diff -r 651355113eee -r f1192e3474e0 Pearl-jv/document/root.tex --- a/Pearl-jv/document/root.tex Tue Mar 08 09:07:49 2011 +0000 +++ b/Pearl-jv/document/root.tex Fri Mar 11 08:51:39 2011 +0000 @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{longtable} - +\usepackage{graphics} +\usepackage{pdfsetup} -\usepackage{pdfsetup} \urlstyle{rm} \isabellestyle{it} \renewcommand{\isastyle}{\isastyleminor} @@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ \renewcommand{\isasymiota}{} \renewcommand{\isasymrightleftharpoons}{} \renewcommand{\isasymemptyset}{$\varnothing$} +\newcommand{\isasymallatoms}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{A}}} \newcommand{\numbered}[1]{\refstepcounter{equation}{\rm(\arabic{equation})}\label{#1}} - +\newcommand\new[0]{\reflectbox{\ensuremath{\mathsf{N}}}} \begin{document} @@ -33,16 +34,17 @@ \maketitle \begin{abstract} -Pitts et al introduced a beautiful theory about names and binding based on the -notions of atoms, permutations and support. The engineering challenge is to -smoothly adapt this theory to a theorem prover environment, in our case -Isabelle/HOL. For this we have to formulate the theory so that it is -compatible with HOL, which the original formulation by Pitts is not. We -present a formalisation that is based on a unified atom type -and that represents permutations by bijective functions from atoms to atoms. -Interestingly, we allow swappings, which are permutations build from two -atoms, to be ill-sorted. We also describe a formalisation of two -abstraction operators that bind sets of names. +In his nominal logic work, Pitts introduced a beautiful theory about names and +binding based on the notions of atoms, permutations and support. The +engineering challenge is to smoothly adapt this theory to a theorem prover +environment, in our case Isabelle/HOL. For this we have to formulate the +theory so that it is compatible with HOL, which the original formulation by +Pitts is not. We achieve this by not requiring that every object in our +discourse has finite support. We present a formalisation that is based on a +unified atom type and that represents permutations by bijective functions from +atoms to atoms. Interestingly, we allow swappings, which are permutations +build from two atoms, to be ill-sorted. We also describe a formalisation of +two abstraction operators that bind sets of names. \end{abstract} % generated text of all theories