input and output data of our three-step 
+  lifting procedure. Section 6 gives an example how our quotient package
+  works in practise. 
 section {* Preliminaries and General\\ Quotients\label{sec:prelims} *}
 text {*
-  We give in this section a crude overview of HOL and describe the main
+  We will give in this section a crude overview of HOL and describe the main
   definitions given by Homeier for quotients \cite{Homeier05}.
   At its core, HOL is based on a simply-typed term language, where types are 
@@ -428,7 +421,8 @@
   always discharge a proof obligation involving @{text "Quot"}. Our quotient
   package makes heavy 
   use of this part of Homeier's work including an extension 
-  for dealing with compositions of equivalence relations defined as follows:
+  for dealing with \emph{conjugations} of equivalence relations\footnote{That are 
+  symmetric by definition.} defined as follows:
 %%% FIXME Referee 2 claims that composition-of-relations means OO, and this is also
 %%% what wikipedia says. Any idea for a different name? Conjugation of Relations?
@@ -463,6 +457,7 @@
 section {* Quotient Types and Quotient\\ Definitions\label{sec:type} *}
 text {*
+  \noindent
   The first step in a quotient construction is to take a name for the new
   type, say @{text "\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}, and an equivalence relation, say @{text R},
   defined over a raw type, say @{text "\<sigma>"}. The type of the equivalence
@@ -474,7 +469,9 @@
-  and a proof that @{text "R"} is indeed an equivalence relation. Two concrete
+  and a proof that @{text "R"} is indeed an equivalence relation. The @{text "\<alpha>s"}
+  indicate the arity of the new type and the type-variables of @{text "\<sigma>"} can only
+  be contained in @{text "\<alpha>s"}. Two concrete
   examples are
@@ -527,7 +524,7 @@
   (for the proof see \cite{Homeier05}).
-  @{term "Quotient R Abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q Rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}.
+  \begin{isa}@{term "Quotient R Abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q Rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}.\end{isa}
   The next step in a quotient construction is to introduce definitions of new constants
@@ -591,13 +588,17 @@
-  In the last two clauses we rely on the fact that the type @{text "\<alpha>s
+  In the last two clauses are subtle. We rely in them on the fact that the type @{text "\<alpha>s
   \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} is the quotient of the raw type @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"} (for example
   @{text "int"} and @{text "nat \<times> nat"}, or @{text "\<alpha> fset"} and @{text "\<alpha>
-  list"}). The quotient construction ensures that the type variables in @{text
+  list"}). This data is given by declarations shown in \eqref{typedecl}.
+  The quotient construction ensures that the type variables in @{text
   "\<rho>s \<kappa>"} must be among the @{text "\<alpha>s"}. The @{text "\<sigma>s'"} are given by the
   substitutions for the @{text "\<alpha>s"} when matching  @{text "\<sigma>s \<kappa>"} against
-  @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}.  The
+  @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}. This calculation determines what are the types in place
+  of the type variables @{text "\<alpha>s"} in the instance of 
+  quotient type @{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"}---namely @{text "\<tau>s"}, and the corresponding 
+  types in place of the @{text "\<alpha>s"} in the raw type @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}---namely @{text "\<sigma>s'"}. The
   function @{text "MAP"} calculates an \emph{aggregate map-function} for a raw
   type as follows:
@@ -716,6 +717,7 @@
 section {* Respectfulness and\\ Preservation \label{sec:resp} *}
 text {*
+  \noindent
   The main point of the quotient package is to automatically ``lift'' theorems
   involving constants over the raw type to theorems involving constants over
   the quotient type. Before we can describe this lifting process, we need to impose 
@@ -853,14 +855,14 @@
   In case of @{text cons} (which has type @{text "\<alpha> \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list"}) we have 
   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
-  @{text "(Rep ---> map_list Rep ---> map_list Abs) cons = cons"}
+  @{text "(Rep \<singlearr> map_list Rep \<singlearr> map_list Abs) cons = cons"}
-  under the assumption @{text "Quotient R Abs Rep"}. Interestingly, if we have
+  under the assumption @{text "Quotient R Abs Rep"}. The point is that if we have
   an instance of @{text cons} where the type variable @{text \<alpha>} is instantiated
   with @{text "nat \<times> nat"} and we also quotient this type to yield integers,
-  then we need to show the corresponding preservation property.
+  then we need to show this preservation property.
   %%%@ {thm [display, indent=10] insert_preserve2[no_vars]}
@@ -902,10 +904,14 @@
 %%% discussions about the generality and limitation of the approach
 %%% proposed there
+  \noindent
   The main benefit of a quotient package is to lift automatically theorems over raw
   types to theorems over quotient types. We will perform this lifting in
   three phases, called \emph{regularization},
   \emph{injection} and \emph{cleaning} according to procedures in Homeier's ML-code.
