Looking at proving the rsp rules automatically.
authorCezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de>
Tue, 23 Feb 2010 12:49:45 +0100 (2010-02-23)
changeset 1222 0d059450a3fa
parent 1221 526fad251a8e
child 1224 20f76fde8ef1
child 1225 28aaf6d01e10
Looking at proving the rsp rules automatically.
--- a/Quot/Nominal/Terms.thy	Tue Feb 23 11:56:47 2010 +0100
+++ b/Quot/Nominal/Terms.thy	Tue Feb 23 12:49:45 2010 +0100
@@ -145,33 +145,44 @@
-lemma fv_rtrm1_rsp:
-  shows "t \<approx>1 s \<Longrightarrow> fv_rtrm1 t = fv_rtrm1 s"
-  apply(induct rule: alpha_rtrm1_alpha_bp.inducts(1))
-  apply(simp_all add: alpha_gen.simps alpha_bp_eq)
-  done
+prove fv_rtrm1_rsp': {*
+ (@{term Trueprop} $ (Quotient_Term.equiv_relation_chk @{context} (fastype_of @{term fv_rtrm1}, fastype_of @{term fv_trm1}) $ @{term fv_rtrm1} $ @{term fv_rtrm1})) *}
+by (tactic {*
+  (rtac @{thm fun_rel_id} THEN'
+  eresolve_tac @{thms alpha_rtrm1_alpha_bp.inducts} THEN_ALL_NEW
+  asm_full_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps @{thms alpha_gen fv_rtrm1_fv_bp.simps})) 1 *})
+lemmas fv_rtrm1_rsp = apply_rsp'[OF fv_rtrm1_rsp']
+(* We need this since 'prove' doesn't support attributes *)
+lemma [quot_respect]: "(alpha_rtrm1 ===> op =) fv_rtrm1 fv_rtrm1"
+  by (rule fv_rtrm1_rsp')
+ML {*
+fun contr_rsp_tac inj rsp equivps =
+  val reflps = map (fn x => @{thm equivp_reflp} OF [x]) equivps
+  REPEAT o rtac @{thm fun_rel_id} THEN'
+  simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps inj) THEN'
+  (asm_simp_tac HOL_ss THEN_ALL_NEW (
+   rtac @{thm exI[of _ "0 :: perm"]} THEN'
+   asm_full_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps (rsp @ reflps @
+     @{thms alpha_gen fresh_star_def fresh_zero_perm permute_zero ball_triv}))
+  ))
 lemma [quot_respect]:
  "(op = ===> alpha_rtrm1) rVr1 rVr1"
  "(alpha_rtrm1 ===> alpha_rtrm1 ===> alpha_rtrm1) rAp1 rAp1"
  "(op = ===> alpha_rtrm1 ===> alpha_rtrm1) rLm1 rLm1"
  "(op = ===> alpha_rtrm1 ===> alpha_rtrm1 ===> alpha_rtrm1) rLt1 rLt1"
-apply (simp_all only: fun_rel_def alpha1_inj alpha_bp_eq)
-apply (clarify)
-apply (clarify)
-apply (clarify)
-apply (auto)
-apply (rule_tac [!] x="0" in exI)
-apply (simp_all add: alpha_gen fresh_star_def fresh_zero_perm fv_rtrm1_rsp)
+apply (tactic {* contr_rsp_tac @{thms alpha1_inj} @{thms fv_rtrm1_rsp} @{thms alpha1_equivp} 1 *})+
-lemma [quot_respect]:
-  "(op = ===> alpha_rtrm1 ===> alpha_rtrm1) permute permute"
-  by (simp add: alpha1_eqvt)
-lemma [quot_respect]:
-  "(alpha_rtrm1 ===> op =) fv_rtrm1 fv_rtrm1"
-  by (simp add: fv_rtrm1_rsp)
 lemmas trm1_bp_induct = rtrm1_bp.induct[quot_lifted]
 lemmas trm1_bp_inducts = rtrm1_bp.inducts[quot_lifted]
@@ -184,6 +195,10 @@
   "permute :: perm \<Rightarrow> rtrm1 \<Rightarrow> rtrm1"
+lemma [quot_respect]:
+  "(op = ===> alpha_rtrm1 ===> alpha_rtrm1) permute permute"
+  by (simp add: alpha1_eqvt)
 lemmas permute_trm1[simp] = permute_rtrm1_permute_bp.simps[quot_lifted]
--- a/Quot/quotient_info.ML	Tue Feb 23 11:56:47 2010 +0100
+++ b/Quot/quotient_info.ML	Tue Feb 23 12:49:45 2010 +0100
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@
   val equiv_rules_get: Proof.context -> thm list
   val equiv_rules_add: attribute
   val rsp_rules_get: Proof.context -> thm list
+  val rsp_rules_add: attribute
   val prs_rules_get: Proof.context -> thm list
+  val prs_rules_add: attribute
   val id_simps_get: Proof.context -> thm list
   val quotient_rules_get: Proof.context -> thm list
   val quotient_rules_add: attribute
@@ -241,6 +243,7 @@
    val description = "Respectfulness theorems.")
 val rsp_rules_get = RspRules.get
+val rsp_rules_add = RspRules.add
 (* preservation theorems *)
 structure PrsRules = Named_Thms
@@ -248,6 +251,7 @@
    val description = "Preservation theorems.")
 val prs_rules_get = PrsRules.get
+val prs_rules_add = PrsRules.add
 (* id simplification theorems *)
 structure IdSimps = Named_Thms