authorCezary Kaliszyk <>
Fri, 06 Nov 2009 11:02:11 +0100 (2009-11-06)
changeset 295 0062c9e5c842
parent 294 a092c0b13d83 (current diff)
parent 293 653460d3e849 (diff)
child 296 eab108c8d4b7
child 297 28b264299590
--- a/QuotMain.thy	Fri Nov 06 11:01:22 2009 +0100
+++ b/QuotMain.thy	Fri Nov 06 11:02:11 2009 +0100
@@ -1042,5 +1042,6 @@
--- a/quotient.ML	Fri Nov 06 11:01:22 2009 +0100
+++ b/quotient.ML	Fri Nov 06 11:02:11 2009 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   val quotient_type: ((binding * mixfix) * (typ * term)) list -> Proof.context -> Proof.state
   val quotient_type_cmd: (((bstring * mixfix) * string) * string) list -> Proof.context -> Proof.state
-  val define: binding * mixfix * term -> local_theory -> (term * thm) * local_theory
   val note: binding * thm -> local_theory -> thm * local_theory
@@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
   fun parse_spec (((qty_str, mx), rty_str), rel_str) =
     val qty_name = qty_str
-    val rty = Syntax.parse_typ lthy rty_str |> Syntax.check_typ lthy
-    val rel = Syntax.parse_term lthy rel_str |> Syntax.check_term lthy
+    val rty = Syntax.read_typ lthy rty_str
+    val rel = Syntax.read_term lthy rel_str 
     ((qty_name, mx), (rty, rel))
--- a/quotient_def.ML	Fri Nov 06 11:01:22 2009 +0100
+++ b/quotient_def.ML	Fri Nov 06 11:02:11 2009 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   datatype flag = absF | repF
   val get_fun: flag -> (typ * typ) list -> Proof.context -> typ -> term
-  val make_def: binding -> term -> typ -> mixfix -> Attrib.binding -> (typ * typ) list ->
+  val make_def: binding -> typ -> mixfix -> Attrib.binding -> term ->
     Proof.context -> (term * thm) * local_theory
   val quotdef: (binding * typ * mixfix) * (Attrib.binding * term) ->
@@ -72,23 +72,6 @@
         | _ => error ("no type variables allowed"))
-fun make_def nconst_bname rhs qty mx attr qenv lthy =
-  val (arg_tys, res_ty) = strip_type qty
-  val rep_fns = map (get_fun repF qenv lthy) arg_tys
-  val abs_fn  = (get_fun absF qenv lthy) res_ty
-  fun mk_fun_map t s =  
-        Const (@{const_name "fun_map"}, dummyT) $ t $ s
-  val absrep_trm = (fold_rev mk_fun_map rep_fns abs_fn $ rhs)
-                   |> Syntax.check_term lthy 
-  define nconst_bname mx attr absrep_trm lthy
 (* returns all subterms where two types differ *)
 fun diff (T, S) Ds =
   case (T, S) of
@@ -104,19 +87,19 @@
 (* sanity check that the calculated quotient environment
    matches with the stored quotient environment. *)
-fun error_msg lthy (qty, rty) =
-  val qtystr = quote (Syntax.string_of_typ lthy qty)
-  val rtystr = quote (Syntax.string_of_typ lthy rty)
-  error (implode ["Quotient type ", qtystr, " does not match with ", rtystr])
-fun sanity_chk lthy qenv =
+fun sanity_chk qenv lthy =
   val global_qenv = Quotient_Info.mk_qenv lthy
   val thy = ProofContext.theory_of lthy
+  fun error_msg lthy (qty, rty) =
+  let 
+    val qtystr = quote (Syntax.string_of_typ lthy qty)
+    val rtystr = quote (Syntax.string_of_typ lthy rty)
+  in
+    error (implode ["Quotient type ", qtystr, " does not match with ", rtystr])
+  end
   fun is_inst (qty, rty) (qty', rty') =
     if Sign.typ_instance thy (qty, qty')
     then let
@@ -134,17 +117,43 @@
   map chk_inst qenv
+fun make_def nconst_bname qty mx attr rhs lthy =
+  val (arg_tys, res_ty) = strip_type qty
+  val rty = fastype_of rhs
+  val qenv = distinct (op=) (diff (qty, rty) [])   
+  val _ = sanity_chk qenv lthy
+  val rep_fns = map (get_fun repF qenv lthy) arg_tys
+  val abs_fn  = (get_fun absF qenv lthy) res_ty
+  fun mk_fun_map t s =  
+        Const (@{const_name "fun_map"}, dummyT) $ t $ s
+  val absrep_trm = (fold_rev mk_fun_map rep_fns abs_fn $ rhs)
+                   |> Syntax.check_term lthy 
+  define nconst_bname mx attr absrep_trm lthy
+(* interface and syntax setup *)
+(* the ML-interface takes a 5-tuple consisting of  *)
+(*                                                 *)
+(* - the name of the constant to be lifted         *)
+(* - its type                                      *)
+(* - its mixfix annotation                         *)
+(* - a meta-equation defining the constant,        *)
+(*   and the attributes of for this meta-equality  *)
 fun quotdef ((bind, qty, mx), (attr, prop)) lthy =
   val (_, prop') = PrimitiveDefs.dest_def lthy (K true) (K false) (K false) prop
   val (_, rhs) = PrimitiveDefs.abs_def prop'
-  val rty = fastype_of rhs
-  val qenv = distinct (op=) (diff (qty, rty) []) 
-  sanity_chk lthy qenv;
-  make_def bind rhs qty mx attr qenv lthy 
+  make_def bind qty mx attr rhs lthy 
 fun quotdef_cmd ((bind, qtystr, mx), (attr, propstr)) lthy =