+  Space restrictions, unfortunately, prevent us from giving anything but a sketch of these three
+  phases. However, we will precisely define the input and output data of these phases
+  (this was omitted in \cite{Homeier05}).
   The purpose of regularization is to change the quantifiers and abstractions
   in a ``raw'' theorem to quantifiers over variables that respect their respective relations
@@ -948,7 +954,8 @@
   equal is necessary.  This kind of failure is beyond the scope where the 
   quotient package can help: the user has to provide a raw theorem that
   can be regularized automatically, or has to provide an explicit proof
-  for the first proof step.
+  for the first proof step. Homeier gives more details about this issue
+  in the long version of \cite{Homeier05}.
   In the following we will first define the statement of the
   regularized theorem based on @{text "raw_thm"} and
@@ -962,28 +969,27 @@
   behind this function is that it replaces quantifiers and
   abstractions involving raw types by bounded ones, and equalities
   involving raw types by appropriate aggregate
-  equivalence relations. It is defined by simultaneously recursing on 
-  the structure of  @{text "raw_thm"} and @{text "quot_thm"} as follows:
+  equivalence relations. It is defined by simultaneous recursion on 
+  the structure of  the terms of @{text "raw_thm"} and @{text "quot_thm"} as follows:
+  %
-  \begin{tabular}{l}
-  \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{abstractions:}\smallskip\\
+  \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}
+  \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{abstractions:}\smallskip\\
   @{text "REG (\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. t, \<lambda>x\<^sup>\<tau>. s)"} $\dn$ 
   @{text "\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. REG (t, s)"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\
-  @{text "\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma> \<in> Respects (REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)). REG (t, s)"}
+  @{text "\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma> \<in> Resp (REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)). REG (t, s)"}
-  \\
-  \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{universal quantifiers:}\\
+  \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{universal quantifiers:}\\
   @{text "REG (\<forall>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. t, \<forall>x\<^sup>\<tau>. s)"} $\dn$
   @{text "\<forall>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. REG (t, s)"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\
-  @{text "\<forall>x\<^sup>\<sigma> \<in> Respects (REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)). REG (t, s)"}
+  @{text "\<forall>x\<^sup>\<sigma> \<in> Resp (REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)). REG (t, s)"}
-  \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{equality:}\smallskip\\
+  \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{equality:}\smallskip\\
   %% REL of two equal types is the equality so we do not need a separate case
-  @{text "REG (=\<^bsup>\<sigma>\<Rightarrow>\<sigma>\<Rightarrow>bool\<^esup>, =\<^bsup>\<tau>\<Rightarrow>\<tau>\<Rightarrow>bool\<^esup>)"} $\dn$ @{text "REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)"}\\\smallskip\\
-  \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{applications, variables and constants:}\\
+  @{text "REG (=\<^bsup>\<sigma>\<Rightarrow>\<sigma>\<Rightarrow>bool\<^esup>, =\<^bsup>\<tau>\<Rightarrow>\<tau>\<Rightarrow>bool\<^esup>)"} $\dn$ @{text "REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)"}\smallskip\\
+  \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{applications, variables and constants:}\\
   @{text "REG (t\<^isub>1 t\<^isub>2, s\<^isub>1 s\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "REG (t\<^isub>1, s\<^isub>1) REG (t\<^isub>2, s\<^isub>2)"}\\
   @{text "REG (x\<^isub>1, x\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "x\<^isub>1"}\\
   @{text "REG (c\<^isub>1, c\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "c\<^isub>1"}\\
@@ -1040,98 +1046,105 @@
 %%% Cezary: It would be nice to cite Homeiers discussions in the
 %%% Quotient Package manual from HOL (the longer paper), do you agree?
-  In the first proof step, establishing @{text "raw_thm \<longrightarrow> reg_thm"}, we always 
+  In the first phase, establishing @{text "raw_thm \<longrightarrow> reg_thm"}, we always 
   start with an implication. Isabelle provides \emph{mono} rules that can split up 
   the implications into simpler implicational subgoals. This succeeds for every
   monotone connective, except in places where the function @{text REG} replaced,
-  for instance, a quantifier by a bounded quantifier. In this case we have 
-  rules of the form
+  for instance, a quantifier by a bounded quantifier. To decompose them, we have 
+  to prove that the relations involved are aggregate equivalence relations.
