authorCezary Kaliszyk <>
Wed, 17 Mar 2010 09:18:27 +0100 (2010-03-17)
changeset 1469 0c5dfd2866bb
parent 1466 d18defacda25 (current diff)
parent 1468 416c9c5a1126 (diff)
child 1470 3127c75275a6
--- a/Nominal/Abs.thy	Wed Mar 17 08:07:25 2010 +0100
+++ b/Nominal/Abs.thy	Wed Mar 17 09:18:27 2010 +0100
@@ -748,6 +748,22 @@
   apply (simp add: swap_fresh_fresh)
+(* TODO: The following lemmas can be moved somewhere... *)
+lemma split_rsp2[quot_respect]: "((R1 ===> R2 ===> prod_rel R1 R2 ===> op =) ===>
+  prod_rel R1 R2 ===> prod_rel R1 R2 ===> op =) split split"
+  by auto
+lemma split_prs2[quot_preserve]:
+  assumes q1: "Quotient R1 Abs1 Rep1"
+  and q2: "Quotient R2 Abs2 Rep2"
+  shows "((Abs1 ---> Abs2 ---> prod_fun Abs1 Abs2 ---> id) ---> prod_fun Rep1 Rep2 ---> prod_fun Rep1 Rep2 ---> id) split = split"
+  by (simp add: expand_fun_eq Quotient_abs_rep[OF q1] Quotient_abs_rep[OF q2])
+lemma alpha_gen2:
+  "(bs, x1, x2) \<approx>gen (\<lambda>(x1, y1) (x2, y2). R1 x1 x2 \<and> R2 y1 y2) (\<lambda>(a, b). f1 a \<union> f2 b) pi (cs, y1, y2) =
+  (f1 x1 \<union> f2 x2 - bs = f1 y1 \<union> f2 y2 - cs \<and> (f1 x1 \<union> f2 x2 - bs) \<sharp>* pi \<and> R1 (pi \<bullet> x1) y1 \<and> R2 (pi \<bullet> x2) y2)"
+by (simp add: alpha_gen)
--- a/Nominal/Fv.thy	Wed Mar 17 08:07:25 2010 +0100
+++ b/Nominal/Fv.thy	Wed Mar 17 09:18:27 2010 +0100
@@ -139,9 +139,42 @@
       val c = HOLogic.pair_const ty1 ty2
     in c $ fst $ snd
+(* Given [fv1, fv2, fv3] creates %(x, y, z). fv1 x u fv2 y u fv3 z *)
+ML {*
+fun mk_compound_fv fvs =
+  val nos = (length fvs - 1) downto 0;
+  val fvs_applied = map (fn (fv, no) => fv $ Bound no) (fvs ~~ nos);
+  val fvs_union = mk_union fvs_applied;
+  val (tyh :: tys) = rev (map (domain_type o fastype_of) fvs);
+  fun fold_fun ty t = HOLogic.mk_split (Abs ("", ty, t))
+  fold fold_fun tys (Abs ("", tyh, fvs_union))
+ML {* @{term "\<lambda>(x, y, z). \<lambda>(x', y', z'). R x x' \<and> R2 y y' \<and> R3 z z'"} *}
+(* Given [R1, R2, R3] creates %(x,x'). %(y,y'). %(z,z'). R x x' \<and> R y y' \<and> R z z' *)
+ML {*
+fun mk_compound_alpha Rs =
+  val nos = (length Rs - 1) downto 0;
+  val nos2 = (2 * length Rs - 1) downto length Rs;
+  val Rs_applied = map (fn (R, (no2, no)) => R $ Bound no2 $ Bound no) (Rs ~~ (nos2 ~~ nos));
+  val Rs_conj = mk_conjl Rs_applied;
+  val (tyh :: tys) = rev (map (domain_type o fastype_of) Rs);
+  fun fold_fun ty t = HOLogic.mk_split (Abs ("", ty, t))
+  val abs_rhs = fold fold_fun tys (Abs ("", tyh, Rs_conj))
+  fold fold_fun tys (Abs ("", tyh, abs_rhs))
+ML {* cterm_of @{theory} (mk_compound_alpha [@{term "R :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"}, @{term "R2 :: 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool"}, @{term "R3 :: 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool"}]) *}
 ML {* fun add_perm (p1, p2) = Const(@{const_name plus}, @{typ "perm \<Rightarrow> perm \<Rightarrow> perm"}) $ p1 $ p2 *}
 ML {*
@@ -328,7 +361,9 @@
           val rel_in_simp_binds = filter (fn ((NONE, i, _), _) => i = arg_no | _ => false) bind_pis;
           val rel_in_comp_binds = filter (fn ((SOME _, i, _), _) => i = arg_no | _ => false) bind_pis;
-          val rel_has_binds = filter (fn ((_, _, j), _) => j = arg_no | _ => false) bind_pis;
+          val rel_has_binds = filter (fn ((NONE, _, j), _) => j = arg_no