-  \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
-  @{text "(\<forall>x. R x \<longrightarrow> (P x \<longrightarrow> Q x)) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>x. P x \<longrightarrow> \<forall>x \<in> R. Q x)"}
-  \end{isabelle}
+  %In this case we have 
+  %rules of the form
+  %
+  % \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
+  %@{text "(\<forall>x. R x \<longrightarrow> (P x \<longrightarrow> Q x)) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>x. P x \<longrightarrow> \<forall>x \<in> R. Q x)"}
+  %\end{isabelle}
-  \noindent
-  They decompose a bounded quantifier on the right-hand side. We can decompose a
-  bounded quantifier anywhere if R is an equivalence relation or
-  if it is a relation over function types with the range being an equivalence
-  relation. If @{text R} is an equivalence relation we can prove that
+  %\noindent
+  %They decompose a bounded quantifier on the right-hand side. We can decompose a
+  %bounded quantifier anywhere if R is an equivalence relation or
+  %if it is a relation over function types with the range being an equivalence
+  %relation. If @{text R} is an equivalence relation we can prove that
-  \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
-  @{text "\<forall>x \<in> Respects R. P x = \<forall>x. P x"}    
-  \end{isabelle}
+  %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
+  %@{text "\<forall>x \<in> Resp R. P x = \<forall>x. P x"}    
+  %\end{isabelle}
-  \noindent
-  If @{term R\<^isub>2} is an equivalence relation, we can prove that for any predicate @{term P}
+  %\noindent
+  %If @{term R\<^isub>2} is an equivalence relation, we can prove that for any predicate @{term P}
 %%% FIXME Reviewer 1 claims the theorem is obviously false so maybe we
 %%% should include a proof sketch?
-  \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
-  @{thm (concl) ball_reg_eqv_range[of R\<^isub>1 R\<^isub>2, no_vars]}
-  \end{isabelle}
+  %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
+  %@{thm (concl) ball_reg_eqv_range[of R\<^isub>1 R\<^isub>2, no_vars]}
+  %\end{isabelle}
-  \noindent
-  The last theorem is new in comparison with Homeier's package. There the
-  injection procedure would be used to prove such goals and 
-  the assumption about the equivalence relation would be used. We use the above theorem directly,
-  because this allows us to completely separate the first and the second
-  proof step into two independent ``units''.
+  %\noindent
+  %The last theorem is new in comparison with Homeier's package. There the
+  %injection procedure would be used to prove such goals and 
+  %the assumption about the equivalence relation would be used. We use the above theorem directly,
+  %because this allows us to completely separate the first and the second
+  %proof step into two independent ``units''.
-  The second proof step, establishing @{text "reg_thm \<longleftrightarrow> inj_thm"},  starts with an equality
+  The second phase, establishing @{text "reg_thm \<longleftrightarrow> inj_thm"},  starts with an equality
   between the terms of the regularized theorem and the injected theorem.
   The proof again follows the structure of the
-  two underlying terms and is defined for a goal being a relation between these two terms.
+  two underlying terms taking respectfulness theorems into account.
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item For two constants an appropriate respectfulness theorem is applied.
-  \item For two variables, we use the assumptions proved in the regularization step.
-  \item For two abstractions, we @{text "\<eta>"}-expand and @{text "\<beta>"}-reduce them.
-  \item For two applications, we check that the right-hand side is an application of
-    @{term Rep} to an @{term Abs} and @{term "Quotient R Rep Abs"} holds. If yes then we
-    can apply the theorem:
+  %\begin{itemize}
+  %\item For two constants an appropriate respectfulness theorem is applied.
+  %\item For two variables, we use the assumptions proved in the regularization step.
+  %\item For two abstractions, we @{text "\<eta>"}-expand and @{text "\<beta>"}-reduce them.
+  %\item For two applications, we check that the right-hand side is an application of
+  %  @{term Rep} to an @{term Abs} and @{term "Quotient R Rep Abs"} holds. If yes then we
+  %  can apply the theorem:
-  \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
-    @{term "R x y \<longrightarrow> R x (Rep (Abs y))"}
-  \end{isabelle}
+  %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
+  %  @{term "R x y \<longrightarrow> R x (Rep (Abs y))"}
+  %\end{isabelle}
-    Otherwise we introduce an appropriate relation between the subterms
-    and continue with two subgoals using the lemma:
+  %  Otherwise we introduce an appropriate relation between the subterms
+  %  and continue with two subgoals using the lemma:
-  \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
-    @{text "(R\<^isub>1 \<doublearr> R\<^isub>2) f g \<longrightarrow> R\<^isub>1 x y \<longrightarrow> R\<^isub>2 (f x) (g y)"}
-  \end{isabelle}
-  \end{itemize}
+  %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
+  %  @{text "(R\<^isub>1 \<doublearr> R\<^isub>2) f g \<longrightarrow> R\<^isub>1 x y \<longrightarrow> R\<^isub>2 (f x) (g y)"}
+  %\end{isabelle}
+  %\end{itemize}
   We defined the theorem @{text "inj_thm"} in such a way that
-  establishing the equivalence @{text "inj_thm \<longleftrightarrow> quot_thm"} can be
+  establishing in the third phase the equivalence @{text "inj_thm \<longleftrightarrow> quot_thm"} can be
   achieved by rewriting @{text "inj_thm"} with the preservation theorems and quotient
-  definitions. First the definitions of all lifted constants
-  are used to fold the @{term Rep} with the raw constants. Next for
-  all abstractions and quantifiers the lambda and
-  quantifier preservation theorems are used to replace the
-  variables that include raw types with respects by quantifiers
-  over variables that include quotient types. We show here only
-  the lambda preservation theorem. Given
-  @{term "Quotient R\<^isub>1 Abs\<^isub>1 Rep\<^isub>1"} and @{term "Quotient R\<^isub>2 Abs\<^isub>2 Rep\<^isub>2"}, we have:
+  definitions. This step also requires that the definitions of all lifted constants
+  are used to fold the @{term Rep} with the raw constants. We will give more details
+  about our lifting procedure in a longer version of this paper.
+  %Next for
+  %all abstractions and quantifiers the lambda and
+  %quantifier preservation theorems are used to replace the
+  %variables that include raw types with respects by quantifiers
+  %over variables that include quotient types. We show here only
+  %the lambda preservation theorem. Given
+  %@{term "Quotient R\<^isub>1 Abs\<^isub>1 Rep\<^isub>1"} and @{term "Quotient R\<^isub>2 Abs\<^isub>2 Rep\<^isub>2"}, we have:
-  \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
-  @{thm (concl) lambda_prs[of _ "Abs\<^isub>1" "Rep\<^isub>1" _ "Abs\<^isub>2" "Rep\<^isub>2", no_vars]}
-  \end{isabelle}
+  %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
+  %@{thm (concl) lambda_prs[of _ "Abs\<^isub>1" "Rep\<^isub>1" _ "Abs\<^isub>2" "Rep\<^isub>2", no_vars]}
+  %\end{isabelle}
-  \noindent
-  Next, relations over lifted types can be rewritten to equalities
-  over lifted type. Rewriting is performed with the following theorem,
-  which has been shown by Homeier~\cite{Homeier05}:
+  %\noindent
+  %Next, relations over lifted types can be rewritten to equalities
+  %over lifted type. Rewriting is performed with the following theorem,
+  %which has been shown by Homeier~\cite{Homeier05}:
-  \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
-  @{thm (concl) Quotient_rel_rep[no_vars]}
-  \end{isabelle}
+  %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
+  %@{thm (concl) Quotient_rel_rep[no_vars]}
+  %\end{isabelle}
-  \noindent
-  Finally, we rewrite with the preservation theorems. This will result
-  in two equal terms that can be solved by reflexivity.
-  *}
+  %Finally, we rewrite with the preservation theorems. This will result
+  %in two equal terms that can be solved by reflexivity.
 section {* Examples \label{sec:examples} *}
@@ -1142,6 +1155,7 @@
 %%% statements. He asks for the examples twice, but I would still ignore
 %%% it due to lack of space...
+  \noindent
   In this section we will show a sequence of declarations for defining the 
   type of integers by quotienting pairs of natural numbers, and
   lifting one theorem. 
@@ -1229,6 +1243,7 @@
 text {*
+  \noindent
   The code of the quotient package and the examples described here are already
   included in the standard distribution of Isabelle.\footnote{Available from
   \href{}{}.} The package is
--- a/Quotient-Paper/document/root.tex	Fri Aug 27 19:06:30 2010 +0800
+++ b/Quotient-Paper/document/root.tex	Fri Aug 27 23:26:00 2010 +0800
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 constructions. To ease the work involved with such quotient constructions, we
 re-implemented in the popular Isabelle/HOL theorem prover the quotient 
 package by Homeier. In doing so we extended his work in order to deal with 
-compositions of quotients and we are also able to specify completely the procedure 
+compositions of quotients and also specified completely the procedure 
 of lifting theorems from the raw level to the quotient level.
 The importance for theorem proving is that many formal
 verifications, in order to be feasible, require a convenient resoning infrastructure