+                                       | ((SOME (_, false), _, j), _) => j = arg_no
+                                       | _ => false) bind_pis;
           case (rel_in_simp_binds, rel_in_comp_binds, rel_has_binds) of
             ([], [], []) =>
@@ -340,14 +375,27 @@
             if is_rec then
                 val (rbinds, rpis) = split_list rel_in_comp_binds
+                val bound_in_nos = map (fn (_, _, i) => i) rbinds
+                val bound_in_ty_nos = map (fn i => body_index (nth dts i)) bound_in_nos;
+                val bound_args = arg :: map (nth args) bound_in_nos;
+                val bound_args2 = arg2 :: map (nth args2) bound_in_nos;
+                fun bound_in args (_, _, i) = nth args i;
                 val lhs_binds = fv_binds args rbinds
-                val lhs = mk_pair (lhs_binds, arg);
+                val lhs_arg = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prod bound_args
+                val lhs = mk_pair (lhs_binds, lhs_arg);
                 val rhs_binds = fv_binds args2 rbinds;
-                val rhs = mk_pair (rhs_binds, arg2);
-                val alpha = nth alpha_frees (body_index dt);
-                val fv = nth fv_frees (body_index dt);
+                val rhs_arg = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prod bound_args2;
+                val rhs = mk_pair (rhs_binds, rhs_arg);
+                val _ = tracing (PolyML.makestring bound_in_ty_nos);
+                val fvs = map (nth fv_frees) ((body_index dt) :: bound_in_ty_nos);
+                val _ = tracing (PolyML.makestring fvs);
+                val fv = mk_compound_fv fvs;
+                val alphas = map (nth alpha_frees) ((body_index dt) :: bound_in_ty_nos);
+                val _ = tracing (PolyML.makestring alphas);
+                val alpha = mk_compound_alpha alphas;
                 val pi = foldr1 add_perm (distinct (op =) rpis);
                 val alpha_gen_pre = Const (@{const_name alpha_gen}, dummyT) $ lhs $ alpha $ fv $ pi $ rhs;
+                val _ = tracing (PolyML.makestring alpha_gen_pre);
                 val alpha_gen = Syntax.check_term lthy alpha_gen_pre
--- a/Nominal/Parser.thy	Wed Mar 17 08:07:25 2010 +0100
+++ b/Nominal/Parser.thy	Wed Mar 17 09:18:27 2010 +0100
@@ -416,9 +416,11 @@
   val (_, lthy16) = Local_Theory.note (( (q_name ^ "_fv"), []), q_fv) lthy15;
   val q_bn = map (lift_thm lthy16) raw_bn_eqs;
   val (_, lthy17) = Local_Theory.note (( (q_name ^ "_bn"), []), q_bn) lthy16;
-  val inj_unfolded = map (Local_Defs.unfold lthy17 @{thms alpha_gen}) alpha_inj
-  val q_inj_pre = map (lift_thm lthy17) inj_unfolded;
-  val q_inj = map (Local_Defs.fold lthy17 @{thms alpha_gen}) q_inj_pre
+  val inj_unfolded1 = map (Local_Defs.unfold lthy17 @{thms alpha_gen2}) alpha_inj
+  val inj_unfolded2 = map (Local_Defs.unfold lthy17 @{thms alpha_gen}) inj_unfolded1
+  val q_inj_pre1 = map (lift_thm lthy17) inj_unfolded2;
+  val q_inj_pre2 = map (Local_Defs.fold lthy17 @{thms alpha_gen2}) q_inj_pre1
+  val q_inj = map (Local_Defs.fold lthy17 @{thms alpha_gen}) q_inj_pre2
   val (_, lthy18) = Local_Theory.note (( (q_name ^ "_inject"), []), q_inj) lthy17;
   val rel_dists = flat (map (distinct_rel lthy18 alpha_cases)
     (rel_distinct ~~ (List.take (alpha_ts, (length dts)))))